#saezuru 45 spoilers
charlietwats · 3 years
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i’m fast as fuck boi
(screenshot from @kayura452 ‘s post)
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its--pearl · 3 years
These 2 pictures are living in my head rent free.
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lustfulcat · 3 years
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More spoilers! It’s been a wild day for both our boys and the fandom. Yoneda Kou is listed for the next issue so (fingers crossed!) we’ll see chapter 46 on Sept 30th!
They bring Kousuke to meet his brother. Everyone is in the car on the way there and it isn’t awkward at all nope. 
Once Kido is in their sights, interrogation ensues. Yashiro is quite dashing. They find out that the money Kido has been accruing is going to a group in Shin-Okubo which is the Korea Town area of Kabukicho. I wonder if that group has any relation to the group Hirata was getting the drugs from during his “fuck up Shinseikai” plan hmmmmmmm
In a blurry page that I haven’t posted here bc blurry, it’s revealed that Okuyama (the old Wakagashira of Sanwakai who thought he’d be the next leader and who had a falling out with the group once Tsunakawa took over) was behind Niki’s kidnapping. I feel he might be problematic in future chapters since Doumeki thwarted the kidnapping and damaged his men.
Also, at some point in the chapter, Nanahara tells Yashiro that he wants to go back to the group. Even though he’s techincally still in Doushinkai, he’s been on the side project of watching over Yashiro for the last four years, and our bright Sunshine Derp has grown up! Unlike Yashiro, Nanahara loves being part of the yakuza, he’s more like Kamiya in that regard, and after he fanbois Tsunakawa’s place and talks about “his dream for working for a traditional yakuza” it’s obvious that he wants something different.
Afterward, Doumeki drives back to Yashiro’s apartment to drop him off and they’re in the car alone ajsgaksgaasga. Of course, the conversation is tense and it goes from snarky to sexual with Yashiro hinting that Doumeki might have other intentions behind giving Yashiro “a ride” home. Doumeki knows just how to meet Yashiro’s challenge and asks him “why, do you want it?” and of course Yashiro is like NO and storms out of the car, where he has a introspective speedwalk about how much he actually does want Doumeki, thinking back to his post-shower jerk-off session in the previous chapter.
Doumeki isn’t one to be deterred and he follows Yashiro, stopping him in front of his building where they have an intense conversation about who wants what. Doumeki is trying to get Yashiro to admit that he wants him, wants anything, and Yashiro is refusing to play ball because he never admits his real feelings to anyone so why start now?
And with impeccable cockroach timing, Inami pulls up and calls out to Yashiro. When Doumeki turns, Inami recognizes him and comments on his scars. I hope he’s afraid. Very afraid. Otherwise I would love to see a repeat of the beatdown in chapter 16.
Remember the dream Yashiro had in chapter 40? Where he was walking, and Doumeki grabbed his arm and Yashiro jerked away? Well we have it here in parallel. Yashiro tries to walk to Inami and Doumeki stops him. According to Sexy Sources, the convo is basically: D “Do you need a man so badly you would go to Inami”   Y:  “that’s right what’s it to you?”  Then Yashiro tells Doumeki that he’s hurting him and to let go. 
This time, when Yashiro pulls away it’s not like the dream. Doumeki follows, rips him away from Inami and tells him “If it doesn’t matter who then it doesn’t have to be him/I will do” aklshalshlahl
I am BEYOND HOPING that there will be some touching in the next chapter. We have waited for so long. The setup is there; last time it was in Doumeki’s place, now they’re in front of Yashiro’s. Once Inami drives away (and hopefully dies) they’ll be alone with no Kamiya listening in to cockblock them and - let’s be real here - they were thisclose to getting down before they were interrupted so once things get heated nothing will stop them. Yashiro wants Doumeki so badly he can’t even stand a car ride without imploding and Doumeki is extra pushy now. This is the second time he’s asked “then why not me?” and I doubt Yashiro will be able to say no to him twice. I certainly couldn’t aklshalhsl
And finally, at the end of chapter 40′s dream Yashiro is left alone. It’s something he’s afraid of, something that truly hurts him, and it goes as far back as Tadayoedo, where Kageyama’s simple comment of “you’re all alone” hits him hard. It’s one of the reasons he won’t get close to Doumeki, why he won’t get close to anyone, and it only comes to light when he’s feeling vulnerable. Now that Nanahara wants to leave after being by his side for over a decade, Yashiro is feeling untethered, close to being alone again, and Doumeki will not let Yashiro reach out to someone who could hurt him, like he always does. Doumeki will be there for him because he never stopped loving Yashiro. Doumeki stayed in that world to be close to Yashiro, has been keeping tabs on Yashiro for four years, and now that Yashiro is so close, he’s not going to let him go.
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saezurusteve · 3 years
The suspense is killing me!! Forget what chapter 46 is about... WHAT IS THE TEASER GOING TO BE!!!!???? I had intended to wait for the teaser before posting, but what the heck, everyone needs to be ready so here is my special Saezuru origami project. Once again, special thanks to all the Steves. Thumbs were injured, brains were injured, souls were injured in the making of this Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog chapter. Here's to love, hearts, sex and good old fashioned BL!! Bring it on!!
