#seal team 6x1
justhere4thewhump · 10 months
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This shot is one of my WEAKNESSES. A gurney + unconscious/barely conscious wounded fella + oxygen of some sort + worried loved ones?! 🫠😮‍💨
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
There are spoilers for Episode 6x1
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vallygirl285 · 2 years
Seal Team Season 6, Episode 1
If you haven’t watched it don’t forget about the watch party today.
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If you have watched it OMG what an episode!!!
Spoiler below:
Wow we picked up at the ambush and I think that was probably one of the most intense battle scenes this show has ever done to date.
Okay first thing first Clay is alive but is seriously injured and man Max was so good in this sequence. Honestly I had to turn away when he was tending to his leg.
Jason as always puts himself in danger to give his brothers a fighting chance and there was no way Bravo would have made it out of there if he hadn’t gone up to the ridge, take out those 3 tangos and got his hands on the rocket launcher as well as guiding where they remote bombing to hit the incoming tangos.
Finally their ride gets there and they’re able to get the Hell out of there and the drama really begins. They bring Bravo to the same hospital in Germany where they operate on Clay and he begins his personal battle.
Lisa is sent to tell Stella and man this is where the show really shines. I love that they give the love ones strong scenes like this. Stella has grown so much since season one.
I like how when Lisa asks if she wants to go to Clay her first reaction is yes and then she takes a breath and knows that as much as Clay may need her their child needs her just as much and that his brothers will be with Clay and her place is with Brian.
Hmmm interesting about the doctor who originally diagnosed Jason. Then Jason guilt about not disclosing his brain injury and maybe Bravo not spinning up.
I also loved the scenes between Clay and Jason. It made sense to that Sonny stayed with Clay too and their scene was so good.
I love seeing the families being there to rally around Stella and Brian. Poor Jason and the guilt he’s feeling that he can’t even take have Stella introduce Brian to him. So nice to see Mandy and Jason together and yup she’s the voice of reason he needs.
Man the scene when Stella is talking to Sonny and Clay is crashing and then Sonny breaking down while talking to Jason 😭😭😭!!
Okay the big spoiler…not too shocking really when you saw his leg that Clay lost his leg. The show hasn’t shy away from the horror of war. Losing team members (sniffle Full Metal you’re still sorely missed). Dealing with long term brain injuries. Ray’s PTSD. What vets deal with at the vet hospitals, suicide. Now we get to see how Clay will deal with losing his leg and finding his way.
This was a roller coaster season premiere and can’t wait until next week!!!
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