akoinefish · 5 years
New generation VIPS...
So here I am ... just casually scrolling through my feed...
And there’s obviously lots of Big Bang things... but all of them have omitted Seungri.
I get it. To respect all women, one must make a decision to remove any man that treats a woman in such a manner.
However before any of us VIPS are women, we’re people. Hence before we seek to respect women who have suffered through such disgusting acts, we should seek to respect ALL people by not letting them endure the same acts or any acts of cruelty and injustice.
I’ve been studying law for a good few years and one of the most important and fundamental beliefs in criminal law is one must be treated as innocent until proven guilty. The reason for this is because treating someone as guilty prior to any concrete evidence or a complete investigation means that any accusations, half assed evidence, unconfirmed allegations act as automatic confirmation bias. This means that there’s no way for a man to ever be innocent and treated as such even if they committed no crime.
Modern society do not treat the accused as guilty until there is sufficient evidence to the matter, it’s beyond reasonable doubt. Could you imaged if you damned, cursed, humiliated, and ruined a man only to find out at the conclusion of your investigation that you were wrong?
Over the years I’ve heard cases where police officers have simply locked and abused gang members, depriving them of basic human rights because there were somehow in the vicinity of a crime and because they’re gang members, the police automatically assumed they’re involved and guilty... this is why society cannot improve. Our prejudices prevent us from seeing isolated events. We assume that by nature of someone coming from a particular background, guilt and blame are on them and no one else.
In my first year, one of the most horrible topics we went through was behaviours during police investagations wherein we went though police tactics of abuse, oppression, and cruelty used on suspects (not proven guilty) just to illicit an unreliable guilty confession. Acts such as keeping a man in an interrogation room for 6 straight hours was already considered oppression. How can you expect anyone to sit in a blank, grey room in such a terrifying and unpredictable situation for an extended period of time such as 6 hours and not expect them to lose their mind? At the end of these interrogations, I saw videos of suspects almost delirious, they’d say anything to get out of the interrogation room. But then I heard that Seungri was at the police station over night for what was meant to be an 8hour interrogation that became 16hours long... I don’t know the conditions of their interrogation but what interrogation lasts 16hours long ? I get it... where I come from, the beautiful land of New Zealand, we’re so into human rights like heroine to a junkie ... but even if I came from a shitty country that don’t have strong human rights law, 16 hours just sounds cruel. You don’t subject anyone, guilty or not, to 16 hours of interrogation. Police are suppose to be investigating, not driving suspects into madness only to illicit unreliable answers.
The videos that have been circulated by JJY to people including CJH of FT. Island are proven already. They’re guilty. They’ve admitted to it. However yes, it has been proven that Seungri does have a chat room with JJY, because well they’re friends. But it has not been proven that the videos were shared to that specific chatroom, only that he did have a chatroom with them, which is not odd by any means because.. they’re friends.
As of right now, no victims have come forward from the videos, which is fair game considering one would wish to keep as much of their dignity as they can by hiding their identities.
The drug use allegations appear at least after 2 drug tests (which one drug tests sounds enough to be but now 3???) to be clean. The only reason another allegation involving drugs is introduced is because of a “witness”. But really? Now there’s a witness. Where was this witness last year after the Palawan party? Right maybe they’re only bringing it up because Seungri is already going down. But is this witness even credible? Do Korean police and Korean media really BLINDLY believe the words of any one that accuses a celebrity, no less, of something as serious as cocaine use? Without any concrete evidence but hearsay?
I don’t know much about Korean law but does that legal framework really ... well work? How does the Korean legal system even function if the police and media blindly believe and PUBLISH stories regarding allegations with no factual basis or evidence? If I go to the authorities and state that I saw, idk like, G-Dragon injecting heroine at a dark alleyway, is that really sufficient for anyone to bring in a full fledged investigation on the guy? Based on my hearsay, lacking any sort of factual backing or evidence? Just me saying it is enough? Isn’t that ... well weird?
And for that matter, the police has just openly stated that there are no evidence confirming the allegations involving prostitution, drug use, and gambling. The gambling thing just sounds silly. Yeah sure it was on the messages but is that your only evidence? People always attempt to amplify their lives during low moments. It’s normal. It’s common practice. If it’s gambling then their should have been CCTV evidence or witnesses but nothing so far.
