#morgwen solstice
morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Morgwen Solstice Winter 2020 Masterpost
Thank you everyone for a lovely fest and for participating in the first Morgwen Solstice fest! Authors have been revealed and the full list of fics can be found below or in the Ao3 Collection! :)
Title: every word I say is kindling by lordvoldemortsnipple​
Recipient:  Sable_Nakahara (@sable-nakahara)
Rating: G | Warnings: No archive warnings apply | Medium: Fanart
A knight, a princess, and a sword laid to rest.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28718958
Title: all of my truths by greenforsnow
Recipient: Trojie ( @trojieface)
Rating: T | Warnings: No archive warnings apply | Word Count: 4,227
Morgana and Gwen encounter the unicorn from The Labyrinth of Gedref
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30006903
Title: Happiness Is a Butterfly by SlantedKnitting
Recipient: Polomonkey ( @thepolomonkey)
Rating: Explicit | Warnings: none | Word Count: 17,245
It’s time for Camelot’s hottest nightclub to host its annual couples contest. This year, Morgana and Gwen are competing, and Morgana is determined to win—and beat last year’s champions—at any cost.
Notes: Thank you to Polomonkey for the incredible prompt, and thanks to the mods for running this fest!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29997894
Title: when the hairpins start to drop by Trojie
Recipient: Morgwen Solstice Community
Rating: M | Warnings: None | Word Count: 1,729
There are the unwritten rules of society, and then there are the things Morgana does. Gwen tries her best to skirt the edges of the inherent problem, but her mistress is never one to let things just be.
Notes: title from Lorde's 'White Teeth Teens'. Beta-read by the incomparable kickflaw.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29907441
Title: my hardest goodbye by TheDragon
Recipient: Morgwen Solstice Community
Rating: E | Warnings: n/a | Word Count: 3,127
"Morgana?" Gwen asks, bringing one hand to her mouth, eyes wide with shock. She's even more beautiful now than she was when they were both back at school. "H—how…?" "Gwen," Morgana replies, struggling to keep her voice steady. The feelings she'd tried so hard to rid herself of all those years ago rise to the fore, refusing to be held back any longer. "I can't believe my eyes," Gwen breathes.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30068049
Title: With Eyes Wide Open (A Tragedy in Three Acts) by queerofthedagger
Recipient: Atlanta_Black ( @atlantablack)
Rating: Mature | Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings | Word Count: 18,200
Everyone has a breaking point, and Morgana has always known all too well how to find each and every one of Gwen's. The enchantment Morgana tries to weave in the dark tower does not work as intended, not entirely. It's in the aftermath, though, that Gwen has to make a row of hard choices; where she has to decide for herself what she wants and what she needs. It's not easy, and they might not end up being the right decisions, but for once they are all hers and maybe that's all that matters. A story of grief, rage, (the absence of) forgiveness, and loving someone who is still alive but does not exist anymore. Of maybe taking a wrong turn that leads to the right destination.
Notes: Please mind the tags!
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30100563/chapters/74138448
Title: You Cheer Me Up by Sable_Nakahara
Recipient: TheDragon ( @lair-of-the-dragon)
Rating: Not Rated | Warnings: no archive warnings apply | Word Count: 1,896
Gwen’s been enamored with Morgana for about as long as she can remember. Today, she’s decided, is the day she will tell her. But will she have the nerve? And how do you court a royal lady anyhow? Or in other words: Gwen brings Morgana flowers and feelings are revealed.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30033372
Title: Let My Hope Grow Cold by elissastillstands
Recipient: queerofthedagger ( @queerofthedagger)
Rating: G | Warnings: N/A | Medium: Art
Come, my dear, and be a part of my home / Missing stitch and flowers on a headstone. Gwen and Morgana, the past they shared, and the present they chose. Lyrics from "October" by The Crane Wives.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29768025
Title: this graveyard of forgotten love by Atlanta_Black
Recipient: elissastillstands ( @elissastillstands)
Rating: Mature | Warnings: Creator Chose to Not Use Archive Warnings | Word Count: 10,840
"Gently, she leads you out into the darkness / and makes you drink rain." -Patricia Smith, from "Prologue --And Then She Owns You,"
Gwen has never fully managed to shake her love for the lady who had once sworn to keep her safe. Now locked in a tower by that same lady, she must face a truth she's long kept buried (even from herself).
