#roxy fell for another blonde bitch
cranity · 1 year
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r0xy-w0lf · 4 years
Tagged by @theunholyoutlaw and @sad-sweet-cowboah thanks, I’ll try my best!
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Name: “My name is Miss Roxanne Robinson, but you guys all know me as Death-Rider” “Unless your in my gang then you’ll know me as Roxy, and im the leader of Death-Squad”
Are you single: “Sure is but Leo has got his eyes on her!”
Are you happy: “I’ve got my family i dont need anything else!”
Are you angry: “Not really, but hurt her or her gang and you’ll see side if her that u dont want to see.... like ever!” 😂
Are your parents married: “They wasn’t into any of that, they believed that you dont need to be married to proof how much you love another.”
Nine facts
Birthplace: “Uk”
Hair colour: “Blonde”
Eye colour: “Baby blue”
Birth date: “29th of December 1872
Mood: “Mostly mature, but has quite alot if crazy moments”
Gender: “Female”
Summer or winter: “Winter, can’t work or sleep when its warm! And nobody like me when i haven’t slept! But i will tryand meet halfway to go see my sister in between beechers and my fort up in Annesburg.”
Morning or afternoon: “Dont mind either, its easier to go rob folk at night but it’s nice to enjoy a full day.”
Eight things about your love life
Are you in love: “well currently nothing but the way Leo keeps flirting things all might change.” 😉
Do you believe in love at first sight? “Nope dont be silly.”
Who ended you last relationship: “Me, but it wasn’t a relationship i got a choice in, I managed to escape. I haven’t got scares all over me for no reason.”
Have you ever broken someones heart: “Many as i was never interested, being the most wanted outlaw was never gonna be easy and therefore no time for anyone.”
Are you afraid of commitment: “Roxy has been alone for so long apart from being with the gang, she see the others with there men and disbelieves that one day it could be her.”
Have you hugged someone in the last week: “ Not the most affectionate person in the world, so probably not but we all want a hug sometimes.”
Have you ever had a secret admirer:  “Probably, but they never had the balls to approach me.”
Have you ever broken you own heart: “yeah but well not go into that.”
Four preferences
Smile or eyes: “Best way to learn about them.”
Shorter or taller: “Taller, im a tall ass bitch!”
Intelligence or Attention: “Kinda like both but personality matters too.”
Hook up or relationship: “relationship”
Six Choices
Love or lust: “Obviously both”
Lemonade or ice tea: “ Lemonade”
Cats or dogs: “Both the more fluff the better”
A few best friends or regular friends: “ What sort of question is that? My gang anyday!”
Wild night out or romantic night in: “ Its good to do a but of both.”
Day or night: “Depends on mood”
Four have you evers
Been caught sneaking out: “haha im a assassin isn’t that what im best at?”
Fallen down/up stairs: “stairs.... what are those?”
Wanted someone/something so bad it hurt: “Does freedom count?”
Wanted to disappear: “kinda have to otherwise folk are gonna cut my head off”
Do you secretly hate one of your friends: “ nope, not yet”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends: “They made me feel like a normal human being no matter how chaotic they can be at times, and we deal with thing together, most of the time, unless ive already done it”
Who is your best friend? “No such thing as a best friend”
Who knows everything about you: “ Definitely Stevie as she was one the first i trusted and had to train everyday, she just gets me”
Do you and your family get along: “Me and my brother were inseparable until he met Mary and fell in love with but she was cruel and separated me from my brother and I haven’t seen him since”  “but my gang in now my family and the past stays in the past”
Would you say you have messed up life: “I wouldn’t say i did but all things happen for a reason”
Have you ever ran away from home: “ When i was 6 me and my brother both ran away looking for a better life, as the men who kill our parents would come and get us.”
Have you ever got kicked out: “ me getting kicked out your having a laugh, more like i kick other people out!”
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I tag @verai-marcel @mrskrazy @mrscharlessmith @horsegirl1h @fangirl-ramblings and anybody who wants to join in
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cosmicroadkill · 4 years
In which I rant about Homestuck and Girls
I don’t hate the girls in Homestuck but I do hate how the fandom and even the source material handles them. I cannot stand how Nepeta is often reduced to this cutesy little girl who needs Equius to hold her hand, how Aradia’s personality is basically just straight-up ignored, or how Kanaya is sometimes either made the Mom Friend for gags or the Sexy Lesbian Vampire as if she has no other traits. I hate how Terezi and Feferi are treated like they did nothing wrong, as if Terezi didn’t get John KILLED on one timeline, and Fef’s ideals weren’t thinly veiled/rose-colored castism, and don’t even get me STARTED on Vriska.
