#never besting the bimbo allegation
ass-ensio · 2 years
Yall better pray for fede
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victimsofyaoipoll · 6 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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dakuryonn · 5 years
Magus-imperator and Fyregem went through a lot because of some of those VK bimbos. How can we trust that you're not actually here cause them more hurt?
Because those idiots hurt me in a similar fashion years ago. False accusations made against me, based only on assumptions made by their friends. Their friends never got along with mine, and mine theirs. It caused a rift, and so many good people got banned from the group because of it. They got banned for taking my side in that bullshit because they weren’t fucking idiots. They KNEW what was actually going on! The admins refused to accept the proof that was presented to them because of their personal dislike of me. They branded me as a heretic and banned so many good people from there because of it. To this day I have never gotten over the guilt I felt for being the reason they had gotten banned. All because the admins were having a bad day and they wanted to take it out on several others by framing them. I WAS FUCKING FRAMED BY THEM. I WANT THEM TO SUFFER. I DEMAND REVENGE. I DEMAND JUSTICE FOR THE FALLEN.
…. What those assholes don’t fucking realize is I was re-added back into the group barely a year after all of that shit, and the best part is they have no fucking CLUE that the Heretic is nested deeply within their numbers. The one they tormented due to their false allegations …
You can only imagine how I felt when, years later, I find out that a similar incident has happened to an innocent group of people on a completely different platform, and by those fucking bastards no less! When I first heard about the drama they started with magus-imperator, I was PISSED. I was absolutely fucking pissed that they were pulling the same bullshit AGAIN. I got TWICE as angry about it when I found out that one of the kids they chose to harass was fucking PREGNANT, and that another one was mentally ill. WHAT THE FUCK! I took that shit personally because it made me remember all the suffering they put ME and many others through; I took that shit personally because they were harassing those kids and were so fucking close to getting away with it. Exactly like they did to me. Exactly like they did to those who defended me all those years ago. I refuse to allow history to repeat itself. Not again. Not EVER again! They’re not going to hurt those kids, not on my watch! I will drag those monsters through Hell and back until the day they fucking DIE. They can hate ME all they fucking want to but I’ll be damned if they harm anymore people!
The enemies of my enemies are my friends. You can trust me.
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nottrampis · 5 years
More Questions again
Is Beckett a dope? ( My words not theirs)
Let us go to season 1 and season 8. Beckett prefers to believe newspaper reports rather than what she sees right in front of her. In other words Castle’s private persona is in complete contrast to his public persona.
I should add police ( at least in NSW) look for differences in the public and private personas finding private personas are almost always correct. What ‘super’ detective would believe newspapers.
What person would believe Castle taking Alexis to a playground then successfully propositions single mothers? This is so absurd it should have provided a warning to all of us in only the second episode.
In the last season Beckett meets Castle’s father’s wife. She tells Beckett it is successful because no-one knows they are married. Beckett then leaves Castle believing Loksat will leave Castle alone.
Did Castle’s weddings suck?
you betcha. In the first but unsuccessful wedding we see Castle having no self awareness, He finds it hard to organise. Huh He doesn’t realise a wedding isc al about the bride more so when the groom had been divorced twice. We get to the wedding day and on a sunny day Castle get dressed in New York and then drives to the Hamptons. huh. Why di he not  get a hotel room  there?
When they do wed they do not dress appropriately ( in the first neither Martha not Lanie do either), ‘their’ song is a song they would have found it hard to ever listen to and then we see an alcoholic drinking champagne. Do not get me started on the pathetic proposal.
Was Beckett a rebel?
Are you kidding. We find out in the Maddie episode she was a member of a large group. then we are later told instead of going to her prom she and her male valet went to a poetry reading. Hmm how many blokes do you know who thought they were taking Beckett to the prom and dressed for it then meekly agree and go to the poetry reading dressed as they are? If this occurred he would be labelled a prat and she would be rightly seen as four fifths up herself
Beckett meekly accedes to authority when she is forced to agree to Castle shadowing her, when she is forced to act as a .bodyguard to a billionaire and then again when Castle is told he is not allowed in the 12th Precinct.
What is the best episode and the best acting from Nathan and Stana?
Knockdown for me. The writer probably did not mean it but it only works IF Bracken has a  mole at the 12th Precinct and Montgomery thinks that as well.
Just remember we do not see Beckett talk to Castle we assume this is done at the Loft when she goes there. If only this was done in latter seasons! I did love Beckett’s blush after she kisses Castle. Castle is strong as well.  A pity always started though. It shows weakness on both people. In the Belly of the Beast unfortunately blows up this episode.
I will say A deadly game for acting. Stana is sensational in portraying an emotional vulnerable woman and just look at Castle when he finds out Demming and Beckett are going on a weekend away together. He is shattered. you can see he realises the game is over. A weekend is a prelude to living together.Beckett is gone
Would you have made any changes of personnel at the 12th?
