#psychologist clinic in brisbane
Empowering Lives Through Expert Psychology at Northside Psychology Brisbane
In the bustling heart of Brisbane lies a haven of healing and transformation, the Northside Psychology Brisbane at the esteemed Brisbane Mind & Body Clinic. Here, a dedicated team of highly qualified psychologists is devoted to illuminating the path to mental and emotional well-being for individuals from all walks of life.
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Comprehensive Therapeutic Approaches
At Northside Psychology Brisbane, we recognize that every individual is unique, and so are their challenges. We adopt a holistic approach to therapy, blending evidence-based practices with personalised care. Our qualified psychologists are adept in various therapeutic techniques, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Schema Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT). Each therapy modality is tailored to the individual, ensuring a custom-tailored healing experience.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): Illuminating Thought Patterns
CBT, one of our core therapeutic techniques, delves into the intricate relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Through CBT, our psychologists guide clients in identifying negative thought patterns and replacing them with healthier, more constructive cognitions. This process empowers individuals to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and various other mental health challenges effectively.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Embracing Mindfulness
In the realm of ACT, mindfulness takes centre stage. Clients are encouraged to accept their thoughts and feelings without judgement while committing to actions aligned with their values. ACT equips individuals with invaluable skills to handle negative emotions, promoting psychological flexibility and resilience.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): Healing Trauma
For clients grappling with trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), EMDR offers a transformative pathway to healing. This evidence-based therapy utilises bilateral stimulation, enabling clients to process traumatic memories, reduce their emotional charge, and foster adaptive resolution.
Schema Therapy: Nurturing Emotional Well-being
Schema Therapy delves deep into ingrained, maladaptive patterns and schemas developed in childhood. By addressing these core issues, individuals gain profound insights into their emotions and behaviours, fostering healthier relationships and self-acceptance.
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT): Balancing Acceptance and Change
DBT is a highly effective therapy for those navigating intense emotions and self-destructive behaviours. It emphasises finding a delicate balance between acceptance of oneself and the need for change. DBT equips clients with invaluable skills in distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.
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Goal Setting: Crafting a Purposeful Future
At Northside Psychology Brisbane, we believe that setting clear, achievable goals is integral to personal growth. Our psychologists work collaboratively with clients to identify their aspirations and chart a roadmap to success. Through structured goal setting, clients gain motivation, direction, and a renewed sense of purpose.
A Safe Space for Transformation
Beyond therapeutic techniques, what sets Northside Psychology Brisbane apart is the nurturing environment we provide. Our clinic is designed to be a safe haven where individuals can express themselves openly, free from judgement. Compassion, empathy, and understanding form the cornerstone of our practice, ensuring that every client feels heard, valued, and supported.
Holistic Well-being Beyond Therapy
At Holistic Psychologist in Fortitude Valley, we advocate for holistic well-being. Our services extend beyond traditional therapy, encompassing workshops, seminars, and support groups. We believe that fostering a sense of community and shared experiences can enhance healing and personal growth.
In conclusion, Northside Psychology Brisbane stands as a beacon of hope and healing in Brisbane. With a team of compassionate, skilled psychologists and a diverse range of evidence-based therapies, we empower individuals to navigate life's challenges with resilience, grace, and renewed vitality. If you're seeking a transformative journey toward mental and emotional well-being, Northside Psychology Brisbane welcomes you with open arms, ready to guide you toward a brighter, more fulfilling future.
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ocmontessoriacademy · 7 months
Official Presentation 4life Psychology Centre
The 4Life Positive Psychology Centre offers clinical and coaching psychology services. We provide evidence-based treatment, recovery, and development strategies that can put you on the path to optimal performance in your personal and professional life.
Level 2,130 Commercial Road,Teneriffe,Qld 4005
(07) 3252-7919
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By: Bernard Lane
Published: May 9, 2024
The gist
England’s Cass review has revealed that the fast-growing gender clinic of an Australian children’s hospital does not screen new patients for autism.
In an international survey commissioned by the British paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, one of five unnamed Australian clinics reported that it does not screen for autism because it claims such screening is “not accurate in [the] trans population.”
Clues in survey responses suggest this is the gender clinic at the Queensland Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, which also has the quickest fast-track to puberty blockers for children as young as age 8-9.
Patient numbers there reportedly rose from 190 in 2017 to 922 in 2022. In 2019, the Queensland clinic had more than 200 minors on puberty blockers1. Also in 2019, a concerned member of the public asked the clinic how many girls with autism were on blockers and was told no such data was kept.
Two other Australian gender clinics in the Cass-commissioned survey—identifiable as those at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne (RCH) and the Perth Children’s Hospital [PCH]—use the Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) to screen for autism traits.
The results of this screening test do not amount to a formal diagnosis but can identify children for referral to an autism specialist for diagnosis. A 2019 study stated2 that the PCH gender clinic “does not have capacity and resources to formally diagnose [autism].”
Youth gender clinics in Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands use the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule for screening, according to the Cass survey.
The over-representation of minors with (sometimes undiagnosed) autism in gender clinic caseloads internationally is a key concern in the debate3. One theory is that gender confusion may be a product of children with autism being immature and desperate to fit in, having rigid and concrete styles of thinking, and obsessional interests.
