#oc: aloysius trevelyan
melisusthewee · 2 years
happy friday Mel!!! for dadwc, “I accidentally punched a Templar. A few times. At least ten.” with Quinn + any character(s) of your choice?💜💜
This prompt made me laugh when I saw it, as I knew immediately it almost didn't matter who the other character was - Quinn was absolutely the sort of fool who would punch a templar with all their sharp pokey armour. Which then made me realize the other character should probably be his templar brother. So here we are! I never expected I'd write more Trevelyan brother interactions before the Conclave explosion but the prompt called for more antics!
You Should See The Other Guy for @dadrunkwriting
After a long day of standing at his post in the cold, Aloysius wants nothing more than to sit for a while by a warm fire with a bowl of hot stew and maybe a mug of ale - even if what the little tavern serves down the mountain in Haven is little more than watery piss ale.  He hasn’t had a decent meal in ages, not since he left Wycombe but at least the food here is typically hot.
But when he approaches the tavern, there’s a larger crowd than usual outside.  Scuffles and fights are not unusual between any number of templars and any number of mages with tensions being what they are.  The clerics and sisters try to keep the peace along with a number of Chantry-sanctioned mercenaries, but Aloysius is of the opinion that they do a rather poor job of it.  That the majority of mages find it wise to keep to themselves does more good than any mediator could hope to do.
There are no mages present, however, which means this is likely just an alcohol fueled argument between any number of blowhards that got a little out of hand.  And sure enough, a couple of Chantry soldiers appear in the doorway hauling one such blowhard out of the tavern.  At least it’s over, he tells himself, which means he can still get himself dinner.
As he passes the pair who are half-carrying, half-struggling to restrain their angry friend, one of them notices and shouts in his direction.
“Oi!  You’re one of them Trevelyans, aren’t you?  This prick is one of yours!”
Aloysius sighs.  There are plenty of distant relations all over the place.  And yet, he feels like he can guess who the troublemaker is before he gets a good look at him.  Not that he needs to.  He knows only his brother could be at the center of a bar fight anywhere in the world even before they’re dropping the heavily inebriated fool at his feet.
When Aloysius gives no indication of helping him to his feet, Quinn pricks himself up, patting dirt and snow off the front of his quilted gambeson.  He is a mess, though Aloysius has rarely seen him when he is not, but this time Quinn’s right cheek looks rather swollen and when he spits into the snow there is blood.
“Did they knock your teeth out?”
Quinn pauses for a moment before baring his teeth in a very red and bloody grin.  “I don’t know, did they?”
“Not this time, at least.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Quinn says, looking angrily over his shoulder towards the tavern.  “Won’t play cards with your lot again.  Not until they learn how to lose.”
Aloysius sighs again.  He finds he does it a lot whenever his brother is around.  “You got caught cheating at cards again?”
Quinn straightens up, puffing out his chest and looking haughtily up at him.  He is trying to look intimidating, but no matter how hard he tries, Aloysius will always be several inches taller.  He’s sure that irritates him almost as much as being called a cheat.
“Just because I’m very good doesn’t mean I cheat.  In fact, that’s the problem, isn’t it?  Haul me out here, saying I’m trouble… just because when they refused to pay up, I told them to fucking dare.”
“What a fine use of your words.  I can’t imagine why they were so upset.”
Quinn does not seem to pick up on the sarcasm as he fishes around in his mouth for a moment before wiping at his bloody lip.  “No, they were upset because I accidentally punched one of them.”
“Once… twice… ten times, maybe.”
Aloysius curses quietly to himself which is not something he does often.  But Quinn tends to have that sort of effect on people.  And as he grabs his brother by the collar to haul him off to a trough and sober him up, Aloysius is very much of the opinion that this Conclave cannot end soon enough.
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kirkwallgremlin · 4 years
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Still a WIP because I’d like to add details like shading and a background but here’s my Trevelyan kids shortly before Avery is sent to the Circle in 9:24! 😍💕
From left to right, Delcina Adelaide (aged 7), Aloysius Julien (aged 5), and Avery Oralia (aged 9). Not pictured: Imogen Gayle, born the year after this in 9:25, when Avery is already in the Circle.
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ladynorbert · 7 years
Victoria 😃
Thank you! Toria is the Lady Inquisitor, one half of the leadership duo in my fic All This Sh*t is Twice as Weird.
