#para : colette jacobson
merrickwccd · 3 years
the battle home.
who / merrick, @cxllettejacxbsxn & @victorbakker when / tuesday night what / the three of them murder their way to freedom xoxo. 
there was, however loosely, a plan. she thought. truthfully, merrick hadn’t been listening that much while victor and colette discussed ideas back and forth, kept nodding off knowing at least if the two of them were there, she was safe for the time being. no one was coming after them, no one was torturing them. it was their silences that made her nervous - had something happened that she hadn’t noticed? had she been out that long? 
normally it meant someone was coming around to check on them - ensure they were still there, as if there was anywhere for them to go. once, someone brought them water - dehydration was a bitch, and merrick knew that was partly to blame for her inability to focus. all she could thikn about was home - not fairvale, but riverside. her warm, comfortable bed with the various fairy lights she had strung around her room. soft music playing in the background, her sister bringing her hot cocoa while they looked up at the glow in the dark stars she’d stuck on her ceiling when she was eight. if she closed her eyes, she could pretend. and fiction was far better than reality at this point. 
“what do i have to do?’ she finally asked when things were quiet again - too quiet. she’d play her part, and do it well, she just needed direction. her mother did always say she should have gone into drama instead of cheerleading. “i can’t sit here any longer. are we going to make a move, or not?”
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sanamuse · 3 years
@apothecses​ with abrupt (kiss my muse out of the blue) for mateo & colette
she has no idea why he’s stayed with her, followed her really on what he claims is nothing but a suicide mission (but it’s yale and anything she has to go through in her quest to find her will be worth it as long as she reaches her in the end) all she knows is that she thinks she might be getting too used to having mateo around, she might be letting him too close and it terrifies her worse than any monster ever could.
(he’ll leave her eventually or send her away just like they all do and she doesn’t think, on top of everything else, she has any strength left to build herself back up yet again when the inevitable happens)
she’d messed up this time, the fact they’ve been forced to barricade themselves inside a storeroom in some abandoned old office building to avoid the dangers waiting for them outside was definitely her fault. don’t draw attention to herself, be as quiet as possible, it’s the only rule mateo’s insisted on the entire time they’ve been travelling together (she thinks maybe they’ve been on the road for a few months now but without a calendar or a diary to mark the days with she can't be sure) and usually she’s pretty good at following it despite the fact she’s built for attention.
but there’d been two men and a fight mateo looked like he was almost on the losing end of and she’d pulled her gun and shot before thinking the consequences through.
“you know i’m sorry right?” she’s not, at least not about the two dead assholes they’d left to rot outside - the walkers the gunshot had attracted, the fact they’d been forced to retreat when the sheer number of them had become too much to handle with just the two of them, she felt bad about that - but it seems like the right thing to say as he moves towards her, strides quick and purposeful and she’s sure he’s ready to wring her neck or bitch at her for fucking things up “but i didn’t...”
he cuts her off midsentence, one arm wrapping around her waist crushing their bodies together and a hand burying itself in her hair as his lips slant over hers, kissing away the excuses she had yet to make.
adrenaline maybe or a delayed reaction to the events they’d just escaped - she doesn’t know, but he’s never made a move before, never even indicated he’d wanted to even though she’s fairly sure he has to know she’s wanted him to despite how bad of an idea it is, but she allows herself a second to enjoy it, gripping his shoulders to pull him closer even as she pulls back “that’s definitely not what i was expecting.”
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yalejacobson · 3 years
closed starter for @cxllettejacxbsxn​
in the three days it took her sister to return after the rescue team left, yale never slept. instead, she camped out at the old paper’s office, organizing and cleaning until the entire place gleamed like it was brand new, probably cleaner than it had been in decades. it was officially ready to be up and running, really - yale had read all the manuals about how to operate the old printing press, had filed old editions of the paper to see what they had worked on, had found a chalk board where she could write out the list of the first few articles she wanted. 
small, happy pieces. the town needed some fucking good news. a one page paper, for now - three or four stories tops, front and back. nothing major, but an accomplishment, nonetheless. 
with colette back, yale was trying to find a boundary between too much and not enough. she let colette disappear - though her sister definitely thought she was sneaking out unknown - and tried not to have a panic attack about it. easier said than done, but yale had always been good about lurking in shadows and tracking people when she needed. so even if colette didn’t see her, yale was never far away. 
she needed to dive back into her own project, though, to give colette some space so they didn’t snap and kill one another. love was a convoluted commodity between the jacobson’s, and yale didn’t want to make things worse than they had been before now that colette was safe, back, okay enough. 
she left a simple note - at the paper  - and stuck the post it on colette’s head when she disappeared that morning, determined to give her sister space while still letting her know where she was. she had notes spread around her when the door opened - the sun streaming through, a pot of coffee filling the room with the familiar aroma of her former offices. “hey kiddo,” she greeted without looking up - who else would look for her there, enter the place no one even looked up at? “i think i’ve got a good article idea for you. if you wanna help out and get back to normal.”
