#mrs wickert
its-your-mind · 1 year
there is never going to be a day when hearing the Instrumentalist’s theme isn’t going to fill me with a deep and visceral terror
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met-drawings-prints · 6 years
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Ferdinand de Neufville by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; third state of six (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mrs. Orme Wilson, 1963 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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gdelgiproducer · 6 years
Kunze on “Tanz”: StoryArchitekt Q&A section, Vol. 9
(Most of the questions in this section date from the 2009 revival era or the time immediately following. All translations are rough, and anybody who knows the language better can feel free to correct me, especially with the answers.)
Q: Dear Mr. Kunze, two questions about Tanz der Vampire’s run in Hamburg. According to an interview with Maik Klokow several years ago, Tanz der Vampire was a flop in Hamburg. This surprised me, as the Hamburg production ran longer than most which fit the “classic” definition of flops. From your knowledge, can you confirm Maik Klokow’s statement? Secondly: in Hamburg, an alternate entr’acte was played for a few months at the start of “Totale Finsternis.” Why did you make that change and then revert to the original version? After all, it’s a bit unusual to “try out” such changes during the actual run of a production without making the choice in advance. Thank you and best regards from Hamburg! A: I cannot confirm that Tanz der Vampire was a flop in Hamburg. The addition and deletion of pieces of music and scenes is the rule rather than the exception in productions of my musicals. I always try to make improvements. This doesn’t always work, and so a change is reversed again. (source)
Q: Dear Mr. Kunze, can you tell if the Viennese or Stuttgart production of TdV will come to Berlin in November? Best regards. A: After Berlin comes the Stuttgart production. (Note from translator: is it just me, or does it seem like he misunderstood the question? I think the questioner was asking whether it would be the “new” or “old” production, design- and staging-wise, that would play in Berlin, not which production would follow the Berlin run.) (source)
Q: Hello Mr. Kunze, a little question: I don’t know if I’m mistaken, but recently I saw Tanz der Vampire in Stuttgart and thought I noticed something strange. In the scene at the end of the first act, the passage “Dieser Schwamm ist für mich...” (etc.) was cut, and they kept going onward from “Wer jung ist wie du...” (etc.) As a result, the place where the Count says “Das Ziel deiner Sehnsucht ist dir näher als je!” was also missing. Later, however, Alfred refers directly to the now-missing line. Was this inserted elsewhere and I missed it, or is there some mistake? A: It’s not a mistake on your part, it’s a clumsy edit to the Act One finale. (source)
Q: What do you think of Ethan Freeman as Krolock? Do you see him as a possibility for Berlin? A: Ethan is one of my favorites. I have no idea if he’ll audition for Berlin, but he would be a great Krolock. (source)
Q: Hello Mr. Kunze! A question about Tanz der Vampire in Vienna. Quite recently, VBW reported that TdV operated at 95% capacity this year - nevertheless, according to Mrs. Zechner, the show will still close on June 24. The VBW seem to me - probably because there’s less diversity - to plan for a bit longer run than, for example, theaters in Germany. Is a celebration of the show’s 20th anniversary in 2018 (which would explain the announcement of good audience numbers in Vienna) already being discussed? Of course, this will take a few more years - but could that be the justification behind closing the show now rather than a possible short hiatus until resuming for its anniversary in 2018 (as similarly occurred with Elisabeth)? And a small question about Berlin: are you working on changes for TdV - or will it be the same as performed in Stuttgart? Thank you and best regards. (Translation of parts of this question was very hard. Any input would be appreciated.) A: That’s very clever and far-sighted thinking, but such considerations haven’t played a role. Tanz der Vampire was not extended again, despite its great success in Vienna, because we wanted to quit while the show was still on top. A lemon can be squeezed to the last drop, but that should be avoided in theater. In Berlin Tanz der Vampire will be performed in the proven Stuttgart version. (source) 