Full Name: Victoria Hope TrevelyanGender and Sexuality: Female, heterosexualPronouns: She/HerEthnicity/Species: Human, from the Free Marches (roughly the equivalent of Irish)Birthplace and Birthdate: Ostwick, 9:18 DragonGuilty Pleasures: Chocolate, watching Cullen do pretty much anything, reading all of Varric’s books (yes, even Swords and Shields)Phobias: Spiders; she also has a bit of separation anxietyWhat They Would Be Famous For: She’s the Lady Inquisitor.What They Would Get Arrested For: Being a heretical little upstart. ;)OC You Ship Them With: None. She marries Cullen Rutherford.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Her brother Aloysius maybe? He doesn’t like her, although he probably wouldn’t resort to murder. Probably.Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Action/adventure serialsLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Damsel in distressTalents and/or Powers: She’s one of only two people with a mysterious glowing mark on her hand that enables her to stop demons from flooding the world. She’s also a pretty good diplomat, an expert rider, and a skilled swordswoman.Why Someone Might Love Them: She’s very sweet and just wants everybody to be happy.Why Someone Might Hate Them: She’s perhaps a bit self-righteous sometimes.How They Change: She gains a greater confidence, loses some of her naivete, and has her faith tested.Why You Love Them: She can be the hero I can’t.
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melisusthewee · 2 years
ayyyyy happy Friday! For dadwc, “being carried in a grownup's arms” for Quinn and maybeeee his dad? 👀
Thank you for this one! There is no plot, just vibes. But I think that's okay! I couldn't think of a proper title so I just made something silly, but I feel it is important for you to know that Papa Trevelyan basically looks like Quinn but with a close-cropped beard. (A comparison that Quinn absolutely hates when he's an adult and gets told how much he looks like his father, but he's only 7 months old here so no complaints yet.)
In Which We Are Introduced to DILF Trevelyan for @dadrunkwriting
Bann Fitzwilliam Trevelyan had been around enough babies in his life to know that each and every one of them were unique and often odd and unconventional.  He had sat on the floor of his study once, tearing up bits of paper and watching his son Emile squeal and laugh in delight.  It wasn’t colourful tissue, just plain paper.  And for some reason, the baby thought it was the funniest thing in the world.  He remembered one particularly hot month the previous summer when he had shaved his beard for comfort, and Philomena had burst into tears when she saw him as she couldn’t recognize him without it.  Octavian had gone through a phase where he didn’t want anything to do with him at all, and Aloysius had decided his very first winter that he did not want anything on or touching his feet no matter how cold it got.
So when his youngest son decided he wanted absolutely nothing to do with the bonnet both his mother and several nurse maids tried to wrestle him into, the bann thought it wasn’t the worst thing in the world to have a meltdown over.  If anything, he found the whole thing rather amusing as he watched three women try and fail to outmuscle a very determined baby with very little but very strong fists.
His wife, however, did not agree.  It had not been Quinn’s first tantrum of the day, nor his second, or even his third.  She had been contending with a baby who was fussing more than usual, who would cry for feedings but then latch on too tightly or decide he wasn’t actually interested in anything other than expressing his displeasure at his overall existence.  She thought it might be another round of colic - he seemed to suffer it more than any of the other children had - and seeing her husband standing there being entirely useless and all too amused with himself was something she decided she was going to have none of today.
“It’s your turn, Fitz.  Perhaps you two can find amusement in being difficult together.”
He thought about telling her how any form of stubbornness was absolutely from her side of the family - all those loud and hot-blooded Fereldens he called his “in-laws” - but Octavia looked tired, frustrated, and all too fed up with her nurse maids just as much as Quinn was.  So he held his tongue, trying not to look too amused when his son took the momentary lapse in his mother’s attention to pull the bonnet off his head and wave it about in triumph.
Quinn’s contentment, however, was short-lived.  The moment he looked up and realized his mother was leaving without him, he began to cry, throwing himself backwards on the table he’d been sat on and acting for all the world like some great injustice had just been done to him.
“The Maker certainly saw fit to give you a flail for the dramatic,” said Fitz, more to himself than to his son.  Quinn kicked and waved about his little fists, determined to make as much of a fuss as possible until the bann carefully scooped him up into his arms.
