#smart marque
gigglepuffpixie · 11 months
so here's a question: wtf ever happened smart cars? you know, these fuckers
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i used to hear about them all them time but now? nothing
did they just stop being popular or is there something else?
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whoredmode · 4 months
also speaking of anteros’ parents. i realized that while i think they kinda figured anteros and troy had something going on between them just from how troy talked about him, they don’t get released until around srtt time so the first partner they’d officially meet, if anteros felt inclined to introduce them, would be kinzie.
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fleshadept · 3 months
MKBHD video reviewing the red komodo pissed me off. he’s a cool guy but first of all reviewing it in beta is kind of useless as soon as it’s out of beta and every critique he had was so youtubercore. oh the autofocus is bad? on a cinema camera? when most cinematographers would shoot a camera op dead for enabling autofocus? really. shocking. wow
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refucufij · 2 years
Sechoir innovation mode d'emploi lego
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relagiforafa · 2 years
Votre GPS est maintenant connecté en Bluetooth avec votre téléphone. Vous pouvez désormais passer des appels en mode main libre tout en conduisant. Le Menu du
</p><br>https://nagelelopu.tumblr.com/post/694261404660891648/tucson-tl16822t-r%C3%A9initialiser-tv-tucson-notice, https://nagelelopu.tumblr.com/post/694261404660891648/tucson-tl16822t-r%C3%A9initialiser-tv-tucson-notice, https://nagelelopu.tumblr.com/post/694261404660891648/tucson-tl16822t-r%C3%A9initialiser-tv-tucson-notice, https://relagiforafa.tumblr.com/post/694261618339610624/introduction-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9rale-17-objectifs, https://relagiforafa.tumblr.com/post/694261316334092288/download-link-vkccc7jkeu-mode-demploi.
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tristanzaire · 5 months
open to: all setting: some underground club
Under neon lights, Tristan moves in a manner which is almost a protest. Because freedom often is.
No bodyguards surround him, a vice Marques is known to indulge in. No snipers lurking in the shadows, as he assumed Laroche likely had on speed-dial.
(Smart woman, and smart man. So where does that leave him?)
The Brotherhood lacks funds, as well as the fear factor. Death to the cause is almost an honor to bear — the highest accolade, the shiniest of all medals. Which means tonight, Tristan's just one young man, dancing the night away — despite the hefty price on his head.
Courage has to be enough. It has to.
Freedom strikes again, as he approaches someone who'd been observing the libertine scenery from a corner.
"Hey." Unclear where there had been rumors — or simply Tristan's will of mind. "Heard ya wanted to talk to me?"
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cuisine-digitale · 3 months
Comment créer une stratégie marketing efficace?
Vous avez lancé un business sans au préalable rédiger une stratégie marketing? 
Votre stratégie définie ne marche pas depuis que vous vous êtes lancé ?
Alors dans cet articles nous aborderons les 06 étapes clés pour la création d'une
Étape 1: Définir vos objectifs marketing
Commencez par identifier vos objectifs clairs et mesurables. Que souhaitez-vous accomplir avec votre stratégie marketing? Augmenter la notoriété de votre marque? Générer des leads? Accroître les ventes?
Définissez des objectifs SMART (Spécifiques, Mesurables, Atteignables, Réalistes et Temporellement définis).
Étape 2: Analyser votre marché
Comprenez votre environnement concurrentiel. Qui sont vos concurrents? Quels sont leurs points forts et faibles?
Identifiez les besoins et les attentes de votre public cible. Qu'est-ce qui les motive? Quels sont leurs défis?
Analysez les tendances du marché et les opportunités potentielles.
Étape 3: Dressez le profil de vos clients potentiels
Créez un persona de votre client idéal. Définissez ses caractéristiques démographiques, ses habitudes d'achat, ses motivations et ses objections.
Comprenez le parcours client. Quelles étapes votre client potentiel traverse-t-il avant d'acheter votre produit ou service?
Étape 4: Définir votre positionnement marketing
Définissez ce qui vous différencie de vos concurrents. Quelle est votre proposition de valeur unique?
Identifiez votre avantage concurrentiel et communiquez-le clairement à votre public cible.
Étape 5: Développer votre plan d'action marketing
Définissez les canaux marketing que vous utiliserez pour atteindre votre public cible. Cela peut inclure le marketing digital, le marketing traditionnel, le marketing relationnel, etc.
Développez un contenu pertinent et engageant pour chaque canal marketing.
