orange1896 · 1 year
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6900004748 活塞环+0.25 729906-22950 29010068821 螺栓002133039V F32207 HOSE ASSEMBLY_LGB164-405084 4110003377049 组合垫圈HA10004802 F0734-319-433 板 29120014311 科顺脚轮7-12678-985 4110002649012 支架 26180006891 盖板 4120002105001 机油标尺B01182828 H 3535-EGB- 288- 260X 13 6900019973 后车架 4110000970109 PIPE_WA 14577676-1 控制器1K533-65662 4120007230008 套筒40 6900000550 软管20411-22-06TZ/20491-22-06TZ×FC687-06×8 B877F 4110015916038 中松土器油缸80*45*450*780 6222000176 右手柄锁 4110004220015 LG685宣传册 29260100221 感应器(12V) 4110002409087 螺座13050413 4110001923091 太阳齿轮2 4110002170005 飞轮壳端盖半成品 4110000025012 螺栓 M10X16 Q1841016TF2 6420002239 LFT22叉装机驾驶室总成 4120016398003 铲斗总成BG450 41100015540246 密封件包-经适件 FZ0001016 六角螺钉 F4110002233005 BUSHING 14408270 销轴 E6750HB 11224963 RD730压路机操作及保养手册 F680340065 过渡盖板 E6650F 11211443 软管20411-26-08TZ/20491-22-08TZ*SR2SN-08*7 ZL20E 4120005533102 传动轴座 26331030451 停用-六角头凸缘螺栓1008627-52D 4190001176 板 3050900138 销轴 29150031201 主阀Bk口出油钢管 29340028261 前车架附件 26120000051 销轴LGB301-85*N*265-1N00Y 4120000867105 法兰螺栓01754-50804 6219000141 油管总成-R 24A153980 6430000394 轴环(风扇)1K011-7415-0 4190000477 吸油棉 4120005932045 喷漆线屏蔽工装 FAB-M-28 110*33*110 6900018894 弯板 6392203276 引导轮8135-MD-A4000 F31QA-11830 支架 11217684 线槽PVC 40*25 4120000087105 MIRROR ARM,REAR VIEW MIRROR, RIGHT 7300000754 风扇胶带(8PK1587.5)D16A-106-03+B 6410003144 电磁阀修理包408-9006 4043000901 铲斗油缸总成 26290011172 工具盒装配总成 29070029451 中冷进气胶管Ⅰ 9200001416 支架 4110003834027 螺栓M8X15Q1840815 26311002411 齿座 4110000054273 支撑轴9001931 4043002384 E6550FEH机型标识左 6390300837 销D7*40 116451 ZJ2711010134 脚制动阀 4120015091002 高温警告标志 14404865 停用-油管固定板 4110000561167 堵头 29260014561 前桥壳 14653781 ZJ4110001117065 PLATE_WA RH ENG MTG LG7300000337B 非公路自卸车 11214988 胶管F462CACA080804-800 29360025981 PLATE_REINFORCEMENT 14403326 平衡轴壳LW87029180029 6619000168 附件标识包 29220006871 联接器385 4021000010 呆扳手 30-34 4110002622 测试线束529927-91080 4110000047103 矩形板LGB310-810h14*110*20 29260102341 WIRING HARNESS 9200000625 E7150F主架结构件 4110001121149 变速泵吸油管总成 11216879 诊断仪线束FQ-YJ2007 L955F E6210F 标配底盘换钢丝胎+33.4m3岩石斗 4110002284004 矩形板LGB310-200*32*5-Q235B 26370006376 弯管接头 E6205F 29370026481 燃油管II 29330038551 防静电台垫 厚3毫米宽1米长10米灰色 29330060911 支架1006389314 14884818 26140001371 节流器 6244000036 P-螺栓 28070004131 导风罩DB0584 4120009684 主阀支架 4110001867533 快速夹钳CH32500 JB1002-20-T2 6399013698 大轴承 4110003070001 右侧后部海绵 29010068222 行星轮隔圈 F4190001804F 照灯护板 4110004072011 左护罩LY-LG936L-3PSJ-1307001 26241006311 LG958L传动轴总成 14884872 11212020 弹垫 4110000560114 换档杆 6410004514 主阀至斗杆油缸大腔钢管 4041001946 消声器进气接管J7M00-1201003A 6900005095 连杆 28350005061 