However the main point is this, this nonsense has been going on for nearly 4 weeks now and Seungri still has not been CHARGED. This is because there is no concrete evidence of any of the main allegations. Sure, Seungri’s presence is overwhelming in terms of the cases and wrong doings going around and it is clear that he is involved PUBLICLY and CLEARLY involved with very shady people but that does not AUTOMATICALLY INTAIL THAT HE IS GUILTY OF THEIR CRIMES AS WELL.
The stories out there are getting more and more ridiculous (even one foreign article published included allegations of money laundering... where the fuck did that come from?) yet no one has any concrete evidence or has shown real facts. Sure, I may not be privy or entitled to evidence nor proper facts, yet the public who lack both feel entitled to share opinions and damn a man when the police themselves have proved nothing. They’re still investigating yet the public has already served Seungri an unsocilicted guilty confession.
The saddest part is that the current narrative is that Seungri needs to learn that he is not above the law and should be punished but the public is so oblivious to the hipocrasy of their words. He is not above the law yet the public’s preconceived judgements based on zero evidence are valued over the police whom have failed to confirm any allegations true? You say he’s not above the law, yet your opinions and harsh judgements are more conclusive than that of the police, because the police have not finished their investigations yet. They’re just allegations at this point. Yet when the police are still investigating allegations, the public are already ready to charge him with prostitution, drug use, and bribery? Who’s really acting like they’re above the law??? Seungri or the public ?
I’m sorry. I get it. I’m a little soulless and cruel.
Sure gambling is illegal in SK but meh. Sure prostitution is illegal in SK but meh if they consented and are willing prostitutes.
Two crimes I cannot accept though are bribery (that’s distasteful... I hate corruption) and sex videos taken without consent. I cannot forgive those crimes. But I’m certainly not going to bury a man alive until such crimes have been proven or at least concrete evidence is brought up.
If y’all’s think about this. Seungri’s career is over. It’s done. There is no coming back from this yet the conclusion of his career came before the conclusion of this investigation... how is that fair? How is that just? I thought we had moved and evolved past 17th century witch trials where if a woman sank she was a person but if she floated she was a witch-nonsense? Where the outcome is always going to be dead or guilty... his career has ended and this is both in showbiz AND business in general... But all of it is over before the investigations, before a guilty confession, before concrete evidence, before any charges were brought against him... that doesn’t make any sense. At this point everything he has done and worked for has collapsed and it’s over, yet this investigations continues because nothing is proven to be true yet. You’ve already buried him alive.
Think about that before you damn a man...
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scarfacemarston · 3 years
Hey there!
Regarding the last AMA, I actually live about 15 minutes from Virginia City. I think that the Nevada area in general would be a really really good place to do research on regarding brothels in the west, since we actually still have them to this day.
I pass a brothel everyday on my way to work haha. The history of prostitutuon and just ‘western’ topics in general are really broad here.
I’m obviously a big red dead fan and I never really appreciated where I lived or the history of where I lived until playing the game.
Lots of similarities in both history and scenery.
Only downfall with similarities in history are the social aspects. There are still some hardcore racists in Virginia City, which is disgusting. Speculation of KKK/white supremacist groups up near there too.
Definitely an eerie town. Not sure if you believe in the paranormal, but even if you don’t, you feel a vibe.
Fun fact: All of the priests of the church up in Virginia City have all eventually died in the winter, and like 4 of them died by slipping on ice. Others were also freak accidents. Car crash, tripping, etc.
I wish I had more questions about the history of things since I know that it’s nice to talk about something you’re passionate about, so if I think of anything, I’ll send it over.
Appreciate you!