I want to like Vriska, not only because I’m a Scorpio but because for the most part, she really is a badass, but she’s also a giant fucking bitch who never really faces the consequences of her actions. The closest we get is Tavros telling her off towards the end and even that is mild compared to her: Paralyzing him under the claims of making him stronger Murdering him later  Making Sollux murder Aradia  Blinding Terezi  Using John to one-up Terezi (which Terezi also did with Dave which is kinda fucked on both their parts, like wtf) 
True, she feels genuine remorse for killing Tavros but that doesn’t stop her from treating him like shit in the afterlife. And after all of this she STILL gets to be the hero of the story, she STILL gets to be the one thing that basically fixes the timeline, she ultimately gets what she wants and I hate it.  
And then there’s Terezi; cool, cooky, I love her scalemates and her serious knowledge about Alternian law and loyalty to her friends but the way she (and Kanaya for that matter) lets herself get wrapped up in Vriska’s bullshit is so, ugh! Like I pointed out, her whole thing with Dave started out as a competition between her and Vriska (I think she even says as much? I’d have to go back and check) which is shitty because she literally fucking uses Dave’s own insecurities when it comes to John to push him forward at her pace. Granted, both her and Vris kinda ease up and turn it into a friendship with their respective humans but that doesn’t exactly excuse the behavior. (I’m not too happy that they both lead into relationships the more I think about it, even if they both eventually fell through. That’s just, that’s not a good way to start a relationship).
There’s already a comprehensive post about Feferi’s shit/possible shit.
And then you have Kanaya, Nepeta, and Aradia who basically get their personalities fuckin neutered by a good portion of the fandom. While the Mom Friend jokes can be funny with Kan, its overplay and kinda tiring though admittedly preferable to Diva persona I saw a lot of people give her in early fandom, and anyone who makes Nepeta into a weak, baby owo girl who needs Equius to protect her is gonna catch these hands because Nep has proved to be one of the strongest and most capable of the trolls; fucking Equius would take out your kneecaps if he heard you talking about her that way. And Aradia? Like shit, it's like some of y’all just completely ignored her after she godtiered. (I know her personality was present before that but after is when she really shined) She’s funky and weird and kinda creepy and I wish more people would like be into that you know? Like I wish she and Jake and Dave could have been friends because you know those three would have gotten into so much trouble together.
Which leads to the human girls and gods do I wanna scream. Rose’s more “dorky” interests like writing wizard stories, gaming (as she was the most excited of the four for sburb if memory serves me) are often ignored in favor of playing her off as the “cool gof GF”. She’s not cool, none of the Strilonds are actually cool in the common sense of the words, they’re all fucking dorks. She literally psychoanalysis her friends for fun and spends a whole page (2 pages?) butchering sports with Dave. 
Jade, I found, was often dumbed down to the ditzy “blond” friend for a while, though I’m not sure if that still pervades her tag or not, but I have another beef with her that I’ll get to in a second. 
Roxy is often toted as the end all be all of NonProblematic Kids when they have Emotionally Abused Dirk  Almost killed Jane  Acted like Jake was stupid (then again, most of his friends did)  That’s not to say Roxy doesn’t TRY; they’re very aware of the harm they’ve caused to their friends and actively try to do better but that, like Terezi, that doesn’t mean you just get to ignore the shit they did. 
And Jane, Christ, Jane. She gets kicked by the majority of the fandom and even her friends and few times but the moment she claps back or makes a mistake (like telling Roxy she liked them better when they were drunk), she gets dunked on by what feels like everyone and their mother. Yes, Jane can be shitty at times but considering  Her crush basically manipulated her into the friendzone and then nonstop talked about his boyfriend problems for months (including on her OWN BIRTHDAY)  She was fatshamed and sexually harrassed(?) by Caliborn Roxy blew up her computer which could have killed her  Everything in general just going to shit Can you really blame her? Granted that doesn’t mean she should get away with the horrible things she’s said/done either like the aforementioned Roxy convo or, at least to some extent, her threats of sexual slavery against Jake. 
Which brings me to my big issue I mentioned with Jade; What’s with the human girls getting their agency stolen? Grimdark/bark, Trickster, Crockertier?? Like seriously, wtf?? Granted, Trickster happened to all the alpha kids and they were mostly aware so that one’s a little grasping for straws but the others? Like wtf man???
