#nowhere else to go though yay yippee
heartbeetz · 6 months
Everything is so much forever
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frogmanfae · 8 months
Newsies as Things I Heard This Week Part 3
Race, who decided to fuck around and take an intro to med course: Boogers, man *solemn nodding*
Literally everyone else who was having a normal conversation 2 seconds ago: ...
Race: They have a purpose
Davey: What's on your dress?
Romeo: Are those corn dogs?
Jack: They're popsicles!
Katherine: No!! They're otters!! You're like the third person! They're two otters swimming next to each other and holding hands because otters holding hands is the cutest thing ever!
Romeo: Ohhh I see it now
Katherine: I would wear a dress with corn dogs on it though, that sounds pretty cool
I'm gonna drop out
Spot: What happened
Race: Change my name
Spot: What happened??
Race: Move to another state-
Spot: What happened???
Davey: He was talking to his english teacher while she was trying to grade and she asked him to shut up
Spot: ooh... That's rough buddy
Jojo: Uh... I think it's red?
Buttons: Damn that's a big apple!
Jojo: I know it's like huge-
Buttons: What kind is it??
Buttons and Elmer: ...
Elmer: *bursts into laughter*
Buttons: *gasping for air* I mean... Are we talkin gala, pink lady, honey crisp...?
Albert: Do you ever want to just start some chaos for no reason?
Jojo: Oh! Uh... *laughing but the crying kind* I don't know...
Race: Absolutely-
Albert: Because right now I just wanna- I'm fighting an urge
Elmer: *out of nowhere, directed at no one, for no reason* itty bitty titty committee
Race: What? Literally what did you just say?
Davey, running on an hour of sleep, three monster energies, and the crippling anxiety that if he takes a break he will have failed his entire family: It's like thing that there where like... What is that?
Davey: Where all the words are the same? Oxymoron!
Race, who isn't an english scholar but is pretty sure that isn't right: ...no?
Davey: Wh- *realization* ... Alliteration. I meant allitera-
Davey: SHUT UP
Crutchie: Were you on the marching band bus with the penis game last year?
Davey: THIS IS ANTISEMITISM AND HOMOPHOBIA AND- UH- fuck what see am I? I'm something else, for sure, right?
Race:.... An immigrant?
Buttons: What?
Crutchie: The penis game
Buttons: No? Can I- I'm gonna need some elaboration
Crutchie: Okay so you say "penis" and you start really quiet and then the next person-
Buttons: Okay I understand. I need no more instruction, I know what to do now. I'm so glad I've been given the honor to bring this to Bus 1
Denton, addressing the marching band kids on expectations before they leave for their first away game of the season: Did I cover everything? Is everything said?
Medda: Language!
Denton, very obviously tired: Oh yes! Language. Only use the good words, not the bad ones. Like... Yay and... Yippee.. Oh darn... Holy smokes... Things like that...
Romeo: The trombone section shirt is going to say "I'm about to blow" and it's gonna have a trombone with a bomb
Henry: Why the bomb?
Romeo: So people think we're talking about explosions but actually... Cum
Henry: I mean the trumpet shirts say "I'm horny" so-
Romeo: RIGHT?! THAT'S WEIRD! If they can have that we can have this.
Elmer: Please don't quote me on that
Buttons: I'm quoting you on that
Elmer: Nooo...!
Denton: *chainsaw imitation in the middle of teaching class*
Davey and Spot: *autistic discussion about angler fish* (I wasn't able to write all of this down because deadass this conversation about angler fish lasted 20 minutes in the middle of my creative writing class instead of doing our work)
Elmer: *tricks his cat into thinking he has a treat when he, in fact, does not* Look he's looking at me like "you whore I knew you were lying"
Denton, teaching biology: This is called phagocytosis (fag-oh-sigh-toe-sis)
Davey and Race: *bombastic side eye*
Crutchie: *trying not to laugh*
Denton: It occurs when a phagocyte (fag-oh-sight) essentially, like- *eats* another piece of biological material in the body-
Davey and Race: *BOMBASTIC SIDE EYE*
Medda, to her english class: Oh don't read that that's hetero
Les: you just use your tippies *talking about fingertips*
Davey: ... *trying so hard not to laugh*
Davey: I'm gonna touch you with my tippies
Race: *trying and failing not to laugh*
/after Les leaves/
Albert: *gets his heart broken by a guy* I'm straight now!
Henry: No!
Albert: I'm taking the rainbow heart pin off of my bag right now!!!
Race: I support you, I'm shopping for a straight pride pin to replace it
Elmer: Relationships are give and take, lately you've only been giving and he's only been taking you should really end that
Albert: thank you! A true friend
Race: here, here's an ally pin-
Albert: no I'm straight up homophobic after this
Race: oh shit
Crutchie: Damn okay look at you getting deep, freshman??
*long line to get in through a door*
Buttons: *opens a second door*
Denton: Oh there we go, second option. Always use plan b!
Jack: *snorts*
Davey: *side eye*
Race: *deep voice* get off my property
Race: You should keep that one in mind
Davey: I'm having a hard time seeing what I could use Plan B for
Jack: It's so weird to hear you using your straight guy voice
Race: *southern deep voice* oh yeah-
Race: *still in the voice* I was born in South Carolina
Race: *still in the voice* In another life I coulda been a cowboy
Buttons, about Oscar: Nah girl that is more than a bad day that's a bad YEAR-
Spot, sarcastically: It's governMENt not governWOMANt so sit down
Denton, teaching a band class: It's like your tongue is ever so slightly flicking the note-
Sarah, jokingly: :0
Davey, also a drummer: *trying (and failing) not to laugh* shut up
Spot, a drummer and therefore not a part of the tongue flicking thing: *starts laughing*
Specs: It's like we're a travelling truffle of elephants-
Romeo: Is that-
Specs: Yes that's the right term
Denton, about a halftime peice: No no it can't be that
The entire band: ah- pff- uh-
Denton: i's not funny anymore now it's just sad
Race: Alright I'm going to the bathroom so no funny conversations while I'm gone
*2 minutes later the book falls*
Race: Everyone point and laugh at her because her book is slowly falling off her desk
Davey: It's not that funny
Davey: *snorts*
Elmer: You have a cartoon character frown
Davey: shut up
Davey: What
Elmer: Like your frown is cartoony
Davey: I dropped ap chem
Jack: What?
Davey: I'm taking ceramics now
Jack: You-
Davey: I dropped chemistry for ceramics
Jack: You're so real for that
Albert: AH- You did not just L my jeans that are black!
Elmer: Okay but why would you have edibles if you could just have gummies
Jack, who has never actually done drugs of any kind in his life: I mean like drugs tho
Elmer: Okay but would you rather have a bowl of fruit gummies or like 3 edibles
Jack: But-
Elmer: Infinite fruit gummies or-
Buttons: We should give birds space suits and just send them up there
Davey: Huh?
Race: I'd get arrested if I was a politician
Buttons: See if they would fly without air
Davey: I feel like you aren't thinking any of this through
Romeo: Aren't the best politicians attested at some point? (/sarcastic)
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