powerfought · 3 months
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@selunaris asked : ❛  will you please slow down a little?  ❜
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  "hells,"  he  grumbled  beneath  labored  breath.  he  was  trying  to  get  the  fuck  out  of  this  place,  as  quickly  as  his  feet  could  carry  him, and he  didn't  need  some  whining  little  pup  trailing  after  him  —  most  especially  not  the one  who'd  gotten  him  in  this  mess  to  begin  with.  zarys  and  the  rest  were  dead by the hands of the cleric and her comrades,  the  shipment  for  which  he  was  responsible  taken into her possession,  and  who  was  going  to  have to answer for it all? not her.
  oh,  and  the  worst  part?  he  didn't  even  have  olly  and  his  child-like  foolishness  to  keep  him  entertained  on  the  road.  where  in  the  nine  hells  was  he  even  supposed  to  go  now?
  "leave  me  the  fuck  alone."  rugan's  voice  was  a  low  growl,  and  as  he  turned  to  face  lunaris,  his  dominant  hand  deftly  found  the  hilt  of  his  dagger.  "you've  caused  enough  trouble  at  my  expense.  the  least  you  could  do  is  let  me  go  my  own  way  quietly.  you  owe  me  a  hell  of  a  lot  more  than  that,  but  you  can  consider  it  a  debt  repaid."
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lordliing · 3 months
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"The Black Hand of my God will keep me warm. Yes."
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theclavv · 18 days
🕙 rip
⌈ * send 🕙 to see how long raphael lasts in bed with your muse . ⌋
                  raphael  got  erectile  dysfunction
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hcadlesshuntcr · 8 days
You are caught like a deer in the lamplight. Her eyes, as bright as the moon herself, catch you with a pitiful pout. All you said was no, yet she bats those big silver coins your way, and you are helpless but to obey. Damn elves and their big pretty eyes and stupid adorable pointed ears. It just wasn't fair.
"Mmm." Folding your arms in futile attempts to stand your ground, you groan,"Fine. Whatever it is you're wantin' t' do, I'll come with." If only to guarantee Luna's safe return. So you tell yourself.
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mephist4r · 2 months
"I take it back. Your attitude needs work." >:|
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❝ MY attitude ? i wont take 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒎 from those who havent lived long enough to watch gods DIE . ❞
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vigilant-cleric · 2 months
❛ i’ll be good, i promise. ❜ :3c
"You, Luna?"
The armoured priest was clearly amused by her promise, thumb gently circling the shape of her chin.
"To me, I have no doubt. But good in general?"
The secret of their intimacy was perhaps the most tickling part of it; to know that the others thought clerics to be holy beings, free of sin and impure thoughts, or at the very least less restrained by the bounds of desire than they were. But they knew their urges to tend to the contrary; such blind belief in their holiness only reinforced their pleasure in breaking the stereotype when they were together.
"You have a strong will; I believe you could. But not tonight."
His other hand nestled at her waist, fingers solidly anchored around her hip as he leaned in to press a kiss against her lips. This was only the first of many, however; soon enough the kisses trailed down her chin, her neck, the shape of her collarbone, down to the graceful curve of her breasts and her hardening nipple.
"Be good for me, still. Lay back, please."
There was nothing he loved more than going down on his partner. For their eyes to meet, her expression to reflect ecstasy as his own arousal grew, to learn every flick of the tongue and measured movement that accentuated the curve of her back. It was delightful.
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powerfought · 3 months
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@selunaris asked : a kiss on the jawline. - for gale!!
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  such  gentle  intimacy  ...  it  had  been  so  long  since  he'd  felt  anything  like  it.  in  truth,  gale  wasn't  entirely  sure  what  to  do  with  himself  in  that  moment.  he  had  forgotten  what  it  was  like  to  exist  in  such  a  way  with  another  individual,  and  now  that  lunaris  had  taken  it  upon  herself  to  remind  him,  he  was  at  a  loss.  he  didn't  show  it,  however;  without  thought,  muscles  tugged  mouth  in  a  gentle  grin,  hand  idly  reached  so  fingertips  could  brush  against  the  area  kissed.  it  seemed  his  body  remembered  how  to  respond  better  than  his  mind  did.
  "not  entirely  sure  what  i  did  to  deserve  that,  but  would  you  be  opposed  if  i  were  to  return  the  kindness?"
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lordliing · 2 months
boops his nose
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Puts his whole hand on her forehead and shoves her away.
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tamedstray · 3 months
gently headbutts his arm.
At first, he's simply puzzled, grinning and tilting his head as he peers down at Luna. Vigor was always more of a dog person, but the gesture isn't lost on him entirely. ❝What is it? Do you want to curl up on my lap?❞ He adds playfully with a little chuckle.