A new Captain soon after Gates is there. I cannot believe how incompetent she is written.
I would have had Ann Hasting as a detective replacing  Esposito.
however just remember the new members made season 8 worse but we already knew Ann. She is the blonde Beckett.
Should the Actors/Actresses be criticised?
No different to having a go at footballers playing badly.
I would have though there should have been much criticism of the lack of research, backstory, and complete lack of any continuity.
did stana realise how much Beckett was a bimbo for example or Susan Sullivan how  much of an idiot Martha was and she had no idea of manners.
Their press ‘stuff’ never made sense. Does Stana really believe Beckett not apologising is a good thing or Nathan really believe Castle is both manipulated by women he knows and a ladies man.
What do you think we needed to know in terms of back story?
Castle first. Why did he marry Gina and then divorce? why no sex or hardly any in their marriage? Why ddi she work when clearly she did not need to? Why did he think anything would come with Sophia turner when clearly she is  older than he.Why di he live with a girl at university and then almost immediately after that stopped moved in  with  Kyra Blaine. Why would anyone go near Meredith let alone marry her. how come he has no friends. Remember at the awardfs nnight he has only family and work colleagues there.
Why did she go to the restaurant with Jim and not  Johanna. Did she have an argument with her? Did Johanna stop sending her money at University so she had to be a  nude model after all Jim and Johanna had plenty of money. how was she asked to be a bridesmaid so many times given she was a social recluse following her mother’s murder. how come so few boyfriends? Why is Lanie her best friend
Did the series have a  logical flow to it.
Not a chance. Take Castle as a ladies man. He could only do things during the day when Alexis is at school. how many women can take a day off? He simply did not have the time to have as many ladies friends as he alleges. He and Alexis are close. This would be impossible if he is not at home with her at nights.
How does Beckett have so many sexual experiences given her lack of boyfriends. It could only happen as an emotional release from the trying time she has in getting her father of the drink.
The writing concerning marriage is appalling.. Just remember in the midst of his proposal Castle says ‘whatever YOU decide’ Hang on it should be whatever WE decide What about when Castle gets all excited about going to a strip club. He is a married man and has a beautiful wife yet he acts like a teenager.
It is like the writers believe  marriage is simply two individuals living together
And while I am at it how can two sex fiends have a bedroom that is unlocked? That is too absurd for words
How about Castle and Montgomery not knowing each other in the first episode and then we find out in  a few episodes later they regularly play poker!!
did Beckett have walls?
Of course not. Three reasons why not. Sorensen, Demming and Davidson.Does anyone really think Davidson would be with Beckett for about a year if Beckett had walls. If a person was to have walls it would have been Castle. Two divorces makes for for strong walls for most men but not Castle! 
What was the point of Pi?
I have no idea. No child would just allow a person to live in your parent's house without asking said parent. Oi’s reason is very suspicious. A few of us at TV Fanatic thought it was for nefarious reasons bit apparently not.
If the chemistry between Castle/Beckett was the best ever seen on TV ) or the screen) then there was none between Pi and Alexis.
Thoughts on Alexis?
Alexis starts out as a cute  kid but as she grows the writers do not know where to go. I call ed this the joannie cunngham disease.after one of the characters in Happy Days.
In season 6 she is a spoiled brat and then by season 8 her University course takes in information technology. PI work, English speaking classes,. some degree. I said at the time She should have been pursuing a PhD. Quite a few people thought she was being groomed by Hayley Shipton another character who seemed to abundantly multi-skilled.
Why do you think Marlowe failed?
He did no research into subjects he was going to write about. 
He simply added layers and layers to his characters even though in some case they contradicted each other or there simply was no time for certain events to occur He could not admit to making mistakes and so never learned from those mistakes.
He simply did not understand what a long flowing love story was about.
Still was the episode for the relationship to grow and enrich instead we got the evil episode that Marlowe thought was fun and Beckett lying her head off. I don’t believe Marlowe ever recovered from criticism of his remarks on the evil episode.
He never answered questions of how in the hell an agency dealing with National Security would ever offer a job to a cop who only recently been suspended nor why if Castle had been punished for something he hadn’t done in the season 2 finale why Beckett was punished for something she had done for three consecutive episodes. He also avoided answering how bot the NYPD and a National Security agency di not know Beckett was married.
In the end every finale he wrote had more holes in it than swiss cheese.
and that is it folks
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gossipnetwork-blog · 6 years
Stormy Daniels Talks Alleged Donald Trump Fling: 8 Takeaways
New Post has been published on http://gossip.network/stormy-daniels-talks-alleged-donald-trump-fling-8-takeaways/
Stormy Daniels Talks Alleged Donald Trump Fling: 8 Takeaways
Stormy Daniels went into great detail about her alleged sexual encounter and subsequent meetings with Donald Trump years before he was elected President in a lengthy 5,000-word piece published in full by In Touch Friday.