门头盖板 4110000084116 全车垫 29410000071 停用-轴承6013 29050011371 机架上板 14404746 钢管支架 4110002852015 系统维修服务子系统操作手册 6214000609 丝锥套筒3/8*M10*6.3 4120017068 缸筒总成24A034200 4120002882 胶管总成 14405491 胶管FQHG-3130 26441000961 钢板t14*1860-SM490A A31-4110001201 安全带警示标志 5111000701 螺栓 4120002056 中间支承 MT86H 26360101852 Sq Pipe RH Member 26291004301 中间继电器024-1Z6GD2 LG2190900627 FRAME_WA UPR UPPER FRAME GROUP 14406410 继电器盒总成 29260018261 steelQ235B(110*2.2*5.04) 4041001639 螺母M6 14057518 29150028691 前挡上玻璃(夹层) F61E8-11160C O形圈GB3452.1-26.5*1.80G 26330009501 停用-调整垫-喷油泵F0211 3027 EZ 0130 17 E6650H 28100009521 刀具 2080900086 传动装置油冷器垫片2S0795 FKC4120000500 铜管 26290029141 行星轮架 4041002083 E6550F履带式液压挖掘机 28210008741 板 4110001126087 壳体YB315Z5-08D-04 26290010931 预热继电器电源线 4110000081075 回油罩子总成 4110002651 海绵 4110003427013 断路器C65N C6 20405644 LG916D内饰总成 J1-2922001514 防火护套-30 28160002081 钻模类工装维护点检卡 6264000854 回油胶管 4041003648 接头 8230-20180 29331007851 G9190平地机操作及保养手册 F142807 传动油散S9113588C 6900021524 L968F夹木叉(合叉,宽1960,开口2460) 29150031521 圆钢 29310025141 平衡铁 11219037 合流胶管 4120002730 变速操纵线束 P02-3019 29220025771 停用-胶管 29170072381 活塞A50000-1004001 4190002594002 涡轮增压器 4120007383 GB/T5786-M14*1.5*35:六角头螺栓B00000682 SDLGWJJ 扶手 9100000191 转向泵总成 29070001061 软管LGB128-210100 F成工30B-SCP1 LG660E履带式液压挖掘机 9100001560 硬管 4090000051 软管LGB128-403125 29030034361 丝板 29280008621 安装板 4110015767010 纯水滤芯(长*直径*中心孔 760*60*32) 4130003074 出水管 FXG815-TLL PLATE 5111000776 配重4600-订单 6390903447 O型圈36 4110002443079 驾驶室其他装配件总成 26101003881 拨叉总成990.00.21.0052-9 26260014781 挂销 60113735 4110000186486 过渡钢管 6299000271 机罩框架总成 29031010851 酒精 28210009081 骨架油封190-230-17 4120009421001 空滤固定板 4110001597027 支架 6212000086 散热器出水管 26330033771 外胎座W22.00/3.0-25.00-01 L918HL 14404669 一级空气粗滤器1000352265 29051001621 LG953N线束总成 LG26130011521-1 筋板 29340033651 停用-垫片D19-113-02+A 29290042401 液压油散进油管 29161000701 '高度仪(日本三丰)518-342DC LH-600 MT95H 4110000129012 风扇铆接部件(吹风式)-C16DB-1N3586 29290044791 电瓶线LGB340-35*3000P3R10L10-1L1 11224628 隔热垫 880*345*10 14405456 T36井下三元催化模块 4011000807 胶管20411-22-08TZ/20411-22-08TZ*FC687-08*3 4130000413 尾板 11213082 矩管LGB318-100*50*5*1562 55A2541 EE6210F 后桥总成 4110001903085 转向传动轴 11217054 转向器总成 4190001202 电瓶线P15*2300 4120017082 扫地车钥匙开关 26330030021 销轴放置架总成 F66N9-30100BG 螺钉GB819.1-M5*16flZnyc-4_.8-480黑色 LG20220007161 停用-LG918轮式装载机-E1818215AK6 2070900275 左前支架 14585116 4110001903143 上架 29020021121 发动机罩 F31Z1-21620 叶轮螺母 150HY-20 29010045711 垫片 4130002323 内六方板手 29260018801 两联阀模块 LG9150000140 变矩器总成 4110000034 数控镗挡屑板 14404703 发动机罩 6420000221 节温器 LG28430001661B 报警器警告标志 29340020911 减震器MDS95 4110001921126 气缸盖组合件PP 9980-01ZZ 29420008151 阀杆(H348)R908150083 