#note the heavy sarcasm with 'looove'
kits-shrine · 1 year
That tickled Wulf.
Reila stretched and sat down on the grass, “of course. Anything else interesting happen since the last time we had a chance to talk?”
Touma as well. He took off after Byakko cackling with his glowing tongue sticking out. Oh Kit is going to loooove this new game Wulf has taught her toddler.
"Ah let's see outside our accidental world visit, our unexpected visitors and attack this morning, what else is th- oh yes! My former in-laws has apparently set out a hit for my mother." Rebecca added with a little stressed note in her voice "Luckily she has a new magical dog of her own but I got to hear about that all once we got home."
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sicklyvictorianartist · 4 months
After hearing so many people taking about the new Percy Jackson show, i decided to finally read the books.
I just finished the first one. I really needed a lighter story after reading so many heavy books for class.
One thing I loooved was Percy's voice, it absolutely read like a kid's voice. He had both the sassiness and sarcasm and maybe the overconfidence of a kid his age, while also being afraid and out of his depth throughout the whole story.
On that note, he kinda reminded me of Rue from The Hunger Games, he's just young brave and funny. I cannot stress enough how much I love his personality.
Also... Whats up with Hitler being Hades's implied son? I wonder where that's gonna go.
I know these books have been out for a long time now, and i don't think these reviews will get a big audience, but somehow I've managed to never learn a single thing about the plot lol. So if youre reading this, please don't tell me any spoilers, no matter how common knowledge they may seem to be
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backtothestart02 · 6 years
Hey sweetie, for your prompt list: I would like Barry/Joe + 12, because honestly there can never be to much of their father/son-relationship for me. Thank you so much!
Day 3 of The Flash countdown drabbles for me! :D
Thanks so much for requesting Joe & Barry, Anon! (if you see this, lol) It’s not that I don’t looove to write westallen, but it’s fun to actually get a pairing requested that isn’t the usual pairing. What I concocted is pretty angsty, but there is a sweetness to it near the end. I hope you enjoy. :)
Line Prompt: “Lookinto my eyes, what do you see?”
Joe took a seat on the other side of the glass and waited.He never imagined he’d be here again; not in this way, not visiting an innocentman who meant something to him and was unjustly placed behind bars. For yearshe’d believed Henry Allen was guilty of his wife’s murder. The reality that hewasn’t weighed heavily on him a long time, just as this was weighing on himnow.
More time than he liked to admit, he’d considered tellingBarry to run – to just run and never look back, set up shop in another town,state, country, earth. Earth, preferably. The CCPD would never consider lookingfor him on another earth.
But he knew that would be a lot to ask of Barry. Not onlywould Joe be losing Iris in the process – they were married now. He couldn’task her to abandon her husband just because her father didn’t want to risknever seeing her again. But Barry would have to leave his whole life behindtoo. His job, his friends, his mantle as the Flash of Central City… And just ashe’d told Iris, they’d never be able to stop running if his adversaries knewhis true identity. The same would be the case if he flashed out of prison andnever looked back.
Joe had almost bent the rules past what would’ve beenunthinkable just a few years ago. It’s Barry, his mind had insisted until Ralphshook some common sense into him, took him out of his fatherly subjectivebubble.
It wasn’t right, but damn it all if there didn’t seem to bea single other thing to get Barry out of this. His boy had been through so muchand was finally happy. Everyone was finally happy. For Clifford Devoe to get undertheir skin like this and set the perfect trap made his blood boil.
Guilt weighed on him too, as it had on everyone on the teamin Barry absence; what if they had believed him right away about Devoe? Maybehe wouldn’t have broken into their house. Maybe he wouldn’t have gotten arestraining order. Maybe the cards wouldn’t have been stacked up against himfrom the very start because Devoe made him look crazy even to the people whobelieved in him the most.
Even Iris.
