#planica recap
skiijumpinng · 2 years
Planica - Sunday, 27. 3. 2022 - Recap
here we go, the annual planica recap and with it the planica spam is making its return, and in my humble opinion, it may as well be the best one yet (or maybe my brain just forgot what it has been missing out on the past 3 years). so, while you have been freaking out about sevi dropping a bomb about retirement, i have been blissfully oblivious to what's been going on on tumblr because of the following:
it felt so good coming there I forgot how different it hits when you are driving in a bus together with people who are just as obsessed with planica
it was freaking cold there when I came there but at the end i was wearing only a t-shirt and leggings asdfghj
yukia came to the hill in the morning and did a whole ass workout/warmup and people around me were in awe how flexible he was (honestly same)
halvor also came but he literally stayed 2 seconds asdf
i was taking a pic of joachim and he noticed me and waved i wanted the ground to swallow me
marius waved at two women behind me (biggest fangirls i love them) but let me pretend he also waved back to me
you should hear the collective gasp when tande came and plonked himself on the bench below (and did not leave the whole fucking competition i never wanted my eyes to be on both sides of my head more)
danny proceeded to look up and pell off layers of clothing while eating a banana i'm fine
oh also he was wearing a slovenian cap???
villumstad is even prettier in person wtf
also heggli and pedersen were walking around all the time and kept tickling eachother? wholesome
i had the privilege of seeing maren ahhh she emits queen energy wherever she goes
domen casually jumped around 240m both times as a trial jumper noone knew what was going on
there was a moment before the competition when they played the slovenian anthem and literally everyone froze in their places and sung it it was overwhelming
there was a moment when everyone went mad and did not know how to jump less that 230m (it's safe to say that i didn't have a voice for solid 10 minutes)
WALTER WAS THERE they gave him a gift as a thank you and he was so happy ahhh
they gave cene a microphone between the rounds and he lowkey scolded us "now I'm going to yell at you, where have you been the whole weekend, i obviously needed YOU for a good jump"
won't ever forget the moment when i casually looked my phone between the rounds (there really was no time before) and tumble was spammed with messages about sevi retiring it felt like i was the only person on that damn tribune that knew
i cheered extra loud for him for all of you i hope you could hear me
kenneth coming to watch the second round and danny once again plonking himself on the bench next to him (don't touch me)
i teared up a lil while stephan was jumping not gonna lie
deschwanden was walking around lika a man on a mission idk what he was doing
naoki is the biggest ryoyu fan (we've been knew)
brekkl was also there!
never gonna forget the collective gasp for halvor's landing it was crazy i almost had to look away
also there was a jacuzzi(?) next to the hill at around 270m and the speaker joked that halvor went to say hello to them asdfgh
forfang loves to take selfies and he makes sure to put his sunglasses off so people can see his face (classic)
yukiya is fucking crazy the was this man jumped off the take-off and landed is insane
kamil is now officially the man with most jumps over 200m!!!
they were all taking group pics in the outrun and my poor camera shutter was overworked
the 'poof' sound when they jump off is still as amazing as ever
cene running up the hill to take a pic where he landed ahh this guy was so happy yesterday
ryoyu in a bucket hat is real and it's even prettier in real life (i screamed)
also if ryoyu doesn't post that pic of him hugging the crystal globe while lying in the snow with others sprinkling champagne over him and naoki throwing snow you have been robbed (i might do it for him)
also a mascot photobombed him and i could feel the pain he had for the ruined aesthetics
žaba took so much time for talking with everyone and giving cards he is the sweetest
hrgota walking around with the ski flying globe and looking as happy as ever bless him
there was a guy with the biggest ryoyu banner and it turned out it was his dad asdfgh
that moment when everyone came to the outrun at the end and bowed and then had a snowball fight was so damn special
naoki once again went feral and poor ryoyu had to run for his life
i could not leave after it al ended?? it felt like a dream idk
also I'm fucking glad i didn't because that interaction with ryoyu added 40 years to my life he is unreal
kamil's second home is kranjska gora he was strolling around in a hoodie and jeans like he owns the place
also he might have smiled at me (or at my mom who asked 'is this stoch' and he obviously understood asdfghj)
the vibes in kranjska gora after the competition are so special there was a group of slovenians who congratulated some norwegians for lindik's win and they congratulated them back for saturday asdfg
also not 2 minutes later a german came up to them and told them he met halvor (who was apparently very happy that he wasn't late on the table)? i swear these people saw each other for the first time
this pretty much concludes my 2022 experience i truly hope i didn't forget anything
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shecouldntfly · 5 years
A Farewell
Dear friends, followers, stalkers, ski jumping and Domči lovers,
I know this year you probably expected another extended Planica recap from me, but unfortunately, I have come to the decision that I will no longer be posting on my Tumblr blog. After almost exactly three years, over 700 followers and 4000 posts, I feel that it’s time for me to step away from all the hype of this sport, at least in the intensive fangirl kind of way, and focus on other things. This year’s Planica experience was beyond all expectations, but somehow I do not see myself as an active contributor here anymore. I still plan on following the sport and rooting for my favorite(s), maybe also occasionally check Tumblr, but I will no longer post original posts or reblog stuff. My existing content will remain as is, and maybe someday I will revive it, but atm I don’t wish to do so.
