#regatul sfaramat
booksoanahasread · 3 years
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Regatul Sfărâmat by Erin Watt
I didn’t really enjoy this book. I know it’s normal to not love every single book you read, but this one just felt so unrealistic and boring that I couldn’t even hope to like it. This is the last book in the Royals series by Erin Watt. I loved the first book, but afterwards it felt like the author consistently kept dropping in my view. 
I found the whole amnesia plot rather weak, not because it was a bad idea, but rather because of how Hartley was supposed to have gotten it because she fell on the floor. I don’t find that plausible which got frustrating. Hartley was relatable, sure enough, even in that situation, but the whole premise I thought was flawed. 
I found Easton to be a husk of what he once was, he wasn’t charismatic anymore. He just was protective and honestly so much like Reed that he just pissed me off. I don’t care about his vices, what made him my favourite character in the series was his wit and his charm. In this book he had neither of those. 
The action in the story was dull. The plot where Hartley was trying to find proof that her father was taking bribes and switching the outcomes of cases was somewhat entertaining, but it was cut so short. It was only in the last hundred or so pages that this whole storyline pops back up which doesn’t really do it justice. 
The scene near the end of the novel where Hartley, Easton, and Ella go to take pictures of the girls’ fathers was supposed to be this huge plot twist, this huge event. It wasn’t though, it was described in such a way that it was almost anticlimactic, I wish the author had written into it more suspense and made it much more eerie, adding in higher stakes. 
The book felt as if it were written just to be done with. I know how it is to write such a thing, but I can’t comprehend what was in the author’s mind when they decided to continue writing a book they clearly had no passion for. The one plus side of the novel is the fact that it can be read quickly and without much effort, which is the reason I chose to read it after I took my English exam.
The ending of the series wasn’t what I’d hoped for in any way, shape, or form. I really didn’t like the fact that Ella and Reed got married at 18 and respectively 19 years old. I just object to such a thing to be honest. Although it may be just a personal preference.
To conclude, this was a disappointing book and I’m glad I finished the series. I hope someone else finds this book much better than I did. 
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