#please fr more color changing terts
nummy-fr · 3 years
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magicalusuki · 5 years
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progen dragon sharing, inspired by a post by @goannafr that ive had in my drafts since may 12th of this year! wow i am good at being late
varsha- custom progen
so the colors i chose for varsha.... well, i didnt choose them. which is fully. i was in school in the middle of a movie in health class, and id snuck onto my phone and made an fr account because the registration window was about to close and i was going to be busy the rest of the time it was open, or maybe i was just too impatient.
i didnt realize you could even change the colors of the dragon- i just chose the breed and my flight (wind), and actually moved to ice almost immediately after because wind was such an impulse decision. 
i actually hated her colors once i realized that i could have picked them myself, because i would have probably made a seafoam/rose dragon. but now i love her. it might have been cool if she at least had a different blue for the wings, so if i could remake her (and assume she got the same tert) i would give her storm wings. it brings out that gray tert in a really cool way and just makes her a biiit more interesting. i mean, look at that! it look great with her apparel, too.
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i chose to make her a fae, because i though that they were cute. i didnt like any of the other starter breeds when i joined because i was a coward. i wanted the cutesiest dragons ever, which is funny considering now varsha is super badass
i had like... the vaguest clue of what fr was, because i was in the neopets community and a ton of the blogs i followed were into it, but i didnt really understand it in depth. fun fact! my original username was twinkling. 
so when i first joined fr, from what i remember we had... very few tert options. i believe we had basic, crackle, underbelly and circuit? and with varsha’s tert being grey, and yukienne’s being denim... basically nothing looked even slightly decent.
on top of this, i really wasnt in the forums or community much at all- so i wasnt aware that maybe exalting your progens wasnt a great plan, and how special they can be. and i certainly wasnt thinking about future genes. i mean, its been 5 years and STILL the best tert for varsha is stained and i dont particularly love any i have for yukienne!  ive grown to like stained on varsha, but for real. even irishim couldnt save that grey tert, and i used to be OBSESSED with irishim
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.im not against geneing yukienne fully and i have a few options planned, but denim is not.... its not an easy color to work with, which sucks because sky and violet work together so well, and then you have this random greenish-grayish blue. why. which is why he is not gened at all because oh my god. please fr give me something that makes denim purpley ill die for you
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this is his current most likely scry but im still... not sold... at least sky is one of my favorite colors on site! hes still a pretty lucky random progen all things considered, i know some people were truly cursed. they also have a pretty okay range, so thats nice! i brought these guys back as quick as possible and was so excited i got the option so do so.
lore and clan roles
in the end, exaltation gave my progens a lot of character- although i was so upset about having done it for literal years, lol. my clan lore felt super weak up until bringing them back.
varsha is clan leader, but im undecided about yukiennes role- all i know is that he did essentially abandon varsha in exaltation and didnt actually fight to earn his right back to this plane, and she resents him for that. i can imagine they did talk initially about him rising up the politcal ladder rather than being involved in the war itself, and i imagine initially he was actually quite gentle and perhaps a bit skittish- she had more pity for him then, and understood he wouldnt fare as well. maybe she even thought it would help his confidence. but seeing him live a bejeweled life as she fought endlessly.... well, thats just not great. on top of it, he sees himself as responsible for their return, not acknowledging varshas efforts, and he does this despite the fact that there was no evidence of it.  so yukienne likely doesnt do much in the clan, and i imagine varshas bodyguard- nevara- keeps an eye on him until or if varsha decides hes trustworthy to help. in the end, he doesnt especially want to do things for the clan anyways- he doesnt feel the dedication that varsha does, and though varsha doesnt realize it hes worn himself. hes tired of lies and a political lifestyle, and i dont imagine hes as confident as he might come off- its likely more a force of habit, and in saying it was because of him they got home, he just more than anything wants validation that his suffering was just as painful and he worked just as hard as varsha. but she really cant see that. in her eyes, hes still sitting on a pedestal, lying and spoiled rotten. even if now hes just lost and tired more than anything else.
