#my brain likes having names to thing such as feelings. attraction. gender. aesthetics. personality traits. etc
lilywhisperer · 11 months
So fucking pissed at people who say that hyperspecific labels “make the queer community look bad” or “is just pure attention seeking”, NO MF I JUST LIKE HAVING A NAME FOR THINGS I FEEL.
Like, my situation with gender is so fucking complicated that having a person coin something such as “dazegender” was so good to me, and I still have a complicated relationship with gender !! I’m so glad for whoever coined the term “Omnisexual/romantic” because it would've been a living nightmare to do mental gymnastics to feel like I fitted pan or bi.
“But those are spectrums” do people treat them as such ? Do they really ? Plus it's just difficult to my head to grasp the concept of “spectrum” it either is or is not, that's how my brain works personally. (My brain needs to be able to name things, basically. And also to know exactly what to do, if we're talking about chores, per say).
In today's generation so many people (me included) just find it SO HARD to put their feelings into words that it is genuinely a blessing to have labels that can label what we feel so precisely (to us, at least), “but you're overcomplicating something that should be simple” feelings are so far from being simple, honestly, and what is simple to you may not be to me, and that's okay, just don't call me attention seeking or whatever.
Also, also !! Hyperspecific labels/flags just make me (at least) feel more validated, since it makes it clear to me that I'm not alone in the way I feel and it kinda validates me (in a good way) :] And it's the Queer Community after all, so I think it's past the time we start actually acting like that.
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Things people have said in my classes over the course of the 2016-2017 school year
“One of the biggest mistakes you can make as a military officer is try to invade Asia”
“Napoleon looks like he’s about to dab”
“No you have to do it in a Scottish accent. It’s Donkeh”
“Eric. Do you want carrots? Diced,,, carrots”
“How many couches do you have?”
“I don’t… I don’t want to talk about it”
“I think the cereal aisle is amazing. I do”
“I’m a hoe for Obama”
“So what you’re gonna make him turn into the next Bill Clinton?”
“Wow. The sass. Didn’t I say there was always one delinquent?”
“Is Neanderthalian a word?”
“It’s not a word, Sufana, don’t be an idiot”
“Can we just like… abolish death?”
“Let’s just take it and,,,, fling it into the sun”
“It’s not a race if I don’t care" 
"I didn’t know what you were asking me”
“Yeah, but you acted like you did so confidently. ‘Yes! Sí, señora’
"You’re Muslim? I thought you were Indian”
“Guys, I’m gonna take a spaceship… and I’m gonna land it on the sun. And if it gets too hot I’m gonna take a parachute back to Earth”
“No, no, they’re too dumb to think like this”
“You’re crushing my heart. The more you go on the more I know I did something wrong”
“So let me get this straight. You quoted Hamilton at dinner. At your boyfriend’s house. In front of his parents. And he’s still your boyfriend?" 
"You’re being a racism”
“Sometimes I turn my os and us into a single character. It’s because I’m efficient. /Not/ because I’m illiterate”
“It’s about personal growth! I like to challenge myself! It’s not because my brain’s broken!”
“It is the wagon void”
“Up until I was 5 I was a wanderer. I was raised by seagulls”
“Honestly I don’t ever try to be dumb. It just comes naturally”
“But we aren’t octopi, unfortunately”
“Wouldn't  be a Monday morning if I wasn’t ruining his life”
“My dad works so he escapes the living hell that is my house”
“Was it fine?”
“Yeah, I got food”
“Is that a 7 or a live chicken?”
“I’m not from America, but I’m from the United States”
“Oh yeah I drove a go cart with a wheel made out of a Quaker Oats container”
“What do you mean you’re not fluent in Indian?”
“Well I wasn’t about to eat the tampon”
“If Satan Spoon starts talking to you let me know”
“Did he just say blame the gays on the mafia?”
“Dude we should test arsenic as a cure for Alzheimer’s”
“You dated him”
“Yes, well that was before I learned he was racist. And gay”
“Get off me I need to make a meme”
“I’m going to be that one awkward person who ends up sexually attracted to pianos”
“I don’t kms, I pms”
“Put that in your quotes I think it’s a good one”
“I really meant people conception. Misconception is gender exclusive”
“So what’s your point?”
“I don’t know”
“If your results end up to be true, like yes”
“Adolf Hitler becomes the chancellor of Germany”
“Wait who?”
“It’s a giant concrete chicken in Vietnam. Read the fucking caption”
“At least it won’t be Cold War part 2 because Trump’s in bed with Russia”
“Wow that is actually hot”
“Well it is fire”
“Well let it be the best stick it can be”
 "I had an English muffin today. It just wasn’t the same"
“Doesn’t covering your head make it harder for God to hear you?”
“No that’s tinfoil, Michael”
“Publishificating is good”
“Out-publish Bill. Cause Bill is the devil”
“Why are cheeseburgers such sexist objects?”
“Wait I just drew the Canadian parliament building”
“He looks kinda like a mop and I like”
“I could never be a murderer it’s just so confusing”
“Alex stare at her chest not her butt. Will is already staring at her butt”
“Russia is Serbia’s sugar daddy”
“Did they convert to Muslim?”
“What other fairies do you know?”
“Twinkle toes! No wait. Tinker bell”
“Captain America is Wartime Propaganda”
“Yeah man that’s yogi bear! Wait what the hell?”
“What’s that brown potato?”
“That’s a squash”
“Bob Marley died and so should I”
“Melanoma’s a disease”
“That’s not a disease that’s a cancer”
“What was the turning point of WWI?”
“The Versace treaty!”
“Don’t put orange juice in your iPad”
“We’re making cubes and he’s talking about concentration camps”
“Where do you think the Paris peace conference happened?”