The interview was originally conducted in 2011, years before the former adult film star reportedly signed a NDA preventing her from speaking out about her experience. The unedited interview may also mark the first time Daniels explained what allegedly took place at a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Nev., in July 2006, four months after Trump and wife Melania welcomed their son Barron, and later, non-sexual meetings and phone calls.
Daniels previously denied claims of an extramarital affair after the Wall Street Journal reported that Trump had paid her $130,000 through his lawyer to prevent her story from getting out.
According to The Journal, Trump’s longtime lawyer Michael Cohen arranged for Daniels, nee Stephanie Clifford, to receive the payment just one month before the 2016 election. The paper reported that both Cohen and the White House denied the allegations of any such agreement; Cohen also released a statement from Daniels denying any “sexual and/or romantic affair” with Trump or the receipt of any “hush money” from the real estate mogul-turned politician.
“These rumors have circulated time and again since 2011,” Cohen said in his statement, in part. “President Trump once again vehemently denies any such occurrence as has Ms. Daniels.”
“My involvement with Donald Trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more,” Daniels told CNN in a January 10 statement provided by Cohen. “When I met Donald Trump, he was gracious, professional and a complete gentleman to me and EVERYONE in my presence. Rumors that I have received hush money from Donald Trump are completely false.”
In excerpts of the 2011 interview released ahead of Friday’s publication, Daniels said she couldn’t recall why she agreed to have intercourse with Trump in the first place.
“I actually don’t even remember why I did it but I do remember while we were having sex, I was like, ‘Please don’t try to pay me,'” Daniels said at the time. “And then I remember thinking, ‘But I bet if he did, it would be a lot.'”
Here are eight things we learned about the alleged affair, based on Daniels’ exhaustive account to In Touch:
1. Both Daniels and Trump were sober at the time of their alleged sexual encounter. Daniels told In Touch that she was invited to Trump’s hotel room for dinner the same day she met him on the golf course and then again at the gift room, where she was helping promote Wicked Pictures. Though she doesn’t recall what they had for dinner that night, she does remember that neither of them drank.
“I know that neither one of us had any alcohol … I don’t drink when I’m working. I barely drink anyway, like ever,” she said. “Anytime I’ve been photographed with a glass of champagne in my hand, it’s really Red Bull. He didn’t have any alcohol, either. I’ve never seen him drink. Maybe he doesn’t. I’m not sure. Which is funny because he has a vodka [brand]. I actually remember saying, ‘Aren’t you going to drink your vodka?’ at a different party. So yeah, I don’t think he drinks.”
During a press conference last October, Trump cited his late older brother Fred as the reason why he has chosen not to drink. (Fred died in 1981 at the age of 43 after struggling with alcoholism).
2. Daniels called their intercourse “textbook generic” and said that they didn’t use protection, in part because she’s allergic to latex. “It was kind of in the moment,” she said of the decision not to use a condom. “And I was really kind of upset about it because I am so, like, careful.” The former adult film star explained that her company at the time was “condom-only,” but given that she is allergic to latex, she usually used non-latex condoms; she didn’t have any on her that night. “I usually always have one in my backpack but I thought I was going to dinner, so I only had a tiny little cocktail purse,” she said.
3. Daniels claims that Trump never mentioned wife Melania aside from telling Daniels, “Oh, don’t worry about her,” and she never met the future first lady in person. When asked what she thought about having an affair with a married man, Daniels said, “I don’t know. Karma will always bite you in the ass. … At the time, I didn’t think that much about it. But now that I have a baby that’s the same age that his was at the time [Barron was four months when they allegedly began the affair], I’m like, ‘Wow, what a dick.'”
“He didn’t seem worried about it,” she said of whether or not Trump instructed her to keep their interaction hush-hush. “He was kind of arrogant. It did occur to me, ‘That’s a really stupid move on your part.'” Earlier this month, The Wall Street Journal reported that Daniels was paid $130,000 to keep quiet about their affair. Daniels’ boyfriend at the time knew about their ongoing affair, but not that they slept together. “He didn’t know that detail but he knew everything else,” she said. Daniels claimed she would put Trump on speakerphone whenever he called while she was with her then-boyfriend.
4. Daniels said Trump asked her to sign a copy of her DVD after they had sex, likely a copy he got from the gift room earlier that afternoon. “It was probably in one of his gift bags that he picked up because we were giving them out,” she said. “I remember I signed it to him.”