Définissez votre budget marketing et allouez vos ressources de manière optimale.
Étape 6: Suivre et mesurer vos résultats
Il s’agit ici des KPI
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nequittezpaswrites · 10 months
Will Turner Is Not Smart: Dead Man’s Chest Edition
It’s time to dive into the second Pirates film, in which Will Turner suffers the consequences of his own actions, yet stubbornly insists on repeating the same mistakes. Previous take on Will’s unhinged decision making in Curse of the Black Pearl is here.
Prologue: Rescuing Jack in the most dramatic way possible
This was #5 on the list of Will’s unhinged decisions in Curse of the Black Pearl, and it bears repeating here because it is the inciting incident for literally everything that comes next. Will and Elizabeth would not have been dragged into the nonsense with Davy Jones or anything else that happens in the second and third movies had they not publicly saved Jack Sparrow in front dozens, if not hundreds, of witnesses.
Clownery the First: The ‘deal’ with Beckett
After Will and Elizabeth are arrested, Beckett has Will brought to his office, where he tells Will the following things: 1) The East India Trading Company wants him to recover Jack Sparrow’s compass. 2) In return for the compass, Jack is to receive letters of marque, meaning a full pardon and employment as a privateer for England.
Beckett also mentions in this conversation that Will and Elizabeth “face the hangman’s noose,” but notably he never states outright that he intends to free or pardon Will or Elizabeth. He tells Will to “Bring back that compass or there’s no deal.” But what exactly is the deal? It is implied that Will and Elizabeth can go free, but Beckett never explicitly says it. This is the sort of deal you want in writing, Will. And if not, then at the very least stated aloud, and preferably in the presence of witnesses.
Will got a pass on the clumsy wording of his bargain with Barbossa in the last movie, but apparently he learned nothing from the way that backfired. There is absolutely no excuse for his lack of due diligence here. Clownery.
Clownery the Second: Serving himself up on a plate
I hate the whole sequence on the cannibal island, so I won’t go too far into it, but if someone tells you that they eat “long pork,” run hard in the other direction. The guy who takes Will there won’t even get close to shore, and even if you don’t speak French, the word “dangereux” is pretty self-explanatory. And then, when Will runs into Cotton’s parrot, who says “Don’t eat me!”, he moronically assures the parrot that he’s not going to eat it. Have you forgotten how parrots work, Will? They repeat phrases they have heard humans say. Clownery.
Clownery the Third: Playing Jack’s puppet
In the last movie, Will didn’t trust Jack enough and knocked him out with an oar for… some reason. In this movie, by contrast, you can do anything to Will Turner. He’s shiny and dumb and easy to trick.
First of all, when Will tells Jack that they need to return to Port Royal and trade the compass for Elizabeth’s freedom, he fails to specify: 1) to whom the compass is being traded, and 2) what’s in it for Jack. He literally doesn’t even mention the letters of marque. And sure, maybe Jack wouldn’t want them, but Will doesn’t know that for sure.
So instead, Jack names his own price: Will must help him find the key. Will displays a stunning lack of curiosity in this conversation, asking almost no questions, and what questions he does ask are the wrong ones. Observe:
Will: This is going to save Elizabeth? Jack: [hesitating, looking visibly worried; when he speaks, his voice is low, pitched so the rest of the crew can’t hear] How much do you know about Davy Jones? Will: [oblivious] Not much. Jack: Yeah, it’s going to save Elizabeth.
Will asks zero follow-up questions about this, or about Jack’s straightforwardly suspicious behavior. Later, he asks Gibbs why Jack is afraid of open water and receives some exposition about the kraken, but some questions a reasonable person might ask Jack in this situation are: What is this key? Why do you want it? What does Davy Jones have to do with it?
The conversation with Tia Dalma reveals this information, and Will gets a pass on agreeing to fetch the key from the Dutchman. It’s a stupid plan, but charging in thoughtlessly is basically Will’s specialty, and he’s desperate to save Elizabeth.
He does not get a pass on telling Davy Jones that he’s there to settle Jack’s debt, though. Will, for God’s sake—when Jack says that if you get caught you should say “Jack Sparrow sent you to settle his debt”, your immediate response should be, “Hold on, what debt?” Do not just thoughtlessly repeat what Jack tells you! You have no idea what you’re agreeing to! Clownery.
Clownery the Fourth: Fighting with Jack and Norrington
Will manages to be decently clever about stealing the key from Jones and escaping the Dutchman. Well done, Will.
