#riker can't stand up like a normal person and it shows
akmorozova · 2 years
I read some lovely feedback requesting more smut featuring our favorite commander so I whipped this one up fairly quickly as a result. It's funny that I never used to write porn, let alone post it but here we are! Apologies for any mistakes, I proofread this only once. Any ideas for other situations you'd like to find yourself in with Riker? Let me know! 
With the captain away and Commander Riker in charge, he has a difficult time paying attention during a meeting about faulty sensors in engineering. After the meeting he asks you to stay behind to go over some reports with him further in the ready room. What happens when you meet him there alone would probably give Captain Picard a heart attack if he ever found out. (aka you and Riker play the ultimate game of "is that a phaser in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”)
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autisticburnham · 4 years
Emissary: Parts 1 & 2
Text crawl??? This is the wrong Star Franchise
Yes hair no beard Sisko is always strange. Better than no beard Riker, but still strange
I wish this Bolian had come back as a friend for Benjamin later on
Did Jennifer die in this ship's version of Ten Forward? Why are there so many windows?
Who is this BABY playing Jake?
To be clear, that last point is about the flashback. Actual Cirroc Lofton is also baby though
Ah, Benjamin and Jake looking at ds9 and how I know it's gonna parallel with Nerys and Jake looking out from it 😭😭😭
Here it is, the slowest theme song in the universe. RIP to y'all who think Faith of the Heart is bad, how do y'all stand this?
That said, my love for ds9 makes this theme song feel like coming home, no matter how slow it is
Love that Miles is wearing the ds9 uniform and Benjamin isn't. Miles is the one coming from the Enterprise
I know Quark has Rom's nose in this episode bc they hadn't finished making his yet, but still, everytime I rewatch the episode I'm like "Does Quark have Rom's nose??"
32°C? I didn't realize they set up the temperature difference between Cardassians and humans in the pilot
Nana Visitor, every Star Trek fan owes you their life for cutting up that wig
Is Odo's face meltier than usual?
Nog! Baby!
Odo may be a fucking cop, but at least he says no guns
I forgot the Ferengi hissing in the early seasons
Oh, I'm not used to seeing the Enterprise conference room not in HD
Benjamin, I know you're traumatized, but it's not Jean Luc's fault
"I've come to know the Bajorans" sir, you have one Bajoran officer and you nearly didn't allow her to wear her earring
I do like how Benjamin is doing his absolute best in the job and making long term plans even though he's planning on leaving
Odo, don't act like you wouldn't despair if Quark left
This hair does make Nerys look significantly more like Laren, which I guess is what they were going for
Opaka! Ma'am, I miss you
Remember how in the original script, you felt someone's pagh through their foot instead of their ear?? I hate Star Trek
Love when Benjamin just Yells. Emissary and Our Man Bashir show Supreme Acting
I wish we had gotten to see more of Jennifer. She seems so lovely
Morn! Didn't realize he showed up in the pilot
There are so many Bajorans not wearing earrings in this episode
Julian, the stuttering is cute, but please calm down
"He knows I'm a Trill, he finds it fascinating," that's bc he's an alienfucker
Love that ds9 immediately says "This whole 'Final Frontier' stuff is bullshit. People live here"
Didn't Curzon get fucked to death on Risa? How is he on the same operating table as Jadzia?
Dukat, no one cares what makes you happy
Benjamin: We'll try to keep the dog off your lawn. Dukat: What the hell is a dog?
Forget latinum, Kira's smile is the most precious resource in the universe
The inside of the wormhole looks like the time travel closet in Halloweentown 2
I know it's just supposed to show how much turmoil Benjamin is in, but the fact that the Prophets see Jadzia's internal view as this pretty garden is really interesting considering the inferiority complex Curzon washing her out of the program gave her and how much she is presumably struggling to find a balance between Jadzia and Dax given how much her personality changes over the first couple of seasons
Me trying to watch Benjamin in the white void the Prophets put him in:
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How the fuck did Avery tolerate filming this?
Listen, I know I don't understand science, but I really don't understand how they make the station lighter. Please don't try to explain it to me
Damn, Odo, you've got such interesting potential as a character. I wish you weren't a fucking cop
Love the Prophets and how extremely different they are from any other species we meet
Miles, don't be rude to the computer; she's trying to help
"In a linear existence, we can't go back to the past to get something we left behind, so it's lost" well, now I'm emo about the finale title
Benjamin is being remarkably patient trying to explain the concept of time
He looks so uncomfortable trying to explain kissing to them
Listen, I don't have like One Big Event that causes my trauma, but even still, the phrasing of you existing in your trauma really Hits
Dukat enters the wormhole and the Prophets immediately go "oh, no, fuck this"
The Prophets are me trying to understand sports
Man, fuck the concept of a Picard speech, Sisko speeches are where it's at
Does Kira have a different nose than usual? I feel like it doesn't normally have that line down the mide
"I can't believe the Cardassians would ever attack a Federation outpost." Julian, hon, I love you, but how are you so clueless about very recent, very significant galactic events?
Avery Brooks is so fucking talented
I fucking love Kira
I know we joke about Julian being in ops when he should be in sickbay, but honestly, why did he not leave as soon as they started taking hits?
Benjamin and Jake hugging gives me life
In The 7th Rule podcast, Cirroc says that Avery wanted him for the role bc he was the only kid who called him "dad" and I'm so 😭
Love the contrast between the two meetings with Picard and how much better Benjamin is doing already just from acknowledging his trauma
Love Kira threatening Quark
Very good episode, but I think it's probably difficult for new viewers to follow, and has a bit too much action for my taste 7/10
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