snaggerleo · 4 years
who you appear as is: my wuv
I don’t wanna publish this ask, I wanna keep it
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fabulance · 7 years
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Cape flips dramatically.
@sterlingsilverchampion @shironax @ultramarineguise
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thepowerofaura · 7 years
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A smile grew on his lips as a familiar aura had casually entered his abode. There were few people he knew that would come into his abode unannounced, but then again all of those people he had already given permission to do so, as they were all welcome guests. This one in particular he had known for a long time, a former rival and friend. Thankfully, he was showing his newly hatched Riolu how he and Lucario would make tea, and they had barely started. Which meant that he had time to prepare a tea set for two.
Lucario, would you please assist Riolu with the tea while I greet our guest?
I’m already on it. Lucario replied, as she began to collect the various tea leaves and other ingredients that the Champion particularly liked in her tea. Rio, hun, could you please grab the tray? It should be in the lower cabinet. With a small but pleasant “Rio!” the small pokemon climbed down from the Guardian’s head and began searching for the tea tray. 
Knowing that the two pokemon had tea under control, Riley freely moved to the foyer of his not-so-large house on Iron Island. Although he did manage to obtain a sizable fortune over the years, much of it went into the maintenance and protection of Iron Island itself. Of course, he didn’t mind a small abode, as he felt that entire island was his home. Leaning on the entrance to the living room, Riley gave Cynthia a wide smile.
“It’s good to feel your presence again, Cynthia. What brings you around this time?”
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snaggerleo · 5 years
Leo shook out his wrists and ankles, while keeping a Timer Ball pinched between his cheek and shoulder. What was coming was nerve-wracking. He knew it. It was going to be a lot of fun looking back on it after the fact, but the lead-up and the actual action was boiling acid in his stomach. Today, he was sparring with his wife. Among the most powerful trainers in the world.
Cynthia loved him. He knew that. And she was a consummate professional in the ring. Which came part and parcel with not pulling punches, and being openly scary. But the fact that he was nervous was exactly why this had to happen. He used to live off his bloodlust. Food and water, those weren’t half as important or nourishing as battle. He used to fear nothing. Then for awhile he feared himself.
Now, like his life was being written by a past-his-prime writer phoning it, he feared his wife. Even if she was among the best, that wasn’t acceptable.
So today, they were having their 1-on-1. They could both use the sharpening, and his Tyranitar and Cynthia’s Garchomp had wanted to test each other properly ever since their last time working on a team together.
Leo caught his Timer Ball after he left it fall from his shoulder, and he gave it a toss. Orange fingers of light erupted out of the ball, release a blast of energy that formed a Tyranitar, the last strands of it reaching out and spinning like the hands of a clock. Tango caught a noise in his throat, nurtured it, and roared; sand started pouring out of the holes on his chest and knees, and Leo knew he was ready to fight.
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fabulance · 7 years
  Cynthia Karen and Ash :^)
“… I mean, I’ll gladly don a collar for ice cream.”
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“Don’t worry, I’ll help burn off those calories with all the ice cream you eat.”
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dragoncaper · 7 years
wraps the dragon man in a fluffy cape, and sends her mini army of gible to fill up that lonely plateau with sinnoh dragons. (SOrry I saw that post and couldn't help it omg)
"Thanks, Cynthia." The additional cape feels nice around his shoulders. He should probably be concerned about what sort of trouble that many Gible might get into around the complex, but that subdued sort of impending chaos is rather comforting. It reminds him of home.
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placidii · 7 years
shironax replied to your post: sterlingsilverchampion replied to your post: ...