RCH in Melbourne has reported that 16 per cent of a patient sample had autism4. The prevalence of autism in the general population of Australian children is thought to be less than three per cent.
A psychologist whose daughter attended the Queensland gender clinic told GCN that in her experience “the psychological assessment was not thorough, and no history of trauma5 was taken.”
“If they are not digging deeper to carefully screen for trauma and neurodivergence and treating these issues, then they are applying very poor science,” she said.
Clinical psychologist Dr Vanessa Spiller pointed out that screening for autism was recommended by the first clinical guideline for co-occurring autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and gender dysphoria in adolescents.
“Diagnosing [gender dysphoria] can be complex in adolescents with ASD due to ASD-related weaknesses in communication, self-awareness, and executive function6,” the 2016 guideline by Strang et al says.
Dr Spiller told GCN that in her opinion, it would be negligent for a gender clinic not to take into account the effect of autism and its impairments on a minor’s capacity to make decisions and give informed consent to medical treatment.
Last month’s Cass report says England’s new regional services to replace the London-based Tavistock gender clinic should include autism specialists in their multidisciplinary teams, and standard assessment of new referrals should screen for autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions.
A Cass-commissioned evaluation of international treatment guidelines includes the 2018 “Australian standards of care” document issued by RCH in Melbourne and used across Australia’s youth gender clinics.
The Cass researchers note that the RCH guideline is among the majority of guidelines in which the recommended domains for assessment do not include neurodiversity or autism7.
[ Video: US whistleblower Tamara Pietzke objected to seriously disturbed children, some with autism, being “affirmed” and given hormonal interventions ]
The detail
Australia’s Health Minister Mark Butjler has played down the relevance of the Cass report, saying that “the clinical pathways are different in the UK from Australia.”
Last month, Western Australia’s Liberal leader Libby Mettam, who is in opposition, cited the influence of the Cass report when announcing a policy to prohibit puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and trans surgery under the age of 16, pending a comprehensive review.
“The need for urgent action is compounded by the rapidly growing number of children being diagnosed and treated for gender dysphoria in [Western Australia],” Ms Mettam said. “Our review will also inquire into why we are seeing this rise in diagnosis.
“There are currently more than 100 children and adolescents being treated at Perth Children’s Hospital with either puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones, with the youngest aged 11.
“When experts are telling us the potential permanent side effects of these treatments can include infertility, sexual dysfunction, obesity, heart and liver disease, blood clots and atrophy of the genitals, we need to investigate.”
In line with England’s Cass report, Scotland and Wales have announced restrictions on puberty blockers.
In Canada, Alberta’s premier Danielle Smith said the Cass report vindicated her province’s plans to prohibit blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors aged 15 and under. She said she had spoken to Dr Cass to better understand her report.
“If we want to take a science-based approach, we’ve got to use the best information available,” Ms Smith told the National Post.
In the US, South Carolina has moved closer to becoming the 25th state to restrict medicalised gender change for minors.
Behind the mask
The Cass report cites research suggesting that those who identify as transgender or non-binary are three to six times more likely to be autistic than the general population.
“These findings are echoed by clinicians who report seeing teenage girls who have good cognitive ability and are articulate, but are struggling with gender identity, suicidal ideation and self-harm,” the report says.
“In some of these young people the common denominator is undiagnosed autism, which is often missed in adolescent girls.
“Despite often being highly articulate, intelligent and skilled in many areas, autistic young people have difficulties with social communication and peer relationships, which may make it difficult for them to feel accepted and ‘fit in’.”
In her book on the scandal at England’s Tavistock gender clinic, journalist Hannah Barnes recounts how some staff were “stunned” by the clinic’s poor data collection when this was revealed in court proceedings brought by detransitioner Keira Bell.
“[The clinic] could not even tell the High Court how many of the young people put on blockers were autistic,” Ms Barnes writes in Time to Think.
“Some staff feared that they could perhaps be unnecessarily medicating autistic children. Less than two per cent of children in the UK are thought to have an autism spectrum disorder. Yet, according to [the Tavistock], ‘around 35 per cent of referred young people present with moderate to severe autistic traits’.”
In 2020, the regulatory Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspected the clinic.
Ms Barnes writes: “In a sample of records of young people referred for puberty blockers, the CQC found that more than half referred to autism spectrum disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Yet, the regulator noted, [the Tavistock] generally did not record how many patients had a diagnosis or a suspected diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. ‘Records did not demonstrate consideration of the relationship between autism spectrum disorder and gender dysphoria’ or that the needs of autistic patients had been ‘fully investigated’.”
“It wasn’t that anyone thought that it was not possible to be both autistic and trans, but clinicians openly questioned whether the over-representation of autistic young people [at the Tavistock] warranted pause for thought and a change in practice.”
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[ Charts: Co-occurrence of gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder, overall and by age group ]
[ The chart on the left shows that in 2015, almost seven per cent of those with gender dysphoria also had an autism diagnosis; this figure rose to almost 17 per cent in 2021. The shaded areas indicate 95 per cent confidence intervals. Source: Cass report ]
Under the waterline
The psychologist whose daughter was seen by the Queensland gender clinic told GCN that in her opinion the approach to assessment there “put the cart before the horse.”