I guess it’s an appropriate ending since the blog really took off after Domen’s first great successes in December 2016 and now it would seem that he has found his way back to the top. Vikersund and Planica were very emotional for me in this sense and I am very proud to have stuck through and rooted for him, even during the miserable 2017/2018 season. I always believed in his magic and hope that he will continue to stay as determined to reach the top, as he was at the end of this season, because that is where he belongs. I do also hope that he will be well guided and will make healthy and smart decisions for himself. I am optimistic about team Slovenia, and as far as I am concerned, Gorazd Bertoncelj is a capable coach who can achieve results that are as good as Janus’s or even better, since we now have a great core of talented jumpers.
Ski jumping will definitely always stay in my heart. I read somewhere once that it is like poetry, finding a balance between the movement of the body and the spirit, a sport only intellectuals will understand. I admit I quite liked this description. Or to put it more directly, whoever flings himself off the top of a mountain, then flies 200 meters through the air and lands like nothing happened will always be my hero. But at the end of the day, these are still humans we are obsessing about and the sport is ultimately a chase to be the best, both of which are in some way flawed.
Anyways, I am pretty sure I got carried away (sorry), so let this be it. Thank you all, for following me, enjoying my content, reading my tags, tagging me, sliding into my DM’s, not running away once you met me irl, for becoming my friends, etc. etc.
Love you all and keep making the sjf on Tumblr great,
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just-sofie · 6 years
hey if any of the slovenians in the ski jumping fandom who went to planica are doubting to post a recap of their day: PLEASE JUST DO IT, I love reading those things so much! 
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skiijumpinng · 5 years
so, since i’ve been in Planica today and i do this every year, i decided to do a recap of all the moments that are not shown on tv but are too good to be kept to myself
coming there is like getting into another world and i get impressed by the atmosphere every year
i woke up at 3 am so i could be there in time and it was totally wort it
it was so freaking cold and my legs were about to freeze off but when the sun came out everyone was in short sleeves
i was there around 7 am and so many of the jumpers were walking around and taking pics of the hill (Antti just appeared out of nowhere and i freaked out)
Cene Prevc and Andraž Pograjc were so good as pre jumpers!!!
also Ernest Prišlič was hanging around all the time
Lanišek’s kid is so freaking cute and they played peekaboo and he gave him lots of kisses and it was too much to handle
Žiga Jelar is so good with kids?? he literally stopped at everyone and joked with them
Žiga, Tilen and Bor Pavlovčič kept walking around all the time
i also saw Pero’s kid and he was wearing a little beanie with his logo (how freaking cute!!!)
i was looking around for Stephan and i didn’t see him, but he came around in the middle of the trial round and went to the outrun and i swear the world stopped (some guy was literally leading him and holding his back and he also looked kinda sad- or maybe i’m just used to seeing him smile all the time)
i was standing on the stand on the right side of the hill and i realised i was probably in the background of the german tv oops
i saw Martin Hamann from the toilet window
also i get reminded about this every year but they are all so pretty??!!
