#so beware the post from the blue potetially
iturbide · 2 years
I could've sworn I sent something in a while back, but I guess Tumblr Is Tumblr so that got lost to the void. Anyway, GA!Anon here and don't worry, I absolutely LOVE what you're doing with Golden Attempt! It's so fun seeing someone take my idea run so wild with it! To be honest, it makes it a little tempting to try writing myself! Though on that note, I give you this idea: can you imagine how Nader could have played into this? Say, perhaps sent out as a force by the king of Almyra to find out what's REALLY going on; because he knows Khalid would never have killed his brother under really any circumstances, unless he had absolutely no other options.
You know that sounds like Tumblr it's a little like the Bermuda Triangle of myth: sometimes things make it through, sometimes they don't, and nobody knows what the fuck determines which outcome.
also re: this statement:
To be honest, it makes it a little tempting to try writing myself!
DO IT. DO IT DO IT DO IT AND SEND ME A LINK BECAUSE I NEED TO SEE IT because as you might have noticed I'm kind of obsessed with this idea and I am vibrating with excitement at the thought of you showing exactly what you had in mind for it! I've had a blast with the core concept, but it's just my take on it (complete with all of my very niche hyper-specific headcanons), so I'd absolutely LOVE to see your vision come to life!!
Also I am living for that idea about Nader's motives for being there. I have a major soft spot not only for the (apparently canon!!) idea of Khalid being his dad's favorite, but also that they have a really good relationship -- enough so that the king of Almyra is not going to just accept that his son would do something like that. He knows Khalid set out to change Fodlan, and the idea of Fodlan changing him instead is unthinkable -- so it makes perfect sense that he would tell Nader to keep an eye on things and figure out what's really going on.
(Nader himself might not have the same strength of conviction that the king does, and as much as it pains him, he would think it possible that Fodlan really has changed Claude to the point that he's turning his back on his heritage -- he became the king of Leicester, binding him to the land west of the Locket, after all...plus the imposter doesn't speak Almyran, and cautions Nader not to do so even in private "for fear of being overheard," which would sound like he's really trying to bury those connections even as he takes temporary advantage of them.)
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