“Gender dysphoria is similar to other psychological conditions disproportionately affecting teen girls and young women, in that we see obsessional rumination related to identity, appearance and the changing body,” she said.
“But it’s the tip of the iceberg. Underneath the presenting issues, we almost always find neurodivergence and/or trauma and/or anxiety disorders, and shame. [The Queensland gender clinicians] are, in my opinion, missing everything under the waterline.”
The psychologist, whose daughter in time re-embraced her birth sex, was sceptical about the clinic’s stated reason for not doing autism screening.
“What is about this so-called ‘adolescent trans population’ that means standard [autism] assessments used the world over with young people are not suitable for these young folk?”
Clinical psychologist Dr Spiller said the Queensland clinic might be correct in claiming that autism screening tools have no norms for trans-identified individuals.
“[But] if you took this argument to its logical conclusion, it would be impossible to assess or diagnose anyone who identifies as transgender with anything—a learning disorder, depression, anxiety, intellectual disability and so on, because there are ‘no norms’ for them,” she said.
“It is accepted practice to use the tools you have available and to use clinical judgment and observations until new tools are created, if necessary. 
“Ethically, it would be deemed a greater risk or harm to not diagnose someone, even with poor tools—it would stop kids from getting support in schools, early intervention, and [funding under Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme]. That would be considered discriminatory.
“The underlying brain areas impacted by autism are universal and include deficits in adaptive functioning (social skills, self-care skills), executive functioning, communication and sensory issues—regardless of gender identity.”
“The [approach of the Dutch pioneers of paediatric gender transition] differs from the [Tavistock’s] approach in having stricter requirements about provision of psychological interventions. For example, under the Dutch approach, if young people have gender confusion, aversion towards their sexed body parts, psychiatric co-morbidities or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) related diagnostic difficulties, they may receive psychological interventions only, or before, or in combination with medical intervention. Of note, in 2011, the Amsterdam team were reporting that up to 10 per cent of their referral base were young people with ASD.”—Dr Hilary Cass, interim report, February 2022
Gender change as a solution
In 2018 de-identified case notes, psychiatrist Dr Brian Ross from the Queensland gender clinic discusses the overlap between youth gender dysphoria and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
“Individuals with ASD have the same rights as other individuals to appropriate assessment and treatment of gender-related concerns,” Dr Ross says.
He cites several possible reasons for minors with autism identifying as trans or gender-diverse, including the wish “to find a community or tribe” or the belief it will be “safer to change gender” after sexual assault.
He suggests a girl with autism might identify as a boy because she thinks “boys are logical, girls are complicated and unkind in ways I don’t understand.”
And boys with autism might identify as a girl because they are “shy, submissive and introverted, don’t like dirt on their hands, [are] vulnerable and prefer intellectual pursuits.”
Dr Ross adds a warning that “these psychosocial explanations do not explain that for a socially disabled adolescent, the choice of another gender [at] variance to their biological assigned gender could in fact worsen underlying ASD factors.”
He describes three gender clinic patients with autism—
W, a nine-year-old female. Diagnosed with autism at the age of three. Wore boys’ clothes from age of four. “Solitary non-imaginary play with a preference to be a ‘dog’ where he would bark like a dog and seek affection by rubbing himself against others like a dog.” Could not fit in with peers. Mother thought her daughter might have identified as a boy because she lacked the more advanced language and social skills of her female peers.
Mother concerned that puberty blockers might deny her child the positive effects of her natural oestrogen and “disadvantage her child’s true gender journey.” Dr Ross reassured mother that the clinic had allowed W to enter early puberty to expose the child to oestrogen and the resulting intensification of gender dysphoria favoured the early use of puberty blockers. With natural sex hormones suppressed, W would have “a better ability to explore and experience his gender identity without the distress of his gender dysphoria.”
L, a 13-year-old female. Identifies as a boy. Father diagnosed with brain tumour when she was five months old. “Observed to not socially function in a socially appropriate [way] at school or in the family.” Few friends. “Acknowledges that he is becoming socially avoidant and experiences increasing anxiety in some social situations.” Special interest in the history of Prussia and American statesman Alexander Hamilton.
Diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) at the gender clinic after speech therapist noticed language impairments. “Delay in detection of ASD may have arisen with the preoccupation with the father’s illness and death throughout this child’s development.” L describes four personas inside her head: “C, a gay man with HIV who is angry; R, an angel-like character who is protective of all the other personas; V1, a man who likes sex; and V, who is wanting a physical form, such as his own physical body, to express himself.” Dr Ross says L presents “as a socially odd ASD transgendered adolescent who discusses his issues in the psychodrama of his various personas” but is not psychotic or suffering from dissociative identity disorder (once known as multiple personality).
S, a 12-year-old male. Initial psychology screening suggested autism features. “Wanted to be a girl because they are kinder and seem to have and hold more friends than boys that he found rejected him after a period of time… [His] desire to be a girl arose from his need to have friends and be accepted in the context of his lifelong social skills deficits and impaired social functioning… [He] was unable to articulate any other benefits of his desire to be female [and] was not able to describe any revulsion of his male body.” Dr Ross concludes that S meets the diagnostic criteria for ASD level 1 (or Asperger’s syndrome) and does not have gender dysphoria.