the trial round was so good but then the first round started and the crowd cheered so much
if we got mad Johann last year, there was a very very mad Markus after the first round this year
Piotr Zyla is the slowest walking human i ever saw, i’m surprised he even came back on top on time
i saw a Pedersen&Fannemel hug and Robin had to squat down to hug him and they were talking and laughing and it was very very cute
also Granerud and Killian were talking about their jumps and showing it with their hands which i found very amusing
Andi radiates positive energy wherever he is
also Marius and Robin literally appeared in front of me and looked straight in my direction and i froze damn
i got so many cards this year and i’m actually kinda proud of myself for going out there and not being so anxious as last years
seeing them close up might not have been good for me tho
a little kid was standing next to me at the fence and he literally knew everyone and was very sad when he didn’t get Pero’s card, so i gave him mine because i had two (i felt like i had to, he was so freaking cute just calling everyone by their names)
i wanted to high five Walter but he literally grabbed my hand and we did a proper handshake (I’M STILL SCREAMING INSIDE)
i congratulated Krafti and he thanked me back and that’s all i ever really wanted
Michi is so sweet
Zografski set a new Bulgarian record and he couldn’t stop smiling
also i love how everyone cheered for everyone so so much
Cene fell as a pre jumper before the second round and everyone went quiet but then he just backflipped out of it and laughed what a legend
i ALMOST got a pic with Marius and Robin
norwegian fans bringing in the beer in the drums is the peak of intelligence
i saw a rare Domči smile that actually reached his ears what a day
Lellinger is indeed always together, sorry i don’t make the rules
also Andi highfived Stephan and then hung his arms around him i cry
Killian and Daniel Huber gave their bibs to the fans
the crowd went wild when Domen beat Markus and got the 2nd place
also Andi always had snowballs in his hands what a child
i shouldn’t be surprised by now, but the Polish fans sung the anthem so loud (they were also screaming ‘Kamil Stoch’ what a mood)
Naoki carrying Ryoyu’s globes tho
Domen was sitting in the snow and the whole team Slovenia started throwing snowballs at him i stan one team
also my face is one giant sunburn but it was worth it
the Japanese anthem on repeat because Ryoyu won everything is what i’m here for
it was so nice and warm and people are so nice and everything went as planned which i was most scared about
also literally everyone is in a certain hotel in Kranjska Gora and the the cars from all the teams are all parked together
also Ammann was walking around Kranjska Gora with his wife and i met him at least three times
it just feels like home i don’t know, there are so many known faces and it feels weird but so amazing seeing them live after a whole year
i had tears in my eyes several times because the atmosphere was everything
so yeah, this was way longer than i thought (probably still forgot something)  but i had so much fun and it just made me fall in love with Planica a little bit more
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skiijumpinng · 5 years
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skiijumpinng · 4 years
ski jumping challenge - day 6 - have you ever been to a competition?
yall know what’s coming :)))
yesss, i’ve been in Planica 2016&2017&2018 and 2019 and it just keeps getting better and better. i literally don’t know what to say about it anymore because i talk about Planica so much, but it’s really special and i wish everyone would get the opportunity to see it.
also, i made these recap posts from every year, which basically sum up everything that i saw and proves what a mess i am
recaps: 2017 2018 2019
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skiijumpinng · 7 years
Planica- Sunday, 26. 3. 2017 -RECAP
1. The moment i stepped out of the bus and saw the hill i got tears in my eyes idk man i just love this sport. 2. Stephan. Leyhe. Is. A. Precious. Sunshine. That. Should. Be. Protected. At. All. Costs. 3. Walter Hofer struggling to get on the tribune was probably one of the highlights. 4. I saw the Leyhe/Geiger hug but my SD card managed to magicaly delete just that photo. 5. I kinda got butterflies in my stomach every time Wellinger smiled. 6. Pero was so happy about his jump and it made me super happy for him. 7. Hayböck literally stopped in his tracks when he heard that Kraft was going to jump next and when he jumped 250m he smiled so bright the whole area basically lit up. 8. So my dad apparently went straight up to Kasai, patted him on his back and told him that he is the best and Noriaki just thanked him, smiled and gave the autograph and i didn’t see any of it?!? 9. Tande jumping really good in the trial round made my day. 10. The atmosphere in Planica is just so amazing i actually couldn’t believe that everyone was cheering for everyone it was so good. 11. The rain kinda messed everything up again but at least everybody jumped at least once and noone got injured. 12. Jernej Damjan in the leader box and his pure happiness is what i live for. 13. At one point the Norwegians just kinda showed up in front of me and it was so overwhelming and all i could do was just take millions of pictures. 14. Kraft on the overall podium gave me so much chills and when he started crying it was such a happy moment i just wanted to hig him. 15. Overall the weather was good while it lasted and even tho the decision of canceling the final round was really quick they did the right thing because it started raining just a couple of minutes later and the conditions would get even worse so it wouldn’t be fair. 16. I had so much fun and it was really great and now my heart is filled with pure joy but i just wished i could be confident enought to actually go and ask for a selfie with someone instead of just taking pictures of them walking by.
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