#oc: sebastián miller
Seb and Kenneth... either 26, 33 or 41? 🥺🥺
Kenneth would be the first to admit he wasn’t the best at making good, healthy decisions. In fact he could count his few good decisions on one hand, maybe two if he thought hard enough. The only thing was, he wasn’t used to seeing his bad decisions again. He always put as much space between himself and them as fast as he could and never looked back. But he wouldn’t exactly consider Sebastián a bad decision. In fact, he’d felt like a very good decision. And he still did, god did he look good. Kenneth stayed at his tucked away spot in the saloon, bringing his whiskey to his lips and watching as Sebastián moved through the crowd to the bar, ordering himself a drink. 
He was just as handsome as Kenneth remembered and for one of the first times, seeing someone he slept with again, he didn’t feel like sneaking out the back. Kenneth downed the rest of his drink and stood, walking over to the bar and to Sebastián. 
“Nice to see you again pretty boy,” Kenneth grinned as he leaned against the bar. 
Sebastián grinned and turned his head, looking Kenneth over and damn if that once over did make his skin prickle. 
“Come to hold a knife to my throat again?” Sebastián leveled him with a serious look but Kenneth wouldn’t be fooled. He smirked. 
“If I remember correctly, you enjoyed that.”
Sebastián turned a pretty pink and snorted, looking away from Kenneth who couldn’t help but puff up just a bit, always too damn proud of himself when he made someone else blush. Sebastián downed his drink rather than meet Kenneth’s eyes again and then turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow. 
“I didn’t think you stayed in one place for so long.” 
“Usually don’t, but there’s nothing here to make me feel like running just yet. What about you?” 
“Just looking for work.” Sebastián waved for another drink and Kenneth did the same. 
“Legal or otherwise?” Kenneth turned to lean his back into the bar and watch the patrons. There’s a few he’d been considering pickpocketing later, waiting till they were good and drunk and stopping them outside. Most of them probably didn’t have much on them but there were some in finer clothes that gave themselves away. They always did. 
“Now why would I tell you that?” Sebastian turned to face the same direction as Kenneth, looking over the crowd with him. Kenneth took the opportunity to look him over, to catch him at a moment where he was relatively at ease. The scar over Seb’s eye that he was desperate to know where he got it from, the piece of hair that fell in front of his eyes that Kenneth was tempted to push back, get a good look at his face again. Jesus, he sounded like a fool even to himself. 
Seb looked at him then and Kenneth couldn’t help but flash him a grin, met with another raised brow. 
“Figured you’re good enough to almost steal from me that maybe we could do something together. I’ve had my eyes on a few people here.” Kenneth lowered his voice and Sebastian seemed to consider it, looking Kenneth in his eyes for a moment before he sighed. 
“Kenneth, look,” he turned back to the bar and took a drink before turning to look Kenneth in the eyes, “I don’t know what impression you were left with last time but I’m not looking for a relationship of any kind and I do not need you to have some foolish ideas that,” 
“Oh hold on,” Kenneth laughed and held a hand up to stop Sebastián’s prepared speech, “before you continue with that thought and embarrass us both, what part of me getting dressed and immediately leaving after we were finished lead you to believe I had any romantic feelings for you? Or any inclination that this was more than physical?” 
Sebastián looked away and cleared his throat. “Nothing, I suppose.” 
“Listen, you’re pretty and it was amazing, I mean really,” Kenneth grinned, bit his lip and Sebastián laughed softly, “but don’t flatter yourself. You don’t need to worry about me falling in love with you.” 
Sebastián seemed pleased with that and some tension left his posture. He took another drink. 
“Glad we understand each other.” 
Kenneth finally picked up his drink and downed nearly half of it, trying to ignore the tiny ugly twisting in his stomach. He was fine with this being nothing more than physical, he didn’t know anything else anyways, that’s all he ever had. It didn’t bother him. It didn’t. 
“So, now that that’s settled, how about we rob some poor bastard together?” He rested his chin in his hand as he watched Sebastián’s face, tilting it when the man looked at him. Doing his best to look pretty; to be likeable. Old habits. “We can celebrate together afterwards.” He lowered his voice and reached his hand out gently brushing the back of his finger against Seb’s hand, “I’ll even bring my knives.” 
Sebastián gave a little grin, shaking his head a little before finishing his drink.