varsha obviously is very strong willed and stubborn, and sometimes has difficulty empathizing with others- particularly those she perceives as having caused her harm. shes not especially friendly, and a bit paranoid. still she cares a lot about others, particularly her clan members who she views as her responsibility, and so she pushes away her own feelings best she can. shes more prone to trust those from wind than from any other flight, and is working on her distrust of those from ice. 
she has a close bond to nevara due to her wind heritage and time spend together on the battlefield, and trusts her deeply. she also deeply trusts aer, the very dragon that first found her and yukienne, and the only from the clan at the time that did not know of her exaltation until it was too late. she appreciates the effort on her behalf to keep the clan in order and understands aer was also very hurt by what her clan members had done, and is glad to have someone from that time who had missed her. 
varsha also finds amaryllis sort of cute and charming.the wind heritage probably helps yet again in this case, but even beyond that, she appreciates someone so unfit for the role trying their very hardest to play leader to keep their clan together in her absence. she sees her somewhat like a little sibling, despite not having a large gap in age.
since mako worked so close to both amyrllis and aer during her absence, she was one of the first ice flight members in their clan that she warmed to. with her optimistic and free spirited attitude, and the fact that shes still willing to work in a political position (unlike amaryllis, who was happy to retire) she helps to balance out varshas negative views of people and also is very useful in giving intel and helping create strong bonds between their clan and others, since varsha... would probably never do so on her own, but does see the necessity.
yukienne, at this point, lives a fairly solitary lifestyle. being rejected by the person he admires most as well as feeling he betrayed and failed her, he sees himself unworthy of deeper relationships. at the same time, he is stubborn and unwilling to discuss and feels he doesnt deserve sympathy or to explain his side. all interactions and relationships he has are shallow. at the very least, he is genuinely very proud of his appearance, so thats probably the one thing he has actual confidence in.
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wall-e-gorl · 5 years
ive recently splurged on some BNHA fantasy ending themed fr fandragons and wanna show them off, so im gonna. gonna go by the order i got them by under the cut cause not everyone is here for my favorite dragon pet game and i dont want to clutter dashes too much. 
So i have 10 BNHA fandragons, which are basically a character represented by a dragon by its colors, genes, and clothes, and sometimes familiar but i dont do that often. Some of yall have seen a few of these lads and ladies already but uhh whomstve cares i recently talked about fandagons with someone and it made me get new ones.
First! Todoroki, whomst i saw as a baby and went “i need that” and was lucky enough that the opal over the eye was the same as on the baby model. Also ignore that this is the female pose cause i checked and female spirals are the only breed/gender combo that do the opal thing lol
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Then! cause im a shipping nerd, Deku! I breed these two for exalt canon fodder babies a lot. I also dont know if i want to keep that accent on him? at a glance its suppose to look like his sparks but its actually a “rotting body with fungi” accent from last years RoR fest lol. Oh and i breed changed him from an Imp [one of the largest breeds] to a Fae [smallest] as soon as i bought him 
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Next! Iida!! I actually found him by accident, i was lair stalking someone and saw that they had his brother for lore reasons and he was stuck at the back and i just shot them a message and Blam Now I Have My Boi. its been suggested that i give him the lightning leg apperal thing but it doesnt really fit his outfit tbh. 
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Next!!! Kirishima!! Best Boi!! I got him as an older rescue, he had several kids and was named Diablo iirc, and his primary is a bit too dark and his eyes arent red but i like em anyways. 
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Next is Kind Murder McSlode himself. hes  ridgeback female cause i wanted him to breed with Kiri lol. More fodder babies! Oh and hes fire x4. Fire prim, sec, tert, and eyes. It makes for a nice looking gene list lol
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Next! A child who i spent way too long on to figure out his outfit! My favorite! Tokoyami! For him, i had a Set Thing for what he was going to look like, and found a person that breeded his exact color scheme, and bought him off of them, even if they were a bit rude while doing it. also? his red choker was so hard to do? 
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Now we are getting into the new ones, some Girls now. 
Hakagure was the easiest to dress, may i just take a moment to thank Bossdad for Marva cloaks. ... Her colors are white white whiteand all basic cause i think im funny and literally just has gloves. 