Q: I wanted to ask again how it looks for the proposed movie musical of Tanz der Vampire? Is the project realistic or rather unlikely? I would very much like to see it as I am thrilled by movie adaptations of musicals (Mamma Mia, Phantom of the Opera, Hairspray...) Kind regards, Stefan A: The film project is not entirely unlikely, but has not yet entered a phase of finalization. There are only intentions and considerations. (source)
Q: Hello Mr. Kunze! A question about portraying the role of Alfred in Tanz der Vampire. Depending on the performer, he is now played in a range anywhere from timid and shy to pretentious and silly. Without wishing to rank cast members: the current German first-stringer, Krisha Dalke, for example, plays a sometimes silly Alfred, who - it seems to me - competes with the Professor in their scenes together for laughs and punchlines, and in some scenes a forlorn Alfred, who “apes” the Professor and not as an authority. Even the alternates in Germany perform the role differently than the main cast. Depending on the performer, one may see the more “classic” Alfred (as I saw in Aris Sas and also in Fredrik Wickerts and Alexander Klaws), who starts rather anxious and finds his courage over the course of the piece. Now, personally, I find it more “dangerous” to put so much of oneself into interpreting the role that it shakes the piece’s emotional framework. I’ve recently seen a performance of TdV that, compared to many I’ve seen previously, veers too far into comedy, and in some scenes the Professor and Alfred in fact seem to battle for the comic focus, blurring their roles. How do you feel about that? Are such interpretations done with your approval, and if they sneak in, isn’t this recognized by the show’s artistic director and, if necessary, corrected (or even encouraged)? I look forward to your feedback and thank you very much for this. Best regards. A: Only very rarely do I have creative control of ongoing productions, and so I’m not familiar with many of the new performers or replacements. In each production, the resident director is who pays attention to continuity. I can’t comment on the portrayals described in the question because I’m not familiar with them. (source)
Q: Hello Mr. Kunze! A sentence in the casting notice for Tanz der Vampire in Berlin reads “The last season of the vampires in Germany.” Can you confirm this? Greetings and many thanks! A: I can only say that at the moment no further performances are planned. That can change at any time. (source)
Q: You once said that you identify most closely with Elisabeth and Krolock. How much of yourself do you put into your characters? Does every character have a piece of “Michael Kunze” in them or are some of them really different in character from you? (P.S. Thank you for your great musicals! Your lyrics and stories are always a great source of inspiration for my own plays!) A: Hard to say. I write my characters “from the inside out.” So I put myself in it and try to do it without prejudice. But I admit that I succeed in some characters better than others. (source)
Q: Dear Michael, Recently I was made aware that in the ballroom scene it says “Wir die ewig leben, verzehrt die Such nach frischem Blut” instead of “uns.” I was surprised that I’d never noticed. Have you? :) A: Seriously? How could I overlook or ignore this? Embarrassing. (source)
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whileiamdying · 4 years
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tomoya-jinguuji · 7 years
「『南京大虐殺』の虚構」の完全証明 ①東京裁判と「南京安全区国際委員会」そして南京の人口
朝日新聞は「多様な見方 触れる必要」といいながら、「日本は完全に無実」という観点は全く欠落している。両論併記どころか、「『日本は無実』という説もある」とすら言及しない。「日本無罪論」の存在すら認められていない。これが公正な報道と言えるのか?
(「共同歴史研究 『侵略』認め、日中攻守逆転」 2010年4月18日付読売新聞)
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以下は、所謂「Nanking Atrocities=南京の暴虐」についての東京裁判における審議の一幕である。
MR. LEVIN: Mr. Brooks calls [sic] my attention to the fact that in another portion of the affidavit is contained the statement that 300,000 were killed in Nanking, and as I understand it the total population of Nanking is only 200,000. THE PRESIDENT: Well, you may have evidence of that, but you cannot get it in at this stage. ”  
