#ptn wallpaper
veraberetta · 6 months
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Controversial Outfit Queens 👑 Long live Coquelic The Immortal
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airdst · 10 months
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"Be honest, do you want me, or a beast?"
I am looking respectfully at Ninety-Nine's upcoming skin...
gif and quote from PTN Discord's dynamic wallpaper (x)
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blotlcss · 1 year
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what’s your phone wallpaper : my dumb cat holding my foot and licking my toe is my lock screen and my wallpaper is my dog sitting on top of the couch and looking back at me with her judging eyes
last song you listened to : Hidden Potential - TWRP
currently reading : I dont wanna say because it's very disappointing.
last movie : uhhhhh I can't remember off the top of my head but I'm pretty sure it was a marvel movie
last show : I think that was daredevil?
what are you wearing right now : My cozy salamander sweater
piercings / tattoos? : I used to have piercings on my ears but they're all closed up now.
glasses ? contacts? : glasses! I'm terrified of contacts
last thing you ate? : Two pizza breads
favorite color(s) : light pastel/peachy orange!
current obsession: hsr, ptn, and most recently blender 🥴
do you have a crush right now? : I'm married
favorite fictional character : UHHH OH MAN THATS HARD
tagged by: @sweetlybite (ty 😘🧡)
tagging: oh man who hasnt been tagged in this already?
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stingslikeabee · 1 year
Get to know the writer!
What’s your phone wallpaper: Akiyama Shun being his charming self with a matching ringtone (his battle theme from Y5).
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Last song you listened to: 'Dress' by Abingdon Boys School (a BUCK-TICK cover and which everyone should see live with Takanori being the biggest Atsushi fanboy to have ever lived - honestly, date someone that looks at you like Takanori looks at Atsushi, haha).
Currently reading: The last version of the OECD's Transfer Pricing Guidelines (going back and forward between chapters I and III) - strongly recommended if you ever have trouble sleeping.
Last movie: Suzume no Tojimari - what a masterpiece, I cannot recommended it enough.
Last show: I'm watching both The Orville and Succession right now!
What are you wearing right now: A t-shirt that reads 'terra & fogo & vento & água & coração' aka the 5 elements required to summon Captain Planet in Portuguese (the entire 'pela união dos seus poderes, eu sou o Capitão Planeta! / VAI, PLANETAAAA!' catchphrase lives rent-free in my mind), plus jean shorts.
Piercings / tattoos?: I have just my ears pierced; tattoo-wise, I have a special geometrical design on the inner side of my left arm that I share with my 2 best friends and the letters LLAP on the inside of my right wrist (they stand for 'Live Long And Prosper', the traditional Vulcan salute from Star Trek and which I got as a tribute for my dad after he passed and before I moved abroad).
Glasses? Contacts?: Both - I use contacts most of the time, but glasses when I wake up/before going to bed to give my eyes a break.
Last thing you ate?: Nachos with guacamole as a mid-afternoon snack, very healthy haha.
Favorite color: It used to be a mix of blue, black and silver but honestly I've gravitated a lot towards some shades of green & purple lately.
Current obsession: Making a monster!verse for Melissa inspired after a few things from VtR, sci-fi content in varied forms, Fiona from Tales from the Borderlands (and getting my blog URL for her back from tumblr hell) and trying to balance classes and sightseeing before I return home.
Do you have a crush right now?: I am always crushing on Catherine Zeta-Jones. :) And several other impossibly beautiful celebrities, haha.
Favourite fictional character: I have so many, haha. Obsessions over the years have been varied but I think Captain Jack Sparrow likely has the #1 spot in my heart if you look at it from a time perspective and the sheer amount of things I own. But honestly - Jack Sparrow (PotC), Akiyama Shun (RGG), Aranea Highwind (FFXV), Balthier (FFXII), the Tenth Doctor (DW), Leonard 'Bones' McCoy & Data (TOS & TNG, respectively), Lestat de Lioncourt (IwtV), Eirene Campbell (PtN)... I could be here all day, haha. And Melissa, of course!
Tagged by: I have subtly stolen this from @rebelichor, haha. :3 Tagging: everyone else - you should steal from me and keep the stealing cycle alive!
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hirsaa · 5 years
Bukan ‘Kasih tak Sampai’
Barangkali dari kalian temanku mungkin pernah tau keinginan terbesarku tahun ini. Semuanya pun selalu meng-aamiin-i dalam setiap jawabanku ketika ditanya “kamu pengen kuliah dimana?”
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Ini foto tahun 2017.
Ini adalah tahun terbahagia buat kakakku dan juga keluargaku tentunya. Berhasil masuk UI dengan jurusan impian, siapa yang nggak bangga? Waktu itu nggak ada alasan lain buat bermimpi masuk UI biar bisa deketan terus sama kakak. Dia adalah motivasi terbesarku untuk UI. Pokoknya harus UI.
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Ini foto tahun 2018.
Bukan remaja namanya kalo nggak labil dan susah buat menentukan pilihan. Ini tahun yang berat, aku ngerasain gimana beratnya jadi kelas 12 yang harus bisa memanage waktu sebaik mungkin biar antara main sama belajar tetap seimbang. Waktu itu lagi jalan-jalan ke jogja. Awalnya nggak punya rencana mampir ke UGM, tapii yaaah pengen aja muter-muter karna ada waktu longgar. Kayaknya waktu itu pertama kali aku ke FEB-nya UGM. Keren...gedungnya bagus...Dari situ, aku punya pilihan lain buat beralih ke UGM. Nggakpapa jauh sama kakak, nantinya juga tetep bisa saling kunjung-mengunjungi, begitu pikirku. Foto ini sempet aku jadiin wallpaper biar semangat belajarku semakin meningkat.
Tahun 2019.
Tepatnya awal tahun, banyak pikiran-pikiran nggak jelas yang kadang muncul. Bisa nggak ya keterima UI? atau UGM? Apa aku turunin grade aja ya? Semua itu muncul juga karena nilai tryoutku di bimbel nggak bisa kasih aku harapan besar buat bisa diterima di salah satu antara kedua ptn favorit itu. Tapi tetep, aku masih pengen kejar impian aku. Berusaha, berdoa, tawakal. Itu kalimat yang selalu ibu, bapak, mba lila suarakan buat aku.
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Disinilah aku sekarang. Bersama teman-teman yang sudah Allah kasih jalan terbaik buat sama-sama menuntut ilmu di Undip. Aku bilang ini bukan kegagalan. Undip juga menjadi kampus impianku, meski bukan yang nomor satu hehe. Tapi, aku bahagia di sini. Rasa-rasanya sudah tidak ada alasan lain yang tepat buat menyingkirkan kata nyaman itu sendiri.
Yaaahh, semoga akan terus ada rasa syukur yang mendalam di manapun aku, kamu, dan kita semua berada. Aku percaya, Allah nggak pernah salah dalam memberikan rezeki kepada hambanya. :)
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