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madfoley · 3 years
closed starter for @cxllettejacxbsxn​ the school dance. 
things had been almost easy since colette had come back - the two hid in her bedroom, doing regular things like painting their nails or smoking or laying on her bed divulging their secrets to one another. madison had owned up to some of her past - things she’d kept buried deep within her for so long that she’d forgotten how good it felt to let them out - and slowly, colette had let her into her world too. there were things they were both hiding still, she knew, but it was like having blake back again. different, because colette was unique in ways that still made her heart flutter a little, but similar enough to make her yearn, to make her feel warmth and smile when she thought of the other. 
she was trying to keep her crush under control. she knew colette would never feel the same way about her, and she wasn’t about to ruin the closest thing she’d had to a best friend in years because her hormones and loneliness got the best of her. but a dance wouldn’t hurt - they were, after all, at a dance, and madison had put on her dress specifically to feel something closer to normal again. 
“come dance with me,” she asked simply, holding out her hand - affection was something colette needed, something madison was still trying to get comfortable giving to the people around her - and she knew colette would see the invitation for what it was : a request to spend time together. “i asked merrick to hold off on ‘iris’ for awhile, and the kids seem okay. please?” 
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@sanamuse said:  Reverse: can i sleep with you (give me baby yalette)
Every night it was the same old shit: Yale would steal her mothers cigarettes, Fi would steal the keys to her mothers old Chevy, and they’d wreck havoc at the bar a few towns over where they conveniently ignored the fact that the two were blatantly high school aged. 
( and, really, when you were fucking the married police chief, who was going to pull you in for underage drinking? ) 
Sometimes she’d crash at Fiona’s, sometimes she’d crash with Colt, and every now and again, she’d even crash into her own room by the time the night was over, tugging off her jeans and kicking her boots to the side, her mother’s snoring loud as a hammer through the thin walls of their small home. 
On those nights, she always had a routine in and of itself: get herself a glass of water ( and some Tylenol, to stave off the inevitable hangover ), open Colette’s door just to make sure the twerp was still in there, and then crash before her mother opened her eyes to start her hellish life all over again.
Yale didn’t really know what the two of them did together - she remembered being Colette’s age, how their mother used her as a pawn to get money, to get sympathy, but she seemed to just...ignore Colette altogether. And it wasn’t like Yale had the time for her - she was a senior, getting ready for college, getting ready to run like hell get out of this town never look back but when her sister looked up at her with those stupid big brown eyes, how was Yale supposed to ever think about leaving? 
( she had to leave she needed to get out staying was the worst idea ever she’d kill their mother she’d kill colette and then to wrap it all out she’d kill herself ) 
So she kept her distance, making sure Colette had a lunch for school and breakfast before she left and then disappearing so that Colette wouldn’t get more attached to someone who’d disappear just as quick as her fucking deadbeat dad did the second the test turned pink ( if he was even her father, and the way their mother fucked around, Yale had her doubts. ) 
But that didn’t mean Colette didn’t idolize Yale. She knew it, and it grew a heavy weight in her stomach, the way Colette waited for her when she promised to come home, the way she lit up whenever Yale offered to give her some reprieve with a movie, with a drive, with getting away from their shitty mother. She encouraged her to go to her best friend Jessica’s as often as possible - it’s what Yale had spent her entire life doing with Fiona - but sometimes that wasn’t an option. 
( sometimes, Jessica’s dad was a fucking asshole. ) 
She was snoring softly when Yale came home for the night, her breath reeking of whiskey and cigarettes, and Yale was comforted in the small nightlight Colette still had in the corner of her room. ( yale still didn’t really like the dark herself. ) She shut the door quietly, going to wash the dark makeup off her face and brush her teeth before crawling into bed, an old teeshirt of Colt’s covering her as she collapsed underneath the covers. 