An exploration of grief, anger, and the inability to let go of someone you once loved (even when you should).
Notes: This is for the lovely elissastillstands and I dearly hope you enjoy it! I hope I crafted a Gwen that's similar to the way you envision her!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30107856
Title: Flirting With Disaster by Polomonkey
Recipient: TheLastLonelyWriter ( @thelastlonelywriter)
Rating: Teen | Warnings: None | Word Count: 2,055
No matter what anyone said, Gwen was not a gay disaster. A movie night at Morgana's might prove her wrong.
Notes: TheLastLonelyWriter, thank you so much for your lovely prompts, I really hope you like it <3 Somehow Morgana ended up very eccentric in this, I hope that's okay!
Impossibly huge thanks to the mods for their patience while I was being a disaster all of my own, and thank you so much for running this wonderful fest!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30193737
Title: Letting Go (I Want You Closer) by queerofthedagger
Recipient: @lordvoldemortsnipple
Rating: Teen and Up | Warnings: None | Word Count: 2,400
Morgana swallows. Tells herself that the sudden shortness of air is nothing but the exertion after a long winter and tries to find the right words. Tries to find the sentences to relieve Gwen of her worry without interfering, without letting her own damned feelings get in the way of Gwen’s happiness. 
 “Morgana,” Gwen says, soft and pleading, even as her blow is strong enough to reverberate up Morgana’s arm. 
Gwen has been spending more time with Arthur, and it's fine. Really, it is. Morgana stays silent, and gives Gwen space, and tells herself that seeing Gwen happy is more than enough. Gwen's not ready to let her go so easily though, and a sparring match might bring more than one secret to light.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30228252#main
Title: Did My Heart Love Till Now? (I Never Saw True Beauty Till This Night) by TheLastLonelyWriter 
Recipient: SlantedKnitting
Rating: General Audiences | Warnings: None Apply | Word Count: 22,622
Gwen thought maybe the best day of her life was finding out that she had gotten the job working for the Camelot Ballet. Or maybe when she found out that Morgana Pendragon-De Bois was dancing there. As it turned out, the best day of Gwen's life would be the day that Morgana finally kissed her.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30030675/chapters/73946865
Title: a cage of their own making by Atlanta_Black
Recipient: greenforsnow
Rating: Gen | Warnings: no archive warnings apply | Word Count: 1,519
Gwen supposes, in retrospect, she should have guessed that Morgana also remembered (remembered it all, the castles, the betrayals, the beginning, the end, everything in between).
But she had not and now they're here, Morgana once again turning her back on her Gwen.
Gwen won't give her up as easily this time.
Notes: This is for the lovely greenforsnow <3 This is my first time writing a modern setting or reincarnation setting for this fandom, but I really did enjoy writing this! I hope you enjoy it <3
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30245478
Title: Giants of Albion by lordvoldemortsnipple 
Recipient: Trojie ( @trojieface)
Rating: G | Warnings: None | Medium: Fanart
Giant of Albion's third album 'Avalon on the Horizon' was a hit, and the band prepares for another show.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28797210
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elissastillstands · 2 years
But I will crawl like a sinner to be at your feet Should God or the devil ever ask for me... - “October” by The Crane Wives, from Here I Am (2020)
This is my first attempt at an animatic, and who better to animate than Gwen and Morgana? It’s based on a comic I did for last year’s Morgwen Solstice Fest. I hope y’all enjoy!
Posted on Youtube HERE
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letstheriveranswer · 2 years
2021 fic year in review for slantedknitting
Total # of Completed Works: 16
Total Word Count: 265,920
Fandoms I’ve Written In: Merlin (TV)
Looking Back, Did You Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?: I think I probably wrote more than I thought I would. Several fics turned out to be longer than anticipated. This is also apparently the most I’ve ever written in one year on AO3!