5. Some of Trump’s dinner topics included the adult film industry, his fear of sharks, and how good he looked on the cover of “some sort of money magazine.” “He asked me a lot of questions about my business,” Daniels said of their first rendezvous. “You know, the business I work in and how it works and how it functions. All like technical questions. He was very curious. Not necessarily about the sex or anything like that, but business questions.”
The second time the pair sat down to dinner, this time at the Beverly Hills Hotel approximately one year later, Trump was fixated on sharks. “The strangest thing about that night – this was the best thing ever,” she said. “You could see the television from the little dining room table and he was watching Shark Week and he was watching a special about the U.S.S. something and it sank and it was like the worst shark attack in history. He is obsessed with sharks. Terrified of sharks. He was like, ‘I donate to all these charities and I would never donate to any charity that helps sharks. I hope all the sharks die.’ He was like riveted. He was like obsessed.”
Sorry folks, I’m just not a fan of sharks – and don’t worry, they will be around long after we are gone.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 4, 2013
6. Trump seemingly hinted that he wanted to get Daniels on Celebrity Apprentice. During their first dinner, Trump allegedly told Daniels that it would be “really, really good for [her]” to be on the show. “‘People would think you’re just this idiot with blond hair and big boobs’,” he said, according to Daniels. “‘You would be perfect for it because you’re such a smart businesswoman. You write and you direct and you produce and obviously you’re hot and you’re beautiful.'”
Despite continually calling Daniels throughout the year and promising her that he would “make it happen,” Trump ultimately wasn’t able to get Daniels on the NBC reality competition show because, he allegedly told her, “‘there’s somebody that had a problem and it got vetoed.'” When another porn star, Jenna Jameson, appeared on season seven of the show, Daniels said Trump called her and said, “‘Did you see Jenna Jameson on my show? I didn’t know she was going to go on. That’s bullshit. She made fool of herself. … She’s a bimbo. You’re so much better.'” Daniels told Trump she “didn’t even know about it.”
7. Trump told Daniels that he believed his wealth and his power are linked to his hair. According to Daniels, when the two were engaging in banter prior to their sexual encounter, she at one point asked him about his infamous, enigmatic hairstyle. “He said he thought that if he cut his hair or changed it, that he would lose his power and his wealth,” Daniels said. “And I laughed hysterically at him.”
8. Daniels said one of the main reasons she spoke out to In Touch was because she heard from a friend that Trump had been publicly bashing adult film stars. “It’s not something I did come forward with,” she said of sharing details about being intimate with Trump. “My friend called me and was like, ‘Hey, so I was having a conversation with somebody and they mentioned … and is it true?’ and I was like, ‘Yeah, well over a year, I talked to him all the time.’ And she was like, ‘You know, he thinks really lowly of girls who …’ She said he said some stuff about somebody else, I have no idea who … it was very derogatory, and that makes me more mad than anything.”
Daniels pointed to Trump’s denial about having relations with another woman around that same time, and how he “went on some tirade” about how he “would never be associated with someone” like that. Hearing Trump’s words made Daniels wonder if Trump’s allusions to a Celebrity Apprentice were “just a fucking lie” so he could have sex with her. “Like I said, if I was his wife and I found out that my husband stuck his dick in a hundred girls, I would be less mad about that then the fact that he went to dinner and had like this ongoing relationship.”
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oldguardaudio · 6 years
  Rush Limbaugh -> My Advice to Judge Moore: Hire Hillary
Rush USA Flag at HoaxAndChange.com
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Rush Limbaugh Combat the Drive-By Media at HoaxandChange.com
Nov 10, 2017
  RUSH: You know, these political sex scandals, they’re fascinating, folks. When the Democrats have one, you need to produce semen, you need the blue dress, you need transcripts of sexting, you need photos of people sneaking into hotel rooms, like John Edwards. But when the 40-year-old childhood memories of a wacky woman and the Washington Post allege something about a Republican, all hell breaks loose.
JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!
RUSH: Where’s the semen-stained blue dress? I mean, do you hear what Senator McCain is saying? Senator McCain is saying, “He’s gotta quit simply because of the allegations.” When did that happen? Meanwhile, the Democrats circle the wagons around their perverts, do everything they can to protect ’em, and the Republicans can’t wait to throw ’em all overboard.
RUSH: How many of you remember the advice that I gave to Harvey Weinstein? Mr. Snerdley got it without even having to pause. But Mr. Snerdley has the rest of you at a disadvantage. He is here each day and has to listen in order to screen calls that might be relevant to that which we are discussing. That’s exactly right. Judge Moore, same advice I gave Harvey Weinstein: Hire the best. Somebody who has proven that they can get people off.
Ahem, let me try that again. Judge Moore, you need — (laughing) — excuse me, folks. Ahem. Judge Moore, you need to hire somebody who has proven that they can make sure the charges don’t stick. Let me try that again. Judge Moore, you need to go out and you need to hire somebody who has a proven ability to destroy the women and the media coming forward with the allegations. And there is one person that stands above everybody in this regard. Their name is Hillary Clinton.