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Jirou just grew today and as i have no money atm [i blew it all on Urakaka earlier this week] has none of these clothes but this is what she Will Have. Im Ubber Proud of this one, i got it right so fast
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Next is Tsu. I dont have any plans for her yet since i going to change her breed sometime soon but here is what she looks like right now. As a hatchling she gave off the frogg look needed but i just.. Hate adult mirrors. Shes probably going to be a fae? that or a guardian. i like faes more than guards so probs fae
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And then Urakaka!! whomst i blew like 500,000t on! i changed 2 genes, made her a tun and got most of her outfit all on the same day i bought her. GnG day in and day out bying nothing is so nice for gaining money 
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hey! if you’re reading this and read all of that i apprieciate you! please send me an ask on em! what you think about them, questions about what others will look like, just a i <3 one of them, anything. i love interaction!
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clocks-rising · 6 years
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OMG look at this FUCKING PRETTY BOI omggggggggggGGg omg he’s mint and purple and has amazing apparel???? wtf??? and not just any apparel but you threw whites and shit in there like a pro. wow hel ooks so good. dang bruh 8(btw i call everyone bruh but is therea  neutral bruh term i can use??? curious)
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DANG THIS BITCH IS OLD AS BALLS lmaooo omg she has a tiger tert  (i worte tert i meant uh primary)who has those anymore. omg wait this is even better she has stripes. omg i’m surprised she even has a tert but you actually matched apparel to it which is why she looks so good. and her nail polish matches her bag!!!! now that’s stylish
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LOOK AT THIS SEXYYYY SPIRAL i see he had an eye change as well, o h goD DANG and he matches his familiar too, if u don’t amtch ur familiars to ur dragons ur doing it wrong
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honestly i’ve found with spirals that like, sometimes an accent is all they need, maybe a couple pieces of apparel on top. they are very ez to look amazing with lower effort. god i just love male spirals that guy is the best i’m glad he exists
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I ADMIRE THIS NOCTURNE ORH IS FASHION SENSe those are like coli apparel right? cause i have a few pieces from god knows where lmao. wow he rocks it. god he looks so ridiculous he needs some art or something to back him up. look at his cutie little feets
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omg when i first saw him i was like “wait is he wearing some skin?” NO HE JUST IS FASHIONABLE AS FUCK. i love that you chose contrasting apparel to his colors because he looks AMAZING i really love what you did here
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goodness sorry but no i am not going into her scrying tent NIOIOOPOPe oh my but she looks great (except lol at her hair clipping through her robe lol @ apparel layering, doesn’t that tiny stuff ever bug you sometimes, but i tend to ignore it on my dragons anyway)
lastly before i go
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I DON’T KNOW WHAT HER NAME MEANS AND I FEEL LIKE I DON’T WANT O KNOW god she is fancy AS FUCK goddamn A+++ spiral and apparel. love her little roselets. i love the meshing of apparel, i would do that if i owned any which i don’t lmao rip being away frm Fr for forever
good lair, well-dressed dragons, familiar matching EVERYWHERE which everyone should strive for, SURPRISINGLY SMALL THO PLEASE PUT MORE DRAGONS IN???? DOES NO ONE HAVE A BIG LAIR??? I STLLL HAVE HICCUPS ANYWAY CAN THEY END PLS tia
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blondetheftauto-fr · 6 years
Introduction of Dragons (that have lore/planning to have lore)
So, I’m gonna give a quick run-down of the dragons in my lair, both for my own records and because I like sharing.
I have a lot of fan dragons, and will tag each of the fandoms that the dragons are from. So if the tags seem a little weird, its because I have fan dragons.
It’s also gonna be long, so I’ll stick this under a read more to be considerate.
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So, to start off, I’ll introduce Siani. She is my Progenitor, and the one I picked out the colors for. She is also one of the few dragons I used the Scattersight thing for, and she got rare Lightning eyes! I plan on turning her into a Snapper (even tho I really love her as a Fae too), and giving her the Shimmer secondary. She is my baby girl who inspired me to go back to lightning after being in the Ice flight for a long time.
As for lore, she is currently the leader of the Clan, and is extremely determined to keep the Clan in the Lightning flight. I did exalt both of my progenitors a couple times, mostly because I was frustrated with myself at being unable to come up wtih lore, but I was able to incorporate both the rare eyes and the exalting into her lore.