//i feel you bro.... cynthia and steven is one of my otps like.... good shit
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seaboundsongstress · 5 years
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Man you know a franchise is popular when your muse who’s in it and has sparse activity keeps gaining followers on their blog. //SHOT
Anyway let’s get the honorable mentions going, shall we? :3c Note: Since 700 is a lot, my apologies if I do not mention you in the list. I still appreciate you as a person and you’re contribution to my followers list. <3
People I who inspire me to write and probably haven’t interacted with yet, but want to:
@thatscwewywabbit, @muirsiog, @evclvere, @bravepurplemouse, @wanttoshine, @aurasense, @thunderbclts, @shiningxdancer, @thunderstonereject
My Peeps:
@thewayfaringhero, @candylovinglightning, @cubonned, @oceanicmaestro, @and-they-succeeded, @grimastor, @priminpurple, @lunarisvesperaregina, @goldentelepath
Other fabulous role players:
@cacaohiime, @refreshinglikewater, @goxspxrks, @serenesunlight, @myst-ice, @flamebattled, @goldhecrted, @graceofaninja, @nullum-nocte, @dragerou, @bossbones, @smasherrific, @thcnderslam, @stygianmoondust, @smashmeltingpot, @crimsonchampion, @moonkxssed, @entomolo-gist, @hughhyuuhue, @pokepc, @redtoomuchintoit, @iceclaws, @blagck, @herradea, @thelonelyabomination, @hoomau, @gladionsgrownup, @unovastruth, @avesoblivion, @exspiravited, @truthfulideals, @didharm, @pokesquadron, @laurefortuna, @rivaltrainersilver, @navynebulous, @grimchances, @grimomens, @dojodarling, @rosybii, @rockiism, @sangmer, @nimbasah, @thebrokenbeasts, @poisoncrowned, @the-distortedvisage, @newspecie, @universalcarnival, @cartoonlonk, @floofymuses, @ycungandfearless, @empatheticaura, @mercenaryrocket, @asurising, @bondedbythesoul, @revexant, @leadcrcheren, @dawn-leaves, @spooksweet, @lylelyin, @forstrength, @marsh-and-mimic, @allpacafe, @uprootedxbud, @samuraisuncle, @estrellawn, @ghostlysands, @ofharmonics, @swordaserious, @timeblooded, @popgoesthesneasel, @pinktransceiver, @woodlandsecret, @undauntedbravery, @luganroc, @victorybunbun, @littlesilver-platinum, @littlesparkz, @kabancki, @propxnent, @pokechanncl, @cbscurum, @hoennbourne, @gingaprince, @sylveonnesmuses, @maxskulline, @skullgruntdana, @skulldxddy, @floralfiness, @aethersprincess, @dragon-prince-behemoth, @aura-with-me, @syntheticbeast, @spirit-of-all-consciousness, @afiredog, @eon-guardians, @musesbymeri, @depouilleros, @mohnday, @eternallycharming, @haluai, @eveelutionary, @pokestorage, @souledsilver, @gottamuseemall, @pokemonparade, @theswordsofjustice, @sea-mcnster, @sky-and-spear, @guardianofakala, @melemeleguardian, @magicmagikarp, @chaomhnoir, @mineralgirl, @surperior, @musnatchii, @masterprotector, @lukissed, @heartbxnd, @aognaidh, @mxdeofsteel, @ofnorthwinds, @ranseiuniter, @swordsandfeathers, @ferventwished, @xatudueye, @collectiingmoments, @rocketjameskojiro, @pokehxme, @eclipsebrought, @gamenu, @legendsbehold, @staticplumage, @rebornregionace, @nemekii, @worldsstrongest, @headedtodisaster, @poketfulofpokemuses, @aetherbeast, @leecherlady, @progenimon, @darkvcid, @antecessoris, @ofmidnightlights, @neuronjxlly, @eonpulse, @dracosidian, @psymulacre, @anemophilisms, @fushigikasai, @wishfxljikan, @unmaskedchimera, @thunderstonebaby, @loyal-pokemon-partner, @incinemania, @lycanrocspirit, @pyrewreathed, @dolilopunny, @hisxtranquility, @shiningxdeceiver, @pallet-proud, @shehasbunshun, @starcfaether, @aurorasofdxstiny, @willpowxr, @saviorofsinnoh, @vastxwhite, @idolizedstar, @mirrcredreaper, @lavenderrosepetals, @blastcr, @tsukiroc, @whxt-trial, @teamrocketcat, @iiwalani, @sunlcved