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noodlecupcakes · 6 years
Ultraviolence - Chapter 13 (Mafia Negan AU)
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Warnings: Language, Smoking, Sexual Situations
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist :D
Two chapters in a week, I’m on a roll :D
Chapter 13
Roxy’s P.O.V
Negan had sent me out for the afternoon with a fat wad of cash and Gwen by my side. He told me to buy myself something nice. More like he wanted me out of the house whilst he planned for Natania. I just hoped it all went ok. I was a bit anxious to spend his money, after all it was his money, not mine. Then again part of me was not complaining that he wanted to play sugar daddy. With Gwen by my side I also wasn’t too afraid to set foot into the city.
She stayed beside me the whole time, occasionally glancing around for any signs of danger. After a few shops, we stopped off for coffee. Gwen got me a cappuccino and tea for herself. “Have you been to the club since we got back?” I asked. “Yeah, it looks as good as new,” Gwen replied. “And the girls?” “Still a little shaken up but Dwight’s taking good care of them.” “Would we be able to stop by?” “You miss them?”
I nodded. Gwen frowned a little, sipping her tea. “Why did you get a job there in the first place? Sorry if it sounds like a bitchy thing to ask but I’m curious,” Gwen spoke. “I needed the money and it was a step up from one of my previous jobs,” I explained. Gwen raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. “I was once a stripper, it didn’t last long but I did need to make money at the time. I met a guy who was like prince charming but turned out to be just another asshole.” “Well you’re with us now,” she said reassuringly with a smile.
We drank some more of our drinks. A question had been running through my mind since the night Negan had killed David. “Gwen, whose Lucille?” I asked. Gwen’s face fell and she sat back in her chair, “it’s not my place to tell you that story.” “He loved her, didn’t he?” “More than anything.” I finished my coffee, Gwen could tell exactly what I was thinking as she placed her hand on mine, giving it a comforting squeeze. “But I can assure he loves you just as much. I haven’t seen him this happy for years now,” she smiled.
Gwen finished off her tea and we hit a few more shops before finally she took me down to the club. I headed inside where I was greeted by Sherry, Amber and Susan. I noticed the glances that Gwen and Susan exchanged before they headed off to a dark corner together. Sherry shook her head, a small smile on her face. “You’d think they haven’t seen each other for years,” she spoke, “but I guess we won’t be seeing much of you anymore.” “Just because I’m now dating the big boss doesn’t mean I’m gonna forget about you. Besides you’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
Sherry smiled and pulled me into a hug, “good.” “When’s this place getting reopened?” I asked. “Tomorrow night, extra security will be in place just in case. Although I don’t think Rick would be stupid enough to make the same move twice.” “Let’s hope not.” Sherry and I got some drinks at the bar, chatting like a pair of school girls. As if I was still working here. Well I know that I would visit this place at least once a week, if not more. Maybe Negan and I could invite Sherry and Dwight round for dinner one night.
I climbed the stairs and dumped my shopping bags on the floor giving a sigh of relief. Much better. Negan was sat in his chair by the fireplace with a glass of Scotch in his hand and a cigarette in the other. “Is that you baby girl?” He asked not bothering to turn and look. “Maybe.” I went over to his chair and he pulled me on to his lap. He kissed my cheek, hugging me tightly. I kissed him softly and rested my hand on his chest. I then rested my head on his shoulder, placing kisses on his neck. “How did the dinner go?” I asked him. “Stressful.”
The dinner had obviously gone badly, it didn’t take a genius to work that out. “Oh. What happened?” “Natania’s a stubborn old bitch. She doesn’t like to work with anyone. I’m gonna have to take what I need through force, which she won’t like even more.” “Well that’s her fault when she didn’t agree to your terms.” He shrugged, he was still stressed from it all. I kissed him softly, time to take his mind off it. I got out of his lap, taking his hand in mine and leading him in to the bedroom, sitting him down on the edge of our bed. I removed his jacket before sitting behind him and massaging his shoulders. He instantly relaxed in my hands letting out a sound of contentment. “Your too good for me,” he sighed. “I know.”
I hugged him from behind before nipping at his ear. I got off the bed and removed my dress in front of him. His eyes darkened with lust and he stood up, wrapping his arms around me. I loosened his tie before unbuttoning his shirt. I left him to do the rest, walking to the bathroom. I leant over the sink, looking at my reflection and smoothing down my blonde hair. Negan stood behind me, pulling my panties down. I stood up straight as he unhooked my bra and kissed my shoulder. I smiled to myself and got in to the shower, turning the hot water on. I smiled to myself as the warm spray hit my skin. Negans arms wrapped around me and he began to kiss the back of my neck and any other part of my body he could get to. I turned around to face him and he pushed me against the shower wall, kissing me hungrily. So much for getting clean.
