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moots ocgrams (1/??)
left to right, top to bottom: ayame from tsumigram, warden from gemini, s from dollgram, mihane from aruku-gram, shun from mugram, naki form the depths of kufer’s mind
show them some love !!
the projects (not gonna double @)
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mugram · 2 months
Ace of Spades - Scene Transcript
* The small video in this Scene Transcript includes a quick flash/glitch at the end of it to flash to the MUGRAM logo. The video is not important to your experience of this Scene Transcript. Please enjoy.
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The card's right there No hope in sparing it The Ace of Spades is in your hands, so why don't you play it?
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Masaru frowns for a moment before cards flick between his hands and he slams the deck onto the poker table.
"Let's gamble."
He grins as a few people begin to take a seat around his table.
Hey, everything is on the line here
There's no time to hide behind your little excuses
Take your deck and let's play
Masaru deals out the deck of cards and plays with his chips as he picks up his cards. His grin almost falls before he sighs and places his cards on the table.
It’s not some children’s game we play
You’ve been dealt a hand
Don’t try to act all sad
All of us have cards we don’t want to show
Masaru rests his head on his hand as he huffs at the table. He places a few cards between his fingers with a small smile, just to entertain himself. It doesn't exactly work as everyone is not making a move and staring at each other as chips are occasionally thrown in.
“Wanna leave?” Masaru blinks and looks up at the voice. “Should’ve told me earlier.” He grumbles.
“Eh, you seemed busy thinking. Didn’t wanna bother. You up for another round?” “Why the hell wouldn’t I be?” He smirks.
“We’re heading over to the convenience store. See you there.” The other waves at Masaru before marching away from the table Masaru is sitting at.
Masaru shoves a hand into his pocket, making sure something is there before nodding to himself and getting up to follow the other.
I don’t care if you hate what you’ve been given
The card’s right there
No hope in sparing it
The Ace of Spades is in your hands, so why don’t you play it?
The person Masaru is staring at uncomfortably shifts in their seat as the others throw in a couple more chips.
Masaru throws a few chips in as well. The person he’s staring at is forced to do the same.
This isn’t some children’s game
You’re trying to “Hide”
I’m not in the mood to “Seek”
“Ha hey! Masaru-san fucking did it!” Someone barks and grins as they side hug Masaru. Masaru grins. “You knew I would. Now, cough up!” Masaru glances at a few other people, who roll their eyes with a grin and pull some money out of their pockets.
They place it in Masaru’s hands, whose grin grows wider.
“Told you all I could do it. I’m not backing down from anything you give me. I’m gonna fucking win all your bets and you can’t stop me.”
“Yeah, yeah. We know. You’ve told us many times.” One of the people who paid Masaru groans. “Seriously, I’m going to go bankrupt on this shit.” “Seriously? You should’ve just said. We’ll do a couple with you next time, dude.” 
“Ha, thanks.” They grin. “Is it for…?” Someone asks. “Nah, for school shit. They keep upping the payments. It’s annoying.”
We aren’t little kids
Trying to ask for a “Truth” or “Dare”
“So, what’s next? What dare you want to bet on next?” Someone asks. The person side hugging Masaru lets him go and thinks. “I have an idea.”
But I guess I wouldn’t mind a challenge or two
“Alright, tell us. We haven’t got all day. Iwai-san already got us that alcohol.”
The person thinks for a moment. "Gotta put that alcohol to good use, right? Meet up at my place. We can probably do some very chill stuff there."
"C'mon, man! That's fucking boring."
The person rolls his eyes. "Look, there's an idea I have, but we have to do it in the future. Not right fuckin' now. 
"First, we drink until we can't." They cheer.
It's not some children's game we play.
Masaru flips a coin a couple of times while he sits on his bed. He impatiently taps his foot as he watches the digital clock on the desk in front of him tick. 
When the clock reaches 2:55 p.m., Masaru breathes a "fucking finally" as he stands up and stretches. He grabs his black jacket and quickly pulls it on. 
Walking over to the door, he grabs a canvas bag. He usually wouldn't bring his bag out, but he was told to bring it in case. Hiroshi-san said something about staying there for a long time.