On Isla Cruces, where Jack, Elizabeth, and Norrington have unearthed the chest, Will drops to his knees and prepares to stab the heart right then and there, so as to save his father. He doesn’t yet know that this is a bad idea, as it has only been alluded to at this point that whoever kills Jones must take his place. Jack stops him, because he needs the heart for Jones to call off the kraken, and Norrington also wants the heart, in order to give it to Beckett. All three begin fighting over the key.
The thing is, Jack and Will’s objectives are not actually opposed to each other. Will promised to free his father by killing Jones, but he could just as easily free him by bargaining, like Jack intends to do. Will and Jack could unite against Norrington, take the heart, and make their deals. Both of them could get what they want. Instead, Norrington runs off with it and both of them lose.
(Also, though Will doesn’t seem to realize it, he has good reasons not to kill Jones. If he does, he will be destroying the bargaining chip which was supposed to see him and Elizabeth freed. True, they’re both out of jail now, but they’re both outlaws unless they can be pardoned, and killing Jones would essentially make that impossible.)
Clownery the Fifth: Believing the Pearl can beat the Dutchman
When they’re running from the Dutchman, Will tells Jack, “My father is on that ship. If we can outrun her, we can take her. We should turn and fight.”
First of all, no. Being able to outrun a ship does not equal being able to take that ship in a fight. Those things are not the same, Will.
They are especially not the same when we are talking about a ghost ship crewed by a supernatural entity. You’ve seen Jones freaking teleport. You know by this point his crew can’t be killed. You’ve seen the Dutchman dive beneath the waves. Why on earth would you think that you could win a fight against her? You can’t beat Jones with brute force any more than you could beat Barbossa that way—did you learn nothing from the last film?
The worst part is that Will persists in this mad conviction for a very long time. At the end of the movie, he’s not sad about losing Jack—he’s angry that the Pearl is gone, because for some reason he’s decided that he needs it to free his father.
Why would that be the case, Will? Catching the Dutchman has never been the problem. You got onto it in the first place by climbing aboard a doomed ship. And even if you did catch up to it, or get on board it, you wouldn’t be able to do anything to help your father, because you don’t have the heart!
But for some reason, Will has decided that he needs the Pearl to save his father, and this delusion is the driving force behind essentially all of his ridiculous choices in the movie that follows. Clownery.
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kiddoovanilla · 4 months
💄 Inventaire makeup de fin d'année p.2
Partons à la découverte de la deuxième partie de mon inventaire makeup ! Il faut vraiment le terminer 😅
Catégorie 5 : produits lèvres 👄
Plus jeune, j'étais attirée par des couleurs plus "excentriques" comme les violets flash, les verts sapin pailletés, etc. Avec le temps, je me tourne de plus en plus vers des classiques nudes marronés et M. me préfère avec des rosés et rouges. 💋
Lipstick mat Rose boisé - Peggy sage
Butter gloss Praline - NYX
Pout bomb Sauce - Makeup Revolution
Smart 435 - KIKO
Smart 434 - KIKO
Sandstorm 1440E - Wet & Wild
edition Red Valentine Babe 303 - Mesauda
edition Red Valentine Honey bee 301 - Mesauda
Liquid lipstick Lolita - KVD
Liquid lipstick Hot hippie - Huda beauty
Silk Balm Toasted - Huda Beauty
Cream lip stain mat Marvelous mauve - Sephora
Matte Allure Haters - Sheglam
Matte liquid lipstick Maven - Sheglam
Lip tint Good habits - Sheglam
Liquid lipstick Hot cider - Sheglam
Liquid lipstick Macaron - Sheglam
Liquid lipstick Topaz - Sheglam
Lip & kiss pro contour 01 -Adopt
Lip & kiss pro contour 04 - Adopt
Lipliner First coffee - Sheglam
Lipliner Concret jungle - Sheglam
Crayon levre Muffin 344 - Max&More
Lip liner Fall 2.0 04 - Kiko
Prime universel - SEPHORA
Lip stain liner Marvelous mauve - SEPHORA
Lipliner Toffe - PS
Lipliner Toast - PS
Lipliner Spice - PS
Cette catégorie ne DEVRAIT pas beaucoup évoluer dans l'année 🤞
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Catégorie 6 : les oubliés 🥸
Oubliés car ils n'étaient pas dans ma coiffeuse mais dans une trousse au fond de mon bazard de sac à main😅
Shadowstix Sip&Sparkle - Fenty
Huile à lèvre - Steve Laurant
Cushion (référence ???)