There was no telling how long it was - Yale was asleep, that was for sure, but how asleep she didn’t really know - before Colette was standing there, a teddy bear that used to belong to Yale in her hands and her thumb in her mouth. 7 was much too old to still suck your thumb, but Colette wasn’t exactly mothered properly, so Yale never said anything, just tugged the digit out until Colette told her what she needed. 
“What’s up, bug?” 
“I had a nightmare,” Colette confided, her small fist wrapped in Yale’s comforter, “can I sleep with you?” 
Normal sisters would have kicked her out. Most nights, Yale would have brought her back to her own room, her own bed and maybe told her a story before drifting back to sleep on her own. But Colette’s eyes were wet with unshed tears, and there was something so broken about her that she merely nodded, scooting over so her sister could climb in with her. 
Yale smoothed down her curls, petting her hair and Colette’s body relaxed against hers. There was a small part of her that felt terrified of what this meant - that she’d come to her instead of their mother - but a larger part of her felt something close to honor, to joy. Colette, a girl who had no reason to feel safe ever, felt safe with her. Felt comforted by her. 
Yale was a fuck up, obviously, but in Colette’s eyes, she was a savior. Someone safe. Someone she loved. And as the young girl fell back asleep, Yale found herself drifting easier than she had in awhile. She didn’t have much, no, but she would always have her little sister. 
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tuseriesdetv · 5 years
Noticias de series de la semana: ¿Tenemos nueva reina?
Amazon ha renovado Undone por una segunda temporada
Amazon ha renovado The Lord of the Rings por una segunda temporada
BBC Three ha renovado Back to Life por una segunda temporada
Netflix ha renovado Hache por una segunda temporada
BBC Three ha renovado The Young Offenders por una tercera temporada
Apple TV+ ha renovado Servant por una segunda temporada
La tercera temporada de Runaways (Hulu) será la última
La quinta temporada de Las chicas del cable (Netflix) será la última
BBC One ha cancelado Scarborough tras su primera temporada
Incorporaciones y fichajes
Según The Daily Mail, Imelda Staunton (Harry Potter, Pride) protagonizará la quinta y sexta temporada de The Crown. Netflix lo tilda de pura especulación, ya que la serie no ha sido renovada todavía. The Hollywood Reporter dice que la actriz sí está en conversaciones. El tiempo dirá.
Margo Martindale (The Americans, Sneaky Pete) interpretará a Lucianne Goldberg, la agente literaria que animó a Linda Tripp a grabar ilegalmente sus conversaciones con Monica Lewinsky, en la tercera temporada de American Crime Story.
Riley Keough (The Girlfriend Experience, Mad Max: Fury Road) protagonizará Daisy Jones and the Six, sobre una banda musical que alcanza el éxito en Los Ángeles en los años 70.
Joan Allen (The Contender, Room) será Amanda, la hermana mayor de Lisey (Julianne Moore) en Lisey's Story.
Taissa Farmiga (American Horror Story, The Nun), Denée Benton (UnREAL), Blake Ritson (Da Vinci's Demons, Krypton), Simon Jones (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Downton Abbey) y Louisa Jacobson se unen a The Gilded Age.
Danny Trejo (Machete, From Dusk Till Dawn), Julia Sweeney (Shrill, Work in Progress) y el rapero Wale se unen a la tercera temporada de American Gods. Trejo interpretará a otra de las encarnaciones de Mr. World.
Kelly Macdonald (Trainspotting, The Victim) se une a la sexta temporada de Line of Duty. Será Joanne Davidson, enigmática inspectora jefe cuya conducta poco convencional levanta sospechas.
Jonathan Banks (Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad), Richard Thomas (The Americans, It) y Seann Gallagher (Good Witch) serán James Clapper, director de Inteligencia Nacional; Chuck Rosenberg, antiguo administrador interino de la Administración de Control de Drogas; y Jim Rybicki, jefe de gabinete de Comey; en A Higher Loyalty.
Inbar Lavi (Lucifer, Imposters) será Max, un ladrona de coches, en tres episodios de Stumptown.
Juan Pablo Raba (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Narcos) protagonizará Coyote junto a Michael Chiklis. Será El Cartin, líder de un cártel familiar en México.