I lay down next to Negan who placed a cigarette between my lips and lit it for me. I took a drag and handed it to him. I rested my head on his chest and wrapped my arms and legs around him. We stayed like this for a while as we shared the cigarette. I changed position, putting my weight on my elbows and resting my chin in my hands. Our eyes met and I smiled to myself. It was moments like this I knew I was truly happy; I could stay like this with him all day. I felt like saying something romantic like they do in the movies but I knew it would make me feel silly. I leaned down and kissed him softly. He tangled his fingers in my hair and pulled me in to another kiss. I smiled; his kisses were like a drug. Each one I got I wanted more and more. I laced my fingers with his, feeling how perfectly they fit together. “What are you thinking?” He asked.
“Just how lucky I am to have someone like you.” “Oh please. I’m the lucky one finding a pretty thing like you.” “I hope my looks wasn’t the only thing that makes you lucky,” I said, playfully swatting his chest. “Of course, it wasn’t. Have you seen your ass?” He smirked. I decided to hit him with the pillow this time. He fended off my attack and pulled me down for another kiss, tangling his fingers in my hair and holding me close. I smiled at him and kissed his lips once more before placing a bunch of kisses to his cheeks and forehead.
“So, what’s our next move for Natania?” I asked. “Baby girl what did we talk about this morning?” “I know you want to keep me safe daddy but I can still help you with planning. I never said I would be going.” “Like hell I would let you. Well tomorrow a team will be heading down to Natania’s weapons cache and take them by force. If things go south from there then she’s going to need to be taken out.” “And you’ll get all of her territory.” “Obviously, like hell I’m gonna let anybody else get their hands on it.”
“And what about Gregory?” “Once he outlives his usefulness we’ll get rid of him, take what he has as well.” “It’ll make you stronger when you take down Rick.” “I know baby girl. That’s why Gregory and Natania both have to go.” “And they will. And then soon you’ll have everything.” “No baby girl, we’ll have everything.”
Taglist: @astrangegirlsmind, @genevievedarcygranger, @jeffreydeanneganstrash, @belathora, @warriorqueen1991, @darkmarceline28, @ladylorelitany, @grungedaddykinks, @mwesterfeld1985, @isayweallgetdrunk, @almostinwonderland, @jungle-feeveer, @slothdoll, @negans-network, @jessie-cake1994-blog, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @glittered-unicorn-lava, @thewew, @eldritchmortician, @neganisking, @jmackie1983, @negans-girl, @ali-pennell, @backseat-negan, @libby822, @harleysandbats, @ibelongtonegan, @kellyn1604, @badsongwinchester, @haleyea, @jeffreydeanmorganownsme, @robert-d-j-bernthal, @phoenixsnape1, @abbessthegoddess, @multi-villain-imagines, @shadowpriestess6, @jdms-network, @alwaysartist, @magikat409, @loveforfilm, @toxic-ink, @sherrybaby14, @mayuketchupytostones, @londoncapsule, @despoina-nt, @poppinjeffrey, @josadeca, @liiv0urlifee, @ejspencer14, @nycktmcginn, @ryantherandomhero, @frozenhuntress67, @taylortooturnt, @neganismyobsession, @docharleythegeekqueen, @pyxie27, @emoryhemsworth
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years
Ultraviolence - Chapter 8 (Mafia Negan AU)
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Warnings: Language, Murder, Homophobia, Drinking
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist
Chapter 8
Negan’s P.O.V
Roxy had taken the week off like I told her too and I kept checking in when I could to make sure she was ok. She seemed a little better but of course I was still worried about her. She was due to return to work tomorrow night. Dwight had settled into his new manager role perfectly. He'd managed to keep the club open for the week so that was a good start. He'd called me earlier to swing by the club a few hours before open. Thankfully I had the time to spare and entered his office. Dwight forced a smile as I sat opposite him, meaning he was about to break some bad news to me.
“Let’s not beat around the fucking bush, what’s gone wrong?” I asked. “Nothing. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while. It’s just with the recent drama and you not really being here over the last week I haven’t exactly had the chance.” “Ok. You wanna spit it the fuck out?” “It’s not easy for me to say something like this. The night that David was permanently fired, I heard him and Ruby talking. About Roxy.” I frowned, leaning back in my chair. I waited for him to continue. “I think Ruby might have asked David to scare her in some way, make her quit,” Dwight explained. “You’re sure about this?” “When you work the bar, you learn to have good hearing.”