GCN put questions to the office of Queensland Health Minister Shannon Fentiman and Children’s Health Queensland.
Trans the autism away.
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maroonhealth · 2 months
NDIS Registered Providers Brisbane
NDIS Registered Providers Brisbane offer a wide range of services that can help you live a more independent life. They can also help you find a suitable plan manager or support coordinator to manage your funding and implement your supports.
They work closely with their clients to create care plans that are tailored for their needs and objectives. They also comply with NDIS practice standards and have a complaints management system in place.
Choosing a NDIS provider
Choosing an NDIS provider is a crucial decision for a participant. You want to choose a provider who is reputable and will provide quality services that align with your needs. To make this decision, you should consider the following factors:
Another factor to look for in an NDIS provider is their customer service. They should be attentive, responsive, and empathetic to your needs. In addition, they should be willing to answer your questions and explain your plan and entitlements.
You should also ask about their cancellation and alteration policies. Since your needs will change over time, you will probably need to cancel or alter your service agreement in the future. It is important to understand the process for this, as well as any additional charges that may be applied to your NDIS funding. Gathering information on client testimonials is another good way to get a sense of an NDIS provider’s reputation. Each person’s experience will vary, but consistent positive remarks can be a sign of reliability and professionalism.
NDIS-registered providers offer a wide range of services
iCare Recruit is an NDIS-registered provider that offers a wide range of services. They work closely with their clients to create care plans that are customized for each person’s unique needs and objectives. They also offer a range of therapeutic supports, including occupational therapy and physiotherapy. These services are funded by the NDIS and help individuals to perform daily tasks and improve their quality of life.
NDIS-registered providers have an in-depth understanding of the NDIS system and are committed to delivering tailored, high-quality support. Their client-centric approach and comprehensive range of services make them an ideal choice for anyone seeking a better, more empowered life.
Moreover, NDIS-registered providers are able to deliver higher-risk supports, such as disability accommodation and behavioural support services. This is in contrast to unregistered providers, who are generally limited to lower-risk household services like cleaning and gardening. In general, participants who have chosen NDIS-registered providers have reported greater satisfaction with the services they receive.
NDIS-registered providers are reputable
NDIS-registered providers are a great choice for NDIS participants because they provide a wide range of services, including assistance with daily activities and social support. These services can help you achieve your goals and live a better life. They also adhere to strict privacy rules and have a complaints management system in place.
In addition to these services, NDIS-registered providers can also assist you with your mental health needs. For example, you can work with a psychologist or counselor who can provide in-home or in-clinic NDIS approved services for your mental health. NDIS-registered providers are reputable because they’ve been through a rigorous vetting process and follow strict privacy rules.
To ensure a safer environment for participants, the NDIS Review has suggested all NDIS providers should be registered. This would increase the visibility of the provider market and reduce the risk of exploitation of participants. Registration would be based on the type of support being delivered and the risk associated with it, with advanced registration required for high-risk supports.
NDIS-registered providers are flexible
Choosing the right NDIS provider is crucial for your individual needs and goals. A good NDIS provider is flexible with their services and can provide a range of support options. They also offer a wide range of specialised supports. They are able to provide cost-effective solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.
NDIS-registered providers meet national quality and safety standards and are subject to regular audits and assessments. This provides participants with greater confidence in their service delivery. However, interviewees generally found that NDIS-registered providers were not necessarily more competent or skilled than non-registered providers.
NDIS-registered providers can deliver a variety of services that unregistered providers cannot, such as plan management and specialist disability accommodation. In addition, they can also provide assistance with household chores and support in social activities. Moreover, they are familiar with the invoicing process and can bill you directly from your myplace portal. This makes the process more efficient for both parties.
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Brisbane City Psychologist: Navigating Mental Wellness in Urban Life
In the vibrant heart of Brisbane lies a sanctuary for those navigating the challenges of city life - Brisbane Mind Body Clinic. As the premier destination for holistic mental health care, our team of Brisbane City Psychologists is dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey towards inner peace and fulfillment.
Living in a bustling metropolis like Brisbane can be exhilarating, but it can also be overwhelming. The demands of work, relationships, and everyday life can take a toll on one's mental well-being, leaving many feeling stressed, anxious, or disconnected. That's where our Brisbane City Psychologist , offering a compassionate and supportive space for healing and growth.
At Brisbane Mind Body Clinic, our approach to therapy is grounded in the understanding that mental health is influenced by various factors, including physical, emotional, and environmental. Our Brisbane City Psychologists take a holistic view of each client, considering not only their symptoms but also their unique strengths, challenges, and life experiences.
Whether you're struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, or simply feeling stuck in life, our team is here to help. Through evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), we empower clients to overcome obstacles, break free from negative patterns, and live a life aligned with their values and aspirations.
At Brisbane Mind Body Clinic, we understand that seeking help for mental health concerns can be daunting. That's why our Brisbane City Psychologist prioritize creating a safe, non-judgmental, and welcoming environment where clients feel comfortable expressing themselves openly and honestly. Whether you're visiting us in person at our centrally located clinic or accessing therapy online, you can trust that you'll receive the highest standard of care and support.