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Cum up and see us sometime!
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redguyreads · 3 years
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omg Yashiro’s eyes hahahahah. I have spent pretty much every minute since I woke up scavenging the internet for spoilers and DAMN I am so excited for this update. Also, is Yashiro blushing in the top left panel? Hmmm
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nendoshinkai · 3 years
Dear Doumeki, Please, please, please! Please tell us about Chapter 45!!! I CAN'T WAIT ANYMORE!!!
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Saezuru Month 45!! Happy Spoilers!!!
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daily-saezuru · 3 years
This is a big step that Yashiro made here. He finally opens his eyes a bit. He finally admits that he's losing control of himself when he's with Doumeki or when he even thinks about him.
Yashiro finally accepts and realizes he's acting strange, weird, and he feels like he's not the same anymore.
The fact that he has this kind of thoughts, is a proof that he made a HUGE step.
Damn it, just say that you're in love, boy !!! 😭
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showmeyourbeast · 3 years
So many thoughts and conjectures after Saezuru 45 spoilers that I absolutely need to write my first post here. I am not as fluent in English as I wish, so my special excuses to native speakers.
Possible conflict between Inami and Doumeki = trigger for Yashiro
I am quite sure that some kind of conflict between Inami and Doumeki could appear in the next chapter. Imagine: Inami lifted his butt off the couch at night to have sex, but instead of it he has to face that not-yet-or-already-lovers' showdown near his car. Quite a reason for him to be pissed off. I suppose that before getting the hell out of there Inami would show his indignation. Maybe by a simple squabble, maybe he would go further and would try to hurt Doumeki. He could have something in his car that can easily injure (knife, saw, bottle, knitting needle please stop me). The result of all these possible situations can be a great possibility to see Yashiro making a real choice by supporting one of the parties of the conflict (of course we know which one). And the bigger is the conflict, the more efficient is the trigger for Yashiro to take the side of Doumeki and loose for a moment his mask of I-don't-care-at-all guy. This tiny moment of real Yashiro who cares about Doumeki and is afraid of leaving him in danger can be a great move towards the next spiral turns of the plot.
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its--pearl · 3 years
𝙔𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙎𝙞𝙧.. 𝘼𝙣𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙁𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪. 😏
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lustfulcat · 3 years
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-Kamiya is a trip in this chapter (as usual.) He yells on the wiretap, enjoys chasing Kido way too much, and his expression when Yashiro talks is asjlghalhslahs. Also can Kido not be hot? It’s kinda killing me.
-Tsunakawa is so so upset. He’s usually self-assured and downright cocky, which I’m a fan of, but damn is he shook by what the gang has found out (that Okuyama kidnapped Niki.) He is going to fuck shit up soon, I’m sure of it.
-Doumeki is so large? Like, so very large *sweats* I’m also a fan of that and so is Yashiro and every woman ever. I love how he just casually lifts Kido like he weighs 5 pounds.
-Yashiro is clearly hurt by Nanahara wanting to leave. He tries to cover it up but you can tell he’s distraught. Poor thing, Doumeki will comfort you, I’m sure.
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saezurusteve · 2 years
Hi ! I just discovered the saezuru universe and of course I'm hooked !
Also super impressed by your translating !! makes me want to try and read it in jp but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't understand half of the slang haha
So sorry to ask this out of nowhere but I'm up to chp 42, and I can't seem to get my hands on 43 44 45 (I.... already saw 46 thanks to your gdrive link ...) I saw there was a permission-ask or something for a drive for ch45 but I'm not too sure about how that works.
Would you happen to know where they may be hidden ? ><
Sorry again for asking out of the blue, and feel free to ignore this ask if its too much of a bother !
And once again congrats and thank you so much for doing such a great job at translating !!
Preposterous!!! It's a lie I tell you!! It's sanctimonious!! I'm not even using that right... I think... I could be right but I don't think I am.
I can't translate worth shit, that's why I beg someone with talent to do it. Hopefully, I will never have to donate that kidney I promised for all their hard work. (Drink plenty of water SJ. have some vitamin C with that vodka!) I read Japanese as well as any machine translator can. Anyway... It's important for anyone following me to know that I never keep anything that I translate. I throw it into the wind and then give the internet the power to accidentally delete it as demonstrated here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here or here! RUTHLESS BEASTS!!! Sometimes you get lucky and one still exists, possibly here, or here, or here or even here... I wonder what happened to them... hmm, I can't type question marks... it keeps opening up a search box thinking I'm looking for something when clearly I'm not the one asking questions (question mark!)! Or am I? AH-HA, I can copy and paste a question mark from someone else's question! I would go back retype my intended question marks with your question mark, but that would be stealing unless I totally credited you for every question mark?(? courtesy of @thelifeofmatmat - all credit to the artist!)
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saezurusteve · 3 years
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saezurusteve · 3 years
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saezurusteve · 3 years
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