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p.4,551, “The Tokyo Major War Crimes Trial: the Transcripts of the Court Proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East” Edited by R. John Pritchard
その資料とは、南京陥落時に南京に残り「南京安全区国際委員会」を組織して「難民救援」を行った米国人宣教師やドイツ・ジーメンス南京市所のジョン・ラ―べ国際委員会会長等が作成、日本大使館を通して日本軍当局と折衝するため提出した文書や書簡をまとめた『Documents of the Nanking Safety Zone=南京安全区[木當(一字)=とう]案』(Edited by Hsu Shuhsi, 1938年刊)、及びラ―べ等国際委員会メンバーの残した日記や手紙など(『Eyewitnesses to Massacre』『The Good German of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe』)である。
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The Good German of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe (Edited by Erwin Wickert, 1998), Documents on the Rape of Nanking (Edited by Timothy Brook, 1999), Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing (2001)
“Wang Kopang, the chief of police, has repeatedly declared that 200,000 Chinese are still living in the city.”   (p.39, The Good German of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe)
Friday, December 31.   Registration took place this morning—not of 260 college women, but of about 1,000 refugee women between ages of 17 and 30. By 9 o’clock they were lined up in front of Central Building and given a discourse—first by the Japanese military official, and then by Mr. Jan Yung-gwang—both in Chinese. (Minnie Vautrin, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.368)
“During the afternoon there was not a great deal to do at the office. Trucks were interfered with because coolies could not work until registered and I suppose the same will be true today. But after people once pass the bugbear of registration they feel much relieved. So far reports of any large numbers being taken off as soldiers, about 20 from the Middle School [MS].Fitch was told yesterday that even soldiers would be pardoned if they had families here to guarantee them and those who had not, would be taken for work corps, not shot.But the officer that took the 20 from the MS said they were to be shot. We certainly hope that will be kept to a minimum.” (Lewis S.C. Smythe, Sunday December 26, 1937, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.276)
同じ文章中に「中等学校(Middle School)から20人の中国軍兵士が連行された…連行した将校によれば、彼らは射殺されるという。」とあるが、これは「例外的に」反抗的、敵対的敗残兵であったのだろう。この件が国際委員会にも納得されていたらしいのは、最後の一文に「我々国際委員会はそのこと(良民証を与えられず、銃殺刑にされる敗残兵がいること)が最小限にとどめられるよう強く希望する」とあるのみで、「安全区とう案」に日本軍への抗議として記録されることは無かったという事実で解る。
1907年 ハーグ陸戦法規 第一章 交戦者の資格
第1条: 戦争の法規、権利、義務は正規軍にのみ適用されるものではなく、下記条件を満たす民兵、義勇兵にも適用される。
(1) 部下の責任を負う指揮官が存在すること。
(2) 遠方から識別可能な固有の徽章を着用していること。
(3) 公然と兵器を携帯していること。
(4) その動作において、戦争法規を遵守していること。
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「元中国軍将校らが米国人の難民キャンプに:大佐とその部下達 南京での犯罪を日本軍のせいにしていたと白状」「南京に留まって国際難民救済委員会を結成していた米国人大学教授達には非常に不面目なことに、彼ら自身の難民キャンプに敗軍の将校とその6人の部下を匿っていたことが発覚。」「しかも、あろうことかその大佐を、難民キャンプの幹部に据えていた。」「彼らは南京防衛戦で退却の際、軍服を捨て去り、大学構内に潜伏していた。」「彼らは、日本軍の掃討部隊に、建物内に隠匿した6丁のライフルと5丁の回転式拳銃、砲台から外した機関銃と弾薬を発見された後、自分たちの真の身元を白状した。」「これらの元中国軍将兵たちは、南京で略奪を働いたこと、そして或る夜、難民キャンプから女の子達を暗闇に引き摺り込み、翌日この暴行を日本軍のせいにしたことを、米国人をはじめとする外国人の面前で告白した」「この元将兵たちは逮捕された。そして軍法会議にかけられ、おそらくは処刑されることであろう。」(拙訳:筆者)
New York Times 4 JAN 1938
Jan. 1, 1938—8:45 P.M.  New Year’s Day     Well, today has been the noisiest unhappy New Year I ever saw. Firecrackers began early this morning. But the barber was an hour late for his eight o’clock appointment and apologized by saying that he had to go out to fire firecrackers for the Japanese! Well, anyway the children had a grand time firing the crackers given out by the Japanese! (Lewis S.C. Smythe, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.284)
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“Now the Japanese are trying to discredit our efforts in the Safety Zone. They threaten and intimidate the poor Chinese into repudiating what we have said.
Some of the Chinese are even ready to prove that the looting, raping and burning was done by the Chinese and not the Japanese.
I feel sometimes that we have been dealing with maniacs and idiots…” (James A. McCallum, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.238)
“Dear Mr. McKim,      It has been brought to my attention that you have been writing letters to the Times saying that the stories of Japanese atrocities in Nanking were false.