With our Brisbane City Psychologists by your side, you don't have to navigate the complexities of city life alone. Whether you're facing challenges at work, in your relationships, or within yourself, we're here to provide guidance, encouragement, and practical tools to help you thrive. Our therapists are experienced in working with individuals from all walks of life, including professionals, students, parents, and retirees.
Located in the heart of Brisbane's CBD, Brisbane Mind Body Clinic offers convenient access to quality mental health care. Our modern and inviting clinic provides a peaceful oasis amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life, allowing clients to relax, reflect, and recharge during their therapy sessions.
If you're ready to take the first step towards a happier, healthier life, we invite you to contact Brisbane Mind Body Clinic today. Whether you're seeking individual therapy, couples counseling, or group workshops, our Brisbane City Psychologists are here to support you every step of the way. Don't let the challenges of city living hold you back from living a life of purpose and fulfillment. Reach out to us today and begin your journey towards greater well-being and vitality. For more information, visit us at https://brisbanemindbodyclinic.com.au/food-mood-connection/
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doctoru-au · 3 months
GP – Urgent Locum – Option For Part-time / Full-time
Rochedale, Brisbane QLD | Job ID #2162
Opportunity for Medical Professionals at Established Practice
A well-established practice with over 30 years of service in the Rochedale community is currently seeking additional medical personnel. Due to a robust patient base, they are in need of extra hands to accommodate more patients. This presents an opportunity for medical professionals like you!
An urgent locum position is available for those ready to provide immediate assistance. There is also the possibility of a permanent part-time or full-time role within the team. Rest assured, your contribution will be valued and welcomed as the principal doctor takes some well-deserved time off.
This privately owned practice operates on a mixed billing system and is conveniently situated just 20 kilometers south of Brisbane CBD with easy access from the Pacific Motorway. This position holds promise as a long-term career option.
For more information and details, please contact us directly. We look forward to discussing this opportunity with you.
Privately owned practice that has been a long-standing part of the community. We offer mixed billing in our 4 consulting rooms, supported by 2 registered nurses and a visiting Psychologist. Located in a busy strip of shops with a pharmacy next door, we provide convenient care with onsite parking. Situated just 20km south of the CBD, our clinic operates Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, with no after-hours or weekend work required.
We offer 70% billings with a negotiable guaranteed hourly rate.
FRACGP & Specialist Reg with AHPRA. Not for doctors needing AMC parts 1 & 2, or with General Reg.
I save you time by personally searching for the right job for you.
Andrew McNamara Call | Text | Whatsapp +61 0430001747 Get in touch with me 7 days | early to late.
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happypeepscounselling · 8 months
The Power of Counselling: A Journey Towards Mental Wellness
For people who deal with a variety of common obstacles seeking qualified guidance can be a life-changing possibility. Clinical psychotherapy enables an environment of security and encouragement in which to evaluate and handle these challenges, whether they relate to behavioral issues, marriage problems, or one's personal growth.
Finding the Right Counselor
Research and seek recommendations from trusted sources
Consider the counselor's expertise and approach
Schedule an initial consultation to assess compatibility
"Starting Your Path to Achieving Mental Well-being"
Child interested in improving their emotional well-being may find psychotherapy to be a very powerful tool. It provides a safe and private forum for people to share concepts, sentiments, and anxieties. A few key considerations to keep in mind while thinking about consulting for adults comprise the ones listed above.
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1. Research and seek recommendations: Do some study and seek recommendations from individuals you believe as your initial move about Brisbane Child Psychologist
. This might be a family member, close associate, or medical professional. They may be able to provide you with an approximate price or lead you in the correct direction.
2. Compatibility and initial consultation: Plan a first meeting with the counsellor to determine compatibility. It is your chance to ask queries, discuss anxieties, and assess whether the psychologist makes you feel at ease and bonded. For counselling to be productive, maintaining a solid therapeutic bond is essential.
It's crucial to locate a counsellor who is a good fit for you considering an individual's counselling process is distinctive. Don't be scared of speaking out and ask for guidance if you need assistance with the state of your mind.
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NDIS Services Brisbane
The NDIS provides funding for a wide range of disability support services, including home modifications, communication assistive technology, treatments and living arrangements. However, NDIS participants should be aware that not all services are eligible for NDIS funding.
When choosing an NDIS service provider, it is important to look at their reputation and customer service. A good provider will have effective communication skills and a friendly, helpful attitude.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a new way of supporting people with permanent and significant disabilities. It is designed to give participants control over their funding, by allowing them to choose and manage service providers. GPs and health professionals are important to the NDIS process because they can help determine if a person is eligible for NDIS support.
The NDIS supports a range of different goals, including social and emotional wellbeing. GPs and health professionals can also help participants find out more about the NDIS, and help them apply for a plan.
MyIntegra is an NDIS registered Plan Management provider, offering a variety of services for participants and their families. These services include a personal portal, telephone support, monthly statements, and a trusted partner who manages payments and paperwork. Pricing is based on the NDIS Support Catalogue, and may increase on an ad hoc basis. If you are looking for a trusted and experienced NDIS provider, contact MyIntegra today.
