mindrat · 11 months
I did not realize that peegate was a thing
I suppose it was the natural successor to watergate
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its-my-life-is-it · 1 year
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(via Seven 'Ps' to 'Terminator' anger. - Part One.)
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catboyrightsdefender · 9 months
the fact that the latest scandal in belgian politics is drunk people at the minister of justice's birthday party pissing on a cop van and said minister being caught on camera laughing about it and mimicking a pissing movement with another guy later in the night......i love my country
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canlynews · 1 year
Pee gate row: Air India bans accused Shankar Mishra for four months
Image Source : PTI Shankar Mishra Air India has banned Shankar Mishra, accused of urination on an elderly woman, for four months. Earlier, the carrier had announced a month ban. The sordid event unfolded on an Air India New York-New Delhi flight on November 26 last year.  In a surprise U-turn, Shankar Mishra had told a Delhi court on Friday he did not commit the offensive act and that the…
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listerbirdloml · 8 months
(for the iwbft mini story thing)
ask and you shall receive. i'm well aware this is super unrealistic but BOOO DIDNT ASK BOOO I'LL WRITE WHAT I WANT
again, no real content warning other than silliness, strong language, and rushed writing. established bicci but its like two lines. set 2/3 years after events of IWBFT. 1K words.
"It's definitely haunted."
When Cecily first mentioned a change in their accommodation during their first tour in America, Jimmy's traitor of a brain instantly began concocting worst-case scenarios. They were going to have to camp in the American wilderness with the bears, the cougars, and the coyotes. They were going to have to ask for shelter at a lonely homestead, as though they were simple gold prospectors in the 1800s seeking shelter. They were going to have to spend another night on that godforsaken tour bus with Rowans loud snoring and Listers incessant need to initiate games of “I spy” every three seconds.
His bandmates had tried reassuring him. There was no way Cecily would let them camp in the middle of the United States, and there was no way she would let them shack up with some random family. No, what was more likely was a change in hotel. Maybe even a switch of rooms. Maybe they’d have to share.
Rowan had been right, apparently. There was a change in hotel. And now, the creators of not two but three golden albums had to spend the night in a most definitely haunted hotel, 50 miles from the nearest town.
"It's not haunted.” Two heads turned to Lister as he spoke up. They had been standing in a row on the pavement, all three of them staring up at the building as though they were getting the perfect promo shot for an indie horror film. Lister bushed his sunglasses off of his nose and rested them on top of his head. There were little red indents where they had originally sat. “I don’t feel anything.”
“You don't feel anything?” Rowan had an eyebrow raised, his voice thick with scepticism. “And pray tell, what would you feel if it was haunted?”
“Oh easy.” Lister slung an arm around Rowan's shoulder. “My butt cheeks would start clenching.” Rowan shoved him off, making him bump into Jimmy, who was still gazing up at the building in front of them. There must have been genuine concern on his face as Listers farcing stopped. “Jimjam, seriously. Dont worry. It's just for one night. Then we are on our way to LA. Theres no haunted building in LA!"
"Actually," but Lister had already walked off, and towards the front door, Rowans comment ignored. The two remaining band members sighed and watched him go, Cecily following not far behind.
“You know, there's a way we could get him back for Peegate."
That caught Jimmy's attention, and he was finally looking away from the rafters. Peegate had happened two weeks prior, during their stop in Texas. Lister had hidden on the tour bus after a stop at a rest station and then texted Rowan, telling them they'd forgotten him while he’d gone into the petrol station to use the toilets. After what was most definitely an illegal U-turn by their driver and fifty frenzied calls to Lister's phone, he’d come out of hiding, all giggles.
So yes. Jimmy was more than happy to get back at him.
The interior wasn’t much better than the exterior of the building. Jimmy thought that it wouldn’t be out of place for a period drama to take place in the room he was supposed to be sleeping in.