[…]  If I had not seen with my own eyes the things that I have seen I could not have believed that such things could have had happened in the modern world.” (John G. Magee, A Letter to The Rev. J. C. McKim, April 2nd, 1938, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.198)
“I thought I made that clear in my testimony. I only personally witnessed the killing of one man.”  (p.3,929, Pritchard前掲書)
“Just day before yesterday we saw poor wretch killed very near the house where we are living. So many of Chinese are timid and when challenged foolishly start to run. This is what happened to that man. The actual killing we did not see as it took place just around the corner of a bamboo fence from where we could see.” (John G. Magee, Sunday-December 19, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.171)
“ 185.     On the morning of January 9, Mr. Kroeger and Mr. Hatz saw a Japanese officer and soldier executing a poor man in civilian clothes in a pond inside the Safety Zone on Shansi Road, just east of the Sino-British Boxer Indemnity Building. The man was standing in the pond up to his waist in water on which the ice was broken and was wobbling around when Mr. Kroeger and Hatz arrived. The officer gave an order and the soldier lay down behind a sandbag and fired a rifle at the man and hit him in one shoulder. He fired again and missed the man. The third shot killed him. (Kroeger, Hatz)
Note: We have no right to protest about legitimate executions by the Japanese army, but this certainly was carried out in an inefficient and brutal way. Furthermore, it brings up a matter we have mentioned many times in private conversation with the Japanese Embassy men: this killing of people in ponds within the Zone has spoiled and thereby seriously curtailed the reserve water supply for the people in the Zone. This is very serious in this long dry spell and with the city water coming so slowly.” (p.78, “Documents on the Rape of Nanking” edited by Timothy Brook)
Number 8
Cases of Disorder by Japanese Soldiers in the Safety Zone
Filed, December 16, 1937
Note: These are only sample cases we have had time to check upon more carefully. Many more have been reported to our workers.
[Cases number 1 to 15]
The above cases have been checked upon by foreign members of our Committee or Staff.
respectfully submitted,/ Lewis S. C. Smythe/ Secretary
(pp.9~11, Documents on the Rape of Nanking, edited by Timothy Brook)
「これらは、我々がきちんと裏付けを取る時間をとれた唯15件の事件報告である。更に多くの事件報告が、我々のスタッフに届けられている」と始まって、「上記の事件報告は、我々国際委員会のメンバー或いは事務員によって裏付けされている。」で終わっている。また、1938年1月31日の手紙「Number 56」にも、「以下にあげる事件(番号210から219)だけが、我々が事件当事者から直接聞くことの出来た事件である。(最初の2件は、以前の事件をタイプライターで清書する際に、見落としていたものである)」とスマイスが書いている。
The following cases are only the ones we have been able to get first hand reports of: (The first two are cases overlooked in typing up previous reports.) (p.116, Documents on the Rape of Nanking)
 当時、私は毎日のように、外国人が組織した国際委員会の事務所へ出かけていたが、そこへ中国人が次から次へとかけ込んでくる。 「いま、上海路何号で10歳くらいの少女が5人の日本兵に強姦されている」あるいは「80歳ぐらいの老婆が強姦された」等々、その訴えを、フィッチ神父が、私の目の前で、どんどんタイプしているのだ。
また、「下関にある米国所有の木材を、日本軍が盗み出しているという通報があった」と、早朝に米国大使館から抗議が入り、ただちに雪の降るなかを本郷(忠夫)参謀と米国大使館員を連れて行くと、その形跡はない。 とにかく、こんな訴えが連日、山のように来た。
Memorandum of Chancellor Scharffenberg for the Embassy in Hankow
On 5 February, all officials were again invited to a tea [by the Japanese Embassy], as guests of garrison commander Major General Amaya.
We conversed very amiably for a good while, [then] Amaya…gave a speech…. His thesis was: Everything would have gone far better in Nanking without any Westerners. The Chinese had crept in under the Westerners’ coattails and by trusting in our intervention, had dared to defy the Japanese. In Yangchow…everything had fallen into place wonderfully after a few days, and commercial life had scarcely been interrupted.
The high point of of his speech was: “Please don’t interfere in my dealings with  the Chinese!” [……]
The Safety Committee has long been a thorn in the side of the Japanese, but since 4 February a large number of Chinese have in fact left the camps and found shelter somewhere in the city. In my view, Herr Rabe as its chairman has indeed achieved extraordinary things, but he has let himself be lulled far too much by the Americans and is helping promote American interests and missionaries who are out to catch souls en gros.