She not only kept the governor of Arkansas in office, she kept the president of the United States in office. She ran the bimbo eruptions operation. Any time any woman came forward and alleged sexual improprieties, sexual harassment, rape, what have you, against her own husband, she led the team that destroyed those women. And there still to this day is nobody better. And she’s available. I don’t know if you could afford her. (laughing) And I don’t know that she would take the case.
Because the simple fact of the matter is, the Republican Party wants this guy gone. But he’s not gonna leave. He says he’s not gonna leave, and he says the charges are false. I refuse to stand down. He says I refuse to give up. There’s a story in The Politico today: “Republicans Might Be Stuck with Roy Moore — The besieged Alabama Senate candidate owes nothing to the national party.” And he doesn’t.
I’m also marveling at the sudden respect for women that the Democrat Party has. I mean, let’s be honest about something. What percentage of Hollywood men who have been accused of sexual harassment are Republican? What percentage? You know, I have the answer. The answer’s a big, fat zero. How many of you believe that all of these Hollywood actors and personalities who are being accused, how many believe they’re all guilty?
How many of you have been asking yourself, if you’re one of these guys and here comes some allegation of sexual harassment or rape or something along those lines from 10 years ago, 15 years ago, how would you defend yourself if it isn’t true? How do these guys defend themselves if it isn’t true? The vast majority of it, however, seems to be true.
Now Louis C.K., the New York Times unloaded on Louis C.K.Louis C.K. as far as Millennials are concerned, is it. Louis C.K. is God. They love Louis C.K. I have to think, as feminist trained as young Millennial men have been, those that have gone to college, I mean, the feminist movement has chickified so much of the Millennial culture, I’m really wondering what Millennial women are thinking of all this.
Millennial women have been told that liberal men are sensitive, and they are trustworthy, and they’re unthreatening, and they’re caring, and they fully support the feminist movement. And then you look at this and you hear these same kinds of guys that are always running around ripping Republicans and ripping conservatives as a bunch of racist, sexist, bigot, homophobes and so forth, yet look at these reprobates.
What is this doing to the belief system and the credibility? What are young liberal Millennial women to do here? The very men with whom they thought they were safe are actually the predators, and it does seem that the vast majority of them happen to be guilty. But this new sudden respect for women that the Democrat Party has? Do you remember…? Who said this? (impression) “You know what? You drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park; you never know what you’re gonna find in there. (cackling)
But I tell you, we did it. We dragged a hundred-dollar bill, President Clinton — hundred-dollar through a trailer park — and that’s what you got. You got Paula Jones.” You remember that? James Carville: “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park and you never know what you’ll find.” This was during the bimbo eruption days of the Clinton presidency, and there were no feminist attacks on James Carville, and the liberal feminist or female establishment at the time applauded James Carville because the objective was to destroy all of these women that the Bill Clinton had sexually abused or harassed.
That was the objective. These women were hung out to dry. The feminist movement did not lift a finger to help them. Bill and Hillary Clinton, the CEO of bimbo eruptions? They didn’t condemn Carville’s comment at the time. They embraced it. The Democrat Party rewarded everybody involved accordingly — and, as it turned out, President Clinton reached an out-of-court settlement with Paula Jones, agreeing to pay her, I think, $850,000 to drop the sexual harassment lawsuit that she had filed against him.
You know, I mean, people are taking knees? The Democrats really ought to take a knee regarding anything concerning accusations of sexual improprieties, because they lead the league. Democrats lionize their sexual predators. In fact, with Democrats, it’s a resume enhancement. Look… How many of you young listeners remember the escapades of one John Edwards of North Carolina? (interruption) All right, let me try to clue you in. John Edwards was it. John Edwards was the future, as far as the Democrats were concerned, as recently as 10, 15 years ago.
John Edwards was young. He had a great haircut. He was called “The Breck Girl” because his hair was just so perfect. He was a dutiful liberal. He cared about the poor, and he was the guy who devised this campaign plan of there are “two Americas.” There’s the affluent America; there’s the poor America that he was going to focus on. And he had a dutiful wife. And if the LA Times columnist who wrote about Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ appearance would write about Edwards’ wife, there wouldn’t be much difference in what he said.
Her name was Elizabeth and she was a heroine. She was a hero to the left. She was Mrs. John Edwards. Well, it turns out that John Edwards was cheating on her with another woman and that other woman had a baby. The National Enquirer had the story for months before anybody at the Democrat Party would even acknowledge it, before the Drive-By Media would even publish it. John Edwards got away with cheating on his wife in public for months because nobody believed the National Enquirer and because nobody wanted to do damage to this great, young future hope of the Democrat Party.