, @frczenfox, @pheromxsa, @nightmarcher, @shevixi, @soul-silvered, @solhearted, @balsamina, @blazing-feathers, @electrifying-ideals, @regal-royalty, @shodown, @agentcatman, @rocketdouble, @mimic-pikachu, @frozeneon, @pom-pom-birdie, @grchmp, @nullisms, @denjyumokuu, @decidxeye, @sneabel, @ebullientechoes, @wxllpower, @lonalaa, @rock-empress-olivia, @dxstructionshumanform, @animaexignis, @pirouxtta, @sinus-amoris, @pikatwx, @scvercign, @cryostasia, @the-blaze-pokemon, @colorlcss, @toxistar, @truthfcund, @fairyxribbons, @brightresearcher, @cerebralpsychic, @gruntemilia, @manicinventxr, @geomcncy, @tothemccn, @litteniisms, @aioian, @mctherbeast, @collapingstars, @shiftingnxghtmares, @screnityrxge, @gingertrainer, @virtucus, @heartofaluxray, @jamesoftheroses, @of-twigs-and-flame, @yoo-bee, @interdreamed, @trenchpanda, @aromathxrapy, @fairymaiden, @gcrdevoir, @drxgonnoodle, @caelumpuclla, @frxstbiite, @hollerforhala, @professor-kukui, @ninctales, @tough-as-steelwing, @dxtiful, @abandcned, @gardevcirite, @creepingtxrror, @gengarible, @imhcme, @lostiiisms, @flcmingvictory, @youthfulflxme, @professor-abs, @iivoryiinnocence, @wheeling-ideals, @magicixn, @gymleaderbrock, @avemortem, @ecowarfare, @rufferpupper, @kami-tsurugi, @punkgrunt, @honoxtokage, @illuminatedbydark, @timidlittlenebula, @1rxd, @kahauna, @tropiicalias, @gladiolxs, @strongeststuffedanimal, @mimickedshxdow, @heatedxdancer, @armxnia, @alolansunlillie, @travellinghapu, @hcrmony, @leafheld, @yabxi, @supremxcy, @blacksubmas, @puniichan, @bwarking, @wxterdeity, @electrxcdeity, @executeur, @glxciate, @trainerritchie, @siskull, @illunasionary, @anistarcityleader, @halolaowed, @beefymosquito, @collectorofcoresandcells, @teammimikyu, @alohalawaia, @askulloserette, @rotompedia, @anihine, @gcldskull, @beasthidden, @hoennbclle, @shiruvaldi, @normalprince, @lillieae, @luminositas, @skullbaddie, @herotruths, @guzmaniia, @subshitz, @thuggerysfinest, @subselene, @typenvlled, @thatgavemechickenskin, @icyelegance, @mysteriousassistxnt, @haleopapa, @shingetsushoujo, @sungaleo, @prxyingmantis, @pyrrhiiic, @akalatapu, @lavenderhaired, @aethermina, @cipherlead, @malkukuia, @scaredycatghost, @skullgrxnt, @shatteredperfection, @plumeriaxskull, @flamedreine, @kiaweofalola, @mamane, @shiroreign, @mallowofalola, @faerykissed, @thcnderbolt, @eiennosaku, @loyaldogfairy, @priimaltides, @shironax, @thievingsandslash, @gottakeepemall, @hxurglasses, @lilyofplasma, @knowspirit, @gxldenstreak, @emuspirit, @rocketmeowth052, @paradisxm, @eeveelutionist, @paciflos, @hydrophiilic, @kamuuryu, @ofmagma, @lunardancer, @jcyfillled, @ardentcrimson, @pokemondeliverer, @slowpcke, @scorchingsxcrets, @puffywarrior, @triplicatedcode, @mademoiselle-serena, @hoeinhoenn, @oblixion-wing, @boundaryresearcher, @himacchu, @flcwerpcwered, @batttlegirl, @dubiousevolution, @galladiite, @heuristi, @beareroftheblueorb, @eliite, @ki-pa, @nthetruthseeker, @emergingcataclysm, @lucaiism, @daringtosing, @champofpallet, @rubrendan, @violetdreamings, @aurasensitivescholar, @inversion-formula, @mezasepkmnmaster, @auroraicefield, @dividedharmony
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@shironax said:
    " Well… of course. Among those stars are the ones that created space and time itself. “
Cynthia chimed in towards the unfamiliar man, giving him a smile before returning her eyes to the night sky above. She came out to the lone fields often, to get away from the light pollution of the cities so she could properly see the galaxy above. Someone had joined her at the small park area at some point, though she hadn’t paid any mind to him at all until he spoke up about the stars above.