Aisling Franciosi (The Fall, Clique), John Procaccino (The Good Wife, Madam Secretary), Rob Huebel (Transparent, Childrens Hospital), Philip Ettinger (One Dollar, First Reformed) y Michael Greyeyes (True Detective, Fear The Walking Dead) se unen a I Know This Much Is True. Serán la versión joven de Dessa Constantine (Kathryn Hahn); Ray Birdsey, el padrastro de Dominick y Thomas (Mark Ruffalo); Leo, el mejor amigo de Dominick; la versión joven de los hermanos; y Ralph Drinkwater, antiguo compañero de clase de los hermanos.
Efrat Dor (Mayans MC, Sneaky Pete) será la científica Eva McCulloch en la segunda parte de la sexta temporada de The Flash.
Adam Rose (Veronica Mars, Merry Happy Whatever) y Taylor Black (Dynasty) serán recurrentes en la segunda temporada de L.A.'s Finest. Serán Nathan Baker, un hombre recién salido de prisión tras ocho años por intento de asesinato; y Emma, la hermana de una víctima cuyo asesinato persigue a Syd (Gabrielle Union).
David Cross (Arrested Development, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt) será el productor musical Jerry Wexler en Genius: Aretha.
Adam Lamberg (Gordo) volverá en el revival de Lizzie McGuire.
Jamie Clayton (Sense8, Designated Survivor) será la agente Grace Powell en la segunda temporada de Roswell, New Mexico.
Cory Hardrict (The Oath), Joel Steingold (How to Get Away with Murder) y Salvador Chacon (Mayans MC) serán recurrentes en la tercera temporada de The Chi como Dante, rapero independiente;  Martin St. John, mánager de un fondo de inversión libre; y Tomas Gutierrez, enfermero que trabaja con Jada (Yolonda Ross).  
          Nuevas series
Netflix encarga Vikings: Valhalla, spin-off de Vikings, ambientado cien años después de la original, que contará la historia del explorador Leif Erikson, Freydis, Harald el Despiadado y William el Conquistador, primer rey normando de Inglaterra. Escrita por Jeb Stuart (The Fugitive, Die Hard) y producido por Morgan O'Sullivan (Vikings, Penny Dreadful).
Netflix encarga Maid, dramedia basada en las memorias de Stephanie Land (2019) que sigue a una madre soltera que comienza a trabajar como chacha para luchar contra la pobreza, la burocracia y la falta de vivienda.
Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones, Blade Runner) protagonizará y producirá la adaptación de The Staircase, documental true crime sobre el asesinato de Kathleen Peterson y el principal sospechoso, su marido, el novelista Michael Peterson. Escrita y producida por Antonio Campos (The Sinner, Afterschool). La serie busca cadena.
David Tennant (Broadchurch, Doctor Who) interpretará al asesino en serie escocés Dennis Nilsen en Des para ITV. Basada en el libro de Brian Masters (1985), escrito con la ayuda de Nilsen, y desarrollada por Luke Neal y Lewis Arnold. Jason Watkins (The Crown, Taboo) y Daniel Mays (Good Omens, Temple) interpretarán a Masters y al inspector jefe Peter Jay. Completan el reparto Ron Cook, Faye McKeever, Chanel Cresswell, Barry Ward, Tony Way, Bronagh Waugh, Laurie Kynaston, Ross Anderson, Ben Bailey Smith, Jay Simpson, Silas Carson, Stuart McQuarrie, Jamie Parker, Lex Sharpnel, Gerard Horan, Joel Morris, Jonathan Coy, Amy Booth-Steel, Ken Bones, Andrew Woodall y Amaka Okafor. Tres episodios.
Sky encarga Domina, drama que seguirá la vida de Livia Drusila (Kasia Smutniak; Loro, Dolce Fine Giornata), la madre del emperador romano Tiberio. Completan el reparto Liam Cunningham (Game of Thrones, The Hot Zone), Isabella Rossellini (Blue Velvet, Death Becomes Her), Matthew McNulty (Misfits, The Terror), Christine Bottomley (The End of the F***ing World, Back to Life), Colette Tchantcho (The Witcher), Ben Batt (Scott & Bailey, Jamestown), Enzo Cilenti (Game of Thrones, Luther) y Claire Forlani (Meet Joe Black, The Shadow Dancer) interpretando a Marco Livio, el padre de Livia; Balbina, una enemiga; Gaius, el futuro emperador; Escribonia, segunda esposa de Augusto; Antígona; Marco Vipsanio Agripa, colaborador de César Augusto; Tiberio Nero, el padre de Tiberio; y Claudia Octavia, emperatriz hija de Claudio. Creada y escrita por Simon Burke (Fortitude, Strike Back) y dirigida por Claire McCarthy (Ophelia, The Luminaries). Diez episodios.