At first Quinn continued to cry, but Fitz had learned through four other children when a cry became half-hearted and more on principle than anything genuinely heartfelt.  Sure enough, as he bounced the baby gently in his arms, Quinn’s pitiable wails became much smaller whimpers.
“You see?  The world hasn’t ended after all.”
Quinn made a soft little noise, sticking several of his fingers in his mouth as he turned his head to stare up at his father.  He seemed to be considering what to do next, but then Fitz tickled his cheek with his free hand and Quinn responded with a toothless smile.
Fitz smiled back, but the redness of his son’s gums did not escape his notice.  It all seemed to make a lot more sense now - his wife’s complaints, Quinn’s increasingly irritable mood, all the tears and fussing, and certainly the drool.
The baby was teething.
For a moment, he felt sad, holding his son close as Quinn rested his head on his shoulder with a contented little sight.  He hadn’t really considered that all of the exciting firsts would also be the lasts of anything - the last time one his babies cut their first tooth, the last time they took their first step, or eventually said their first word.
Then again, perhaps he was getting ahead of himself.  Quinn could sit up on his own, but he was still very unsteady on his feet.  He would show short bursts of enthusiasm, but seemed to tire of crawling quite easily.  Perhaps that was best for now.  No doubt this child would be plenty of trouble once he was confidently mobile.
“Let’s see if we can’t do something about those poor gums of yours, hmmm?” he said, smiling when Quinn babbled a response back at him.  “A little bit of brandy used to work for your brothers.  But you have to promise not to tell your mother.”
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melisusthewee · 2 years
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I was very fortunate to be able to commission @bonksoundeffect for these two painted portraits of two of my Trevelyans!
I can't gush about these two enough! On the left, Inquisitor Quinn Trevelyan... the disaster boy... the blorbo... I love the head tilt and the pose! The smirk and the inclusion of the pipe! His hair just looks so soft, and he's so bright and vibrant and those blue eyes just stare into you. And his older brother Aloysius on the right... the grim, the stoic, the long-suffering 6'4" ginger Templar. I really love how the more muted colours of his portrait contrast against Quinn's. Desi was able to do such amazing work and got them both exactly how I viewed them in my heads, and it's just so amazing to see these two boys come to life like this!
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melisusthewee · 3 years
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Aloysius does not care about mages or templars. There are no Circles, there is no more Order. There is just him, huddled by a fire that every gust of wind threatens to snuff out, left only to his thoughts and the realization that he will have to write that letter home after all.
Dearest Mother, he was more selfless in the end than any of us realized.
Dear Father, I should have done more to protect him.
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melisusthewee · 3 years
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Sunday Funday drawing some Trevelyan brothers just because.
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melisusthewee · 3 years
Fic - A Mage Would Be Far Less Trouble
Summary: One minute Aloysius Trevelyan was walking from the Valley of Sacred Ashes, irritated that his relief had never arrived. The next minute, the world exploded into fire and light and demons. Several days later, he sits in Haven, nursing a broken arm and trying to compose a letter home about a brother he realizes he misses more than he expected.
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairings: none
Rating: Is it PG if I get in my one F-bomb?  Is that how this works?
Words: 1,522
Notes: While this is a near direct sequel to the previous drabble, don’t expect too much of that from me as work through publishing my backlog of completed fics and ficlets.  I’m honestly just as surprised as you!  Ironically, Aloysius wasn’t originally supposed to survive by certain people convinced me otherwise.  I know this is light on actual Quinn content, but sometimes a girl has to write templars being templars and bros being bros... or something.
Trying something new so no jump cut this time.  Instead just click the link below to go to AO3.
A Mage Would Be Far Less Trouble (on AO3!)
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melisusthewee · 3 years
Fic - The Brothers Trevelyan (Dragon Age)
Summary: Templars, mages, and Chantry soldiers mingle uneasily in the Valley of Sacred Ashes.  Among them is a single templar who doesn’t care about mage rebellions or broken Circles, and is content to stand guard and do as he’s told.  Moments before the world turns itself upside down, Aloysius Trevelyan is just trying to be a good soldier while his brother Quinn seeks to stir up trouble.  A look at two very different brothers and a tumultuous relationship in a place where only one of them gets to be the hero.  Based again on a prompt from the DA Subreddit’s Weekly Writing Challenge.