   He was right, though, in a philosophical sense. The stars did make sense.
  ” And, they’re beautiful. That’s a nice bonus, I do believe. “
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-His upper lip curled briefly at the mention of creators, but if he had any intention of following it up with something equally distasteful, it never left his lips. He was silent at his distance from her, lost in the clear, crisp sight of the stars above. The difference between Kanto and Unova-- in terms of light pollution and the ability to see the sky at all-- had been startling those first few weeks on foreign soil and Johto had outclassed Kanto by a mile. But here, in the cold north and far from the modern trappings of electricity and convenience, the depths of space seemed close enough to touch.
-Archer couldn’t be called a sentimental man and the existential smallness of seeing how vast the universe was compared to the tiny speck of their reality wasn’t something he had the time to contemplate, but that didn’t mean the allure of a diamond-sparkled sky was lost on him.-
I don’t mean that they’re pretty or a reminder of things beyond our grasp and knowledge. For all that they are to the poets and philosophers, the stars and their movements, their distance, and the immutable fact that they are long gone from what we see right at this moment-- these are some of the few indisputable foundations of our reality. No opinions involved, no emotions involved. It’s... refreshing in its reliability.
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snaggerleo · 5 years
shironax replied to your post: “You’re walking in the woods. There’s no one...
all i hear is the shia lobeouf theme
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“He’s following you, about thirty feet back. He drops to all fours and breaks into a sprint; he’s gaining on you! Nate Kyohei!”
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Investigating the Legends ll Steven and Cynthia
{ Incoming Text Message from Steven Stone! } 
{ Loading @shironax ‘s messages . . . ! }
[text]: Cynthia? Are you training or taking any battle challenges today? 
[text]: This isn’t a request to battle you today, as tempting as it is.
[text]: I happened upon something very interesting, and I feel like you would know a lot more about it than I do. I don’t know a whole lot about it, but it ties with the three orbs of Sinnoh. You know which ones, I assume.
[text]: Also I’ll bring you a latte and a couple of muffins if you’d like. My treat on me!
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Despite one lengthy hiatus, my absurdly long ficlet-length RP responses, my compulsive need to try and fit everything into my own verse because of my obsession with continuity, and all my usual nonsense and antics…
I’ve somehow managed to reach the milestone of 200 Followers on this blog!
And for that I say to you all: Thank you for tolerating me!
No, but for real, thank you all! I appreciate each and every one of you and your support, whether you follow me just to send in anons for my asks memes, or if you’re a quiet audience member for the stories I like to tell here with my RP partners, or if you’re one of the delightful RP partners whose interactions I cherish! 
I hope you all enjoy the way I write, the way I portray Clemont; between the fumbling moments of comedy, to the shy romantic gestures, all the way to the Angst TM ridden plots that I insist on putting this poor nerd through! I hope to continue to earn your praise and viewership for all the time I choose to write on this blog!
And as is tradition, I want to take this moment to show my appreciation for all those I follow, RP with, or simply admire!
Warning: Alliterations abound!
Revered Roleplay Partners (Mutuals who have captured my Narrative, and Roleplaying Heart!):
@mezasepkmnmaster (A magnificent Ash that, along with his prime RP partner, got me back into the world of wonderful RPing!) @diamond-dandruff (The Dawn whose partnership with Clemont helps him grow! Along with Ash, she’s part of the duo that gave me inspiration to help me pick the pen up for this blog again!) @himacchu (Himashi! The OC Space Princess who’s probably just as big a klutz as Clemont and tumbles into his heart as much as he did hers!) @blastingxff (Who ever thought that Jessie and Clemont could get along so well?! Well that’s exactly what these two’s relationship is all about, discovering those hidden qualities that each has that can help one another!) @jetbadge​ (The Highflying Girl! A wonderful and dedicated RPer, with a fabulous, fun, and endearing portrayal of Skyla, a lovely lady who has captured the heart of Clemont!) @densettsu​ (A complex, yet relatable OC, Rosie is an adorable character played by a lovely mun who writes great stories, characters, and has a fabulous singing voice!)