Hydraliner Panda - SUVA beauty
Pro/base foundation stick 142 - MUA
Duraline - Inglot
Colle à faux cil - Sheglam
Ils rejoignent maintenant leur catégorie respective dans la coiffeuse 😁
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Catégorie 7 : les liners cakes 🖌️ Ils méritent une catégorie rien qu’à eux 🥹
Split liner @glisten_cosmetics Teintes de gauche à droite : Peach Melba Rasberry punch Buff Olive tree Blue heaven Tortoiseshell Wink Slushie Green tea Beach Gateau Mondays Split peas Wine time Pretty in Camo The royals Red velvet Delight Turtles
J'ai eu une période où je ne faisais rien d'autre sur mes paupières que des liners colorés/graphiques... La marque Glisten Cosmetics propose même des métallisés/duochromes/pailletés, il n'est pas impossible que je craque encore chez eux 😏🙄
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widowshill · 6 months
A-Z Fandom Asks: N, P, R? (that wasn't planned, just. happy accident?) please and thank you!
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
my number one is r/v obviously <3 i do actually feel kind of spoiled with the shippy stuff ive found in some old blogs though, i tend to adopt the rarest of rarepairs so i'm not complaining. but more is always better! and i'm steadily converting people to the cause 🏴‍☠️
generally speaking i think the pre barnabas episodes could always use more love. it's quite different tonally to later on and I can understand why folks might skip it for those reasons, but I fervently protest the idea that they're boring ! I'm biased of course because my faves are the 1966'ers, but there's so much delicious character work going on, and I think ... you need the rotted b&w gothic foundation for the technicolor house of horrors built on top of it, if that makes sense. i also think barnabas is kinda :/ it should be pre and post laura collins if we're all being honest with ourselves here.
hmmm. possibly a symptom of like, only being here / a tiny bit on twitter and not on like, actual forums, but i would love to see more long ass ds metas. love to read the insanely smart things b.lack s.ails people (and p.otc!) post on the reg. need that about haunted maine ppl
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
okay well you can guess where i'm going to go with this west indies piracy au go
The Collinses are descended from merchant wealth in England and currently control a small port city in the Bahamas. the family's connections to the Marquess of Winchester manages to land Roger an appointment as governor, although everyone knows the title is only a formality: his sister runs everything, including Roger. once prosperous, a combination of over-fishing, hurricanes, and an earthquake twenty years past has left the town desolate, and the sand beneath their feet liquefied. rather than abandon what she has built, Elizabeth is determined to hold on, but without any support from England for what they feel has no hope to turn profitable, the family turns to investing in forced trade.
enter Burke Devlin, a privateer employed under a letter of marque signed and sealed by Roger Collins. Devlin is the best, most profitable, and most infamous of their captains, often dining with them at their table and a close friend of the governor. For a while they enjoy mutual prosperity with Spain's wealth, and pirate labor. But the world is growing more respectable around them, and what was once the fringes of civility is gradually becoming its center. The way to survive is no longer with the pirates. When Burke is captured and tried for piracy, his benefactors turn their back on him: he is sacrificed, essentially, as a figurehead for the port and governor's respectability (vaguely à la Kidd). Even his wife sends written testimony against him, and remarries before her husband officially swings, to his former friend and sponsor, Roger.
Burke manages to escape before his hanging, and turns to piracy in the Mediterranean – after ten years, in 1698, he comes back to raid the Collins shipping fleet, with the eventual goal not of razing Collinsport to the ground, but of installing himself as governor there. One of the ships he captures carries a special passenger – the new governess, sent for from England – and he personally delivers her to their doorstep, but not before she can witness how different Captain Devlin is from the terrifying stories about him and his crew.
the governess also brings news from England: William III has passed a new law against the pirates in the West Indies. any person to aid and assist, or maintain, procure, command, counsel, or advise the pirates, are condemned to the same loss of property and life as the pirates themselves.
meet also:
maggie evans, the no-nonsense tavern wench, and her sweetheart, the honest merchant sailor joe haskell that hates pirates and everything they stand for
carolyn stoddard, who has a copy of Exquemelin in both French and English and has memorized every word, and is violently jealous of vicki for dining with a scary pirate captain. she'd like nothing better than to be kidnapped out of the governor's mansion. her cousin david loves the stables and knows everything about horses ... including how best to spook them.