He looks around the room and walks back to his desk. He slides some boxes into his bag quickly and walks out of the door, shutting the door as he leaves.
You’ve been dealt a hand
"Masu, where are you going?" 
"I'm just going to go talk with some friends."
"Alright. Get home before dark?"
"I always do."
Don’t try to act all sad
Masaru shuts the front door behind him with an exhale of relief. He adjusts one of his necklaces and turns to the left. 
"Can't believe how much money everyone's betting on this one."
He grins. 
All of us have cards we don’t want to show
Masaru instinctively ruffles through his bag to find what he had slid inside it earlier.
A box of cards. 
He quickly takes the deck outside the box.
I don’t care if you hate what you’ve been given
Masaru watches as the final chips they can play are thrown in.
Most give huffs of folding and some with hesitant matches. 
Was it a good idea to raise the betting amount? He wasn't entirely sure, but it would at least weed out the ones who didn't want to be here. 
It was a little of a bluff, anyways. Glancing at his cards one final time, he exhales and stares across the table at someone. 
Their eyes flicker between their cards and the chips. 
The card’s right there
No hope in sparing it
"I…" They cough.
"Hurry up. You're taking forever."
"Okay, okay." They sigh. "Call."
They place their final few chips in the middle of the table.
The Ace of Spades is in your hands, so why don’t you play it?
The final two players call and Masaru smiles.
He lays his cards out. Just a pair of normal cards, nothing special.
Some show a similar hand, which isn’t too bad.
There are a two people who both have a straight, which makes Masaru huff. Splitting the plot.
Glancing at the final person, who nervously looks around, before placing his two cards. It's an Ace of Spades and a Five of Spades. 
Looking at the community cards, there aren’t any Aces there either. Ha. They couldn’t play anything to beat the others even if they tried.
As the chips are separated between the winners and someone else deals the cards, Masaru looks back at the seat across the table.
It's empty.
I know it's not enough, but the Ace of Spades is in your hands. 
You have to play it.
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amugoffandoms · 4 months
mugram progress report!!! prisoners' birthday art: 10% "album art": 40% vd cover art (just characters in the vd): 40% writing (vds/mvs): 100% thumbnails: 100% character info cards: 100% interrogation cards: 100% mechanics: sending in interrogation questions: complete (through google forms or ask box) voting: undecided (need to decide if a week or a month is good, month allows more time but will have to make a new poll every week [but will have a separate google form])
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purgemarchlockdown · 2 months
I'm finally catching up with Mugram and I'm so intrigued by how Jackalope is leaning inno here...what could that mean....
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mugram-prisoners · 3 months
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Welcome to a look into MUGRAM.
This is a roleplay account dedicated to MUGRAM as I am way too indecisive to choose a singular prisoner to roleplay as!
Each prisoner will rotate "having the account" unless stated otherwise.
The Mod (@amugoffandoms [she/they]) is a minor, so they will not be responding to NSFW asks.
The Mod will do their best to respond! It might be inactive since MUGRAM is in progress, but they'll do their best to answer to anything!
Keep the asks and everything calm! (Unless it's roleplay related!)
Some asks may not be answered due to MUGRAM being an active OCGRAM project. Please send any serious questions to the official account (@mugram)! (In fact, the questions might be answered there instead~)
[Announcement!] - Announcements from the Mod
[Message from 00X] - The prisoner corresponding with the number in place of X is speaking!
[Questions for the Defendants?] - Answering Asks!
[Witness: (character name)] - Interacting with characters/anons!
[Testimony] - In an Interaction!
[Judge, Jury, Executioner] - In an angst interaction!
[Recess] - OOC!
[Opening Statement] - Starting interactions!
Thank you. Please enjoy this inside look of the MUGRAM prisoners.