I sighed, telling myself to remain calm. Ruby was going to have to be dealt with. I couldn’t keep someone like that here anymore. Jealous bitch. “You mind if I use your office for a small meeting?” I asked. “Not at all.” “I'll try not to make another mess. Otherwise the whole fucking floor is gonna be covered in rugs.” Dwight smiled but left his office. Gwen came in and leant against the desk, facing me. “You've got that look on your face,” she spoke.
“And what fucking look is that?” “Your about to ask me to kill someone.” I rolled my eyes, I was not in the mood for her to be smug about being right. “Just go and get Ruby for me,” I sighed. Gwen did as I asked, leaving the office and coming back a few minutes later with Ruby behind her. “Everything ok?” Ruby asked. Of course, she was gonna pretend to be the innocent party. Manipulative bitch. Now sat in Dwight’s chair, I motioned her to take a seat. Gwen came and stood by me, leaning against the wall with her arms folded across her chest.
“I want you to be honest with me Ruby. Did you ask David to scare Roxy in some way?” I asked. Ruby frowned, her mouth falling open in fake shock. She wasn’t that much of a great actress. “I’d never imagine doing something like that. Sure, Roxy and I don’t get along but what David tried to do I wouldn’t wish on anyone,” she explained. “Then why does Dwight tell me differently?” Ruby’s expression quickly changed and she became defensive. “Dwight would say that, him and Sherry have it out for me,” she snapped.
I glanced at Gwen who was glaring daggers at Ruby. I should have expected Ruby to deny all this right to the very end. “Maybe if you tell the truth you won’t get into so much trouble,” Gwen spoke. Ruby’s eyes glasses over and she put her head in her hands. Gwen and I exchanged an eye role. “I never meant for him to do something like that,” she sobbed. “Bullshit,” Gwen snapped. Ruby looked up at Gwen her eyes now seemingly dry. “Its not,” she stammered. “Then where have those tears gone?”
Ruby glared at Gwen, “do you want a confession from me or something. Fucking dyke.” Gwen took a step forward, ready to pummel Ruby. I held my hand up. “Easy Gwen,” I turned back to Ruby, “now you are fucking lucky that I don’t kill women or children. Because it is taking a lot for me not to choke the fuck out of you right now. Gwen here will be doing the honours.” Gwen smiled and pulled out her gun, clicking the safety off. Ruby starts begging and pleading for her life. I sighed and motioned for Gwen to get on with it. Gwen pulled the trigger and got Ruby right between the eyes.
Ruby body fell to the floor limp, the blood staining the carpet. Gwen instantly got to work on the clean-up, taking out Ruby’s body first. Once she was finished she sat down with a sigh. I made us both a drink, handing her the glass. “Don’t let her get to you. Besides she's dead and you know how much I value you, gay or not,” I spoke. “Just pisses me off that she would do that to Roxy.” “I know but it’s been dealt with. Nobody is gonna hurt her again.” Gwen took a mouthful of her whiskey, setting the glass back on the desk.
“So how are you and Susan?” I asked. Gwen’s cheeks began to burn and she avoided my gaze, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “Sure. Gwen you’re not the only one with a fucking gaydar.” “She's great, we're great. Zeus loves her.” “Good.” “How’s Roxy doing?” “She’s a bit better, still a little shaken but that’s to be expected.” “Well it'll be good to see her tomorrow.” “Yeah it will.”
Roxy was back at the club tonight, getting straight back into the job. She had yet to question where Ruby was. I’m sure she had already worked out half of it, Roxy may be blonde by she wasn't a dumb blonde. I'd asked Roxy to stay a little late for some bar training. Now that Dwight was in charge I needed to teach the girls how to make drinks until we could find a new bartender. Roxy didn’t mind staying an extra hour providing I paid her and drove her home, which I agreed to.
I sat down at the bar after close and rubbed my eyes. Roxy smiled softly, standing behind the bar. I went through how to make a Blue Lagoon with her. She poured the drink and slid it over to me. I drank a little and winced, way too much Bombay Sapphire and not enough Lemonade. “Too strong?” She asked. “A little.” After two more attempts she got the measurements perfect and we moved on to Martinis. This time it took her only two attempts. I downed each glass.