LG2941000028 驾驶室总成系统 14659423 螺栓 11210844 空滤器内滤芯P780523—经适件 11210533 喷水壶支架 14529076 左支架 14403738 变速箱空滤支架 29330068421 皮带轮 4110001477009 软管LGB128-006065 29330010451 ARM CYLINDER 6900002868 调节螺钉 1660300015 卡箍组件SDLG20-CD-05 28809042381 空气源管理器支架 2120900949 LG938L右电瓶箱总成(出口) 29260023162 开窗注意标识 4110004023003 铲斗总成 29031011441 钢管 29220018371 前上罩总成 28360005051 弹簧1G776-56413 6900007430 台秤 26370004034 加强型锻打钎杆D175*L1900 F11N8-20200 挡板 6392201965 O型圈 11221678 吸油法兰 4110003164117 圆柱头螺钉0736 101 204 14598839 钢丝绳 0.5T 26130026101 安装板焊合 29240103041 加油口总成 4011001608 倒档惰轮组件(230102) 11216854 贴盘LGB315-70M*120*12 6391900470 斗杆油缸总成 LG2929010033 从动摩擦片 4047000129 电机 29340013541 堵头729031 6213000196 铲斗缸轴套 29150003801 RESERVOIR 29050028531 前车架线束 29240014001 耳板 6213000052 胶管F4811517161616-560 6430001302 HYDRAULIC TANK ASSEMBLY 4130000207 液位传感器 6297000075 滚轮 29010062841 O型圈07000-02085 29270024621 支承架 29060010531 机油箱回油钢管-试制 29380018301 夯 11212049 水泵总成1307050-1771/B 29220030001 变速操纵机构LG933L-2 4110002111121 HOSE 4120005239 P-传动轴CDZP-1075.5 LG28440000711B 密封垫圈C3863988 11220916 软管LGB165-014080 2080900263 主泵盖板 4016000149 固定板 4120004874 垫圈0730.162.303 4110015708226 板 14566035 LG936L驾驶室围板总成 4120006098 标准斗1.0×1210 26260007741 Panel (VPM part) 26330063132 直接档轴 14523264 泵标签 1G790-8721-0 2907002025126 左弯板 29011005431 垫圈8 4120010344054 旋具套筒24201 29120022961 角钢 26330014701 反锁 26330041181 以勒耐高温面屏 29030008431 加油桶 F61N6-31310 前大灯总成TX12 29250017461 单体泵总成D02113002 29050034502 断路器IC65H 1P C40A 4013000425 LG952L/H线束总成 7200002343 合成纤维吊装带 R02-08*8m 29170098423 前车架线束 4045015265 内六角螺塞14400078J 26241003283 两排双层托盘工作台A 4120000413 停用-油门标志 29260100271 变速箱系统 29050015441 端盖 4110015822002 履带 26030009691 端盖02.01.06.00323 J4120008448 P-关节轴承GB9161-SI8E FXKAY-00207 弯板 4013000021 行星架6430206 9993725 4190002926 手柄轴套 29380011371 胶管F7316A6A161212-1450-SG1450 26010010971 LG953装载机保养包 FKC4110000179 二级行星架 4110002787 主泵总成 6215000138 支架 2030400018 曲轴齿轮1W4405 4041000120 BODY_FRAME REAR ASSY 26291006551 后车架 4110000367101 LG936L旋转高温冷却模块 Read the full article
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northeastjobs · 1 year
Exam Invigilator
Walbottle Academy are looking to employ an Exam Invigilator Contract Type: Casual / Seasonal / Bank / Permanently Variable hours | Working Pattern: As and when required | Salary: SCP1 £9.50ph | Advert End Date: 23/04/2023 16:00 |  http://dlvr.it/Smd0xf
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derelictvessel · 1 year
Fic update
Just finished editing ch 10 for SCP1: Genesis
I have to post 9, 10, 11 together, so its just one more chapter to edit and ill be able to post.