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would be down to answer a single question about mugram while I finish thinking about a character's name, send em here and I'll answer one ^^
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vaniliens · 1 month
Trying to think very hard about mugram because i need to go cfzay about it but i havent slepy
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iqmmir · 6 days
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for @mugram
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red-moon-at-night · 10 months
thank you for being so funky about mugram and being a funky mutual
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I think I already sent this ask in, but do you have any interesting facts about yumemi? (I think I spelt that right I forgor)
mug!! thank u thank u 🥺💜 fellow funky mutuals unite! but in all seriousness I'm really looking forward to seeing more mugram I love OC stuff so so much with all my heart,,,
Yes I have interesting fun facts for you about Yumemi!! I've accumulated together several bits of information that are probably harmless to let free into the world (probably)... so without further ado:
✨️Fun Facts About Koike Yumemi✨️
She is hypermobile! As in, 'double-jointed', as in super bendy and flexible. Naturally inclined towards things like gymnastics and dance even if she's out of practice! Can also freak people out with weird backwards bending fingers and other fun party tricks :)
A lot of Yumemi's high school time was taken up with idol activities and responsibilities... which has led to a lower level of kanji reading comprehension. Also her maths isn't great. Also she probably has undiagnosed dyslexia that she doesn't know about which isn't exactly helping the situation! have a doodle to illustrate this point:
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Her childhood 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' career choice was to be a nurse!! She wasn't actually one of those kids who said 'pop star' or 'famous'... *side eyes the present* Anyways. Sometimes life throws you curveballs! she is not coping well
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She hates bugs (only certain ones) but is also the person who will Remove the bug for you. If there's one person in the room not standing on a chair because of a spider it's Her.
She doesn't have many hobbies, but the ones she does are very tactile. Yumemi is pretty good at origami!! She can fold you a crane or a swan or a pinwheel or a hat or a dragon or much much more. Also enjoys sculpting small creatures with clay <3
my voice claim for Yumemi that I've settled on for now is Minori Chihara (I've linked one of those voice reels because they're cute but this va has SO much music released it's insane here listen to this as an example). I think the slightly nasally and soft voice works super well for Yumemi! Plus her singing voice fits my vision of her too... a little more mature sounding with some very powerful pipes!!
Anyway, that's it for now!! Thank you for the ask I had a lot of fun putting this together hehe 💜
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archivalofsins · 2 months
I'm become very invested in this lawyer and Mugram and it's literally because they're oddly giving Primal Fear meets How to Get Away with Murder vibes. Especially how vague it is about the client dying in their cell and how those things can be set up. It's really interesting. Defintely don't trust this lawyer though. They were far too confident in the voice drama when they thought this worked like a regular prison and ended on a confident note too. Well however it goes it'll be fine they have some similarities to Shidou so they're naturally rubbing me the wrong way. People who play it cool in situations like these shouldn't be underestimated but going off of a quick surface level judgment would be just as troublesome. So, I'll keep an open mind. Who knows maybe they mean well.
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mugunghwarp · 1 year
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Toda a cidade foi surpreendida com o recado da figura mais conhecida da cidade na rádio, ainda era noite do dia 20 quando a voz tão familiar de Narcisse deu o seu recadinho:
“Surpresos, meus lírios?! Aqui é a Narcisse, não preciso me apresentar, não é? Estou aqui fora do meu horário para convidá-los para minha festa de aniversário!  Sim, vocês ouviram direito! Eu, a narradora, estou completando mais um ano de vida, e nada melhor do que celebrar em grande estilo com uma Festa do Pijama que vai deixar todos boquiabertos. Mas atenção, queridos moradores: a festa será exclusiva para aqueles que vierem vestidos a caráter, ou seja, pijamas! E não vale aquela camiseta velha e furada, hein? Quero ver todos com seus pijamas mais estilosos e confortáveis. E não pensem que será só uma noite de sono. Teremos muita música, comida deliciosa e bebidas à vontade para animar a festa até o amanhecer. Além disso, preparem-se para uma série de brincadeiras e atividades divertidas que vão garantir risadas e boas lembranças. Mas atenção, queridos moradores: essa festa é exclusiva para convidados, então fiquem atentos ao convite que irá chegar em suas caixas de correio em breve. Estou ansiosa para ver todos vocês em seus pijamas mais estilosos. Será uma noite inesquecível, tenho certeza!”