Fandom: Dragon Age
Pairings: none
Rating: G
Words: 1,367 words
Notes: Introducing the “Archers Do It With Flair” series - a collection of all the little one shots and drabbles written as part of the DA Subreddit Weekly Writing thread that quite frankly don’t fit into any larger or longer fics but serve to flesh out my world state and all the poor souls who inhabit it.  (Or at least the Inquisitor.)  Some will be long, some will be short, some will be smutty, and some will be... I don’t know.  Stuff.  And things.  This one is more character introduction than anything else, but was the drabble which led to me developing Quinn and his relationship with his family more.  And I’m kind of proud of that.
As always, click the link below to read this on AO3 or you can read the rest directly on Tumblr below the cut.
The Brothers Trevelyan on AO3
His relief was late.  It had been nearly half an hour and Aloysius was beginning to grow hungry.  Some of the other templars who had passed by his post had mentioned there was a bit of a commotion further down the mountain, something about the Champion of Kirkwall… or maybe it was someone else from that corner of the Marches… everyone he asked told it differently.  In any event, it didn’t seem too relevant to active guard duty around the temple, and was no reason for his relief to be as late as they were.
Movement off to his right caught his attention, and Aloysius turned hoping to see an approaching soldier.  Instead it was a mage, hurrying from some small side entrance of the temple.  Aloysius frowned on instinct; seeing mages running about the place unchecked was not something he was used to.  But they’d been told to stand down and not bother anyone unless something seemed suspect.  And very little about the woman looked suspicious, especially when a second mage appeared shortly after her, his cheeks flushed and his robes still slightly askew.
Aloysius sighed inwardly.  He was fairly certain that romantic entanglements on sacred ground was cause for discipline, but as his stomach growled he realized he had far more pressing concerns than a couple of mages sniffing around beneath each others robes.
He turned back to his diligent watch up the mountain path, hoping for any sign of an approaching figure.  But once again his concentration was interrupted by the sound of a door being swiftly shut and Aloysius turned to see a familiar person appearing from where the mages had come from.  He made a sound of disgust, loud enough for the person to hear.  The man looked up from where he was pre-occupied buttoning up his coat and adjusting his trousers, and flashed Aloysius an arrogant grin.
“Is nothing safe from your debauchery?” he said, frowning in disapproval.
The grin wavered only for a moment as the man ran his fingers through his hair and sidled up next to Aloysius.  “The Maker loves all his children, dear brother.”
Aloysius looked his younger brother up and down carefully.  His cheeks were flushed and he wasn’t quite quick enough to wrap his scarf around his neck in order to hide the several telltale marks that made it very clear exactly the sort of thing he’d been up to with the mages.  “I doubt the Maker gets involved in any of your business, Quinn.”
His brother looked entirely unapologetic.  “How are we to know?  He never speaks, no matter how loudly one calls out His name.”
Aloysius thought he was going to be sick and made a very distinct sound at the back of his throat.  “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”
“Eventually,” Quinn replied, reaching into his coat and taking out a well-worn pipe.  It wasn’t long before the pungent smell of smoke filled the air.  Aloysius hated the smell, and his brother knew it.  His brother also had likely figured out that Aloysius was on duty and therefore unable to leave despite how much both men preferred to avoid each other’s company.  “Sadly, they don’t give me the exciting jobs like standing vigil on a mountain far removed from anyone of any importance.”
“Being assigned to the temple is an honour,” Aloysius said stiffly.
Quinn laughed, although Aloysius thought it sounded more like a snort.  “So you’ve seen the Divine then?  She’s come round to bring the blessings of Our Lady upon you?  The Lord Seeker requested that Ser Trevelyan specifically guard this out of the way corner of the temple?”
“Shut up.”
Quinn looked surprised at the outburst.  Yes, Aloysius was usually patient with his brother and not only because his patience often frustrated Quinn to no end, but his belly was empty and his temper short - especially in his present company.  Aloysius watched as Quinn took a step back, seeming to consider him carefully in a manner that looked like there was far too much going on inside that silly blond head to be good for anyone.
“You haven’t seen the Lord Seeker, have you?”  That insufferably sly smile was back on Quinn’s face.
“I’ve spoken with a Seeker,” Aloysius said, choosing his words carefully.