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?: I think You Give Me Fever, mostly because I was finally able to finish it after starting it in 2013. It was a labor of love for sure.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?: I signed up for Fandom Trumps Hate, which turned out to be quite stressful. I really had no idea what to expect going into it, and the story itself turned out to be a little different than what I normally write, with the timeskips in the later half of it.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?: I’d like to try to write two ACBBs again, plus do Camelot Remix, Kinkalot, and at least one holiday exchange. Kinkalot seems like the biggest mountain to climb at this point but hopefully it will go well! I’m also aiming to do something for HP Trans Fest as well as the February Ficlet Challenge and Merlin Bingo… so we’ll see how those go!
Most Popular Story Of The Year?: A Dream of Dragons which was a collab with LFB72 for ACBB!
Story Of Mine Most Under-Appreciated By The Universe, In My Opinion: Happiness is a Butterfly, my gift to Polomonkey in the Morgwen Solstice Fest. Polo appreciated it plenty <3 lol. But it would have been nice if more people took a peek at it.
Most Fun Story To Write: At this moment, you mean everything, my gift to Camelittle for the Merlin Holiday exchange. She gave me a fabulous prompt and it was very fun to write fae!Merlin hanging out with a sassy young Mordred.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story: I’m not sure, maybe Are You In Control? from Kinkalot
Biggest Disappointment: I wish I had liked the way Real World: Camelot turned out more. It’s a fic that took me many years to finish, and I’m glad I finally did it, but I don’t like it very much. 
Biggest Surprise: The Warrior King’s Husband Prize is my second most successful fic of the year, which I guess goes to show how popular canon-era fics are. I don’t think it’s particularly bad, just not as good as some of the other fics I wrote, but for some reason it was popular.
I was tagged by dreaminghour, thank you! I’m tagging… @fifty-5ty, aeris444, @clea2011, and (only if you want!) @schweetheart, @queerofthedagger, and @shana-rosee
PS. I’ve created a blog specifically for my fic - slantedknitting - if you’d like to follow me for updates!
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
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Sign-ups for the Morgwen Solstice Fest are now open!
Ao3 collection is here
Google doc with sign-up instructions is here
Full Schedule can be found here
If this is your first time hearing about the fest (hello and welcome!) further info can be found here and here
Twitter is here  
Beta & Pinch-Hitter sign-ups will go up after assignments have gone out
Discord link will be sent out with assignments!
If you have any questions shoot us a DM :)
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
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Hey everyone! 
There’s only one week until the first Morgwen Solstice Gift Fest begins! 
Sign-ups will run from December 21st-31st and will be done on Ao3. A link to the Ao3 collection and to a Sign-up Guide will be posted the day before sign-ups open :)
So go ahead and start thinking of what type of gifts you’d like to request!
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Posting Starts Today! 🎉
It’s finally time! We’ll be revealing one fic every day for the next couple weeks! Reminder, creators will stay anonymous until we’re completely done revealing. 
The first fic will be revealed in the next couple hours, so keep your eyes peeled and thanks to everyone who participated 😄
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Beta & Pinch-hitter sign-ups are now open!
You do not have to be signed up as a fest participator to sign up as a beta or pinch-hitter!
Pinch-hitter sign-up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjSIA89_q2e-10WdipUIEqTMDSShohFFGdcsaYJXSFo7AM8w/viewform?usp=sf_link
Beta sign-up link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScI00WBzSaeLy0nulppkqIskC_AWpkUvwyLcm2rtdB5FON4JQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
all of my truths
Recipient: Trojie ( @trojieface)
Rating: T
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Word Count: 4,227
Morgana and Gwen encounter the unicorn from The Labyrinth of Gedref
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30006903
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Did My Heart Love Till Now? (I Never Saw True Beauty Till This Night)
Recipient: SlantedKnitting
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None Apply
Word Count: 22,622
Gwen thought maybe the best day of her life was finding out that she had gotten the job working for the Camelot Ballet. Or maybe when she found out that Morgana Pendragon-De Bois was dancing there. As it turned out, the best day of Gwen's life would be the day that Morgana finally kissed her.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30030675/chapters/73946865
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Happiness Is a Butterfly
Recipient: Polomonkey ( @thepolomonkey)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: none
Word Count: 17,245
It’s time for Camelot’s hottest nightclub to host its annual couples contest. This year, Morgana and Gwen are competing, and Morgana is determined to win—and beat last year’s champions—at any cost.