There was an ensuite at least, but it was currently occupied by Lister, who had called dibs on the first shower. Jimmy had put up just enough of a fight for it to seem convincing before Lister disappeared behind the door and the spray of water could be heard.
With a text to Rowan to let him know, Jimmy only had to wait all of ten seconds before the bassist was tiptoeing into the room and shuffling under the bed. There was a muffled curse as he hit his head on the frame, but soon after he went quiet, and they both waited for the drummer to reappear.
As was expected, Lister was quick out. His was still dripping with water and his usual pale skin was tinted red from the scalding heat he enjoyed in the shower, but he was thankfully dressed. With a towel wrapped around his shoulders, he yawned loudly and shuffled over to the bed. He had two hands resting on the wood of the bedpost, leaning over to press a loud and exaggerated kiss to the crown of Jimmy's head.
“Bathrooms free, sweetheart—HOLY FUCK!” With a full-body jerk, Lister stumbled backwards. He was screeching incoherently, his right leg raised off the floor.
“Somethinggrabbedmesomethinggrabbedme!” He was pointing frantically under the bed. Jimmy couldn’t keep it in and keeled over laughing. He could hear Rowan laughing just as hard under the bed, and soon he was wriggling his way out. When his upper half was visible he laid on his back, arm over his flushed red face as he continued to cackle.
Jimmy could feel his breath start to catch and reminded himself to breathe in and out correctly, but the look on Listers face made it hard to do so. He looked a true mix of dumbfounded and enraged.
“You bastard!” He stomped his foot like a petulant toddler. One hand was placed on his chest, and he was breathing heavier than normal. "That's not funny, Rowan." But he couldn’t hide the slight twitch in his lips. “You're the worst. What if I'd been naked, huh?" This only served to make Rowan laugh harder.
He scooted the full way out from under the bed and flopped onto his back next to where Jimmy sat. He was starting to calm down now, a hand over his own heart like Listers had been. The blonde sighed and laid down next to him. Jimmy turned so that he was facing their faces again.
"That's what you get for the butt comment.” Jimmy poked Listers rib and earned a swat at his knee in return.
“And Peegate. Don't forget Peegate."
“Shut it, Omondi. Now spoon me as an apology.” After a few bickering comments back and forth, the tallest agreed and turned on his side to hug the drummer, who in turn held his arms out for Jimmy, who gladly accepted. They were on top of the covers still, but none of them seemed to care as they slotted together and fell asleep.
The next morning, they received their usual Poor Hotel Etiquette lecture from Cecily.
Worth it. 
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my-weird-news · 10 months
Fired! Cop Targets 10-Year-Old in Shocking Urination Bust 😱
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#PeeGate Chronicles: Mississippi's Littlest Outlaw Strikes Gold and Gets the Boot! 💦👮‍♂️ Well, well, well, gather 'round folks, because the saga of the century has unfolded in the sleepy town of Senatobia, Mississippi! 🌆 It seems that even in the land of sweet tea and southern charm, trouble can brew faster than you can say "biscuits and gravy." Picture this: a 10-year-old child, just your average pint-sized daredevil, decides to relieve themselves in a parking lot. Now, normally, this would earn them a scolding and a one-way ticket to Embarrassmentville, but not in this story, dear readers! 🚫🚻 Enter our fearless officers, or as I like to call them, the Pee Police! 🚓💦 With the agility of a cat chasing a laser pointer, they swoop in and apprehend the tiny maverick. The audacity of the situation almost makes you wonder if they used a net. But hold onto your magnolia blossoms, because the tale doesn't end there! 🌸 Oh no, the young whiz kid is not only taken for a ride in the back of a squad car, but also treated to a luxurious tour of the local police station. Talk about an education money can't buy! 📚🚔 Now, I know what you're thinking – did they handcuff this tiny rebel? Did they read them their rights, with a special emphasis on the right to remain adorable? 