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A festa de Narcisse estava espetacularmente decorada, com tons de roxo, rosa e neon combinados de maneira única como uma viagem pela galáxia dos sonhos. A mesa de buffet era um verdadeiro espetáculo, com uma variedade de comidas e bebidas para todos os gostos: desde doces, salgados e sucos até refrigerantes e bebidas alcoólicas, tudo disposto em bandejas decoradas com temas de estrelas e lua. Os garçons estavam vestidos com pijamas e pantufas, circulando pelo salão servindo os convidados e mantendo os pratos cheios. E para aqueles que quisessem descansar um pouco, almofadas e pequenas cabanas de lençóis foram dispostas no chão do outro lado do salão, ou ainda as mesas redondas na outra ponta. A música ao vivo deu início à noite por uma hora, seguida pelo restante da noite com o DJ, que agitou a pista com músicas agitadas.
Além disso, a festa tinha um mural de fotos, onde os convidados podiam tirar fotos e compartilhar nas redes sociais usando a hashtag da festa. E para aqueles que preferiam jogos mais ousados, havia uma clássica mesa de Beer Pong ou rodas para um animado jogo de Verdade ou Desafio.
Narcisse realmente caprichou nos detalhes da sua festa de aniversário. Além de toda a comida deliciosa e bebidas disponíveis, os convidados ganharam uma surpresa adorável: uma caixinha personalizada com uma máscara de dormir em sua cor favorita. Um ótimo mimo de lembrança, não?
DATA: 29/04 (sábado) LOCAL: Opal Event Hall - Tulipe Toujours. HORA: 21:00. DRESSCODE: Seu melhor pijama.
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Mais uma festinha da Narci! Será que vai dar tudo errado?
Novamente, a verdadeira Narcisse não vai estar na festa, ela não pode ficar tão exposta assim.
A plataforma usada será o discord. Contamos com a presença de todos!
A tag a ser usada será #NARCIDAY junto com a #MUGRAM.
Lembrem-se de mandar alguma avaliação ou fofoca no gossip.
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mugram · 2 months
Sway the Court - Scene Transcript
* The small video in this Scene Transcript includes a quick flash/glitch at the end of it to flash to the MUGRAM logo. The video is not important to your experience of this Scene Transcript. Please enjoy.
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I'll sway the court  Make their decisions Choose their hand
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“Listen to me, okay? I will make sure you get out so you can see your family again.” Mayumi mutters to her client.
“Thank you.” Her client smiles. “I need to get back to my job so I can get money for my family.”
“Of course.” Mayumi nods. “I’ll make sure that you don’t spend any time in jail.”
Doors fly open 
And it’s the fight for our lives
“...She should not be jailed for the crimes someone else has clearly done. Thank you.” Mayumi takes a seat and looks over at the person sitting next to her.
“You think you can convince them to let me go?”
“Well, I’m sure I can sway the court into your favor.” Mayumi gives a small smile. “I promise you that you will see your family again. If not immediately, then after a little bit of community service.”
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” Her client profusely thanks Mayumi.
“Hey, don’t worry.” Mayumi places a hand on her client’s shoulder. “Lawyers are meant to help out their clients.”
I don’t care how wrong this could go for me
You all will be free so just let me be
“I have to ask.” Mayumi stands. “Witness, did you see my client actually go over to the store, rob it, and leave minutes after?"
"Well, I didn't see her rob it, but the alarm–" The witness starts.
"You didn't see her do it." Mayumi points out.
"Yes, but–" The witness rubs their neck.
"You were across the street from the store; how would you know it was her?" Mayumi stares at the witness, who now is uncomfortably shifting before they finally breathe. "If you don't have any answer, then I guess my line of questioning is over."
Mayumi begins to walk back to her seat.
"She was the only person who left when the alarm went off."  The witness finally speaks.
Mayumi grimaces.
I'll sway the court 
Make their decisions
Choose their hand
Her client only stares back.
So, don't even worry
I have the command and the proof in my hand
I'll make sure that these things will only sway in my favor
"Okay, I need you to tell me. Be honest." Mayumi exhales. "Did you steal from the store?"
"What?" The client shakes her head vigorously. "No, no! I wouldn't do that. I went there to grab some snacks and medication for my sister. I wouldn't rob the store! I have a job and I'm the only source of income for them and I can't leave them because then–"
"Hey, okay. Take a deep breath with me, okay?" Mayumi inhales and exhales.
Her client breathes slowly.
"I promise you, I'll get you out of here, alright?"
"Alright. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I have to do this.” Mayumi exhales.