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cnarozyilmaz · 2 years
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kelepir gezegen-evren var mı acaba!? #sedefkabaş @sedefkabas https://www.instagram.com/p/CghLad-sCp1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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missfinefeather · 4 years
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I mean, not much to say about it! Sounds like the SCP Foundation adopted an undead cyborg dog!
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vivaciousarcanist · 5 years
skip scp 1 and just go through the rest, its a "special" one because everyone wanted to be important and make SCP1. The rest are normal
yeah, i kinda figured that something like that was what had happened
but like i’ve seen references to one of the proposals (the scarlet king) on 231 and 2317, the a simple toymaker and the factory both have related hubs, ouroboros is apparently massive judging by the length of the video on it and one of them appears to be on the o5 council
like that’s a lot of lore i kinda want to know about in scp 001
there just doesn’t seem a good time efficient way to do so
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shahajip · 2 years
Castles In The Sky , Little Things , Melancholy Ambient Music,scp1
It can help you calm your physiology without making a conscious effort, and that can alleviate stress from your mind. Music can also lift your mood, slow your breathing, and create other stress-inducing changes. ... With regular practice, this meditation can help you to better manage whatever stress comes
music benefits while doing studying
Music that is soothing and relaxing can help students to beat stress or anxiety while studying. Background music may improve focus on a task by providing motivation and improving mood. During long study sessions, music can aid endurance.
music benefits while doing sleeping
Music improves sleep through calming parts of the autonomic nervous system, leading to slower breathing, lower heart rate, and reduced blood pressure. Many people with poor sleep associate their bedrooms with frustration and sleepless nights.
Benefits of Listening to Music in the Workplace
·         Increased Productivity. According to a November 2016 study, “the vast majority (79%) of people can boost their productivity by listening to music.” This is great news for music lovers everywhere. ...
·         Reduced Stress. ...
·         Increased Focus. ...
·         Improved Mood
 The mental health benefits of meditation include better focus and concentration, improved self-awareness and self-esteem, lower levels of stress and anxiety, and fostering kindness. Meditation also has benefits for your physical health, as it can improve your tolerance for pain and help fight substance addiction
VideoCredit to : Vídeo de kakik de Pixabay 
Image Credit to : Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay 
Audio Credit To :
Castles In The Sky by Scott Buckley | https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
 Donation : http://paypal.me/shahaji009
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/shahaji
Audio Credit to : Background Music Credit to : https://bigsoundbank.com/ { MUSCInst_Tibetan bowl struck (ID 1110)_BSB }
Mantra Audio Credit to : Shahaji Patil { India Pune }
Video Credit To : Video by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay 
Image Credit to : Imagen de Михаил Прокопенко en Pixabay ,
subscribe to the channel & Click on Bell Icon : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZkr8m4AzjJu-Ggecn2FaSA
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zambrijeans · 3 years
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https://zambrijeans.minhalojanouol.com.br/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CNpKvT-scP1/?igshid=5mvb16sy00k2
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northeastjobs · 1 year
Community Zone Assistant
The Blyth Academy are looking to employ a Community Zone Assistant Contract Type: Casual / Seasonal / Bank / Permanently Variable hours | Working Pattern: Part time | Salary: SCP1 Starting salary until 31st December 2022: SCP 1 £9.50 per hour | Advert End Date: 17/03/2023 12:00 |  http://dlvr.it/SjWlbx
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ibotol · 4 years
100% wire free for placement anywhere1080p Full HDWeatherproof (IP65)Color night vision out to 30 ft.130deg horizontal viewing angle2-way audio and siren supportMotion/Human detectionOn-device recordingGoogle Assistant(TM) and Amazon(R) Alexa(R) readyFree 70-day Cloud serviceInnovative installation designVoice-based, easy and quick setupRemote access via Wi-Fi(R) and free AppCam Solo appUses a long-lasting and quick-swap rechargeable battery that lasts up to 6 monthsCan be solar powered for off-the-grid usageIncludes 16 GB microSD(TM) Card, magnetic mount, screw mount, rechargeable battery, mounting screw kits, reset tool, silicone weatherproof cover, mounting strap, mounting template, power cable, and quick start guide
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joyceyangeth · 5 years
Semester One Overview/Project Outcome
Further changes were made with regards to sound and timing when these finals were sent over to editorial. Combined with Act Two and added music, the final version of the entire Profound Animatic can be found in the production blog linked below.
