#playpus fact
teachersource · 1 year
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Did you know? Platypuses Fluoresce Under UV Light! Their dense fur protects them in cold water and normally appears to be brown. However, under a black light (ultraviolet light) it glows teal. Unlike the presence of venom, which only the males have, all platypuses possess this biofluorescence. This was only just discovered in 2020. They are one of just a few mammal species known to have this trait.
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virovac · 3 years
OK so given the fact Perry has both male and female platypus qualities, I’m gonna assume he’s intersex
(a clone Laying eggs, lactation, and poisonous barbs) and pretty sure hormone therapy can’t make one develop the poison barbs
Not gonna call this a win for representation, given he’s a playpus. And whatever condition he has is not analagous to humans at all.
Unlike most mammals, which have a single pair of sex chromosomes, the platypus actually has five pairs of sex chromosomes that form a chain during cell division. Individuals with an XXXXXXXXXX chromosomal arrangement are females, while those with an XYXYXYXYXY arrangement are males. Although it is an XY system, the platypus' sex chromosomes share no homologues with eutherian sex chromosomes.[
There are at least 30 different karytopyes here Perry could be, not counting ones with extra chromosomes. And ignoring the possibility some of these could be fatal.  
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duckapus · 6 years
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So yeah, Tikki and Trigger don’t get along.
The main reason for this is that the Platypus Miraculous operates with a different set of rules from most others. Since Trigger is the Kwami of Innovation and Ideas, the Playpus is meant to... modernize how the other Miraculous interact with the populace, other hero groups, and each-other, as well as improve battle tactics. Tikki, meanwhile, is Ancient, set in her ways, and is honestly a bit of a control freak if you rile her up. (She made this dynamic, what could be so wrong that it need’s changing?) It doesn’t help that the other six major Kwamis are predisposed to following her lead.
Another part is that the Platypus is supposed to stand in for the Butterfly if it’s necessary, creating a support network outside the Miraculous Wielders. However, The Platypus doesn’t have Akumas or anything similar to make Champions with, so they do it the hard way and interact directly with normal people instead, often having to reveal themselves in the process. This doesn’t sit well with the Ladybug’s secret keeping mentality, as you can probably guess.
These issues are compounded by the fact that Tikki and Trigger have bad history, particularly to do with the Roman Empire, as well as the fact that Tikki doesn’t understand why the Platypus has to be different, and refuses to make the effort to understand. They usually don’t let their feud affect their wielders’ relationship, whatever that may be. Mainly since it tends to do really bad things. Last time it happened it ended with the Bubonic Plague being created and now Plagg and Tikki are physically incapable of being in England.
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