JustBetter Care
Just Better Care has a number of home care packages available which are subsidised by the Australian Government. These packages may cover personal care, domestic assistance, social support, meal preparation and shopping, or may be used for rehabilitation. Just Better Care also offers NDIS plan management to help people with the paperwork and payments for providers. Susanne explains that for clients, not much will change – Just Better Care Brisbane North hosts regular morning teas and continues to connect with the community across the northern suburbs from Moggill up to Donnybrook.
Oday says he is “very excited” to bring JustBetter Care to the north and east of Brisbane. He has one piece of advice for anyone considering starting their own JustBetter Care franchise – “sit down, have a cuppa and get to know your local community!” Each JustBetter Care office is independently owned and operated. Services offered and pricing may vary between offices.
Connect Plan
The NDIS is a new way to support people with permanent and significant disability. It replaces the Queensland government’s existing system of disability services with individualised funding that you control and choose how to use. It will also change how your supports are managed, organised, and delivered.
NDIS participants can access a range of NDIS funded supports and services that can help them to live a more independent life. These include things like assistive technology, home modifications, therapy, and community participation assistance. NDIS supports are based on your goals, needs, and aspirations, and are designed to make it easier for you to connect with other people.
Positive Moods is an NDIS registered provider, offering a range of therapeutic and behaviour support services. Their psychologists and counsellors are committed to helping clients resolve mental difficulties and achieve their goals. They offer both in-home and in clinic appointments and can accommodate a wide variety of client needs.
Leap in!
The service is available to NDIS participants with a plan managed by Leap in! As your plan management service, we can help you claim your NDIS funds and arrange your services. To find out more about our NDIS services Brisbane, get in touch with us today.
Our prices are in line with the NDIS price guide / supports catalogue. We may increase prices on an ad-hoc or annual basis. In addition, we have the right to collect non-personal information about your use of this website and the App. This includes your IP address, the pages you visit and the time spent on them, unique device identifiers and App usage data.
We seek regular feedback from Members and will respond to compliments, suggestions and complaints. We reserve the right to raise any concerns with you and will seek a satisfactory resolution or your membership may be terminated. You must abide by all terms and conditions, policies and other agreements governing your membership and the provision of Plan Management Services.
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Ease Your Depression with Help of Psychotherapist
Today, we can experience that life is getting somewhat challenging. If you have ever struggled with depression or anxiety, you are aware of how quickly these feelings can consume your life. Your loved ones are also affected because they are at a loss as to how to aid you
If you have not already, seeing a psychologist for Psychoanalysis can help you figure out what is triggering your depression. You will additionally be able to find explanations for your susceptibility to this disease. Depression and substance abuse often go hand in hand; maybe this is your means of dealing with the pain. When you combine substance abuse with emotional distress, you make matters worse
Mood disorders range from the seasonal (the "February blahs") to the clinical (manic-depressive disorder, bipolar disorder). The degree of your depression will determine how long treatment needs to last and how effective it will be.
  If at all feasible, try to schedule appointments on the same day and at the same time each week. This will help establish a pattern, the establishment of which you are likely to come to enjoy. In order to help you find some of your own solutions and responses, a Wickham Terrace Psychology professional will have you participate in conversation. They are well-versed in the art of questioning and can prompt you to think critically and recall relevant information.
There is more to seeing a City Psychologist than just answering a barrage of questions. They will tailor a set of strategies and advice to you that you may use to combat your depression in everyday life, considering your own circumstances and preferences. They might suggest some deep breathing exercises or a good book. They would provide you advice on how to handle difficult scenarios. They may also suggest that you attend a local support group, which is especially helpful if the cause of your melancholy is the passing of a dear one.
It is common to feel comfortable sharing intimate details with a psychologist that you wouldn't with friends and family. Psychodynamic Therapist Brisbane provide you a neutral perspective on your life and circumstances. Sometimes the people closest to us can be the most hurtful, even when they mean well.
Get a sense of how well you get along by scheduling in-person meetings with a few different psychologists. You should get to know them beforehand to ensure a smooth working relationship. Inquire about their experience, rates, and credentials before hiring.
It is quite crucial to locate a therapist with whom you feel at ease while seeking help for mental health issues. Find someone qualified in your area by doing an internet search. Try looking up "Psychotherapist" as an example. All local listings will be displayed. Have no fear of classification. A confidentiality clause is included in their code of conduct. You no need to worry about your privacy when meeting with Psychologists Brisbane. They will keep your privacy and never share any information from your file with third parties.
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Can A Psychologist Help With Anxiety?
Anxiety is a common problem that affects many people in different ways. At Brisbane Mind & Body Clinic, we comprehend the significance of finding the right assistance for your nervousness and how hard it tends to be to venture out. If you're wondering if a psychologist can help with your anxiety, the answer is yes! Our analysts are prepared and experienced in giving proof based medicines for anxiety, including mental conduct treatment (CBT) and different treatments that can help you oversee and diminish your tension side effects. We can provide you with the tools and strategies to help you cope with anxiety and work towards a more positive outlook on life.
Brisbane Mind & Body Clinic offers a variety of psychological services that can help with anxiety. Our team of highly trained professionals are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment in which anxiety can be addressed and managed. With a tailored approach to treatment, we provide a range of therapeutic tools to help you understand why you are feeling anxious, and how to develop strategies to cope with and reduce feelings of anxiety. Our services are designed to help you gain a better understanding of the causes and triggers of your anxiety, enabling you to feel more in control and allowing you to lead a healthier, happier life.
