#please don't post any Anders-negative stuff on this post I am 100% pro-Anders/Anders positive! I just like the Seb pov angst :')
sweetmage · 1 year
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Though my canon Hawke sides with Anders 100% of the time without regrets, I can't help but feel a little bad Sebastian in that scenario (barring what he does in DAI).
To quote what I've already said about it before: Sebastian had experienced so much tragedy, loss, and rejection as it was. However, in his darkest hour (having lost his family) he found someone who he thought understood his position and pain and wanted to help him set things straight when he thought no one else would.
Then, when what little he had left (the Chantry and the family he found there) was taken from him again, he turned to the one person who seemed to have understood his loss and desire for vengeance before, who he assumed he could count on to understand his pain and stand beside him again. His friend...
That person, sadly, sided with the culprit without hesitation or second thought. He never saw things the way Sebastian did...
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