🚫🔗 Well, fear not, for our law enforcement heroes had a change of heart. No cuffs, no charges, just a stern citation for being a "child in need of services." I don't know about you, but I imagine services would include a juice box and a nap. But wait, there's a twist! 🌀 The city's top cop, Chief Richard Chandler, is here to save the day! He rides in on his virtual horse (okay, maybe not, but let's pretend) to announce that the Pee Police are getting their due. One officer is out of a job faster than you can say "splash zone," and the rest are in for a good ol' fashioned southern scolding. 🤠🔫 And in a true display of modern communication, Chief Chandler takes to Facebook to share the news. Because when you're disciplining officers over a peeing pre-teen, you have to keep up with the times! 💻📢 In a heartfelt post, the chief gives a shoutout to the public for their patience – because let's face it, handling a case of public urination requires the patience of a saint. He also admits that the officers might have flunked their "How to Deal with Kids" training. But hey, it's not like there's a chapter titled "When Mini Rebels Attack" in the manual, right? 📖🚼 Now, you might be wondering about the fate of that golden ticket, I mean, citation. Has it been rescinded? Who knows? The drama unfolds faster than a cat video going viral. 🐱🎥 So there you have it, dear readers, the tale of a 10-year-old outlaw who tinkled in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the Pee Police who sprang into action. Senatobia, you've just given us a story for the ages – a tale of rebellion, justice, and the undeniable call of nature. And as for that officer who got the boot? Well, they're off to new adventures, like stopping jaywalking squirrels or interrogating junebugs for loitering. 🐿️🔍🦗 Until next time, keep it weird, Senatobia! 🌈🤪## #PeeGate Chronicles: Mississippi's Littlest Outlaw Strikes Gold and Gets the Boot! 💦👮‍♂️ Well, well, well, gather 'round folks, because the saga of the century has unfolded in the sleepy town of Senatobia, Mississippi! 🌆 It seems that even in the land of sweet tea and southern charm, trouble can brew faster than you can say "biscuits and gravy." Picture this: a 10-year-old child, just your average pint-sized daredevil, decides to relieve themselves in a parking lot. Now, normally, this would earn them a scolding and a one-way ticket to Embarrassmentville, but not in this story, dear readers! 🚫🚻 Enter our fearless officers, or as I like to call them, the Pee Police! 🚓💦 With the agility of a cat chasing a laser pointer, they swoop in and apprehend the tiny maverick. The audacity of the situation almost makes you wonder if they used a net. But hold onto your magnolia blossoms, because the tale doesn't end there! 🌸 Oh no, the young whiz kid is not only taken for a ride in the back of a squad car, but also treated to a luxurious tour of the local police station. Talk about an education money can't buy! 📚🚔 Now, I know what you're thinking – did they handcuff this tiny rebel? Did they read them their rights, with a special emphasis on the right to remain adorable? 🚫🔗 Well, fear not, for our law enforcement heroes had a change of heart. No cuffs, no charges, just a stern citation for being a "child in need of services." I don't know about you, but I imagine services would include a juice box and a nap. But wait, there's a twist! 🌀 The city's top cop, Chief Richard Chandler, is here to save the day! He rides in on his virtual horse (okay, maybe not, but let's pretend) to announce that the Pee Police are getting their due. One officer is out of a job faster than you can say "splash zone," and the rest are in for a good ol' fashioned southern scolding. 🤠🔫 And in a true display of modern communication, Chief Chandler takes to Facebook to share the news. Because when you're disciplining officers over a peeing pre-teen, you have to keep up with the times! 💻📢 In a heartfelt post, the chief gives a shoutout to the public for their patience – because let's face it, handling a case of public urination requires the patience of a saint. He also admits that the officers might have flunked their "How to Deal with Kids" training. But hey, it's not like there's a chapter titled "When Mini Rebels Attack" in the manual, right? 