sam evans, former court painter, now art forger
julia hoffman, naturalist (and other sciences as required)
bill malloy, who oversees the merchant fleet and the warehouses, and carries carolyn home from the docks or the tavern by the scruff of her neck, if he has to.
laura collins, sent away to bedlam for hysteria, managed to come back, and is now setting boats on fire as a hobby
the blairs, hailing from massachusetts: james, a well-respected lawyer eventually revealed to be working with devlin, and his cousins, nicholas and cassandra, political and religious exiles who spent some time in maritinique, where they both adopted quimbois practices.
jason macguire, irish smuggler, and willie loomis, former indentured servant working out his sentence in america. they have a run in with cousin barnabas, who's been making his questionable fortune in the east indies rather than the west, and who definitely does not do any cannibalism.
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
ROGER AND JULIA. in other places, eleanor and flint >>>> also elizabeth and barbossa. i feel like this is forming a pattern of some kind hang on
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alicetortue · 1 year
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smart phone et marque de bronzage ! 
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outerspacebun · 1 year
I am taking a break from packing zines and stuff so I want to put forth my head canons about Matthias’ first wife:
Her name is Raven von Vestra, the younger sister of Marques Vestra (Hubert’s dad) and she has the trade mark Vestra black hair and green eyes
Growing up, she wasn’t really close to her family, especially not her brother.
She is a bookworm. She kept herself in any library imaginable so she didn’t have to interact with people since many people didn’t like her.
A lot of men didn’t like her because, you know, the Empires gender norms and she was a lot smarter than them and always felt bad and emasculated so they made fun of her and bullied her.
Women didn’t like her because she wasn’t their version of a traditional noblewoman since she didn’t care for balls, parties, etc., and because she was smart and kept her nose in a book
Raven is a mage and always trying some new spell out or some science experiment. This always made her father and brother mad. She was supposed to be a ‘proper’ girl and should be playing dolls and having tea parties and putting on makeup and to become a ‘proper’ wife.
With that, she was propped up to be one of Ionius von Hresvelg IX’s consorts and to give both of their families children with crests.
She has a bit of a temper and is constantly fighting with people.
She also has low self-esteem problems since she was always in the shadow of her brother and she is always cautious being around people.
She is also a space case and sometimes lives in a fantasy world in her head.
She while she is perceptive in the book sense or in a battle situation, but when it comes to people and her surroundings she is very unaware what’s going on and what people mean.
She always is cautious in what she says because she is known to be blunt and accidentally hurting people’s feelings. 
When Raven first met Matthias, it was hectic. She was trying a new spell and things went haywire and she nearly killed him.
When she visited him in the infirmary, she was talking about the experiment and saying what she did wrong and talking his ear off about it.
He was attracted to that and ever since then he was trying to woo her ever since
Matthias went the extravagant route and tried giving her jewelry, gems, perfumes, etc. but she rebuffed them every time. She rebuffed him a lot.
Then he started giving her books and spell books. But she ended rebuffing most of them since she has either read most of them or have them.
He pushed down his hatred for learning magic, and went to go learn magic spells and help Raven with her science experiments.
Often a way to spend time with him and try to understand Matthias, Raven would try to train with him and learn how to use an axe and lance.
She would often try to do more feminine stuff like cook for him and mend his clothes, but they always failed.
Her father and brother weren’t exactly happy with her falling in love with a Kingdom lord, but she didn’t care. She left house Vestra to marry the love her life, Matthias.
Unsurprisingly, Raven’s favorite type of novels are romance novels. Especially ones that get really steamy.
Her talents are ice skating, dancing, speed reading, and bedazzling.
Raven does have a hobby of collecting different dried flowers and bookmarks.
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c-h-pictures · 2 years
BSD as Exam Season Part 15: Dawn of The Final Day
Fyodor, looking at the cover of his paper, internally: You’re one of the smart students, Fyodor. You take Additional Maths and Separate Science. YOU CAN’T GO SPELLING YOUR OWN NAME WRONG.
Fyodor: Would they realise ‘Fyoor’ meant Fyodor? Probably not.
Kenji: *Singing Danzon No 2 by Arturo Marques in his head*
Kenji, interally: whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......................
Kenji: Just let me read the physics paper, please.
Dazai: Well, I have to go, so you just send me the practise paper he gave us and I’ll find it online.
Chuuya: Okay.
Dazai: Just the covers, though.
Chuuya: Yeah, I wasn’t plannign on photgraphing the whole paper for you.