Potential Storytelling Prospects (Those I follow with whom I’ve RP’d little or perhaps not at all, either due to my laziness, my work, or because I’m excessively nervous, but would love the chance to!):
@theamazingtrainernate, @stageonmay, @shironax, @talkaboutpathetic, @kalosianxbeauty, @overcomeadversity, @princeofhoenn, @idolizedstar, @writtenbykaichu, @shootie, @sparky-ritchie, @beaux-rxves, @connivingbeauty, @sterlingsilverchampion, @blueroserocket, @rottenrhythms​, @atxyourxservice​, @healingwixh​, @pinktransceiver​, @biologiic​, @steelclad​, @fateandfury​, @scnshinechild​, @akalax​, @and-they-succeeded​, @conoiiistre​
Long-Lived Legacies (partners who’ve we’ve parted ways with, but with a faint light of hope for their return <3):
@aperformersdream (The Serena to my Clemont, and a dear friend whom I hope to hear from again one day!) @kalosqueenaria (A Queen both in character and out of it! A long-time RP partner whom I miss dearly!)
So to all of you, once again, thank you all kindly for your amazing support, and for those of you RPing with me, thank you for continuing to RP with me and for helping me tell great sagas for this character whom I love so much!
I look forward to many great plots and collaborations in the future!
After all...
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The Future is Now, Thanks to Science!
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Champ-line Shenanigans Part 1
Incoming Call! Please hold!  Please adjust your audio!
Call Participants include:  Sterlingsilverchampion - Steven Stone @sterlingsilverchampion MasterSenpai - Lance @fabulance Kawaii motherfucker - Cynthia @shironax
Call Connected! 
"Hello? Is this thing working?"
"Hello, yes. Mr. Stone. You ordered how many Pizzas to be delievered to yoir office? 30? That will come to 550,000P plus tax."
Kawaii motherfucker
"Pizza???? Oh please tell me you got my garlic finger order too. I know it's the other side of the world, but still."
"Don't scare me like that, that happened to me once before! ... Garlic finger order? Isn't that a Unovan thing?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it iiiiissssssss.... I've been stuck in here so long I can't even go to Unova, gotta bring it to me. It's a shame ice cream melts."
"It does sound rather tasty! Bring us some Steven. You can pay to have sent to us before it get's cold, right?"
"You really think that they would get there in time? They would have to fly on an Aerodactyl to do that, and where would they land? What if they served pizza and ice cream, which would melt or get cold first?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Well put one of your never melt ice things with the ice cream! Duh. Have a fire type hold the pizza while Aeordactyl flies on over. It'll work!"
"I mean I have a Charizard and she has a Glaceon. Come on Steven, keep up! Also can't you just have your fancy devon tech teleport the pizza to us or have Metagross teleport it us and come back?"
"Well I could just get Claydol to trick a flame orb under your pizza and Tourlamine to lightly powder snow the ice cream. What do you think?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Perfect!!! Shall we expect it within the hour?"
"How badly do you both want it?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"..... Very."
"I'm close to just sending my Dragonite to get pizza, Steven. This is taking forever! We'll be starved by time they finally make the pizza, let alone deliever it."
"You poor things. Fine, i'll take care of you all. I'm ordering it online as we speak and it will be there for both of you in a small bit. Hold onto your appetites until it gets there!"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Oohhh ordering online- I never thought of that! Thank you so much, Mr. Stone. ;p"
"I-I don't think I can make it. Cynthia, I'm leaving my Haxorus to you if I die from starvation before the pizza gets here. Steven gets Tyrantrum."
Kawaii motherfucker
".......... You know how many dragon eggs I'll have with Garchomp and your Haxorus??"
"You'd be blessed with many Gibles, Dragon Granny."
Kawaii motherfucker
"Who's asking?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Thank me how? Does it involve cool artifacts or will be a demonstration on how youthful you are, Cynthia?" You could hear Lance fighting back a couple snickers among the sound of shuffling papers.
Kawaii motherfucker
"-- How can I prove my youth with artifacts? What- I'll show you my Everstone? Of course I'll show it." Loud grumbling in her background, along with keyboard typing.(edited)
He comes back and blinks for a moment. "I can't leave you two without hearing playful bickering. What did I miss this time, and what Everstone are you talking about?"