I appreciate you!! Thank you sooo much for sending this. I’m very excited. That’s so interesting! Yes, Red Dead is the only reason I’ve become interested in the Old West and the history of prostitution.  It doesn’t seem like there are brothels except for the big cities like Deadwood, Butte, and Deadwood. Tombstone has one. The rest are all hidden if I remember correctly. I haven’t been able to find any others that are still standing. There might be one in Silver City Idaho?  Fun fact -Oftentimes, in places like Colorado,  a lot of former homes were brothels that people don’t know about. Small boxy homes that don’t have hardly any yard and built around 1890-1910 are a good indication - especially if it’s in one area. lol I mean, houses that are so small, that it doesn’t look like it should hold more than a bedroom and bathroom. I’ll have to find examples.  I love your fun fact. It’s probably a not-so-fun fact, but I’m interested in the mordbid.That’s insane. Maybe the place is cursed? I do believe in the paranormal so there could definitely be something out there. It doesn’t surprise me, these towns were so full of violence. I’m terrified of something ever becoming attached to me while working in a historic area. I’ve had to have my house blessed before.  What’s it like living so close to a tourist area? I live near one as well, but it’s also strangely out of my zone so I mostly have the traffic to deal with. I’m sorry to hear it really struggles with racism and white supremacy. We have that here as well, but it’s more “hidden”.  Send me all of the questions you’d like. :D
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triple-a-diary · 4 years
Child abuse and sexual assault
By:Nathalie Blanco, multimedia producer, Feb.21,2013 8:03pm/ update as of feb.22,2013 04:23am.
Children are and loved and give love in return, and they also trust other very easily. They are innocence in taken away, and their trust betrayed by someone who was supposed to ensure their walfare?
In the case of "Edwar" and "Ding dong", the teacher will be charged with child abuse through lascivios conduct under the republic act. 7610 or the special protection of children against abuse, exploitation and discrimination under article lll, section V of the act "children, whether male or female, who for mony, profit or any other consideration or due to the coercion or infleunce of any adult, syndicate or group indulge in sexual intercourse or lascivios conduct are deemed to be children ecploited in prostitutuon and other sexual abuse.
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captain-beate-world · 7 years
Ich habe schon immer Fett gehasst
Das Fett kann zu Gallensteinen führen, die Entfernung der Galle ist auch wieder ein operativer Eingriff, wo nicht in den Job, Einkommen und auch nicht in die Ehe führt. Tätigkeiten ohne Einkommen hasst jede/r. Augen, Ohren, Nase, Knie und nieren, Zähne weerden daurch unsinnig in Anspruch genommen. Das ist das Problem. Frauen sind mit 40 Jahren bereits zu alt. Das macht alt. Ich bin nicht ausgeruht. Dauernd Haushaltstheater hasst sowieso jede/r auch. Spülwasser, Müllwasser und Wischwasser hasst jede/r. Kleidung und Wäsche soll nicht mit Schmutzwasser genässt werden, weil das führt zum Gebäudeschimmel. Die Wände enthalten dadurch stärker Viren, bakterien, Pilze und Schimmel meiner Meinung nach. Ein hintergrund, dass in Wohngegenden keine Prostitutuon stattfinden soll, ist dass Sperma und Vaginalsekret infektiös ist und die Luft in der Umgebundg damit belastet werden kann, z.B. bei Durchfall. Durchfall ist wahnsinnig infektiös und könnte schon z.B. labile Nachbar/innen oder auch Kinder und Jugendliche mal anstecken.
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"More than 100 teenagers —many of them children from broken homes —were rescued over the weekend in a sex-trafficking crackdown that swept more than 70 cities, the FBI said Monday. The youngest victim was 13 years old, the agency said. The sting resulted in the arrest of 159 “pimps” from San Francisco to Miami who were involved in the commercial exploitation of both adults and children, said Ronald Hosko, assistant director of the FBI’s criminal investigative division. It was the FBI’s largest action to date focusing on the recovery of sexually exploited children, and took law enforcement agencies to streets, motels, casinos and social media platforms, Hosko said. He said he hoped it would focus attention on sex trafficking, “this threat that robs us of our children.” The pimps preyed in particular on troubled children, authorities said. In some of the cases, they used a popular online classified site, Backpage, to sell the children for sex, authorities said. ..." And before any apologists for the multi billion dollar global sex industry start trying to spread the propaganda that this problem would be solved if prostitution was legal: No. That is completely wrong. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/human-trafficking-persists-despite-legality-of-prostitution-in-germany-a-902533.html
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