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Next up is Isavar! He is the random progenitor that I got, and by god were his colors really random. I think I’ve scattered his colors 3 or 4 times before I got this one, and I’m actually really happy about his current colors. He kinda reminds me of a copper coil (especially so when I turn him into a Spiral). He definitely needs a few genes (morph, bee, glimmer), as I diverted my energy towards getting Siani genes early on. He is also one of the few that I used the Scattersight on, and he also got rare Lightning eyes! Really pleased that I got both of my progens to have the rare Lightning eyes, even tho I wanted them to get primal.
For lore, he’s just as determined as Siani, albeit a little more laid back. He also leads the clan, but mostly just follow’s Siani’s lead. I haven’t actually written his lore in the bio yet, but he’s similar to Siani in terms of story, just more of a follower because he gets distracted and Siani is the better leader anyway.
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Next is Fianite, only because she’s next in the lair order with lore planned. She is a fan dragon (like 75% of the dragons in my lair) of the Goddess Fianite from the Minecraft Series Mianite (more like a fan idea of a series. shes a fan dragon of a fan idea of a joke). Her ID is also nice to look at (# 41444765).
For my lore, she’s the Deity Preacher for the Nature Flight (even tho she has quirks with sea related stuff, which is still a work in progress for her apparel). She’s kind of mischievous when no one’s looking, but otherwise behaves.
I have Deity Preachers for each of the flights I thought about joining. Thought about Nature because of the aesthetic, didn’t go for it because of the eyes. I like my electric blue beauties.
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Mianite is the next one in the lair! He’s one of the first few hatchlings that I ever had (from Rinemia and Salazar, whom I got very, very early on). He’s another fan dragon, of the god Mianite from the series Mianite (hope you’re sensing a pattern here, I’m trash).
Lore-wise, he is a Deity Preacher of the Lightning flight, and as I am currently in the Lightning flight, he is the current Head Deity Preacher. He does have lots of light aesthetics, but that’s because he’s a fan dragon, and no other reason tbh. He likes to act strong and big, but he’s definitely got a temper when it comes to Fianite and Dianite’s antics.
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Next is Ianite. As you may have guessed, she is another fan dragon from the Mianite series, of the Lady Ianite. I think she’s the first stained dragon I ever owned, and her sapphire primary goes really well with her cherry tert.
She is a Deity Preacher for the Shadow flight. I love the eyes, and had considered going to it after wanting to leave Ice flight, but the eye update came out and the shadow primal eyes really scare me tbh. She acts forgiving, but she definitely doesn’t forget wrongs done to her. This does not apply to Spark, because he has done no wrongs to her.
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Next is Spark. He is also a Mianite fan dragon, but from season 2. He’s one that I hatched myself, although I have sold/exalted both of his parents. I may switch him out for a shadow dragon, or a dragon of a different breed, I don’t really know yet.
He is Ianite’s apprentice (nevermind that he’s an Ice dragon), and would do anything for her. Beyond that, I have no ideas for him really.
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Furia is another Mianite fan dragon. I really like the secondary, as it makes it seem like her wings are on fire, and the glimmer really matches the mask (?) that Furia has. Her ID is another one that is nice to look at ( #41444081).
In lore, Furia is the assistant to Dianite, and I’m thinking I might make her one of the guards? I don’t know about that yet. Very fiery temper, and quick to bite. Seems very loyal to Dianite, but could be persuaded with valuables to go against him.
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Dianite is the next dragon, yet another Mianite fan dragon (and certainly not the last one either). I really love his primary and the way it does his horns. It’s actually because of the horns that I bought him, as it just matches season 1 Dianite so well. When the fire halo comes out, he’s totally getting one.
He is the Deity Preacher of the Light Flight. I had originally considered joining the Light flight due to dominance wins but decided I liked the eye color of the Lightning flight more. Dianite loves to cause Miantie grief, and loves the light from lava and other hot items.
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Gasp! Rea actually isn’t a Mianite fan dragon! But she is a fan dragon of one of my OC’s from a Minecraft series I’m doing. She’s one of the first ones you come across in my lair with the Kelpie mane, which I use as blue hair. Yes, the OC has blue hair.