And there was great sympathy for his wife, Elizabeth, and so everybody on the left in the Democrat Party ignored what was right in front of their face. There was videotape of Edwards meeting with the babe and the baby, and they ignored it. It wasn’t allegations from 30 years ago in the Washington Post; it was real life, and everybody saw it, and they ignored it. Until they couldn’t and Edwards had to basically own up to it. His wife died of an illness not long after. Then he married the babe or moved in with her.
I forget which. But the point is that the Democrats and the left, when they find this behavior in their own camp — particularly when it’s their own elected officials exhibiting the conduct — they attack the women. They attack the investigators. There is no “every woman must be believed.” There is no respect for the victims. There’s only a seek-and-destroy mission against all of them, perfected by Hillary Clinton and Betsey Wright, who ran the bimbo eruptions operation during the Clinton years, even before they won the presidency and went to the White House.
Now you have — and look at how the Democrats go to the mat to protect their people. Now you got Judge Moore with a 40-year-old allegation that it took… The Washington Post had to send a reporter or two down there and work with this woman for a couple of weeks to convince her to come forward, and then finally she did. And the minute it happened, it’s stunning the statements that we get from all of these Republican senators. We had statements from McConnell, McCain, Flake, Murkowski, a bunch of people the conservative media, Mitt Romney.
Every Never Trumper alive has come out demanding that Roy Moore step aside based solely on the allegations. They don’t even question the report in the Washington Post. They take the word of a self-admitted mess of a woman and the Washington Post over the judge. “Innocent until proven guilty” has flown out the window, and how long has this supposed allegation been known? It happened 40 years ago. Why wasn’t this introduced during the primaries? Notice now that it’s been introduced at a time that even if Judge Moore withdraws, there’s not much they can do but a write-in candidacy for Luther Strange.
Although, have you heard this being bandied about, that there might be a solution to this that the president could engineer? You know what that is? Ask Jeff Sessions to leave as attorney general and head back down and retake his Senate seat, re-run for it. That would solve the problem. In fact, it would solve a number of problems, ’cause supposedly Trump’s not happy with Sessions’ performance. The establishment in the Senate doesn’t want Judge Moore there. (interruption) You haven’t heard that being bandied about? (interruption) Well, I know, it’s… (interruption) This is my point. The whole thing, all of this… It’s too late for any of this.
RUSH: Sandy in Woodland, California. Welcome. Great to have you here.
CALLER: I’m talking about Judge Moore. Do you remember when Harry Reid came out and lied about Romney not paying taxes for 10 years?
RUSH: Yes. I happen to. Actually, that’s a great, great memory you have. Tell people what happened.
CALLER: What I was thinking, if I were running Judge Moore’s campaign —
RUSH: Mmm-hmm?
CALLER: — Harry Reid was on a show after the election and Romney lost. Harry Reid was on a talk show, and the woman asked him if he didn’t feel bad about lying about his not paying the taxes. And he just looked at her and said, “It worked, didn’t it?” I would get that.
RUSH: Wait a minute. Wait. No, no. He said, “It worked, didn’t it? We won.”
RUSH: Folks, if you don’t remember, let me take over just a second here, Sandy.
RUSH: Harry Reid lied to the media about Mitt Romney. Harry Reid called the media in and said friends of his told him, two friends — and he wouldn’t name them — that Romney hadn’t paid his taxes in 10 years. And the media said, “Who are these people? Who are your sources?” And Harry Reid got mad at ’em. He said, “That’s not the story! The sources I have are mine. You need to go ask Romney why he hasn’t paid taxes in 10 years.
“That’s the story. Don’t bother me about my sources. You need to go ask Romney.” The media dutifully did, and they went out and started asking Romney and then did stories about the allegation that Mitt Romney had not paid his taxes in 10 years. The whole thing was made up, and when Harry Reid was asked about it after the election, he said, “Well, it worked. We won, didn’t we?”
CALLER: That’s right.
RUSH: So he was admitting he made it up, and he had no remorse over it whatsoever. In fact, he was proud of it because it had succeeded.
CALLER: And the smug look on his face said it all. And if they would put that on TV every half hour back where the judge is running and ask the people, “Do you want this type of person running your state?” Just let ’em know how the Democrats run things. It might be a good campaign thing for the next 30 days, if they put that out as often as they can and said Romney didn’t pay taxes and just show him admitting it and not being sorry at all.
RUSH: Well, look. That’s all true. But the difference here is that there is a woman who has gone public in the Washington Post, that the Washington Post went down and found. The Washington Post… It was two female writers. The writers say they had to work on this woman really hard to get her to go public. That they were down there working this woman for two weeks or more and then they finally got her to go public with it.