Brisbane Mind & Body Clinic is eminent for its profoundly capable and devoted group of Best Anxiety Psychologist Brisbane. With their vast experience and understanding of the complexities of anxiety, they are well placed to provide the most suitable, effective and evidence-based treatments for anxiety. Their group of experts utilises a comprehensive way to deal with uneasiness and give customised mental mediations, alongside psycho training and useful procedures to assist people with dealing with their nervousness. Their variety of treatments and resources provides individuals with the best possible care and support, enabling them to live a healthier and happier life.
Anxiety can be a debilitating condition, one that can prevent individuals from living the life they want. This is why the team of Anxiety Psychologists in Brisbane provides an invaluable source of support and guidance, in recognition of its toll on individuals. They aim to provide tailored, evidence-based treatments, with strategies to manage anxiety and maximise health and wellbeing in the long run. The team's multi-faceted approach offers individuals the best chance of overcoming their anxieties, allowing them to lead a fuller and happier life.
For more information, visit the website: https://brisbanemindbodyclinic.com.au/
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tipco613 · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptonewsuniverse.com/the-march-to-freedom-celebrating-victories/
The March to Freedom Celebrating Victories
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The March to Freedom, Celebrating Victories
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At a time in our history when we are witnessing an orchestrated global effort to create a new world order, it may seem like gloom and doom. 
After all, the move to bring in the Central Bank Digital Currencies as a hub piece and part of a plan to programme and control your money while linking it to a social credit score system is nothing short of confirmation of the agenda at play.
However, it is even more important to notice and acknowledge the positive victories that are happening on behalf of humanity as the battle and march for freedom continue. Here are just a few. Feel free to comment on victories you are observing in your county.
Brady Gunn from Sydney, Australia, started off what has become a global movement of peace and unity in the name of truth – A Stand in the Park. This shows how one person can make a difference. 
Brady had enough of the corruption affecting all areas of society, and for the sake of his children and future generations, he started inviting people on Facebook to join and create their own groups and simply take a stand in doing so. 
This is a different approach to the mass protests and is as much about celebrating freedom, and all it means, while uniting for peace and freedom for all in the wake of the intended global reset.
A Stand in the Park has grown worldwide, and it is estimated that there are at least 600 stands across various sectors of the globe, particularly in the USA and Europe. Let this inspire you to know that one person can make a difference!
Australia was also one of many countries where thousands took to the streets in protest of the forced mandates. Mainstream media blocked transmission, but drone footage was captured across the world. 
Here is a summary of the global freedom marches worldwide in 2021. The source is anonymous and came from a telegram group.
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  Image Source: Festival.com
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist who regularly features in the media, is using his voice to speak out against censorship and give individuals stepping stones to change their lives.
In fact, he has just spoken in Australia and inspired many in Brisbane. You can view feedback on the Reignite Democracy Australia Youtube channel.
Who can forget the truckers convoy, which appeared to start out of Canada, and then spread to other parts of the world as people took their stand against forced experimental jab mandates and lockdown restrictions? 
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Image Source: LA TIMES
The USA also took the baton, a country that seems to be a magnifying glass for the common themes of corruption and centralization of power into the hands of global elites.
Yet rather like the phoenix rising from the ashes of intended destruction, brave doctors are coming together to propose a more sensible route to dealing with viruses, such as the Great Barrington Declaration.
Forensic audits are showing what many thought, that the last election was fraudulently tampered with en masse. The documentary 2000 Mules captured the essence of how this happened. 
In more declassified information, Pfizer has been caught hiding the severity of side effects in their heavily redacted documents.
In a recent big win, the New York supreme court ordered the reinstatement of New York City Department of Sanitation employees who had been fired from their jobs due to declining to take the jab.
The court concluded that the mandate was in breach of the separation of powers doctrine and the equal protection doctrine.
In an attempt to restore independent journalism, transparency, and truth Project Veritas has played a key part in going underground to expose fraud, crime, and many key grave misdemeanors perpetuated by the establishment.
An example in kind was the exposing of the complicity of news media in colluding with the establishment’s false narrative to gain control of the public. 
Brian Stelter was exposed and acknowledged the use of fear and propaganda to get more views,  stating that climate change and related lockdown agendas would be next.
There are many documentaries that have arisen to shed light on what is really going on or what needs to be questioned, quite a few from the USA. Here are some:
Plandemic – by Mikki Willis and team. There was more than one series in which Judy Mikovits featured exposing Dr. Anthony Fauci. Also, David Martin was featured. He did an exposé on the patents for several viruses and the fraudulent practice going on.
2000 Mules – Dinesh De Souza documents the exposure of election fraud in the USA.
Watch the Water – Stew Peters and his team featured Dr. Bryan Ardis, who explored the use of water to contaminate populations with viruses.
The video series Fall Cabal is by Janet Ossebaard, from the Netherlands, who has a teaching and research background. It is designed to give an overview of the various themes run by the establishment to control the population. 
She breaks each series down into small segments and is educative in nature, a good place to start for those who are beginning to question the established narrative.