“But not the Lord Seeker?  The one who’s supposed to be leading your side in the talks?”  Aloysius began to tell Quinn how the templars were not his side and that he wasn’t invested in the ongoing war beyond whatever orders or duties his commanding officer gave him these days, but his brother wasn’t listening.  “The mages hadn’t seen the Grand Enchanter either.  They’d been told she was supposed to be arriving from Redcliffe, but everyone of importance is just… around… somewhere.”
“You managed to get all of that out of a couple of mages?” said Aloysius, his voice dripping with skepticism.  For the first time, Quinn appeared to look genuinely offended, gesturing to himself as if the answer should have been obvious.  Aloysius rolled his eyes, and went back to staring up the mountain road, praying his relief would come and give him an excuse to leave.
He heard his brother grumble something to himself, and smiled knowing that his reaction had not been the one Quinn was hoping for.  For a moment, he thought that perhaps the man would leave to find some sort of entertainment elsewhere, but no such luck.  Instead Quinn kicked absently at the snow with his boot, pouting like a spurned child.
“You’re grumpier than usual.”
“My relief is late,” Aloysius replied stiffly.
Quinn scratched his head, looking genuinely confused as he cast about the area, taking note of how empty their surroundings were.  “You could just leave.  I don’t think the Conclave is going to fall apart just because a single templar went for lunch.”
“I take my duty seriously.”
The younger man sighed dramatically.  “Yes, yes, we know… darling Aloysius, pious as a saint.  It wouldn’t kill you to break the rules once in a while.  You might even find you enjoy it.”
“We all have our parts to play.  You might consider yours sometime.”
The frown that fell upon Quinn’s face made him look an awful lot like their father.  Aloysius considered that was something better kept to himself, however.  It was clear that his words had touched a nerve, regardless of whether he’d intended to insult his brother or not.  In retrospect, he probably should have known better.  It was common knowledge among their siblings that despite their best intentions in trying to bring the youngest of them around to a respectable path, any time one of them said a word, Quinn doubled down on his embarrassing habits at the best of times, and tended to cause a scene at his worst.  Aloysius wasn’t sure which one he was about to be witness to.
“Oh, believe me, I’ve considered it at great length,” Quinn said coldly, tapping the bowl of his pipe and scattering the ashes across the snow.  He took a moment to stamp on them for good measure - a bit aggressively, Aloysius thought - before returning his things to his coat pocket and turning to leave.  “I hope your relief arrives soon.  Mother and Father would be terribly upset if they lost one of their good sons because he starved to death in the line of duty.”
He knew he should let him go.  Quinn was not a child and should not be treated as such.  But he was still his brother, and a Trevelyan, and ever since he’d turned up among the Chantry brothers, Aloysius knew that he was expected to try and keep him level headed and out of trouble if not for the family’s sake but for Quinn’s.  But as he called after him to stop, Quinn only replied with a rude gesture and kept walking.
Well, if that’s how he wanted it then fine with him.  Aloysius straightened his shoulders and settled back into his post, watching the top of the path that led back to Haven.  Still no sign of his relief.  And try as he might to ignore his stomach, he was becoming awfully hungry…
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melisusthewee · 3 years
OC Height Chart
This was neat albeit frustrating because the one thing we don't use metric for here is height. So I had to sit here with a calculator and converter and convert all these imperial heights into metric. But thank you for tagging me @cleverblackcat and @morganlefaye79 . I forgive you both for making me do math. ;)
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I suppose it's a bit boring when you only have one world state and therefore only one set of DA protagonists! You know, for the longest time I thought about having Hawke be the tallest of my protagonists, but then I remembered that Carver is described as being tall and sturdy and so I figured he was taller than his sister and I didn't want to make them obscene giants. So Quinn manages to still come in as the tallest protagonist by a mere 3 cms.
Also I hope my match checks out as the heights are supposed to be 5'7" (Briana), 5'11" (Marian), and 6'0" (Quinn).
As a bonus, since they're also OCs, here's all of the Trevelyan children.
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I would say only the youngest three's heights are pretty firmly canon. Quinn is definitely the smallest of the boys (because I'm mean like that), but I thought Emile being just barely taller than him would have also contributed to the extreme hostility the two of them have towards each other.
Their mother likely has Ferelden blood in her family which is why they're all quite tall for Marchers - especially Aloysius who is pretty much built like a Ferelden farmer.