She works with Baldwin a lot, and is one of the Head Scientists of the clan. She likes slime and goo because its fun to put her hands in. She is in charge of keeping track of all the Baldwin ingredients. Very forgetful tho, but loves her job.
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Deimos is another fan dragon, of the same series that Rea is from. I really love the babies that come from his and Rea’s nests. 
He is the Grand Vault Master and Grand Treasurer, in charge of the more high-value items that I keep in my vault and all the treasure and gems in my hoard. Loves looking at expensive items, hates spending money to get them.
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Here’s Kim! She’s a fan dragon of Kim Richard’s Minecraft skin (Yogscast fan dragon). The Smirch is as close as I could get to the flux, but I did pretty well, I think. She is one of my Coli dragons (one of my first level 25 dragons) because I chose her, Duncan, and Blight to train for the first time. I’m thinking about turning her into a spiral, but then I would have to change Blight and Lalnable and Duncan too. One day, though. One day.
Kim is an apprentice to Duncan, and one of the few shade infected dragons in my lair (similar to the flux for her). Duncan keeps her grounded, though, and doesn’t let her drift far into her thoughts. Otherwise, a very bubbly and excitable dragon (hence, why I want her to be a Spiral).
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Duncan is a fan dragon of Duncan’s Minecraft skin (also Yogscast fan dragon). He was a bit harder to find for the genes, but I think these genes work fairly well for him. He’s also one of my first level 25 dragons, and on the same Coli team as Blight and Kim. He also came from a hatchery, which you can find in his bio.
Duncan is an alchemy master, and another head scientist in my lair. Very mischievous too, but somewhat knows when it’s inappropriate. Cares for Kim, and keeps her grounded. Has a grudge against Lalnable for tricking Kim once.
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Blight, my baby girl. She hatched from the first elemental egg I had ever gotten (Plague), and I absolutely loved her colors. It wasn’t until a whole lot later that I realized she had perfect colors to be a fan dragon of SpecimenFive (also a Yogscast fan dragon), and I didn’t even have to change the name! She is the first in my plan to get an egg of every flight and hatch it into a dragon that I keep. She was the third of my first three level 25 dragons.
In lore, she is an apprentice to Lalnable and shade infected. She embraces it moreso than her counterpart, Kim, but doesn’t get drawn into it as much as Kim does. Lalnable was the one who found her egg and hatched it, determined to have an apprentice like Duncan did. Likes to antagonize Kim.
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Lalnable Hector. If only Flight Rising would allow spaces. For now, it’s just Lalnable. He’s a fan dragon of Duncan’s evil alternate, Lalnable Hector (from Yogscast). I absolutely love the Current secondary on him, totally looks like a blood spatter. If only I could get that on his lab coat.
In lore, he only holds the title of Alchemy master because of his more unpleasant habits. The meat he eats certainly doesn’t look anything like what the other guardians eat, and his unsettling personality certainly doesn’t make them want to ask. Found Blight’s egg and hatched her, taking great care to make her like him. Likes to antagonize Duncan.
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Druid. My baby, I love her so much. She’s a fan dragon of my own Minecraft skin from a spinoff Mianite series that I do, and I absolutely adore the way she looks. The kelpie mane for blue hair once more, and the roses go really well with the rest of her aesthetic. Plus she’s a Guardian female, which is my favorite dragon to look at (if you couldn’t tell from my icon both here and on FR).
In lore, she used to be the leader of the clan, shortly before Siani and Isavar took back control. Not to say that she didn’t hand it over to them willingly, she knew it was time for them to take control. As much as she loves to lead, it gets exhausting for her. She loves her girlfriend Malinalxochitl (if only, FR) and would do anything to protect her mate. Currently, she is in control of the distribution and production of food (true to my Southern US heart). Sweetheart, she really is.
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Malinalxochitl. God is her name a mouthful, but I thought it would be better to have my head of the guard named that rather than Pancake. I know this dragon is a male, but it’s a fan dragon based on a female-oriented OC of the same Minecraft series that Druid is from. For trying to recreate a literal ball of fire, I think the poison/toxin really did it justice.
