fuckyoutommie · 4 months
on christmas eve me and my son went to visit his dads house and see the whole family (it was literally only 20 ppl out of like 40 - so only half) !!
BUT on the way home he asked me if i was ever married to his dad (a common topic he loves to bring up). i explained that no, we were never and will never be married but we both love him very much. THEN he asked how he was made if we never got married, so i explained that his dad’s sperm met my egg and he was created! i explained further (bc he had questions obviously) that people with penises usually have sperm and people with vaginas usually have eggs. “boys and girls?” he asks me, to which i respond “sometimes! and sometimes girls have penises and boys have vaginas”. we had a cute little conversation about how you can be born “a boy” but then realize later on that you aren’t really “a boy” but rather “a girl”!!! and he liked that!
it’s NEVER to young to explain the construct of gender and lack there of !!!!!!
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jaggisbt-blog · 5 years
#Fotonicia Grief and memory go together. After someone dies, that’s what you’re left with. And the memories are so slippery yet so rich. Print Your Memories Memorable #google+ #facebook #instagram #photos #smartphones #App #photoprints #canvasprint #coffeemug #sipperbottle #tableframe #tshirtprint #mousepad #sunboard #wellframe #photobook #album #weddingalbum #personalpuzzles Download the App #Fotonicia https://www.instagram.com/p/BwH1om-B22L/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1try8bvoc0dub
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puzzledgal · 7 years
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AAAA I got it :D
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presse1fcm · 5 years
FCM probt gegen Zwickau den Ernstfall
Von Manuel Holscher › Der 1. FC Magdeburg will im Testspiel gegen Zwickau auf dem Kunstrasenplatz an der MDCC-Arena das Personalpuzzle lösen. Magdeburg l Michael Oenning musste umplanen. Eigentlich sollte um 10 Uhr hinter der MDCC-Arena trainiert werden. Wegen Temperaturen bis Minus sieben Grad wurde daraus aber nichts. Der Rasenplatz war gefroren. Stattdessen stand zunächst eine einstündige Video-Auswertung der Tests bei Energie Cottbus (0:1) und bei RB Leipzig (2:1) auf dem Programm, danach folgte eine Krafteinheit. „Wir haben gerade das Pech, dass das Wetter nicht mitspielt“, ärgert sich Oenning.
Spiel der klaren Rückschlüsse
Deshalb bestreitet der FCM das Testspiel am Dienstag um 14 Uhr gegen den Drittligisten FSV Zwickau auch nicht auf Naturrasen, sondern auf dem Kunst-rasenplatz hinter der MDCC-Arena. Die Partie findet exakt eine Woche vor dem Start in die restliche Rückrunde am 29. Januar um 20.30 Uhr zu Hause gegen den FC Erzgebirge Aue statt. Und in diesem Spiel wird es klare Rückschlüsse geben, wenn es um die Startelf gegen Aue geht. „Wir werden mit der Startelf auflaufen, die der Mannschaft nahekommt, die auch gegen Aue auflaufen wird“, bestätigt der FCM-Coach. Und: „Wir wollten am Dienstag gegen Zwickau spielen, damit wir vor der Aue-Partie im Rhythmus sind.“ Drei, vier Positionen seien zwar noch nicht ganz klar. Aber: „Es wird keine großen Überraschungen geben.“ Offen ist demnach, wer auf der linken Defensivseite spielt – Timo Perthel oder Michel Niemeyer. Vorne links liefern sich Felix Lohkemper und Steven Lewerenz ein Duell. In der Innenverteidigung ist das Rennen zwischen Romain Brégerie und Dennis Erdmann eng. Oenning betont, dass die Mannschaft einen großen Schritt nach vorne gemacht hat. „Wir haben es in der Vorbereitung geschafft, dass wir alle Spieler dahin bekommen haben, dass sie die notwendige Wettkampfhärte haben. Jeder konnte sich zeigen“, sagt er. Die neuen Spieler seien zudem gut integriert worden. „Sie haben schnell verstanden, was wir spielen wollen“, erzählt der Trainer.
Flexibel im System
Das Oenningsche System basiert auf einem mutigen und offensiven Spielstil. Der 53-Jährige hob zudem schon kurz nach seinem Amtsantritt hervor, dass er viel Wert auf Flexibilität legt – taktisch und personell. „Mittlerweile können wir im Verlauf eines Spiels flexibel das System umstellen. Wir spielen nicht mehr nur Dreier- oder Viererkette, mit einem oder mit zwei Stürmern. Genau das brauchen wir“, sagt er. Denn: „Wir müssen nach vorne spielen, weil wir punkten wollen.“ Von den Spielern fordert er eine enorme Flexibilität, damit sie sich in den unterschiedlichen Systemen zurechtfinden. Marius Bülter ist für den Trainer ein Paradebeispiel. „Er ist in einem 4-3-3 nominell Außenverteidiger. Ich sehe ihn grundsätzlich aber weiterhin als Offensivspieler. Er ist läuferisch stark und überbrückt dadurch große Räume. Außerdem kann er auf der rechten sowie linken Seite spielen“, lobt Oenning. Eine wichtige Rolle soll mittelfristig Winter-Neuzugang Steven Lewerenz einnehmen, der in Kiel vorwiegend als linker Außenstürmer aufgelaufen ist. „Steven bringt etwas mit, was wir in dieser Form noch nicht im Kader hatten“, sagt der FCM-Coach. Denn: „Er kann uns mit einem klugen Pass, mit einem Dribbling in gute Situationen bringen. Außerdem kann er Tore machen.“ Seine Qualitäten soll Lewerenz auch heute gegen Zwickau und vor allem in einer Woche in der 2. Liga gegen Aue zeigen. Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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puzzlesprint · 9 years
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500 piece custom made jigsaw puzzle that will go to a customer in the UK. #puzzlesprint #photopuzzle #jigsawpuzzle #personalpuzzle #personalisedjigsaw #puzzle #jigsaw
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fuckyoutommie · 4 months
incessantly cheesy gay post below the cut 🧡
dear 2023,
go fuck yourself 🧡
no just kidding !!!!