📖🚼 Now, you might be wondering about the fate of that golden ticket, I mean, citation. Has it been rescinded? Who knows? The drama unfolds faster than a cat video going viral. 🐱🎥 So there you have it, dear readers, the tale of a 10-year-old outlaw who tinkled in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the Pee Police who sprang into action. Senatobia, you've just given us a story for the ages – a tale of rebellion, justice, and the undeniable call of nature. And as for that officer who got the boot? Well, they're off to new adventures, like stopping jaywalking squirrels or interrogating junebugs for loitering. 🐿️🔍🦗 Until next time, keep it weird, Senatobia! 🌈🤪 Read the full article
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rpnewspaperblog · 1 year
'PeeGate' And Random Risks To Reputation
Randomness or the quality of being random lies in the lack of predictability or a pattern. Flipism or the classic coin flip is the metaphorical example of randomness. Random events can trigger life-altering effects. Noted essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who is more of an epistemologist of randomness, exalts the ‘underestimation of the role of randomness in life’ in his book ‘Fooled by…
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filmishine · 1 year
'PeeGate' And Random Risks To Reputation
Randomness or the quality of being random lies in the lack of predictability or a pattern. Flipism or the classic coin flip is the metaphorical example of randomness. Random events can trigger life-altering effects. Noted essayist Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who is more of an epistemologist of randomness, exalts the ‘underestimation of the role of randomness in life’ in his book ‘Fooled by…
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Peegate At DabbleCon, Funny Chad Zumock, DiCaprio Stinks In The Departed
Matt from Mondo Creepy joins us to talk about #PeeDabbler, #Peegate, #DabbleCon, Buzzed Z-Man making us laugh, and The Departed. With informed commentary and movie reviews from the chat.
Video of this episode on our YouTube page.
Check out this episode!
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new-haryanvi-ragni · 1 year
Air India Updates In-flight Alcohol Policy, Changes Made to Avoid Intoxication
After the Peegate incident, Air India has now updated its in-flight alcohol service policy to keep a check on passenger’s intoxication levels. source https://zeenews.india.com/aviation/air-india-updates-in-flight-alcohol-service-policy-changes-made-to-avoid-intoxication-2565464.html
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theindiareview · 1 year
Air India’s PeeGate: Pilot and the Carrier Penalised  
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Air India’s PeeGate: Pilot and the Carrier Penalised   In a dramatic turn of events, the civil aviation regulator, DGCA (Directorate TIR News Read the full article
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The DGCA penalized Air India $37K and suspended the pilot for 3 months for improper handling of the Peegate issue.
The DGCA penalized Air India $37K and suspended the pilot for 3 months for improper handling of the Peegate issue.
Many travelers were outraged by the event in which a drunk passenger in Air India’s business class urinated on fellow passengers, and it also raised concerns about the airline standards. Now According to news from the Times of India. On Friday, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) fined Air India Rs 30 lakh for the drunken urination episode on board a flight from New York to Delhi, in…
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rnewspost · 1 year
Peegate: DGCA slaps Rs 33 lakh fine on Air India; suspends pilot-in-command’s licence for 3 months
NEW DELHI: The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) on Friday fined Air India Rs 30 lakh for airline’s lapses after an inebriated flyer allegedly urinated on a co-passenger onboard a New York-Delhi flight of November 26, 2022. The regulator has also suspended the line of the pilot-in-command of that flight, AI 102, and slapped a fine of Rs 3 lakh on the director inflight services of AI.…
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newswireml · 1 year