La 1ª parte de la quinta y última temporada de Fuller House llega a Netflix el 6 de diciembre
La segunda temporada de Inside Edge llega a Amazon el 6 de diciembre
A Christmas Carol se estrena en FX el 19 de diciembre
Cobra se estrena en Sky One el 17 de enero
La segunda temporada de Project Blue Book se estrena en History el 21 de enero
La segunda temporada de Miracle Workers se estrena en TBS el 28 de enero
Ragnarok llega a Netflix el 31 de enero
La 1ª parte de la 5ª y última temporada de Las chicas del cable llega a Netflix el 14 de febrero
Intelligence se estrena en Sky One el 18 de febrero
La quinta temporada de Better Call Saul se estrena en AMC el 23 de febrero
Runaways - Temporada 3 y última
The Expanse - Temporada 4
Avenue 5
AJ and The Queen
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Foodie Love
Miracle Workers - Temporada 2
Better Call Saul - Temporada 5
Project Blue Book - Temporada 2
V Wars
Virgin River
Doctor Who - Temporada 12
Fuller House - Temporada 5a
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yalejacobson · 3 years
closed starter for @cxllettejacxbsxn​
there was a good chunk of colette’s life that yale had only really been a known presence instead of an actual person. from the age of 18 to 30, yale had been in chicago, only stopping in occasionally to check on her younger sister and visit old friends. sometimes she wondered what colette really knew about her - she was sure she’d heard stories from dex, from colt and fiona. the ones she’d left behind had watched over her sister for her, but she knew, deep down, it should have been her to be there. 
she should have taken her with her, made the 8 year old live in her dorm, figured something out. 
there were some things yale could never truly forgive herself for. 
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the house they now resided in - 1,300 miles away from the one they’d grown up in - was quiet, empty. holly had barely left the clinic, and where holly went, merrick followed. the two hadn’t been nearly this inseparable when they’d first settled into town, yale was sure of that, but she could also feel the tension in the house, the worry that seeped out of each sister’s pores. 
i know my sister better than i know myself, one had said late one night. there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for her, the other had claimed, hours later. never in front of the other, but yale wondered if colette was envious of them - of the bond between them that seemed to overwhelm every other relationship in their lives. 
yale wondered if colette knew that she had only kept distance between them for so long because otherwise, they’d have become as co-dependent as the wood sisters were now. 
there was recording to do for the town, but yale didn’t much care about that - instead, she had attempted to put the rations they’d been allowed for the week into some sort of feasible breakfast, eggs were easy, she knew how to cook them, toast was acceptable, and in a sad way, as she plated it for colette and herself, she was reminded of the small breakfasts she’d made for them when she was sixteen, colette eager eyed to know everything about her teenage sisters life, their mother still half drunk and sleeping off a hangover in the small bedroom that separated the sisters spaces. there’d been forts made, orange juice stolen from the grocery store because their mother had forgotten to give them money again for food, shitty disney movies playing on the television while yale attempted to tame the chaos of colette’s hair. 
a simpler time, in so many ways, even if it was just as emotionally disturbing as their current predicament was. 
“i made you breakfast,” she greeted when colette appeared, sleep in her eyes and a yawn tumbling from her lips as yale placed the simple plate on the kitchen table. “i didn’t know if you had a run today - if they were going to make you go, so soon - but if you didn’t, i was hoping we could spend the day together. just me and you.” 
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yalejacobson · 3 years
who yale and @cxllettejacxbsxn​ what sisters being sisters, drinking on the porch at night. 
colette had been 9 when yale went off to college. 
sometimes, when she slept without the aid of alcohol or cigarettes, the image was still burned in her memory. dark hair and darker eyes, welling up with tears that shouldn’t have been shed. she’d never been a great sister - she was a teenager, reckless and stupid and making most of the same mistakes her mother had made before her. but she knew what their mother was like - what she was leaving behind. she reasoned with herself - colette was too young to come with her, but too old to put up with ann’s shit anymore. she’d find her ground, find a safe place and bunker down until she could flee herself. 
if yale had known - 
they’d seen one another, sporadically, throughout the years. never often enough; yale should have brought her out with her to chicago when colette was 12, 15, 18 - but there was always an excuse, always a reason not to look at her own past. she was saving money, she was conning someone to take care of them - whatever the case was - she had let her down. and now it was the end of the world, and yale had gone through hell and back trying to find her, and she still didn’t always know how to reach out. 
alcohol. alcohol numbed and erased all the bad feelings, and yale was grateful the house the girls had found seemed to have an entire wine cellar. not nearly good enough to take the edge off completely, but enough to at least make things a little hazier. 