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sanguisarcana · 3 months
Luna points at his lap. "Is this seat taken?" ;3
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@selunaris || unprompted
It was during their brief respite when the lot returned to camp to reassemble the party and ferret about for provisions that Astarion took to coating his arrows in drow poison. Upon the lady's approach, only his eyes shifted up to meet her stare.
No doubt a nod towards his earlier attempt at wooing her a little.
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"Well, unless you count the quiver and a handful of arrows, I wouldn't say it is, no..." Trailing off, the pale elf's crimson stare studied Luna from her lips to her sandals. His line of focus on the former flagrant and every bit immodest. "But judging by the nature of our little tête-à-tête earlier today, I suppose it's about to become."
An open invitation punctuated by the removal of said quiver and arrows from his lap.
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bladesalvation · 3 months
a kiss on the nose for nihil? :3
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Surprise crossed his features, a few blinks breaking his stare before it was permanently broken by him averting his eyes. "...Right."
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hcadlesshuntcr · 10 days
13. for one muse to distract the other from getting ready by kissing/groping them
Morning after starters || Accepting!
Stirred from your sleep from the swish of fabric brushing together. Opening your eyes, you see the curved outline of Luna's body getting ready in the distance. Pulling her robes over the soft, supple skin, you took much delight in sinking your teeth and other things into last night. It is a shame to see it concealed so quickly. Distracted in her task, you silently find your way behind her. You smell the Selûnite magic that lingers on her skin, as your cold lips press into her neck. Your hands, strong and firm, work their way up her body.
"Leavin' me already?" You kiss the ends of her pointed ears, and your words growled low into them. From her hips, your fingers press down into the soft, sweetly bruised flesh of he thighs. The ends of your nails brush up her stomach, moving up to cup each of her warm breasts into your hands through her robes. Pulling her close against you, you kiss and bite into the flesh just under her ear, along her jaw. You purr low into her ear, an audible smirk on your face, "You're sure?"
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tadbitfooled · 4 months
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@selunaris sent: 👀 durante? from Send 👀 to walk in on my muse naked
There was just something incredibly nice about laying in the sun, naked. It was relaxing, calming, and a way to just enjoy it. Also it did give his skin a really nice warm purple tone he enjoyed.
The sound of footsteps drew his attention. He rolled onto his side, resting his cheek on his hand. A smirk came to his features as he saw who had come upon him in this state.
"What's the better, never seen a tiefling penis before?"
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mephist4r · 2 months
"Perhaps I could... braid your hair? Tie it back for you? It looks like it might get in the way or tangled if you leave it loose..." :( want to touch!!!
theres a breif softness of his features , 𝒂 𝒎𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒚 , her little hands working on his ends . the 𝚜𝚒𝚐𝚑 he'd make before a meeting of the war counsel , going through the smalls of his hair . he has to be 𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙗𝙡𝙚 - these TERRIBLE braids would need to be brushed out again and again . the tug at his 𝕖𝕞𝕡𝕥𝕪 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 . he missed it ? was antilia ever that sweet ? she was better BEHAVED . those braids 𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖉 him .
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❝ you do not have PERMISSION . lay a hand on my hair , and suffer 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒆 . ❞
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oathwilled · 4 months
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"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." 🥺 @selunaris ⇢ flirty prompts
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"  Just  borrow?  "  He  smiles,  and  it’s  an  easy  thing,  warm  if  not  weighted.  "  See,  I  don’t  like  t’keep  tabs.  Too  much  work,  too  many  things  keepin’  space  in  my  head  as  it  is.  "
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And  he  saunters  closer;  he  reaches  up,  fingers  alight  on  her  cheek.  It’s  a  gentle  touch,  truly,  even  if  those  fingers  are  long  roughened  by  sword  and  work.  "  I  prefer  to  just  give.  An’,  well,  if  you  want  to  give  back,  that’s  your  choice.  " 
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bcneheaded · 5 months
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@selunaris said: "If you and I were socks, we'd make a great pair."
💬🥀 — The demon gazes down at her, arms folded rather formally but comfortably behind his back, jawless skull tilted ever so slightly as he listens to what it was she'd wanted to say. Honestly, he'd expected business or perhaps even a divulgence of her day or even her worries. It wasn't often that Luna came out with something like this, but when she did, he couldn't help but find it funny rather than annoying. Now if Astarion did it.... well... Yes, he might find it annoying. And so, it is not a sigh but rather a laugh that escapes Artemis. It's a low, gentle tinkling thing; jovial in his amusement. "... Very cute." He simply murmurs, nodding the once to her.
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