#rowdy teen puppoes
izayoichan · 2 years
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Gently and with Lucas aid he put the dog on the floor, his hands brushing against Lucas. He looked at Lucas realizing he could live with this. With Lucas forever by his side, touching him, listening to him. He indeed felt like sunlight, sunlight that cast away dark shadows from his mind.
River: I already prepped a new kennel for her, since I already suspected this. 
With Lucas he led the dig into her kennel and helped her in, locking the door. The door barked at them and River smiled, looking at Lucas.
River: Maybe you'll get here in time to see them still as adorable puppies.
Lucas nodded, wishing of course that it would be something nice like this for the second dog too, but he knew every story wasn't meant to go this well. When River looked at him, he smiled back, working like this, being close like this was the best thing he knew now. Here, where it was safe, calm, and just like home. When they had put the lady in the kennel, he chuckled at River's comment. 
Lucas: Or unruly, rowdy teenagers. -he winked- You'll just have to provide me with a cute puppy video or two to keep me going. 
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