"you guys heading out tomorrow?” yale asked when colette found her, her legs stretched out in front of her on the lawn chair and a cigarette dangling from her fingers. she needed to stop - they couldn’t always find more - but the cravings were impossible to ignore. “please tell me they’re giving you a sensible weapon this time and you’re leaving the sword at home.”
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sanamuse · 4 years
@xonefamiliarsoul​ prompted “please don’t leave me.”
“please don’t leave me.”
the words - the first ones spoken between them since colette had found yale standing atop the now collapsed tower - are whispered, her sisters voice once filled with power and authority, hoarse from misuse and more vulnerable than colette can ever remember hearing it.
she’s still not sure how her recently deceased sister is standing before her, the harsh unforgiving light hanging above them in their shared bathroom highlighting the smudges of dirt and dried blood caking her sisters flesh, fingernails chipped and broken and her dress - the dress they’d buried her in - ripped and torn.
colette’s hands shake as she takes the warm wash cloth and runs it along her sisters arms, her face, her neck - rinse and repeat - until yale looks more like herself, shiny and fresh faced and very much not decaying and dead. 
her sisters eyes are glassy and her movements mechanical, and even though colette can feel her underneath her fingertips and hear her breathing - steady breaths, in and out almost matching colette’s own - colette wonders if maybe yale standing in front of her isn’t some kind of hallucination.
(she’s heard them talk, fiona and dexter and nicole, hushed voices and sideways glances when they think she isn’t paying attention -”she’s broken now, losing yale broke her” - and it hurts, makes her want to hurt them back, just tear into each and every one of  them until there’s nothing left because maybe she is broken, but no more than any of them.)
“we should find you something to wear.”  her own voice soft and non threatening like she’s coaxing out a baby deer, she takes yale’s hand delicately and leads her toward her own room, yale’s having been boxed up months ago, fiona claiming they needed the space while colette fought her every step of the way refusing to budge until the decision had been taken out of her hands “you can wear something of mine, even though you’ll probably get lost in anything i can find - your things are in storage but now that you’re back we can...”
she shrugs unsure of what else to say, she’s almost positive her special kind of nervous babbling is the last thing yale needs - and what kind of person chatters away foolishly when their sister has just returned from the dead anyway? - and she sighs heavily as she digs through her clothes drawers pulls out an oversized sweater and a pair of sweat pants too small for her own lanky frame and holds them out for yale to take.
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“i don’t know how you’re back and i don’t know why - but i missed you - so much …i’m just glad you’re here with me.”
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sanamuse · 5 years
closed starter for @xonefamiliarsoul who colette and yale jacobson ft. various others. plot colette can’t go anywhere without trouble finding her and it’s up to yale to once again save the day.
There were two things Colette currently knew for sure.
One - she was pretty wasted right now and Yale probably wasn't going to like that and two- she was chained to a dungeon wall with little to no escape, her right cheek burning from a backhand delivered by a 250 odd pound ape and Yale definitely wasn't going to like that.
(even though Colette really was just following her super sisters advice - live a normal life, be a normal girl - and if Yale even thought of grounding her for this she was going to remind her of those words...loudly)
One of the first "tales of the slayer' she can remember hearing was a very heavily edited version of the time Dexter (actually Noel but there wasn't a chance on earth Colette was actually gonna call Dex out on that) saved Yale and Winter from a bunch of murderous, demon worshipping frat boys after having their drinks spiked. Moral of the story being - don't take drinks from strangers and don't rag on Dexter for infiltrating Greek society wearing a cheap wig and an even cheaper dress because it was still a touchy subject for him.
Technically speaking Colette hadn't actually taken any drinks from strangers, she'd just forgotten to check who'd handed the red solo cup full of foamy goodness to Jess before she downed it, in retrospect that had been a mistake. And her dress while ripped and dirty was far from cheap. Moral of this story - Jessica Halpert had little to no knowledge of the depravity of human nature and Colette really needed to learn to stop mouthing off to people larger than her when she was being taken hostage.