LIVE: Pee-gate accused takes a U-turn, tells court woman urinated on seat#LIVE #Peegate #accused #takes #Uturn #tells #court #woman #urinated #seat
LIVE: Pee-gate accused takes a U-turn, tells court woman urinated on seat#LIVE #Peegate #accused #takes #Uturn #tells #court #woman #urinated #seat
Shankar Mishra, accused of urinating on an elderly woman on an Air India flight last November, on Friday denied the allegation before a Delhi court, saying he never urinated on the complainant. “I did not urinate on the complainant,” Mishra told the court, reports Indian Express Prime Minister Narendra Modi will flag off the MV Ganga Vilas luxury cruise on the world’s longest river voyage from…
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news24fr · 1 year
Air India, le transporteur national de l'Inde, qui fait déjà l'objet de critiques et d'un examen minutieux pour le tristement célèbre scandale du pipi, a atterri dans une autre controverse. Cette fois, une femme s'est adressée à Twitter pour se plaindre d'un morceau de pierre qu'elle avait trouvé dans un repas qui lui était servi. L'utilisateur de Twitter nommé Sarvapriya Sangwan a partagé deux photos du repas, montrant un petit morceau de pierre, qu'elle a trouvé dans son repas à bord du vol 215 d'Air India. Dans un tweet, elle a tagué Air India et a écrit : '' Vous n'avez pas besoin de ressources et d'argent pour assurer une nourriture sans pierres à Air India (@airindiain). C'est ce que j'ai reçu dans ma nourriture servie sur le vol AI 215 aujourd'hui. Membre d'équipage, Mme Jadon a été informée. Ce genre de négligence est inacceptable.'' Voir le tweet ici : Vous n'avez pas besoin de ressources ni d'argent pour garantir une nourriture sans pierres Air India (@airindiain). C'est ce que j'ai reçu dans ma nourriture servie dans le vol AI 215 aujourd'hui. Mme Jadon, membre de l'équipage, en a été informée. Ce genre de négligence est inacceptable. #airIndia pic.twitter.com/L3lGxgrVbz – Sarvapriya Sangwan (@DrSarvapriya) 8 janvier 2023 Le tweet a provoqué la colère de nombreux utilisateurs de Twitter qui ont critiqué la compagnie aérienne appartenant au groupe Tata pour négligence grave, en particulier à un moment où des questions sont soulevées sur ses services. Un utilisateur a écrit : '' Chers @TataCompanies : JRD Tata a déjà établi des normes pour l'industrie aéronautique. Il a fait de #AirIndia une marque mondialement respectée, avant que le gouvernement ne la prenne en charge. Maintenant que vous êtes de retour en tant que propriétaires, vous frappez de nouveaux creux ? N'y a-t-il pas de surveillance corporative? Comment gérez-vous #PeeGate, et maintenant ça.'' Un autre a commenté, '' Que Dieu vous bénisse. Vous auriez aussi pu vous retrouver avec une dent cassée. @airindiainis a eu la pire qualité de fabrication ces derniers temps.'' Un troisième a écrit: ''Alors qu'Airindia était censée rivaliser avec les meilleurs de l'industrie du transport aérien, il semble qu'elle soit en concurrence avec les chemins de fer indiens.'' En réponse à son tweet, Air India a écrit : « Chère Madame, c'est préoccupant et nous en parlons immédiatement avec notre équipe de restauration. Veuillez nous laisser un peu de temps pour revenir. Nous apprécions que vous nous en fassiez part.'' Chère Madame, c'est préoccupant et nous en parlons immédiatement avec notre équipe de restauration. Veuillez nous laisser un peu de temps pour revenir. Nous apprécions que vous nous en fassiez part. – Air India (@airindiain) 8 janvier 2023 Pendant ce temps, Shankar Mishra, qui a uriné sur une femme âgée en état d'ébriété sur un vol d'Air India en novembre, a été arrêté vendredi soir par la police de Delhi de Bengaluru et ramené dans la capitale nationale. M. Mishra a également été limogé par sa société, Wells Fargo. Réagissant à la gestion de l'affaire par la compagnie aérienne, le président de Tata Sons, N Chandrasekaran, a admis le 8 janvier que la réponse d'Air India à un voyageur ivre urinant sur une femme aurait dû être plus rapide. Le président de Tata Sons a également déclaré qu'ils examineraient et répareraient chaque processus pour éviter que de tels incidents ne se produisent.
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our-b3cka · 6 years
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