Random teacher: Hurry up, otherwise you’re not going to knwo which room I went to.
Chuuya: Could you not tell I was talking about getting revision to a different student or would you like me to talk louder, which I always get told off for despite not knowing I’m at a loud volume because I’m going deaf.
Chuuya, texting Dazai: He said it’s not avaible online and now I have to take pcitures of the entire damn thing for you, fuckign appreciate me beign your friend.
Dazai: thx
Chuuya, on social media, makign a fandom post, 4 hours after the maths revision session, realising he forgot to send Dazai the pictures:
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auditionmarcboulet · 8 days
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guidecadeaux · 20 days
babyphone - Caméra de surveillance intérieure sur IP sans fil
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AI Fonctions: Mouvement Déduction Matériel de la coquille: Plastique Vision Nocturne en couleur: non Température de fonctionnement: -10 °-60 ° Indice De Protection IP: autre Nom de l'application: Smart Life Mode d'alimentation: Secteur de L'électricité Batterie Rechargeable lieux d'utilisation : Intérieur Zoom Digital : non Zoom optique: non Mégapixels: 3MP Carte TF: Aucun Alimentation: Normale Stockage: 128 g Couleur: blanche Personnalisé: Oui illumination minimum( lux): 0.01 Angle de vue: 90 ° Format de compression vidéo: H.264 Distance d'IR (M): 5m dimensions( l x w x d)( mm): 60mm * 60mm * 100mm alimentation( v): DC5V consommation d'énergie( w): 2W systèmes mobiles soutenu: Windows Mobile,Androïde,IOS Caractéristiques spéciales: Automatic Tracking Capteur: CMOS Numéro de Modèle: P162 Systèmes D'exploitation supportée: Windows98,Windows 7,Windows8,windows 10 Lentille (mm): 2MM Connectivité: Wifi Haute Définition: 3,0 Mégapixels Style: PT Caméra Nom de marque: Fuers • Couleur Vision nocturne :Avec la vision nocturne de couleur, vous pouvez voir clairement même dans des conditions de faible luminosité. Read the full article
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lounesdarbois · 1 month
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Avec sa gamme de vêtements de sport et sa gamme de vêtements de ville, Lacoste est la seule firme qui ait le potentiel de concurrencer les marques italiennes de sport d’un côté, et les marques anglo-saxonnes de ville de l’autre côté. Lacoste est la seule firme qui détienne en propre le savoir-faire des deux branches complémentaires du casual, le casual-sport et le casual-chic, totalité que les italiens et les anglo-américains maîtrisent de manière parcellaire. En effet un client a le choix entre le vêtement de sport italien de Sergio Tacchini, Fila, Ellesse, Diadora, CP Company… ou le style anglais smart de Fred Perry, Hackett, Ben Sherman, Barbour, Aquascutum, Hilfiger et Façonnable. Mais c’est l’un ou l’autre. Ellesse ne produit pas d’imperméables et Barbour ne produit pas de survêtement. Cette continuité du casual n’est disponible que chez Lacoste dont le catalogue couvre l’intégralité du spectre casual. On pourra objecter que Fred Perry couvre aussi tout le panel, du survêtement au butcher coat. Vrai. Toutefois la marque Fred Perry, issue du mouvement skin, très ancrée dans les sous-cultures du rock, n’a jamais réussi à englober les nouveaux publics rap émergeant à partir des années 90. Seul Lacoste a su le faire et vendre tant à Dave Hewitson qu’à Clint Eastwood, à Damon Albarn qu’à Arsenik, mais encore à Jacques Chirac, à Richard Nixon, à Michel Audiard, à Hunter S. Thompson, à Dominique Venner, Marcel Bigeard, Lino Ventura, Bourvil, Liam Gallagher… En 1995, on pouvait voir les fameux survêtements portés tant par les personnages du film La Haine que par Jean-Marie Le Pen.
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Lacoste est porté par des notaires et par des dealers, par des hipsters et par des hooligans, par des yuppies et des tradis, par des enfants et des patriarches. Lacoste est plébiscité dans le monde mais sous-évalué dans son propre pays, paradoxe typique d’une universalité toute française dont d’autres gloires nationales ont souffert dans le passé : la diplomatie parallèle de Philippe Berthelot, les intuitions algébriques de Poincaré, les principes économiques de Frédéric Bastiat et de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, les trucages graphiques de Georges Méliès… nul n’est prophète en son pays.
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