"Naturally you come back when a stone is mentioned, Steven." He chuckles. "You'll have to feed us pizza to get the details on the Everstone, Stone."
Kawaii motherfucker
"-- The Everstone that apparently keeps me so young. Lance here called me a Grandma!" More grumbling in the background, Cynthia casually looking herself over in great detail in a mirror.
There's a pause and then a chuckle when he moves away to drag a couple rock samples across his desk. "You look fine, Cynthia. Besides, is that your secret to staying youthful, Lance? Pizza? Also it should be on the way now that I think about it."(edited)
Kawaii motherfucker
A little more pleased noises came from her end, then resuming keyboard taps to signal her getting back to work. "Thank you, Steven. At least someone think I look nice. .... And I hope. You guys can probably hear my stomach growling through this thing."
"Oh, come now, Cynthia! You'd make a hot grandma if your Garchomp had a bunch of Gibles running around! Also good, cause I can't hear your stomach over mind growling."
Kawaii motherfucker
"... Hot Grandma. Please- calling me a milf now will only make the fans worse." Grumbles under her breath. That would be too spooky for her.April 9, 2017
"Baby Pokemon? Lance, you're going to make all of us turn into grandparents at this rate." Cue the Tyrunt squealing in the background. "You have to admit though, they're great company. Now I'm not sure with a bunch of gible, since I assume they teeth as much as an Aron."
"They do learn how to bite everything rather early on in their development. Also be proud! You'd both make hot grandparents. Trust me."
Kawaii motherfucker
"Gible bite everything. I swear, just after raising one, I had to replace every piece of furniture I own. Along with all the scars I have no of them chewing on me. Baby Gible may just be the worst."
"Does that make you a hot grandparent too, Lance? You do seem to have a lot of baby dragons running around." Pauses at what Cynthia said. "At least they didn't end up eating your fridge. That happened to me when I first found my Aron." Chuckles to himself and keeps on working. "It was expensive too, so my father wasn't too proud about that."
"Granddaddy Lancey. I'm amazed it hasn't become a thing yet. Also feel free to leave all the biting baby dragons with me for a week. I'm a pro at dealing with younglings that want to explore and bite everything."
Kawaii motherfucker
"... Grandaddy Lance- I've heard of Daddy Lance on the Pokeweb, but that's about all. I wouldn't want to be a sexual grandparent. Seems a little... weird. But you can definitely have the munching Ginles. I want em back as Gabite though. That's when thew rocks."
"..." He wrinkles his nose. "I'll never look or hear that word the same way again. People have such odd kinks interests- oh, your food should be there for the both of you, by the way. You might want to have your pokemon answer the door unless you want that food getting stale by the minute."
All they hear are dragons roaring and the high pitched squealing of a man. "HAXORUS NO! Goodra put him down! DRAGONITE SHARE!" You then hear more roaring and Lance yelling in the background.
Kawaii motherfucker
Cynthia's not even there anymore to hear that beautiful chaos, there was a smash as her chair hit the back wall when she stood up, and loud thumps going down some stairs, then silence. She went to get the pizza. Meanwhile, baby Noibat was left behind, and invaded the thing that had voices coming from it. "Noooooooooooi."
Steven just... blinked and sat there in his seat with papers in his hand. What just happened? He opened his mouth to speak- then closed it. "...Wow, Maybe I should've given them a heads up earlier." Well, at least the Noibat kept him company while everyone else was either making a lot of noise in the background or currently away from their devices. "I hope no one broke any legs."
"KOMMO-O! NO. NO BREAK BREAKING THE PIZZA MAN BECAUSE HE SMELLS LIKE FAERIES! DOWN!" You hear more dragon roars, screaming and eventually everything becomes eerily quiet on Lance's end.
Kawaii motherfucker
"Nooiii- Noiba!" There's some tapping on Cynthia's side, a wing flapping against the mic confusingly. Cynthia MIA.
He quietly shuffles in his seat and clears his throat awkwardly. "Noibat, go make sure Cynthia didn't trip down the stairs." He asks through the mic before sitting there, completely baffled. "...Did I just witness a murder scene through an audio program?"