Documentaries are compelling and in-depth alternate media, shedding light on issues that remain unanswered by mainstream media and are educational in nature. These are gathering momentum.
Also gathering momentum are groups arising to advocate and educate about the natural law, common law, and equity so that individuals and groups can start reparation.
In the USA, you have people like David Straight, who has been tirelessly educating people for many years.
In the UK, there was a landmark win for nurses here in the UK who were threatened in a similar vein to those in the New York case and were due to lose their jobs in April of this year if they failed to comply with taking the jab.
Many resigned ahead of this, and in what seemed to be the 11th-hour u-turn, the government revoked the mandates, although they stopped short of apologizing. Many believe this happened due to increasing staff shortages more than anything else.
On the subject matter of human rights, more recently, a landmark legal challenge was issued against the Met Police's discriminatory Gangs Matrix. This is a secretive database of people the force considers to be ‘gang members,’ which means they do not tell you if you are on the list.
This data could be shared with major authorities with possible grave consequences and no right of appeal.
According to Liberty, an organization set up to hold the government accountable on a wide range of human rights matters, the case was scheduled for a hearing in early to middle of November at The Royal Courts of Justice, only for the Metropolitan Police to concede defeat beforehand. They now acknowledge that this is unlawful and breaches human rights.
Similar to David Straight in the USA, we have people like David Adelman of The People’s Lawyer and private member organizations such as Matrix Freedom helping people to free themselves from the enslavement of the establishment. Education and reparation are key themes.
I’m sure you will recall the uprising in Sri Lanka, which peaked on July 9th of this year. This came off the back of the country defaulting on its debt, with inflation soaring at approximately 50%, reflecting a long period of economic hardship.
You may recall seeing videos of crowds of protestors storming the presidential residence on that day, resulting in Gotabaya Rajapaksa reportedly fleeing to the Maldives, according to The Conversation.
He was replaced by former prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on 21st July 2022, who then declared a state of emergency and has sought to crack down on protests.
The country has had its fair share of conflicts, notably the civil war in the 1980s and attempts to assassinate anyone who acted for the good of its civilians. There is a commonly held perception that corruption is responsible for the plight of this country.
China features heavily in Sri Lanka in connection with the Belt and Road projects, and the IMF is involved, with public assets being sold presumably to service the debt.
The feeling of the people is one in which they want to disband what they believe to be corrupt parliamentary and government officials in place of a more civilian type of governance structure.
Indeed Counterfire reported back in August that grassroots initiatives are moving away from the centralization of power to help the country recover and restore human rights and fairness.
While the battle is far from over in this country, we caught a glimpse of what happens when a group of people has had enough of corrupt practices. 
Hopefully, they can find a resolution without further civil or other wars.  These themes are not solely isolated to Sri Lanka, as previously reported with reference to the bankruptcy of the world’s nations.
Many positive grassroots initiatives are happening. For example, on a stretch of land between Croatia and Serbia lies a micronation established to restore constitutional principles to its inhabitants.
The 7-kilometer square of land, previously unclaimed, is referred to as Gornja Siga and classed as a sovereign state. Its motto is ‘To Live and Let Live,’ with economic and personal freedom for the people as its stated objectives.
It was declared the Free Republic of Lieberland in 2015, and its principles and criteria can be read in the Montevideo Convention.
This example reminds me of a quote by Buckminster Fuller:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
I suspect we will see more new models of micronations arising as civilians engage in grassroots movements to reshape society to one of fairness, dignity, and economic restoration for all.
As I write this, in the world of business and commerce, Markethive has its own landmark victory to celebrate. Markethive has just announced the completion of Phase 2 of its own wallet. 
This is part of a more extensive architecture and ecosystem to create a place where entrepreneurs can build a business and thrive, away from the interference of giant monopolies and centralized control.
More and more people are awakening worldwide to what is happening at humanity's expense. Many are rising in protest and beyond. There are still battles to fight, yet victories are happening and need to be acknowledged.
I leave the final note on the sound of victory to the very brave and courageous Karen Hudes, former World Bank lawyer turned whistleblower. 
She spoke of a transition in power and reminded us of something called the 100th Monkey Effect, which refers to the change in consciousness arising from a small group of people behaving in a certain way. 
When the benefit is observed, this then catches on until a critical mass is achieved, resulting in a tipping point of cultural change.
This finds its roots in a story of a young female monkey on a Japanese island who got fed up swallowing grit from the potatoes she ate. She washed them in a stream before eating—one by one, the other monkeys who had been observing her followed suit. 
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Image Source: Miyazaki.com
After 100 monkeys had copied this, it seemed that every monkey started to behave likewise, demonstrating this critical mass and tipping point theory.
Here at Markethive, as more and more people come on board, we will create a tipping point and cultural shift in the business world. It will also be a cultural shift for freedom.
When it comes to light versus darkness, there is only one winner. The light wins. At the same time, this is a participatory universe, meaning it is incumbent on all of us to find ways in thought, word, or deed to shine that light as a force for good.
There are many examples of individuals and groups creating projects and activities in the name of freedom, so this is a partial account.
May the synopsis of key victories here uplift you so you can rise above any fear perpetrated on the many by the few, and may you take your stand to be a beacon of light in your part of the world for the benefit of all.
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    About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
        Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com
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