In lore, Malinalxochitl is the head of guard (one day, I will get her to level 25), and the coordinator for the clan’s dominance. She is deeply in love with Druid, and will do anything to protect her. Seems somewhat standoffish, but Druid gets her into a blushing mess (do dragons even blush? this one manages to).
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Rinemia is one of the first few dragons that I ever got. She was given to me by a friend, and I absolutely love her soft colors. The Starwood Veil was also one of the first few festival apparels that I ever got, and always thought it fit Rin perfectly.
Rinemia used to be the leader of the clan, when it was first pushed to the Ice flight. She is motherly in tone and rule, and guides with a gentle hand as best she can. Now, she coordinates the festivities of the clan, and helps make sure that enough festival currency is in the lair to get required items.
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Finally skipping a few dragons that have no plans for lore, here’s Israphel. He’s a fan dragon of the Minecraft series Shadow of Israphel (Yogscast, once more). It’s kind of hilarious that he’s a Light dragon.
He’s a Grand Shade Mage, and the reason for the Shade infected dragons of the lair.  No one can prove that it’s him though. Very unsettling to interact with.
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Honeydew, the first Snapper to be in the clan. He’s another fan dragon of Simon Lane’s Minecraft skin (Yogscast). Again, ignore the pronouns I use.
Honeydew is extremely good friends with Xephos. Keeps his mind in the right place most of the time. An absolute sweetheart, although he can be a bit of a smartass. He loves his friends dearly, but that won’t stop him playing tricks on them or calling them out on their stupidity. Loves sweet things, and Corgis. 
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This is Xephos, the poor boy. He’s the first Ridgeback in my lair. Fan dragon of Lewis’s Minecraft skin (Yogscast).
Xephos is very good friends with Honeydew, who is the only one who can keep his thoughts from straying too far into the shadows. He is the first dragon in the Clan to become Shade infected, from Israphel himself when Xephos was fighting the Mirror to keep Honeydew safe. Sharp personality that goes well with his sharp tone of voice (and sharp nose ehehehehe).
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Spell. One of my friends bought his brother, showed him off, and that’s how I got him. Absolutely stunning dragon. Love his hatchlings with Celeste.
Court Wizard. Aloof, and smirking constantly. Not an asshole tho. That’s all I got for this boy.
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Primal. God this boy is hurt. I’ve also scattered his colors like 3-4 times. Half tempted to do it again. My first Primal hatchling, back when I still lived in the Ice flight. He hatched like, two or three weeks before I moved actually.
In lore, his birth was the push that caused Siani and Isavar to take back control of the clan and lead them back to the Lightning flight. He’s shunned by half the flight, and loved by the other half. He has a really weird existence, but Gigglefrost and Hellfire make sure he feels as home as he possibly can with his ever-snowing eyes.
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Charisma. Not my first radioactive xxx, but definitely my first one with lore.
She’s a bard. Likes singing and lutes. That’s it, but it’s enough for me.
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Tea. The oldest dragon in my lair (born March 15th, 2015). 
She’s a healing witch. That does not stop her from making harmful potions for her enemies.
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Galahad, my second elemental egg hatched (Shadow boy).
Loves the sea, and loves Charisma, although he’s afraid to show it.
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Sightseer. My first Multigaze dragon, although by far the best one I could have hatched. I immediately bought him a Sprial change scroll, as he was a Skydancer before, but I only like Multigaze on Spirals. Currently a hatchling, he grows up tomorrow tho.
Seer, if the name didn’t give it away. Can see into the future, just can’t control when or where.
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Hellfire. Protector of Hatchlings, and mate to Gigglefrost. Think of a silent grandfather that always gives off this stern vibe, but absolutely loves kids.
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Gigglefrost, my baby girl. She was the first dragon given to me by my friend HonorDawn12 on FR. 
She is the caretaker of the hatchlings (that’s to say, all the hatchlings and for-sale dragons go after her). She loves telling them stories and keeping them entertained.
Good god was that long. But that’s a general run down of all of my lore dragons / dragons that are planning to have lore. If you want to check out my lair here’s the link: http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=338843 I haven’t got lore for any of the dragons yet, work gets in the way, but my profile has got general clan lore.
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