Overall, I know each Act could definitely be narrowed down into a more succinct style of storytelling. I’m pretty happy with how far its come but can still see room for improvement with framing, camera angles and pacing of the story. Throughout the journey of storyboarding these two acts, I have definitely been able to grow as an artist and team member within the crew, being able to increasingly have a voice as to how the story should go and then go home and put that into action has been a great learning experience. My drawing skills have also improved. While it still has a long way to go, I have been able to improve the quality and variety of drawings while also learning to draw quicker which has been extremely helpful towards the end of pre-production where everything is a rush against time. 
The amount of learning and improvement that has happened this past semester, only fuels my excitement for the next semester which will undoubtedly not be any easier than the last. While it will be stressful, I truly believe that the team and overall working environment will continue to energise me and my passion for this industry and therefore, I am eager to continue these projects going into the next semester. 
if Profound is not a film that is chosen to go through, I will be disappointed but will still be eager to transfer my skills onto any of the other projects as we have all seen them grow with the potential they all have. It is incredibly surreal to think that these films all have a chance to be made into actual films, bringing everything each student has done to life. The choice won't be easy but I will be happy to go on and improve my animating skills int he next semester, whichever project it will be.
PROFOUND PRODUCTION BLOG LINK: https://jamietaljaard.wixsite.com/profoundproduction
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missfinefeather · 4 years
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Okay, Clearance A hides on a desk after showing the monster documents...
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While Clearance B just dies...
Well, okay then!
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bibliacatolica · 7 years
Lançamento do E-Book - SCP1: A Palavra de Deus e a Profissão de Fé Por Carlos Martins Nabeto Fonte: Veritatis Splendor O Veritatis Splend Por Carlos Martins Nabeto Fonte: Veritatis Splendor O Veritatis Splendor, mantendo o seu zelo à Verdade e ortodoxia, tem o grande prazer de oferecer aos seus leitores e visitantes mais uma grande obra: “A Palavra de Deus e a Profissão de Fé”, dando início à série “Citações Patrísticas”. Compilada e… http://bit.ly/1lMgdUI #bibliacatolica via Bíblia Católica Online
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northeastjobs · 2 years
Exam Invigilator
Walbottle Academy are looking to employ an Exam Invigilator Contract Type: Casual / Seasonal / Bank / Permanently Variable hours | Working Pattern: As and when required | Salary: SCP1 £9.50ph | Advert End Date: 05/10/2022 16:00 |  http://dlvr.it/SYgbTb NEJobs
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just-one-destiny-blog · 12 years
Sinopse capitulo I - Make me wanna die.
Louise e Jake relembram o passado entre os tapas e os beijos. Desperta em Anne alguma atração por Jake, Hayley não demonstra mais odiar Jake. Zac e Lindsay parecem estar bem. Ashley sempre discreta, porém atrasada. Matar aula já começa sendo normal e Jake resolve voltar e visitar os amigos na escola, mas ao invés disso confunde a cabeça de Louise.
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missfinefeather · 4 years
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So... huh...
So, the creature can’t be saved on, documents, save files, people talking, 0123, but can be saved on 405 and... vector graphics?
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