“I feel like your trying to get drunk,” she spoke. “I’m not wasting good liquor, especially when I’m the one who pays for it.” “Point taken. I hope you'll still be in the right state of mind to take me home.” “If I’m not then I can always ask Gwen.” “Ruby didn’t just get fired, did she?” This question caught me off guard, but I knew it wasn't a conversation we could avoid forever. “Sherry told me what Dwight over heard and I knew you wouldn’t stand for that,” Roxy continued. “I don’t kill women or children. Gwen took care of it.” “Did she admit to it?” “She didn't need too.”
Roxy nodded understandingly and poured herself a drink, downing it in one. I took her hand in mine. “Baby girl I can assure you that nobody else is ever going to hurt you,” I promised. “I believe you.” I felt like I should kiss her, hold her close and stoke her curls but I still didn’t know where we quite stood with each other. We'd only had one successful date but after the bullshit with David I’m sure we'd back tracked a little. Instead I just rubbed my thumb over her knuckles in a soothing manner. She’d be ready in her own time and if she wasn’t then that was fine too. As long as she was safe and happy that’s all that mattered.
Roxy decided to lighten the mood a little, “I think you should be the one making me drinks.” “Is that so?” “Yeah,” she smirked, “I’ve had a long hard day, my feet are killing me with these heels.” “Is that a subtle way of asking me for a foot rub as well?” “Maybe.” Roxy came around to my side of the bar and took a seat on the stool next to mine. She removed her heels as I went around the other side to make her a drink. I made up a Bay Breeze for her before sitting down next to her again to start rubbing her feet.
Roxy relaxed instantly, taking a sip from her drink. She rolled her shoulders back and rested her elbows on the bar. “I do want a second date with you Negan but I also want to get things back to normal first. Get back in my work routine,” she explained. “I understand baby girl. There’s no rush. I'll be ready when you are.” “Thank you.” I smiled softly at her, both of us just happy to be in each others company.
After a few more drinks we decided it was time to call it a night and Gwen was ready to take both of us home. Roxy and I climbed into the back of the car before Gwen made the journey to Roxy’s apartment building. I made sure she got in safely before Gwen drove us home. Zeus and Bisou instantly came to greet us with their tails wagging. I headed straight for bed not that I went to sleep anytime soon. I couldn’t stop thinking about her.
The closer I got to Roxy the more I had been thinking about Lucille. It felt like I was betraying her with how much I was falling for Roxy. I’d promised to never love anyone else but her even after she died. Yet there were so many similarities between Roxy and Lucille. Yes, it had been five years since Lucille passed but that didn’t stop my feelings for her. That year I’d gone to some dark places, places that I never wanted to go back too. But if it wasn’t for the likes of Gwen or Simon getting my ass in gear I probably would have drank myself to death long ago. I’m sure Lucille would probably tell me to be happy, fall in love again but it was easier said than done. I’d betrayed her once already before, I couldn’t do it again.
Taglist: @astrangegirlsmind, @genevievedarcygranger, @jeffreydeanneganstrash, @socktrollqueen, @warriorqueen1991, @multi-villain-imagines, @ladylorelitany, @grungedaddykinks, @mwesterfeld1985, @isayweallgetdrunk, @almostinwonderland, @jungle-feeveer, @negans-network, @slothdoll, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @lovesjdm, @glittered-unicorn-lava, @thewew, @eldritchmortician, @neganisking, @jmackie1983, @cranberrysymphony, @negans-girl, @ali-pennell, @thamberlina, @backseat-negan, @libby822, @harleysandbats, @ibelongtonegan, @kellyn1604, @badsongwinchester, @haleyea, @jeffreydeanmorganownsme, @robert-d-j-bernthal, @phoenixsnape1, @abbessthegoddess, @shadowpriestess6, @jdms-network, @alwaysartist, @magikat409, @loveforfilm, @toxic-ink, @sherrybaby14, @mayuketchupytostones, @londoncapsule, @despoina-nt, @poppinjeffrey, @darkmarceline28, @josadeca, @ejspencer14, @nycktmcginn, @ryantherandomhero, @frozenhuntress67, @neganismyobsession, @talyatooturnt
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years
The Other Woman - Chapter 17
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Warnings: Fingering, Sex, Sex in a truck, Almost getting caught, Language, Daddy kink
Shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist
Chapter 17
Negan’s P.O.V
Roxy and I were going out on a run, deciding on taking the truck just in case. Although we weren’t exactly on schedule. I had her pressed up against the side of the truck, my hand in her panties. She kissed me to muffle her moans seeing as there was a handful of men not too far, working on one of the cars. I couldn’t give a shit if they heard or saw, they wouldn’t do anything just stutter before fucking off all embarrassed and shit.