So Harry Reid never did name his so-called sources, his friends that had told him that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes. But I still get your point. I mean, you want to illustrate that Democrats lie about these things. They just make them up, and the media helps. But this isn’t just the media, and it is not just… In fact, this is the Washington Post making the allegation, not Harry Reid or not some Democrat senator, and there is a woman who has stepped forward willing to be the source on this. So, not quite. Moore could do it. I mean, clearly it wouldn’t hurt. In fact, I have a story here in the Stack. Thank you. By the way, Sandy, before you go, iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, which would you like? I’m giving every caller today the option to pick up a brand-new iPhone. I share my passions with people.
CALLER: I like that one that you said has the long battery life.
RUSH: That would be the iPhone 8 Plus — and I have to tell you, the iPhone 8 Plus –, until the iPhone X came out — was the finest phone they had ever made, and it remains the best iPhone that not an iPhone X. The iPhone X’s a whole different thing. I’ve been testing it. Its battery life is close, but I think… I’m not gonna sit here and be critical of the iPhone X, but there’s nothing wrong with wanting an iPhone 8 Plus, because it does have… It’s just incredible. It’s got the same processor. It’s got the same cameras. It’s got the same features except for front-facing camera, Face ID. It’s got everything, a little bigger, the screen’s bigger, a little wide we are and be you cannot go wrong with it. There’s the most beautiful color of gold that they’re using on the iPhone 8 this year that is just to die for. It’s a creamy gold. It’s just stunning. So I’d be happy to send you one of those. Who is your carrier?
RUSH: Fine and dandy. Now, this one’s not gonna have a SIM card. This is totally unlocked and you can use it on AT&T or any other carrier that you want. So if you would hang on, we’ll need to get your address so that we can get it out to you next week. Okay?
CALLER: Okay. Thank you so much.
RUSH: Which color? They come in silver, black, and gold.
CALLER: Your gold sounds gorgeous.
RUSH: It is. I’m telling you it is. So that’s what you’re gonna get: An 8 Plus in gold. Don’t hang up, as Mr. Snerdley will get your address.
I was saying that there’s a story here in my Judge Moore Stack about the reporters at the Washington Post, about one of them. I found this interesting. Somebody has… Here it is. The website’s called GotNews. “Washington Post Reporter Behind Roy Moore Hit Piece Has History of Writing Fake Checks.” So, again, this is an allegation that comes from this Website GotNews. “Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote [the] hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report…
“According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.” Now, I’m not familiar with GotNews. It’s ringing a bell, but I can’t place it. But, at any rate, this has often come up. Should we go after reporters who set out to destroy people, and they often do so with the expectation of immunity? “Well, you can’t come after us! We’re reporters. Well, you can’t come after us. We’re journalists. We’re not the story. What I’ve done doesn’t matter.”
And a lot of people think, “Well, it does, because you’re sitting there and you’re casting moral judgment on everybody else. And you’re writing stories on who’s a reprobate and who’s not. And you’re writing stories on who’s fit for office and who isn’t. So why isn’t it worth our time to find out who you are? But, man, when you do that? I mean, journalists? They get their backs up like an angry cat, and they start shouting at you, and they tell you that you can’t do that ’cause they’re not the story, that they’re journalists. They’ve got the First Amendment. “You can’t attack me! I’m a journalist” and so forth. But somebody’s looking into at least one half of the writing team for the Post-story.
Here’s Jane in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Jane, how are you doing?
CALLER: Hi, Rush. We got married in 1989, and I remember my dad coming home and saying, “There’s this new man, Rush, on the radio. You have to listen to him.” So —
RUSH: I thought you meant you and me got married, you and I got married. So I was trying to remember this.
CALLER: No. My husband and I did. So, anyway, he also had two pieces. He said, “One of the most important things to do in life is keep your nose clean and work hard.”
RUSH: Right.
CALLER: And when I see all this Facebook and things — and I’m actively on it. It ties right into what you said. The other thing he told me before he died is he said, ‘This G–d— liberal media is going to destroy this country.’ And it’s… We just need to get back to being fact-based, caring about people, and telling the truth — and a lot of our problems would go away.
RUSH: Well, that’s not gonna happen. You know, my dad would drag — not drag — my dad would gather my brother and me and our friends, and he would look at us. And we’re 10 years old, my brother eight, or 12 and my brother 10, and he would look at us. And it would generally be after he saw Sander Vanocur on NBC. He hated Sander Vanocur. Sander Vanocur and Walter Cronkite were two of the most liberal SOBs, but he didn’t like any of them. But he’d look at us and he’d say, “Son, you boys are gonna be slaves if these people prevail. You’re gonna be slaves. They’re nothing but a bunch of socialist communists.”