It’s justice after all.
"Your Honor, this is an outrage.” Mayumi stands up. “Surely you can find some leeway–"
“It’s clear to me that after all this back and forth what my stance will be.” The judge bangs a gavel and Mayumi swallows with a frown.
Don’t condemn anything I say
Because I swear I’ll make them pay
“...is GUILTY of the charge of theft.” The judge announces.
“Damn it.” Mayumi mumbles as she stares at the judge before falling back to her seat.
“Hey. What… What does this mean?”
She turns over to her client.
And, don’t you dare turn your back on me yet
Because you shouldn’t need to repent
For sins aren’t yours 
“I… I don’t know.” Mayumi swallows. “I’m sorry.”
They’re all mine.
Mayumi stands in the hallway and watches as her client walks past her. Her hands are cuffed and she has a terrified look on her face.
Mayumi looks down. 
I'll sway the court 
Make their decisions
Choose their hand
Mayumi watches the car drive away, her client inside. “I’m sorry.”
So, don't even worry
“Hey, Kubo-san.” One of her coworkers rolls over in his chair. “I heard about your last case.”
“It’s… fine. Don’t worry.” Mayumi waves him off.
“Hey, it’s not fine. You poured your heart into that case.” 
“I know! It’s just…”
“It happens sometimes. I understand. We can’t save everyone.”
“But, she was clearly innocent!”
I have the command and the proof in my hand
Her coworker sighs. “I know.”
Mayumi exhales and her coworker places a hand on her shoulder.
“It’s just how things happen around here, Kubo-san. I’m sorry.”
I'll make sure that these things will only sway in my favor
"I heard she got her sentence and was brought to prison earlier today."
"...I don't really think that's something you should say to try and comfort someone." Mayumi rubs her face. 
"...Ah, my bad." He rubs the back of his head. "Well, you could always visit in the future."
"Yeah, sure."
It’s justice after all.
The key clicks and Mayumi pushes her apartment door open. Wrapping her brown coat around her arm, she walks over to the couch. 
Picking up a remote and tapping the on button at the TV, a red flash instantly catches Mayumi's attention.
…found dead in her cell last night.
Vote Here
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amugoffandoms · 3 months
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i should've done this months ago but mug is actually paying attention to the covers they chose and analyzing them
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Ambhruni Suktam This vedic hymn in praise of mother Goddess is a popular hymn from the Rig Veda 10.8.125. It contains 8 riks(vedic stanzas) This is supposed to be the Sukta that is liked most by Devi. This sukta describes Devi as bestower of boons such as food, wealth, knowledge and protector of devotees from enemies and worldly sorrows. This sukta is also known as Devi sukta, Vak Sukta, Rashtri Sukta. This sukta us composed by Devi Ambhruni, one of the manifestations of the mother Goddess. She is also known as Vaak, Vagdevi, Vagambhruni and other names. Some people believe that this hymn is composed by sage Ambhruni daughter of sage Ambhruna. But it is established that Devi herself introduces her glory in this Sukta and Devi Durga is the rishi for this sukta. This is self introduction of Devi in simple ..... Apart from Shaktism, Vaishnavas and Shaivas also chant this holy hymn. For Shaktas Ambhruni is Aadi Parashakti/Durga, for Vaishnavas Ambhruni is Mahalakshmi and Shaivas believe that she is Parvathi. Vaishnavas especially in Madhwa cult this suktam is chanted during Abhishekam. They believe that Ambhruni is Vaagdevi, who grants knowledge, Mahalakshmi who grants wealth and food and Durga or Mahakali under whose holy feet lord Rudra will end up during pralaya. The importance of this Sukta is described in Durga Saptashati or Devi Mahatmya in Markandeya Purana. Suratha and Samadhi, two devotees of Durga chant this holy suktam for several times in the last chapter of Devi mahathmya and attain salvation. It is mandatory to chant this suktam before reading Durga Saptashati..... Om Aham Rudrebhirvasubhischaramyahama Dityairuta Visvade Vaih | Aham Mitravarunobha Bi Bharmyahami Ndragni Ahamasvinobha ||1|| Om ! I move along with the Rudras, Vasus, Adithas and all other Devas. I bear the Mithra, Varuna, Indra, Agni and the two Ashwini Devas. Aham Soma Mahanasa m Bibharmyaham Tvasta Ramuta Pusanam Bhagam | Aham Da Dhami Dravi nam Havisma Te Supravye Ye Yaja Manaya Sunvate ||2|| I bear the Soman who is the destroyer of enemies and the Twashta, Pushan and Bhaga. I give wealth to the performer of the Yajna or Sacrifice who submits sacrificial things in the Yajna, who pours the Soma rasa, and who makes the Devas receive the Havis or their due of the Sacrifice. Aham Rashtri Sangama Ni Vasu Nam Chikitushi Prathama Yanniya Nam | Tam Madeva Vya Dadhuh Purutra Bhuri Sthatram Bhu~Rya Veshayanti M ||3|| I am the Queen of the Universe; I give wealth to those who worship me. I am the all-knowing one and the prime one among the worshippable deities. I enter many bodies as the Atma, taking various forms and with different manifestations, in various ways. Hence, the Devas have incorporated me in various places. Maya So Anna Matti Yo Vipasya Ti Yah Prani Ti Ya I m Srnotyuktam | Amantavomanta Upa Ksiyanti Srudhi Srutam Shraddhivam The Vadami ||4|| That one who eats food, who sees, breathes, and hears whatever is said, he does all that only through me (my powers). Those who do not understand me, die. Oh dear one ! (to the worshipper or devotee), hear this singing of mine with concentration. Ahameva Svayamidam Vada Mi Jushtam Devebhi Ruta Manusebhih | Yam Kamaye Tam Ta Mugram Kr nomi Tam Brahmanam Tamrsim Tam Sumedham ||5|| "All these are me (and various manifestations of mine). I am the one worshipped by the Devas and the earthly beings. If I like someone (for his meditation towards me), I make him the greatest, the most intelligent as a Sage, and as a Self-Realised soul. Aham Rudraya Dhanurata Nomi Brahmadvise Sara Ve Hanta Va U | Aham Jana Ya Samada m Krnomyaham Dyava Prthivi Avi Vesa ||6|| I bend the bow of the Rudra to kill all those enemies who detest all good things. I fight these bad elements / enemies only for the people. I enter, pervade and persist throughout the earth and the sky. Aham Suve Pithara Masya Murdhan Mama Yoni Rapsvantah Sa Mudre | Tato Viti sthe Bhuvananu Visvotamum Dyam Varsmanopa Sprushami ||7|| I created the sky, which is (as a shelter) above the earth and which is fatherly for all beings. My creativity (power) is within the Ocean and waters. By that, I am present in all the worlds. And I touch the sky with my body Ahameva Vata Iva Prava Mya-Rabha Mana Bhuva Nani Visva| Paro Divapara Ena Pr thivyai-Tava Ti Mahina Samba Bhuva ||8|| When I start creating all the worlds, I function like the air (so fast in the function). I am taller and higher than the Sky. I am greater than this earth. Such is my valor, might, prowess and greatness." Photo: Shree Durga Temple, Anegundi, Koppal district, Karnataka
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bhakti-yoga · 6 years
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Dhani Dhani Radhika ke Charan The lotusfeet of Sri Radhika are my only treasure (from Sri Radha-rasa-sudha-nidhi)  alam visaya varta ya naraka koti bibhatsaya   vrtha sruti kathasramo bata bibhemi kaivalyatah   paresa bhajanon mada yadi sukadayah tatah kim   parantu mama radhika pada rase mano majjatu May my mind always float in the ocean of divine nectar emanating from the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani. No more fear of millions of hells. Studying of the scriptures has become simply troublesome. Merging into the brahman effulgence is terrible. The ecstatic symptoms of devotion to the Lord that are felt by the great devotees like Suka have lost their charms.   