“Anything’s a UFO if you try hard enough”
“Jesse what are you working on right now?”
“The ICarly theme song”
“Why are white people so extra?”
“Is it offensive to call Rasputin daddy?”
“Zoie can you stab me?”
“No, sorry, that’s a Friday activity”
“Are Israeli passports made out of couscous?”
“What’s that thing from BFG called..? Cumberbumber?”
“So my sister’s a Russian major..”
“Can you major in a country?”
“Mown, like freshly mown grass”
“You can tweet from dead people”
“Wealthy farmers have fists”
“So do other people”
“Hitler killed Hitler, so he can’t be that bad”
“Three billion fists died”
“Everything’s a sphero to me now”
“Hey kids wanna buy some zip-ties?”
“There will never be a time where both of you are in the boat.. /amphibious assault vehicle”
“Did you know Italians get 8 weeks of paid leave”
“You know what fuck Italians. Actually wait yeah let’s /fuck/ Italians”
“What’s worse than the Gulags?”
“My favorite satellite station is Hitler and Stalin. Hitler played the bass, Stalin played the spoons.”
“Shit. I missed my ass”
“Are you gonna sue me?”
“Are you gonna sue my kids?" 
“How are you a Jew and an atheist?”
“I’m a jewthiest”
“He deserves to be hugged. By an 18-wheeler speeding down the highway”
“My talent is…”
“Deepthroating a cinnamon stick”
“Does anyone know what the 21 game is?”
“Is that when you turn 21 and get to drink?”
“What’s next year’s musical?”
“Connor Gale: The Musical, starring Lisa Liubovich as Connor Gale”
“Somebody just compared Germany’s republic to the republic from Star Wars”
“The darkest blanket of Bill Nye”
“And her beauty was that of Medicare”
“Alright homework tonight, research vampires”
“Well I wasn’t gonna follow his mom’s twitter”
“28 lockers is inside your gastrointestinal tract”
“My dad hates Jews. Not actively though”
“That sounds like a cat choking out a hairball. Catholicism.”
“We’re catholic. And we’re not batshit insane”
“It’s not crack, Ms. Wright”
“Do they even know what vegetables smell like?”
“Why is there a cabbage in your backpack?”
“Hannah. Egg”
“Nothing’s fun when donald trump is president”
“What kind of gum is that?”
“I’m better than Justin Bieber at guitar. I’m Kurt Cobain now”
“If George Washington tried to rap his dentures would fall out”
“Why did he come over here was I not Jewish enough?”
“Alright so we have bird images, and we have death images”
“You just fuckin stabbed me in the leg with a plank of wood”
“I have a velvet Jesus in my cupboard”
“Cow vigilantes?”
“There’s a meat ban”
“What did they ban?”
“I’m wrenching, bitch”
“What were they on?”
“This kebab guy looks like wolverine”
“We have a common Jew”
“That’s like Hannah being gayphobic”
“According to my zodiac I’m light, hot, and wet”
“Haroon dropped his wood”
“I’m not racist I’m just ignorant”
“Why do people even harvest organs when they could harvest corn?”
“I’m not saying that cone heads is super high quality but let’s be real here”
“It is almost May don’t talk about snow or I’ll backhand you into the fucking sun”
“People are hanged, pictures are hung”
“People can be hung too”
“Jello monster incest”
“I just hit myself in the head with a boat”
“Dentists are people too”
“Really? I thought they were just a bunch of teeth stacked together in a lab coat”
“An interloper is someone who interlopes”
“Guys enough with the atomic bombs”
“I had weaponized the name quiz”
“Sin is a polygenic trait”
“Revenge is a dish best served under a tree”
“There’s Vaseline.. but it looks shady”
“Where’s the Cape? Is it in Maine?”
“The Soviet Union is cheese”
“Gets tetanus on boobs”
“Where’s that video of that woman aesthetically biting pickles into a microphone”
“I was too lazy to shave so my solution was socks”
“Anything is right if you can pull it off”
“Do Brooklyn have accents”
“Meme is my native language”
“When you smell me I don’t even feel uncomfortable anymore”
“That sounds like a great job. I’m gonna be a dick disector”
“My right pinkie is stronger”
“What if I just face slam on the keyboard, will my essay write itself then?”
“I wrote nyet instead of net on my paper. Figurative language dot nope.”
“Can I just remove both of my uteri?”
“Hannah you have one uterus”
“I’m dumb completely independently from the fact that I’m old”
“Why dinosaurs do not have the capacity to be fascist”
“Amanda and I are on team daddy”
“What are you talking about?”
“Hydra kink”
“My eyelashes are too short”
“Like your di- I mean, I’m fasting”
“Walmart brand eighth grader”
“Does anyone know who the daughter of Zeus is?”
“Give your partner a hand-job from a million miles away for only $88 plus tax”
“The vase is thicc”
“Do you not recognize my supreme overlord?”
“Dr. Doofenshmirtz?”
“Stop sensually licking the mango”
“Triangular foot bath”
“I’d rather be peed on by a sheep than eaten alive”
“What’s the place where planes go?”
“Oh yeah. I thought they were called plane stations”
“Did you say egg or dick?”
“They would give you a gallon of the white baby vomit and then you have to drink it”
“I have nightmares about Russian grammar”
“You could tell I was ignoring you, right?”
“I hear you talking about your grades in my sleep”
“Freshman salads”
“I wanna be a song… singer person”
“What do door locks keep out?”
“Your insecurities”
“I’ve never been attacked by a gang member”
“The gays worship the Babadook”
“I love Joe Biden, he’s so cute. I want a pocket Joe Biden”
“Surrogate sneezing”
“Golfing doesn’t require ankles”
“You guys all have boners but you don’t have any notecards you’re all useless”
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