"Dra?" You hear a confused Dratini on Lance's side of the call, before hearing someone plop down in a chair and placing a box down near the phone. "Dra!" You can hear faint chewing and happy dragon noises.
Kawaii motherfucker
"Nooooii!" Noibat heard that, and bravely dove from the desk to go off and search. It may have taken a minute or two, but there was activity on her mix again in a bit; Cynthia now sitting back at her desk, eating while chewing. "Mm- phowwy. Waf gettim a dwink."
"..." All he's hearing right now is chewing so he slowly lowers the volume on the sound before continuing on working. "I hope that pizza was worth the wait." He chuckles, shaking his head before shuffling through papers. "Just keep your chewing to a minimum, i'm starting to get goosebumps."
"Better than wetting yourself by having hungry dragons answering the door." The sound of happy Dratini noises overwhelmed the sound of chewing on Lance's end.
Kawaii motherfucker
Cynthia started munching with her mouth shut now, as happy Noibat noises come from her end as he nibbled on pizza as well. "Mmmm Steven, you didn't get any? It's delicious."
"I swear, i'll have to order from another place next time because that pizza guy is going to be scared out of his wits from those dragons of yours." He shakes his head, resisting a grin as he signs off another document and huffs to himself. "I'm not hungry right now, but thank you Cynthia. Besides, pizza grease is the last thing I need on my desk. That, and I would have to return Tyrunt to his ball if I was going to have to order anything and he gets cranky when I do that."
"...no. We're not having you pass out from hunger at your desk, Steven. One of us can and possibly will come down there, bust into your office and force feed you pizza with our mouths if you resist. You're already skinny, you don't want to have just strong chest muscles and starved everything else as  body-type."
Kawaii motherfucker
"Hold on- I got this Lance." A few ruffling and shuffling noises were heard, then a pop, and a little affectionate growl from a Pokemon. Muffling commands were given and the Pokemom took off like a jetplane into the sky. "I'd open your window, Steven. Or it'll get broken down."
He blinks, taken aback for a moment before finally focusing in on what the two were saying. "I can't really coo-" Wait, open his window? The sound of a chair rolls back and a couple footsteps echo before a window could be heard being rolled up. "Cynthia..." Steven called over to the device as he looks out the window worriedly. "...What am I to expect?" He took a few steps back from the window too, just for good measure. "You didn't send your Garchomp out did you?!"
Kawaii motherfucker
"I-... No." Little whistle from Cynthia, meanwhile her little air delivery gift arrived. Garchomp swung into the open window left for her, holding a single slice of pizza to present to the Hoenn champion. A serious depth in those eyes- he better accept her gracious gooey gift. "Eat up, Stone.~"
"...Cynthia, you didn't..." Well, now there's a Garchomp in his room and she looks like she could tear him to pieces if he declined the request. "Uh... How do you approach a Garchomp without getting bitten again?"
Kawaii motherfucker
"Oohhh- uhm... Calmly? She's pretty friendly. Just make sure you accept her gracious lil' gift there.~" Cynthia had a hand over her mouth, trying to hide her snickering.
He stares at the Garchomp for a moment before very carefully holding out his hands for the slice of Pizza. "Uh... That's a good Garchomp... it's alright, I won't do anything rash-" ...Suddenly the audio is full of crashes and sudden aggressive growling. "...Cyn...La... Is try....to fe...me!" ...The audio is shaky and the only thing to be heard is a curious Tyrunt noise.
"Tyrunt. Watch. This isnone way you assert your dominance when you get bigger." Lance instructed over the phone, snickering bewteen pizza bites.
"Ruuuunt~?" Tyrunt growls approvingly before suddenly another thrashing sound is heard, then the scraping of scales. Fumbling is heard over the microphone before finally! "...Ugh, it got pizza all over my shirt. Cynthia, your dragon was trying to feed me." A sigh, then he carefully gets up to get a plate to put the almost cheese-less pizza on it before returning to his seat. "Lance, don't think I didn't hear you either, you're teaching Tyrunt bad manners aren't you?”
Kawaii motherfucker
Cynthia cackles.
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