upasya caranambuje vraja bhrtam kisori ganaih   mahad bhirapi purusair apari bhavya rasotsave   agadha rasa dhamani svapada Padma seva vidhau   vidhehi madhuroj jvalam iva krtim mamadhisvari O Radha! You are my sole Ruler and only shelter. Countless gopis of Vraja swarm around Your lotus feet and worship them wholeheartedly. Your lotus feet are an inexhaustible fountainhead of the quintessence of universal love and are inconceivable to great saints. That is perhaps the reason why great devotees are striving with ever increasing courage and hope to catch the sweetness and beauty of the grace that flows from Your lotus feet. O Queen! Will You be pleased to show me the particular manner in which I should serve Your lotus feet?   atisnehaduccair api ca hari namani grnatah   tatha saugandhadyair bahubhi rupa carais ca yajatah   paranandam vrndavana manu carantam ca dadhato   mano me radhaya padamrdu lapadme nivasatu Lotus chanting of the holy name of Lord Hari with love attracts my mind towards Sri Radha's feet. This attraction becomes very strong as soon as the delicious ingredient of Sri Radha's service is added to the chanting. Meditation on blissful Krsna as He roams about in Vrndavana has put me under the shade of the tender feet of kind Sri Radha.   kamam tulikaya karena harinayalatka kairankita   nanakeli vidagdha goparmani vrdai tatha vandita   ya sanguptaya tatha upanisadam hrd yeva vidyo tate   sa radha carana dvayi mama gatih lasyai kalilamayi My only shelter is Sri Radhika's lotus feet which I yearn to worship with love and devotion. These lotus feet of Srimati Radhika are painted by Krsna's soft fingers with a feather dipped in the most fragrant red-colored juice. The gopis follow Krsna's example and worship the same feet for the happiness of all living entities. These feet are glorified in the Upanisads, and are found in the depth of the hearts of pure devotees.   vrndavanesari tavaiva padaravindam   premamrtaika makaranda rasau gha purnam   hrdyar apitam madhupate smaratapa mugram   nirvapayat parama sitala ma srayami O Vrndavanesvari! O Sri Radhe! I pray for the shelter of Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet are treasure house of nectar of divine love. Syamasundara keeps them safely and dearly in His heart. These feet are the supreme cooling remedy for the blazing fires of this material world.    yadi snehad radhe disasi ratilam payata padavi   gatam me svaprestam tadapi mamnistham srunu yatha   kataksai raloke smita saha carair jata pulakam   sama aslisyamyuc cai atha ca rasaye tvatpadarasam O dear Sri Radha! When out of sheer compassion, and moved by Krsna's overwhelming love for You, will grant Him His prayers to message Your lotus feet? At that time, I shell look at the ecstatic smiling faces of both of You, and so encouraged I shall hug Your feet with my hands, and taste the nectar of Your lotus feet to my full satisfaction.    yasya aste bata kinkarisu bahusas catuni vrndatavi   kandarpah kurute tavaiva kim api prepsuh prasadotsavam   sadrananda ghananuraga lahari nisyanda padambuja   dvandve sri vrsabhanu nandini sada vande tava sripadam O Vrsabhanu-nandini! I bow down to Your lotus feet with great awe and reverence, from which selfless love is ever pouring forth in abundance. In His ceaseless and tireless efforts to win Your grace, Sri Krsna, the God of love of Vrndavana and Supreme Almighty, always solicits the favors of Your servants with love and affection.    radhapada saroja bhaktim acalam udviksya niskaitavam   pritah svam bhajatopi nibhaira maha premnadhikam sarva sah  alingatyatha cumbati svavadanat tambulam asyer apayet   kante svam vanamali kamapi mama nyasyet kada mohanah I know, and it has been confirmed by all reliable authorities that Madana-Mohana Krsna would be so ecstatically delighted to see pure devotion unto Sri Radha's lotus feet that he would descend from His worshipped throne to embrace, kiss, give His chewed betel nuts, and garland to Sri Radhika's devotee. When shall I be blessed with such devotion, getting such treatment from Krsna as my reward for devotion to Radha's lotus feet?  sat premasindhu makaranda rasau gadhara   sarana jasramabhitah sravada sritesu   sri radhike tava kada caranaravindam   govinda jivana dhanam sirasa vahami O Radhika! When shall I enjoy the fortune of having my head used by You as Your footstool? Your feet, which are the life-treasure of Govinda, will then be a crown on my head. They will further bathe my head with a pure nec
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I have yet to name this dare guy!! but if his song were titled, it'd be Gamble of Life and Money
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