He acted like he was agreeing to something foolish and maybe he was. Maybe they both were. Kenneth could be making one of the most foolish decisions in his life, entertaining this and acting as if he could keep it nothing more than robbing and fucking. He was always bad at making good decisions. But nobody could pay him enough to care, especially with how good that night went. 
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halcyonmusings · 4 years
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OCS + BIOGRAPHIES (part two)
The Basics
Full Name: Arden Eilhart
Codename or Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: November 11th 1988
Birth Place: Fortuna
Nationality: British/Saudi Arabian
Organisation/Group: none (retired)
Former Affiliates: worked with Dante at the DMC shop
Family + Friends
Father: Vince Eilhart (deceased)
Mother: Cressida Hawthorne (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Dante, Lady, Trish, Lucia
Spouses: Vergil
Children: Nero, Freya (after 5)
Height: 5′10″
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: light brown
Any Scars: a few on her upper back and neck, which is why she prefers to wear turtle neck blouses
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears
Other Notable Features: her left eye is a little smaller than her right
Random Facts: she thought herself how to write with her left hand because she was bored back when her mother would lock her in her room
The Basics
Full Name: Rosalind Vitalis Winslow
Codename or Nickname: Rosa, by mostly everyone except MICAH she threatened to kill him if he ever called her that.
Birth Date: June 16th, 1872
Birth Place: Tumbleweed, New Austin
Nationality: Greek/American
Organisation/Group: Van Der Linde gang
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Tomas Vitalis  (deceased)
Mother: Julie Vitalis (deceased)
Siblings: Alena Vitalis
Friends: Arthur Morgan, Hosea Matthews (more like a father figure but yeah), Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, @honeybite ‘s oc Lua and @mooonbride‘s oc Violet, Kieran Duffy, Sadie Adler, Mary-Beth Gaskill, Tilly Jackson
Spouses: John Marston.... (Arthur Morgan in another world :\)
Children: Noah Marston
Height: 5′9″
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Colour: dark brown
Eye Colour: brown
Skin Colour: tan
Any Scars: one on her right eyebrow and another across her nose. she’s got a few gunshot wounds on her torso and a large scar on her right thigh
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: none
Other Notable Features: her nose is a little crooked from not healing right after she got in a fight with some bounty hunter
Random Facts: she doesn’t know how to put on makeup, so she relied a lot on mary-beth and karen. after the group disbanded, she never tried to do it herself.
The Basics
Full Name: Luna
Codename or Nickname: Courier lmao, Boss - by Raul which Luna tells him he doesn’t need to call her that but he’s like “okay boss” 
Birth Date: May 23rd, 2253
Birth Place: Mesa, AZ
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Mojave Express
Former Affiliates: NCR... very briefly
Family + Friends
Father: Charlie Luna (alive)
Mother: Anya Luna (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Arcade Gannon, my oc Leon Miller :p, Craig Boone (reluctant friend), Raul Tejada, Veronica Santangelo, Daniel
Spouses: J Money
Children: Gideon and Elias [redacted]
Height: 5′5″
Weight: 122 lbs
Hair Colour: light brown
Eye Colour: green
Skin Colour: medium tan with honey undertones
Any Scars: on her the side where she got shot in the head, a few on her knees
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: she likes to wear a baseball cap or a tie a piece of cloth around her head to cover the bald spot she got from the gunshots on her head :(
Random Facts: hates sunsparilla and almost dehydrated because she refused to drink it until Arcade made her drink it so she wouldn’t die hjfkljhkf
The Basics
Full Name: Drew Argento
Codename or Nickname: Fledgling :\
Birth Date: April 7th, 1980
Birth Place: Huntington Beach, CA
Nationality: American
Organisation/Group: Anarch
Former Affiliates: none
Family + Friends
Father: Sebastián Argento (alive)
Mother: Angela Argento (alive)
Siblings: none
Friends: Velvet Velour, Nines Rodriguez, Damsel, Smiling Jack, Mercurio
Spouses: he’s not her spouse, but Maximillian Strauss
Children: none
Height: 5′6″
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair Colour: black
Eye Colour: dark brown
Skin Colour: medium beige
Any Scars: none
Any Tattoos: none
Any Piercings: her nipples, ears, belly button
Other Notable Features: always has to wear pink even if it doesn’t match her outfit for the night
Random Facts: she’ll play britney’s greatest hits in the bar nines/damsel/jack hang out in and even in strauss’s chantry
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