I don't know who to tag, so anyone should do this and have fun. But here are a few of you to poke: @inquisitoracorn @rosella-writes @darethshirl @1000generations
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melisusthewee · 2 years
Also 92 and 93 plssss 🥺🥺🥺
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
Have you any idea how hard it was to pick one???
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93. What's the most iconic line of dialogue they've ever said?
Not including game dialogue I guess since that's a bit of a cop-out... it's kind of hard to pick a single line because whenever I give Quinn dialogue it's more the context of the banter than the line itself that makes it memorable. He tends to say the most simple things but it's who he says it to and why that makes it stand out. Isolated, his dialogue is rather mundane and not exceptional in any way lol... Though if I do have to pick one, I think I might go with either this line said to Aloysius during one of my first fics "The Brothers Trevelyan":
"Sadly, they don't give me the exciting jobs like standing vigil on a mountain fair removed from anyone of any importance."
Or this line of dialogue said to his friend Horatio Morris from the Grand Tourney fic I'm currently struggling with:
"You'll have to be more specific. I've done a lot of things."
OC Questions!
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kirkwallgremlin · 3 years
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I don't have the brainpower to further develop ocs tonight so instead i spent my time making all my trevelyan sibs in a picrew <3
from top to bottom (and also in age order!), Aloysius, Delcie, Avery and Imogen :)
Avery is the current inquisitor and Imogen is the one I'm planning on developing more, though I'm still working out how :)
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melisusthewee · 2 years
The Big Book of Prompts
This post exists solely for the Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle, but anyone is welcome to send something over at any time. I will write (or at least attempt to write) almost any character from either DAO or DAI. Platonic companion interaction with or without the protagonist? Sure thing! Want some ships? I do that too!
Anything you see that’s bolded is what I would prefer to focus on this week.  If something is struck out it means I am not currently accepting prompts related to that category.
You can pick from the following pairings or for any solo characters featured in the below list:
Cousland & Morrigan
Alistair & Zevran
Cousland & Sten
Solas/Fade Spirits
Fade Spirits/Anyone Really (except Cole)
Inquisitor Trevelyan/Ser Morris
to be honest, I'd probably write m!Trevelyan/Nearly Anyone... the man gets around
Trevelyan Family antics aka little baby Inquisitor
Cassandra & Trevelyan (Aloysius only)
Solas & Trevelyan (Aloysius only)
Sera & Trevelyan
Dorian & Trevelyan
Cole & Trevelyan
Cullen & Trevelyan
OC/OC or OC & OC (just please specify which blorbos you’d like me to tackle)
For your choice of protagonists, I can offer:
Briana Cousland - sword and shield warrior; stubborn survivor and eventual queen
Quinn Trevelyan - tempest archer; bisexual disaster too charming for his own good
Aloysius Trevelyan - non-protag older brother to Quinn (one of three); stoic templar and long-suffering soldier
Hawthorne - non-protag/potential future game protagonist; lone Dalish hedgemage with a proclivity towards entropy magic, spirits, and scams; robbed the Inquisitor once and accidentally fell in love
Horatio Morris - non-protag; childhood best friend to Quinn during their squire Grand Tourney days; big gay knight; keeps bees
It’s Kinktober!!  Below you’ll find the bingo card!  Please feel free to send me a square from the card below with an additional prompt from my prompt list and a pairing featuring Quinn Trevelyan.  It does not need to be from the bolded lists.  Bolded prompts are things I’m vibing for this week in lieu of a Kinktober prompt.
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Childhood/Children prompts
Artifacts of Thedas prompts
Dragon Age inspired prompts
Dragon Age dialogue prompts
codex entry prompts
smut prompts
sexual tension prompts
sex tropes/pwp prompts
spooning prompts (platonic or otherwise)
emotional intimacy/pillow talk prompts
Untranslateable words prompts
OT3/trouple prompts plus bonus cuddling prompts
wordless ways to say “I love you” prompts
sensory prompts
Hurt/Comfort dialogue prompts
Will They/Won’t They relationship prompts
Difficult Recovery Prompts
Dialogue Responses
Eerie Prompts
Cold Weather Prompts
Eerie Autumn Prompts
I will also accept any sort of freeform prompt you might have or want, both SFW and 18+.
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