Well, when your dad tells you that when you’re eight or 10, it makes an impression. And he kept telling us this. And he believed the same thing your dad did, that the Drive-By Media, we call it that now, was gonna be a seriously destructive institution to the principles and concepts that founded America. And a lot of people think this. They don’t do news anymore. They’re strictly about advancing a particular political agenda. Facts only exist as far as they will advance the agenda these people are interested in.
CALLER: Absolutely. Thank you so much.
RUSH: Now, wait. Ah, ah. You don’t get away that fast. Remember, every caller today gets the chance — you don’t have to take one. I mean, there’s no requirement. If you’d like a brand-new iPhone X, I would love to send you one.
CALLER: Oh, that’d be incredible. My old iPhone is so beat up that I have to reboot it two or three times a day, and my kids have new 8s but mom has a real old one.
RUSH: What kind of iPhone do you have?
CALLER: It’s either a 5s or a 6.
RUSH: Well, the 5s has a four-inch screen. The 5s was a great phone for its day. That’s the one they introduced fingerprint ID on.
CALLER: Yes. I think that’s mine.
RUSH: All right. Well, you are in for a treat. The iPhone X is a brand-new direction in iPhone. And it brings back what I call surprise and delight, meaning you will use this phone just for the fun of it, like you did the very first one. It’s that advanced and has that many new things. There’s nothing in the — well, there’s much in the iPhone X that isn’t in any previous iPhone. And, as such, it’s gonna dazzle you.
CALLER: Well, thank you.
RUSH: I need to know your carrier.
CALLER: Oh. AT&T, please.
RUSH: AT&T. And do you like silver on the back? It’s actually a creamy, milky gray, not silver, or space gray on the back.
CALLER: I think space gray, please.
RUSH: Space gray.
CALLER: That would be incredible. Thank you so much.
RUSH: You are gonna love it. Hang on while we get your address, and we will be back after this.
RUSH: What’s that? No, no, no, no. I have no idea. I have no idea whether the Judge Moore allegation is true or not. But I’ll tell you this, you remember back in 2008 the New York Times ran a front-page story on McCain allegedly having an affair. It was not true. It was designed to destroy his candidacy, his campaign against Obama. We all defended him. Remember, we all came to his defense on that. Now we got an allegation from down in Alabama that Roy Moore has abused a woman or whatever it was 40 years ago, and McCain’s not even waiting for evidence, he’s just demanding, based on allegations, that Roy Moore leave the campaign.
JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny south Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!
RUSH: And we all defended him. And don’t make me bring up the other factor here with Senator McCain. I shouldn’t have to bring that one up at all. Don’t ask me that. It’s right in front of your face.
Anyway, greetings, and welcome back. El Rushbo on the cutting edge of societal evolution. 800-282-2882.
Here’s another thing. We can sit here and we can have it documented, we can have it proven of the absolute moral degradation, the unfitness, the absolute perversion that is apparently widespread among famous leftists and Democrats. And, yeah, there’s an appropriate reaction to it, but there’s just such a double standard when this stuff is alleged against conservatives.
Now, I understand why it is. You know, conservatives, especially Judge Moore. Judge Moore is out there promoting family values and Christian values and the Ten Commandments and all of that, so as far as the media concerned and the Republican establishment concerned, they can really make this guy out to be the biggest hypocrite on the face of the earth ’cause there’s nothing worst, they think, than a holier-than-thou, big-time Christian preaching right and wrong and good and bad and then getting caught via.
They love that. They just love when devout Christians take a fall because they’re scared to death of Christianity. They’re not scared of Islam. They’re not afraid of Hinduism. They’re not afraid of any other world religion. But the left in this country is absolutely petrified of Christianity. And so any chance they get to tear it down, they will.
RUSH: Margaret in Pocatello, Idaho, has been on hold for a while and I’ve gotta get her up. How are you doing here, Margaret?
CALLER: I’m great. How are you?
RUSH: Fine and dandy. Thank you very much. I first need to ask you what kind of iPhone, iPhone X, you name it, what do you want?
CALLER: Ohhhh. Well, I would love a 10. That sounds awesome. Thank you.
RUSH: That’s what you’re gonna get. Fine. Now, what is it that you wanted to say?
CALLER: So I have a thought. First of all, I think the stuff about Roy Moore is just a load of crap, and my reason is, you know, basically he’s being accused of being a pedophile and, you know, sexual predator, whatever. I think it’s something that they don’t ever stop doing.
RUSH: Right. You don’t just do that one time. If you do that, you do it, and there’s only one report. Margaret, thank you much. Hang on so we get the address and get you this incredible new phone.
Rush Limbaugh -> My Advice to Judge Moore: Hire Hillary Rush Limbaugh -> My Advice to Judge Moore: Hire Hillary Nov 10, 2017 RUSH: You know, these political sex scandals, they’re fascinating, folks.
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