what a whirlwind year it has been! i have heard new music, old music, music that calmed my chaotic soul. i have made new friends, strengthened old bonds, and fallen (platonically) in love. i am continually blessed w amazing moments, both on this site and irl. i have grown & hurt & healed & loved!!!!!
there are so many of you i could write BOOKS about the love & joy i feel in my heart but to highlight just a few:
forever and always grateful for my leech @losfacedevil !!!! oh how boring, uneventful, and chaotic my life would be without you. through all of my troubles you have remained close & constant. never straying from my side, always there to lend a lot of love!!!!
my darling EB @wildbluesorbit i love u so much!!! it has been an HONOR to travel with you & go on this journey across states!!!!! i’ve been so sappy lately so i’ll save all i could say for calls. forever and ever and ever grateful to call you my friend & listen to your passion endlessly!!!!!
my baby @mountain-in-springtime what would i do without my Moth???? i am consistently inspired by your heart, your soul, your everything. the way you care so deeply for those who surround you has been a shining light of amor for me in my most cold hearted times. blessed and honored is an understatement!
to the absolute LEGEND that is @joshym , thank you!!!! for listening, for loving, for being who you are. i wanna be you when i grow up!!!!! the aura you carry is one full of love, light, and hope. i am honored to call you my friend every damn day !!!
and to my whole heart @theintelligenceoflove , i love u so much i can feel it in my bones!!!! you have reminded me of myself and who i am meant to be. the honesty i know i can trust you with has impacted my whole life. always and forever grateful to know you and love you and have community with you !!!!!!!!!!
there are genuinely so many of you that i consider my best friend, that i think about each and every day that passes by, that have provided me love and safety to be myself. i can only hope to provide even HALF the love that has been gifted to me! you all have shown that the world is bigger than just me and my life. i would not be even kind of okay without each of you, i am forever grateful to know all of you & cherish our friendship 🧡
@sunfl0wer-power @andtherestishistory13 @gracev0609 @alwaysonthemend @alwayzthere @jakeyt @theaudacitytowrite @sembuscuous @wetkleenex-gvf @mybussyinchrist @obetrolncocktails @becinabubblegvf @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @useremo @jakekiszkasbuttsweat @st4rdust-ch0rds & every other single person reading this!!!!!!
i am forever changed by the power of Greta’s music and the people they have brought into my life and continue to bring me. never have i truly connected with music and a philosophy as i have with Greta. cheers to a great year full of so much!!!! thank you all !!!!!!!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 5 months
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i turned 26 & made my friend take some cute pictures of me by the beach!!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 19 days
getting my big hip tattoo finished finally !!!!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 9 months
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me in my clown makeup 🤡
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fuckyoutommie · 7 months
my son turns 7 today 🧡
shout out to me for pushing a whole human out & raising him to be loving !!! very emotional today, can’t believe this little guy who’s so kind and so smart and so intuitive is a product of me. my kids so cool <3
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fuckyoutommie · 2 months
applied to two apartments today !!!!!
someone light a candle for some manifestation!!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 8 months
im buying a car today!!!!! everyone please pray, manifest it, send positive vibes into the universe that i get the orange car of my dreams that i picked out!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 6 months
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in airport !!!!! going to see bestie <3
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fuckyoutommie · 7 months
i am having a bad day but i do not have a bad life. things are sucky today but they will not always be. i feel unlovable today but i am easily lovable.
i will be okay
i will be okay !!!!!
i will fucking be okay !!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fuckyoutommie · 3 months
terrified rn bc my artist decided we’re doing a BIG ass piece on my hip instead of the smaller ones we’ve been doing 😃😃
but it’s free so i don’t argue 🤭🫶🏼
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fuckyoutommie · 10 months
just realized what this band has given me. i’m about to be really vulnerable after the cut, you’ve been warned 🤪✌🏼 i’ll tag the trigger warnings 🫶🏼
i first found Greta during a kind of traumatic time for me. i was in the middle of losing my 3rd pregnancy, the baby was 23 weeks and it was a baby i was loosely planning to keep. finding a band that preached so adamantly about love, acceptance, change, among other things, was so needed in that time. since November 2022 i’ve been able to respond to situations in my life with new, better intention. the love i’ve been listening to the last nearly 8 months has had an impact on how i look at people and has helped me respond with the love every person deserves. im not perfect but i have grown a LOT. as a person who has BPD it’s not very common you can go without medications, however, im no longer able to afford it meeeeeeaning i’ve been raw dogging life since November, and! my life is better than it’s ever been. i’ve done the work to look at how i respond to my environment and have changed that for the better.
it’s been a few months that i’ve been on tumblr now, in that time i think my capacity to love has grown exponentially! i’ve been blessed with some really beautiful people in my little corner of the internet! people i’ve met through this fandom!!!!! i had a bad time on twitter so i remember feeling nervous when i started interacting with people on tumblr. but boy!! if tumblr isn’t the exact opposite. i have filled my dash with people that are preaching the same love the band does!
im really grateful that i’ve found a peaceful place in my life. i did a lot of hard work to get to where i am! im proud of myself for choosing to respond now with love and understanding. i love all of you and all of me!
cheers to those four white men from michigan 🫶🏼
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