I continued the pace of my fingers and began rubbing her clit with my thumb. She moaned a little louder, her hips bucking into my touch. I hooked one of her legs over my hip, getting a better angle. I glanced at the wing mirror to see if anyone was coming, thankfully for her sake nobody was. I knew she would throw a fit if we got caught. I kissed a trail from her neck to her lips. I took another look in the mirror to see fat Joey making his way over.
I turned back to her and sped up my pace, “I need you to cum now before we get caught. Not that I would give two shits.” Her eyes widened a little at the realisation that I was not stopping until she finished. She bit her lip as she got closer in the hopes of keeping quiet. A few more rubs on her clit and she finished, gripping my jacket and doing her best not to call out my name. I worked her through it and pulled my hand from her panties, sucking my fingers clean.
Joey rounded the corner and smiled, “I was wondering if you wanted a hand on the run today, seems a little risky just you two going out on your own.” “Nah we’ll be fine, besides who said we were going out on a run?” I smirked. Roxy swatted my arm and glared at me. Joey was looking away a little embarrassed. Joey awkwardly shuffled off and I turned to Roxy who looked rather unimpressed. “Seriously?” She snapped. “Relax, get in the truck you’ve distracted me long enough.”
She scoffed, raising an eyebrow, “you were the one that came on to me.” “You didn’t turn me down though.” Roxy climbed into the passenger seat and I got in on the driver’s side, starting the truck. We headed off, Roxy with a map on her lap, occasionally giving me directions. We were about two hours away from The Sanctuary now and we still weren’t anywhere near our location. “You filled up on gas right?” Roxy asked.
I glanced at the dash and cursed. Roxy rolled her eyes and sighed, shaking her head at me. “I blame this on you for distracting me,” I said in a jokey manner in the hopes she wasn’t too mad at me. “My fault?! Maybe if you didn’t think with your dick the whole time we wouldn’t be having this conversation!” Well that backfired. I pulled over so we could decide what to do, let’s just hope something was close by so we didn’t come back completely empty handed. “Didn’t we pass a farm not too far back?” I asked. “What does that fucking matter?” “Well instead of going back empty handed and looking fucking stupid we could search that.”
She huffed and crossed her arms across her chest, “for your sake I hope we do find something.” “Don’t be like that,” I placed my hand on her thigh. She looked at my hand then back at me, frowning. I recoiled and started the truck back up, driving back towards the farm. It didn’t take long and I pulled up once more. We got out of the truck and headed to the house first. It was too quiet and I had a bad feeling about that barn. Roxy pulled out her machete and I pushed the door open for her to do a quick check. She went inside, ready to use the machete only there was no need.
I followed her inside and we did a sweep of each room before actually looking for anything we could take back. We started from the top floor and decided to work our way down. The only room that had anything of real value was the kitchen. Roxy found two decks of cards on the table, both secured with an elastic band. She seemed to get excited about this, putting both of them in her bag. “Simons been looking for a real deck of cards for ages now, your aware of a group of fully grown men playing go fish kid’s edition right?” She explained. I chuckled, “well he can have one and we can have the other.” “Why what do you have in mind?” “Your average game of strip poker.”
She rolled her eyes but did nothing to hide her smile meaning she wasn’t against the idea. Roxy suddenly raised her gun, pointing it at my crotch. What the fuck was going on? What had I done now? She fired and I looked down to find a walker crawling towards me. “Jesus fucking Christ, you could have shot my fucking dick off,” I snapped. “You wouldn’t have missed it.” “You would have.” She shrugged, “maybe.” We loaded up the truck with what we had found and got ready to head back. I scooted over to the middle seat and patted my lap. Roxy raised an eyebrow, shaking her head.
“Oh come on, you can’t expect us to not do anything when we have the perfect opportunity,” I spoke. “We don’t have to have sex all the time.” “Baby girl this truck isn’t going anywhere until you ride me.” “Then we could be sitting here for a while,” she smirked, “besides I don’t think you deserve it after forgetting to fill up on gas.” “I’m sure you’d be madder at me if we hadn’t spotted the problem earlier on.” She shrugged, “yeah I guess you’re right, if that had happened only one of us would have made it back home.” I pulled her onto my lap, “you would kill me for a mistake like that?” “A mistake that could have gotten us into deep shit,” she wrapped her arms around me.