Notes: Thank you to Polomonkey for the incredible prompt, and thanks to the mods for running this fest!
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29997894
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
That’s a Wrap
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the morgwen solstice fest! It was a blast and everyone created such amazing submissions! 
All gifts have been revealed and a masterpost of all the fics with authors listed will go up tomorrow (the 3rd), as well as authors being revealed on Ao3!  
Cheers and happy solstice, 
The mods
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
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Sign-ups are now closed! 
Assignments will go out on January 11th so keep your eye on your inboxes :)
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
24 Hours Left!
It's that time y'all! Only 24 hours left until works are due! A reminder that after you’ve submitted your work to the collection, please email us the following filled-out header at [email protected] Title: Recipient: Rating: Warnings: Medium/Word Count: Summary: Optional - Notes: AO3 link: In the subject line of your email, please name both your username on AO3, and the one of your recipient. Also, a reminder that you’re welcome to use your fic/art as a fill for the Merlin Bingo if it fulfills the requirements for both fests. We only ask that you wait to add it to the Bingo-collection and to submit your fill until after creators are revealed. Posting instructions can be found here. As always, if you have any questions please reach out to us, and good luck!
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Hey everyone,
reminder that there are 6 days left until all works are due!
If you realise that you're going to need an extension, please let us know as soon as possible either here, on our discord, or shoot us an email at [email protected] ❤️
We've also just posted a guide for how to submit your work, you can find it >>here.
We're looking forward to see everyone's works!
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elissastillstands · 3 years
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Gwen and Morgana, the past they shared, and the present they chose. Lyrics from “October” by The Crane Wives
For Mona as part of the Morgwen Solstice Fest! With thanks to Dig and Meg for the beta and first look. 
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morgwensolsticefest · 3 years
Posting Guidelines
With the deadline drawing near, here's a quick guide for how to post your work!
There are two ways you can go about it:
1. In your AO3 menu is a section called "My Assignments." Click there, select "Winter Solstice 2020," and you'll get to the posting-form with all the necessary information filled in.
2. Or select "Post New Work," and under the header "Associations - Does this fulfill a challenge assignment," select the Solstice assignment.
Both options will automatically fill in your recipient and the correct collection.
If you've created a favour/additional gift for someone, either go to the collection page (make sure it's the sub-collection "Winter Solstice 2020,") select "Post to Collection," and fill in your recipient manually under the header "Association - Gift this work."
Alternatively, you can also fill in both the collection and your recipient manually in the standard posting-form.
The collection is set to unrevealed and anonymous, so while you will be able to see your work on your stats-page and still make edits, it will only be posted publicly once we reveal it.
Creators will be revealed the day after the last work has been posted.
On a side-note to this: AO3 dates your work to the day you post it to the collection. On the day your work is revealed by us, you're welcome to change it to the actual date, so your work will show up at the top of the tag. We will send out the schedule in the coming days, so that you'll know when your work is posted.
After you've submitted your work to the collection, please email us the following filled-out header at [email protected]
Title: Recipient: Rating: Warnings: Medium/Word Count: Summary: Optional - Notes: AO3 link:
In the subject line of your email, please name both your username on AO3, and the one of your recipient.
Last but not least: you're welcome to use your fic/art as a fill for the Merlin Bingo if it fulfills the requirements for both fests. We only ask that you wait to add it to the Bingo-collection and to submit your fill until after creators are revealed.
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