#protogen cryptor
orion-somethings · 5 months
I made a post a while ago where I said Cryptor would look really cool as a protogen.
Ok hear me out… I turn it into a horror AU
In the AU, the Overlord wants to invoke fear in to the people of Ninjago city so they won’t fight him or rebel against him. So he sees the design of Cryptor that Pixal made and changes it so he is built as this tall 8ft beastly protogen that looks terrifying as hell. While building him, they put all these systems in to his programming like scent tracking, advanced hearing, mimicking sounds around him, and cloaking as well.
He isn’t able to speak so he just growls or stares at you in a way to communicate. Or he’ll just point with his extremely sharp claws to show what he wants or needs.
All of his soldiers are terrified of him so they do everything perfectly with no mistakes. If someone like a citizen goes into the area where the nindroids are, Cryptor would immediately get notified and get scent off to hunt them down.
I might turn this into a fanfic later.
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You are not a robot You're lovable, so lovable But you're just troubled
Happy Loving Cryptor day i drew him as a Protogen, this is the first time I’ve ever drawn either of those things whooooooo we livin on the edge bois
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orion-somethings · 7 months
Ok so like Cryptor as a protogen would look pretty badass
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