I tangled my fingers in her hair and kissed her, holding her close. It was nice to be well and truly alone with her, nobody could burst in or radio me with a problem. I could take my fucking time with her and not have to worry about a damn thing. I continued to kiss her, enjoying the way her lips felt on mine. Her tongue brushed past my lips and in to my mouth. Slowly she began to roll her hips against mine, soft little gasps escaping her lips. One of my hands slid up her shirt and gently squeezed her breast, those little gasps turning into soft moans.
I pulled her shirt over her head and unclasped her bra. I kissed a trail from her neck down to her breasts before taking a hardened nipple in my mouth. She tangled her fingers in my hair, softly moaning my name. I began rolling my hips as well, meeting hers and increasing in the friction. I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled down the zipper, slipping my hand back inside her panties for the second time today. “Fuck baby girl, your soaked already. You like it when daddy takes his time with you?” I asked. She nodded, “yes daddy.”
I began rubbing her clit in slow circles, earning a louder moan from her. I pulled her into another kiss, groaning as she grabbed me through my jeans. She unbuckled my belt and freed me from my jeans, wrapping her hand around my shaft and rubbing me slow and teasingly. I bucked into her touch, needing more of her, all of her. She took off her jeans and panties before climbing back on top of me and slowly sliding herself down onto me. She pressed her forehead against mine, moaning as she took all of me. Roxy began a fast pace but I grabbed her hips, stilling her movements. “Slow baby girl, take it slow,” I spoke.
She started again, the pace slow just how I wanted. She placed her hands on my shoulders to steady herself as she continued the pace. I gripped her hips, my hips bucking and meeting her each thrust. I clung to her, needing every part of her like I needed air to breathe. I watched her as she continued to ride me, starting to roll her hips now as well. My head fell back against the chair and I uttered a curse. This pace continued for what seemed like hours until I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to make her cum. I needed to watch her come undone because of me.
I reached between us and found her clit. Her moans got louder as I brought her closer to completion. I watched as her face contorted in pleasure, her eyes shut tight, her mouth hanging open, her brow furrowed as if she was trying her hardest to finish. I felt her tighten around me and she gripped my arm, that’s how I knew she was ready to be tipped over the edge. A few more thrusts and she climaxed, moaning my name over and over.
I reached my own, holding her hips flush against mine and burying my face in the crook of her neck. Without thinking I spoke, “this is why you’re my favourite.” Roxy snapped back, holding me at arm’s length. Shit. “You wanna say that again for me,” she smirked. “No because you clearly heard me.” “You mean that? That wasn’t some spur of the moment bullshit thing right?” I sighed, I guess I couldn’t exactly take back what I had said. I took her hands in mine and brought them to my lips. “I mean it,” I confessed.
We got back to The Sanctuary and Simon came over to help unload. Roxy climbed out of the truck and handed him the pack of cards she had found earlier. He grinned, thanking her. Simon looked over at me and smiled. “There’s a slight situation with the wives,” he said. “A bad one?” I asked. “Ruby’s been kicking up a fuss all day, made Amber cry, same bullshit she does all the time.” “I’ll go talk to her.”
I headed inside and headed straight for the wives living space. I went on in finding Amber, hugging her knees to her chest and quietly sobbing while Sherry was trying to comfort her and get Ruby to back off. Ruby stopped mid sentence and looked over at me, her hands on her hips. “And where have you been? Oh no wait let me guess, out with the blonde bitch all fucking day,” she snapped. “We went out on a run and as a matter of fact dear wife I can spend my days with who the fuck I want too. If that’s so much of a problem, then you know where the fucking door is.” Ruby shrank back a little, “I’m sorry, I’ve just missed you that’s all.” “Now if you’d said that instead of snapping at me and being a bitch to Amber I wouldn’t have been like that with you.” “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, looking down at her shoes. I went over to her and cupped her cheek, forcing her to look at me. “I know that your jealous baby but you don’t need to be. None of you need to be. Now how about you let me make it up to you huh?”
Taglist: @astrangegirlsmind, @mypapawinchester, @genevievedarcygranger, @grungedaddykinks, @jessie-cake1994-blog, @negandarylsatisfaction, @ladylorelitany, @mwesterfeld1985, @warriorqueen1991, @isayweallgetdrunk, @jungle-feeveer, @negans-network, @slothdoll, @shadesofarrogance, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash, @jml509, @glittered-unicorn-lava, @thewew, @prettyepiic, @eldritchmortician, @neganisking, @jmackie1983, @cranberrysymphony, @negans-girl, @ali-pennell, @thamberlina, @libby822
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