#not sure if this really counts as eyestrain but i wanted to put the tags jic
bunearysdaily · 1 year
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[ID: Pokemon fanart of a small and surprised Buneary drawn using thick lines, with a huge exclamation point above its head and a wide open mouth. The background is an electric blue color framed by wavy bright green on its edges. End ID.]
Surprised Buneary!!
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lmk-oc-competition · 1 month
Since we've got all our entries in, I'd like to talk about how the next part (the actual competition itself) is going to go, and also touch on propaganda and the rules again. :)
As of right now, I will be closing the response editing on the google forms. So, if you need to update the photo or the description for your OC, the only way to do so is by DMing me. Please don't hesitate to come talk to me if you need anything, I'm happy to help!
Later today, I will be posting the brackets so you can see who everyone is up against. Then on Monday I will post the actual actual polls themselves and y'all can go vote for whoever you'd like to move on to the next round.
Starting Monday, you can all post propaganda and I'll reblog them here for you. Now what is propaganda you may ask? In short, propaganda is a way to help encourage others to vote for the oc(s) you want to win. Whether it be by creating art, writing a fic, infodumping about them, telling others why they should vote for that character; really anything goes as long as it's within the rules!! You can make propaganda for any character you'd like, even if it's not yours, even if you're not competing, propaganda is a way to help the character you want to win!
You can put propaganda in the reblogs of the designated polls or you can make a separate post for it. Either way, just make sure to @ this blog in any and all propaganda so I can reblog it!! I'm reblogging all propaganda I'm tagged in here!
Also you can self reblog anything you've previously made before this for your OC and you can @ me too if you'd like. I'd count it as propaganda.
Rules on propaganda and really just the entire comp overall:
No proships (adult x minor, incest, etc.)
If your propaganda has anything triggering (eyestrain, blood, etc. be sure to tag it as so)
Do not hate on other creators & ocs
While I said you can make propaganda for any character, if the creator says not to make propaganda for them, then don't. Respect their wishes and listen to them.
Failure to follow the rules will result in you getting blocked and if you are one of the competitors, you will get disqualified from the competition.
That's all from me! If you have any more questions, feel free to send me an Ask. Otherwise, I'll see you guys in a bit!!
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tortiefrancis · 2 years
asking u bc u seem to know a lot about accessibility!! im not photosensitive, and i dont really know how to tell when an image should be tagged as eyestrain (aside from super bright colors like #ffff00, etc). i wanna tag things properly but idk when a color starts being too bright. is there a good rule of thumb for this? and/or somewhere i can like. Check if an image is too eyestrainy, like how there r colorblindness simulating sites to make sure theres enough contrast?
glad to know people think the empty hole in my head has knowledge in it /j, but yeah, i can help!
1) you can ask people who are photosensitive directly- with consent, obviously. some people are willing to look through images, gifs or videos to tell you if they're too bright or have eye-strain, but sometimes it can put their health at risk, so not everyone will be able to help
2) for eye-strain, you can check the value of the colors on your image and see if they're too close to each other. there's probably more ways to do it, but I personally go on a drawing program, add a separate layer that's solely gray (shade doesn't matter too much but I try to go for a middle shade) and set that layer to "color". boom!
if colors are close together in shade, even if they're dull, they may cause eye-strain
3) as for brightness. If the colors are very neon and bright, like pretty vibrant, I'd tag it as eye strain or bright colors. Like, a good example is the og polyamorous flag (black, red and blue one). no hate against it, but it's bright as hell because the colors are very saturated and vibrant
pastel tones normally don't count unless they're super super close in shade and in a single image- it's rare but I've seen this happen, one example is one of the most used unlabeled flags which is basically a white blur and can be considered eye-strain despite not having neon shades
4) if it's got a mix of vibrant black or white and rainbow colors. Tag it. example would be the original, unedited disabled flag with the rainbow lightning. personal experience here, it has caused me headaches
I cant think of anything else personally but if anyone wants to add to this, feel free to <3
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