Joe knew maybe a part of her had believed in him from thestart, but the way Barry had gone about it made him look crazy, and so shecouldn’t get onboard. None of them could until there was solid proof. By thenthough it was too late, and now here they were without a Flash, without theirBarry Allen, the ever-present fear hanging over their heads – what if they never got him out?
The blaring sound and opening and closing of a large metaldoor on the other side of the glass jolted Joe out of his thoughts. He lookedup and saw a ragged shell of a man sit across from him. He’d only been in theretwo weeks, but it had definitely started to show. His face was covered inscruff. His eyes looked tired, empty. And his hair was unkempt. Joe made amental note to remind Cisco that they had to get those bars in to Barry soon orhe might be skin and bones the next time anyone saw him.
Joe watched as Barry picked up the phone on his side of theglass and followed suit. For a moment they just sat there staring at eachother, attempting half-hearted smiles at the irony of the situation.
“Hey, Joe,” Barry finally said, his voice raspy as if hehadn’t used it in a while.
“Hey, Bear,” he returned, his voice low and gentle. “How…”he hesitated, “How are you doing in there?”
Barry tried to laugh but it came out more of a cough.
“As good as can be expected, I guess.”
Joe had to commend him for not spitting out sarcasm in asneering remark. He wouldn’t have blamed him if he had. It was a stupidquestion. He was obviously not doing well.
“As bad as you thought?” he asked carefully, but Barry justshrugged.
“How is everybody doing?” he asked instead, and Joe knew hewasn’t going to get anywhere further regarding Barry’s wellbeing.
“Okay,” he allowed. “Ralph has surprisingly stepped up. We’rehandling things well enough.”
“Caitlin, Cisco, Harry…”
“They’re all good,” he assured, “Pulling their weight.”
Barry opened his mouth and hesitated. Joe knew what wascoming.
“I would think you know that already, Bear. She comes to seeyou often enough.�� He forced a shaky smile, but Barry’s worried expression didn’tchange.
It was true that Iris had come very often already. Life wasbusy saving the city, especially with Barry not around to be the Flash, so Iriscouldn’t come as often as she would like. That said, she had been in almostevery other day.
“I know she’s putting on a brave face,” he said.
Joe sighed.
“Just like when I was sad about my mom or when I was in thespeed force…” His eyes flickered over to Joe’s. “She holds everyone up highuntil she can’t do it anymore, and then she…” He licked his dry lips andscooted a little closer. “Joe, this can’t break her. I know it is already, butit…it c-ca…” His voice broke and he turned away as tears welled in his eyes.
“Barry…” he tried, but there was know pulling Barry out ofhis grief. He was lost in his own head. “Barry,” he tried again but to noavail. He placed his hand on the glass harder than he needed to in order tocause some noise. “Son, look at me. Look at me. Barry.”
Reluctantly, Barry caved and turned back to the man who hadraised him for half his life. He swallowed hard, trying to let himself be opento emotion and not break at the same time.
“Look into my eyes,” he said, then waited till Barry focused.“What do you see?”
“Lack of sleep,” he blurted, so his emotions wouldn’t draghim further down into the pit of despair he’d fallen into.
Joe waited, so he sighed and let the dark and guilt takeover.
“Guilt,” he said quietly, his voice heavy with anguish. “Worry,concern, uncertainty…hopelessness.” He looked away. He couldn’t look anymore.
“Love,” Joe saidbefore he could sink away entirely. “Barry. Barry.” He tapped on the glassuntil his boy lifted his head again and met his gaze. “Love is what you shouldsee,” he said. Barry swallowed and nodded. “And not…” He shook his head. “Nothopelessness. None of us have given up on you. We’re not going to stop fightingto get you out of here, and we’re never going to believe you’re guilty of whatthey say you are. We’re behind you every step of the way, and we’ll be with youto the end. I will be with you tillthe end.”
Barry nodded and held his gaze. Joe smiled softly in return,feeling a sense of some sort of accomplishment in what had transpired.
“I love you, son,” he said.
“I love you, too.”
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