Rabe realises as much himself, and is trying to get Japanese permission to go to Shanghai, but he is still actively trying to counter the bloody excesses of Japanese looters, which have unfortunately increased of late. To my mind, this should not concern us Germans, particularly since one can clearly see that the Chinese, once left to depend solely on the Japanese, immediately fraternize. And as for all these excesses, one hears only one side of it, after all.
The chief officer of the Embassy [of Japan] formally referred to me as “anti-Japanese” ……. Some of the foreign group here have continually besought me (and to a lesser extent Smythe and Mills)—Fitch also when he was here—to cease the thorough reporting and protesting and indirect publicity, lest all missionaries be excluded from Nanking. (Miner Searle Bates, letter to Timperly, March 3, 1938, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.31)
これはベイツが、ハロルド・ティンパーリーに宛てて書いた手紙である。ティンパーリーは、国民党が外国人を使った国際プロパガンダ工作の一環として出版させた『What War Means: Japanese Terror in China=戦争とは何か:中国における日本の暴虐』の著者で、ベイツとスマイスは上海を拠点とするティンパーリーに日本軍の情報、南京の状況を書き送って、英語による国際的な反日プロパガンダの発信に携わっていた。
だが、南京の真実は「中国人の言うことだけ」を聞いていてはわからないのだ。その中国人が本当の「良民」なのか、プロパガンダ工作員なのかを見極めなければ。とはいうものの、これまで挙げてきた3冊の本「The Good German of Nanking: The Diaries of John Rabe (Edited by Erwin Wickert, 1998)」「 Documents on the Rape of Nanking (Edited by Timothy Brook, 1999)」「Eyewitnesses to Massacre: American Missionaries Bear Witness to Japanese Atrocities in Nanjing (2001)」を精読するだけでも、南京攻略戦、南京陥落時とその後の様子は、映画を見るように鮮やかに見えてくる。肝心なのは、まず先入観を捨てることだ。
Letter to Japanese Commander of Nanking
December 14, 1937
Honorable Sir,
We come to thank you for the fine way your artillery spared the Safety Zone and to establish contact with you for future plans for care of Chinese civilians in the Zone.
(p.1, Documents on the Rape of Nanking)
At this time of writing [march 31, 1938], we are connected by train, bus and merchant boat with Shanghai and it is said that 600 Japanese civilians including women and children are now here. (Minnie Vautrin, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.345)
Nanking’s population has now come up to practically 400,000 (as compared with 250,000 in the Safety Zone period and just 1,000,000 before the war). Recent additions are largely refugees from the country, some of whom went there from the city in search of safety, but have now used or been deprived of all their money (and often of their clothes) in the precarious hinterland of guerrilas and punitive raids. (Miner Searle Bates, Eyewitnesses to Massacre, p.44)
法学部のある大学には必ずその図書館にR. John Pritchardの「 The Tokyo major war crimes trial: the transcripts of the court proceedings of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East」全124巻(速記録114巻とガイド10巻) を所蔵させる。
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上海における天長節祝賀式場 1939年4月29日 『支那事変画報』昭和14年4月7日~5月3日
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the-met-art · 7 years
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Hippolyte Féret by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of two (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 6 years
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Louis XIV by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of seven (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 6 years
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Ferdinand de Neufville de Villeroy by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of nine (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Jean-Baptiste Colbert by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; third state of four (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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whileiamdying · 4 years
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Louis Hesselin by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; second state of two (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Michel Le Tellier by Robert Nanteuil, Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; second state of three (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mrs. Waldo C. M. Johnson, 1981 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Pompone II de Bellièvre by Philippe de Champaigne via Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of two (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Louis II de Bourbon, Prince de Condé by Robert Nanteuil via Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; second state of three (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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met-drawings-prints · 7 years
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Louis Hesselin by Robert Nanteuil via Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of two (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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the-met-art · 7 years
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Marc Bochart by Robert Nanteuil via Drawings and Prints
Medium: Engraving; first state of two (Petitjean & Wickert)
Gift of Mr. Lev Tsitrin, 2001 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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