#redd converting their nightmares into whump
redd956 · 1 year
Cold Leader glanced over at Whumpee, analyzing their stern face for a only a second, before promptly deciding to ignore it. The two have pressed onwards hundreds of times in the past. They did so tirelessly; little breaks, mainly stops in order to scavenge, pauses to get the job done.
In the past, Whumpee's tired breathing bothered Leader in a different way. It was annoying how tired they got, how machine-like but still needy they were, how despite their obvious non-humanness they still acted so.
Today Whumpee's heavy breathing was bothering them in a different way. With every step the two took Leader leaned more and more into the idea of giving them a break. I mean they couldn't run Whumpee forever. Everything needed to rest, including Leader.
"Let's stop here." The words felt foreign and strained coming out of Leader's mouth.
Whumpee stared at Leader like they were looking at a dying dog that just begun to limp. However they resigned to the idea when they realized the seriousness that was in Leader's face. The two plopped down right on the spot. An uncontrollable sigh of relief from released from Whumpee when they sat, hissing through their teeth, and squeezing from their muscles in a stretch.
Leader simply rolled their eye at the notion, however they couldn't stop glancing back. They've been noticing a lot more lately. A whole lot more. Whumpee's tired eye bags, sometimes their feet hurts so much they limp. For as long as they've done this work together Leader needs to start treating them like so. Today Whumpee was a bit more beyond tired so that meant, Leader couldn't remember when either slept.
Before Whumpee even got a chance to begin laying out the night's camping equipment, Leader snatched it from their hands.
"I'll do it tonight." They droned.
On missions the two never really had much for "camping", Before Leader knew it they were offering Whumpee more than they offered most.
"I'll take night shift." They commanded, shoving a thin scraggly blanket into Whumpee's hands. Whumpee quietly nodded their head. Leader was Leader. Who were they to ever question? Ever.
Leader spotted the twitching in Whumpee's face. Whumpee probably thought that Leader has finally gone mad. Scanning the environment Leader thought over their journey. They needed to treat their "friends" better. Neither could go back to being experiments in that lab after all.
Whumpee fell asleep immediately, slumping against Leader. They half-awoke sensing they messed up and needed to move, or apologize or something. Leader's warm hands cautiously wrapped themselves around Whumpee.
Leader hushed, "Don't move. You need the rest."
Whumpee looked almost scared, but most definitely listened, relaxing onto Leader. The warm hands carded through their hair, messaging their shoulders. They made sure to sooth the base of Whumpee's wings, and press gently against where they assumed they last enemy tried to kill them. Neither ever realized how warm the other was.
Leader knew instantly they'd do this a million times over, however long the journey needed out of the two of them.
"You deserve better than me, Whumpee."
Whumpee sighed to that, before meekly answering, "Us nonhumans need to stick together."
"You're right."
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