There’s a loud crash from somewhere above her and startled yelling that’s like music to her ears and Colette has been in enough situations similar to this to know what that means and she thanks several gods that she’s going to live to see another day and not end up served on a gigantic plate as demon chow...The cavalry had finally arrived.
There’s another slap to the face and a grunt for her to keep her mouth shut as she hears the sounds of wood splintering into tiny pieces and even though Colette can’t see her she knows Yale is standing on the other side posed for battle like a furious midget angel chock full of raw power and the laugh she lets out is almost maniacal, echoing around the dank stone walls (does every wannabe big bad in SunnyD own a secret kinky underground sex dungeon? Honestly there’s no fucking originality anymore).
Her sister is a blur of motion, fighting side by side with Colt and even though Colette dislikes him on a deeply visceral level, she can admit there’s a synchronicity to the way they move together and she’s grateful that Yale has him by her side - even if he is a major creeper with a Slayer fetish who has no business making cow eyes at the one woman in the world obligated to stick a stake through his heart..
Fi and Dex make their way to her, the badass wicca breaking the chains binding her to the wall with a few words whispered under her breath and they both hold her up, rubbing circulation back into Colette's wrists as they fuss like she’s an actual child and not an almost fully grown (too grown really, when will this growth spurt end?) woman who can take care of her own damn body parts, so she throws them a look, tells them she’s fine and shoo’s them toward Jess who is thankfully still passed out in a corner unaware of the chaos surrounding her.
Equilibrium proves her a liar though, because she’s decidedly not as fine as she claimed, her legs buckling underneath her, her entire being feeling limp and abused. Before she hits the ground strong arms pull her upright and forward, a firm yet gentle hand cupping her cheek to inspect the damage and the smile Colette gives her sister is dopey and filled with relief "I told you I needed a sword."
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madfoley · 3 years
closed starer for @cxllettejacxbsxn​ early july. the fall out from the dance, a month ago, because becca & ashley are great at time management. 
between the illness that had swept through the town and the day to day finally settling back into a routine, madison could almost feel like things were back to ‘normal’. whatever normal was, exactly, which she couldn’t exactly say. supplies were limited, snacks were harder to come by, and logan was going through a full puberty swing - she’d grown three inches in just the past month, the two of them rummaging through boxes in the attic to find hand me downs from both madison and melissa. 
it wasn’t exactly her preference, but they couldn’t go to the mall and get the latest fashions, either. 
while she’d gone back to working at the library ( it was quiet, peaceful, and sometimes she needed an escape from staring at her own bedroom walls ) and spent some time with merrick ( primarily sitting on the couch of the wood/jacobson house, merricks’ eyes straying to the guy upstairs she had a complicated relationship with ) she had barely seen colette. 
it wasn’t intentional, really. there had been The Kiss - something she had never been expecting - but then within a few days, everyone was quarantined. and when she’d come back, colette was dealing with her house being taken over. not to mention, as far as madison knew, colette had never had the urge to kiss a girl before. so she was giving her space - it was the polite thing to do, so that they could fall back into their own familiar routine. as friends. 
madison had no belief that there would ever be anything more between them, even more so since the fated dance.
still, colette had become a friend - maybe the closest she’d had since blake in high school, another question of her whether her own feelings were genuine or lingering regrets over that situation, and madison didn’t want to lose that. so she left a note with merrick, asking colette to meet her at a specific location - away from prying eyes, but mostly just a place where they could relax, hang out, and feel almost normal. 
the community pool had been her favorite place to go in the summer. it was closed down - obviously - but the way the trees hit, there was shade in the deep end, and madison had spent plenty of afternoons sneaking sips of whiskey when things got too much to bear. inviting colette there had different intentions, though - a picnic, albeit small - a blanket spread out, a joint tucked away just in case they needed it. 
she waited apprehensively by the gate, her surprise hidden away inside, hands in her back pockets as she saw colette appear. and it was unfair, really, that her heart beat just a little bit faster, that her teeth worried her bottom lip until it broke out in a giant grin. “i’m glad you came,” she said, lifting herself up and down on her toes with nerves as she tracked over colette for any signs of damage from the past month. “i wanted to show you one of my quiet places. i know your house is a lot....more chaotic lately, so i figured you might need it too.” 
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