#so i edited in the word ‘potential’ to hopefully clarify my intended meaning
foralleternityidiot · 5 years
Will Arnett took one of the biggest potential queerbaits in history and really transformed it into a moving display of a man learning to embrace his love of another man. And he did it with only about 5 minutes total screen time in which his love interest was actually present and hardly any acknowledgement from the rest of the characters. It was like watching a one man show and he deserves an award if only for his delivery of a single line: “I love Tony Wonder.” I got shivers.
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vroenis · 3 years
Turn Up And Play One Game
This is going to require setting a bunch of preconditions so you’re going to have to be quite patient with me. As you read this piece, I want you to try and remember these things. Remembering them may not be a problem for you, perhaps it’s a problem for me as I write and maybe that can be your framing as an introduction. If I was able to post this in a spreadsheet and freeze these points so they were stickied at the top, I would, and it’d be a very me thing to do, but that probably wouldn’t otherwise be conducive to reading linear text intended for an audience and reduce what little readership this is already likely to get to zero so let’s not, and by let’s I mean me.
The things I want you to try and keep in mind are;
I am ASD and for the most part present competently in social situations (carefully worded for reasons to be explained - stay with me).
I am bipolar 2 and present very competently in social situations (the delineation between the two behaviours is important).
I am genderqueer and femme-presenting male.
I took roughly 2 and a half years off from teaching and playing board games, running groups and events etc. due to burnout.
Unfortunately we’re not done yet - I know, but I think it’s all important but I’m not sure, I hope it is.
The reason I worded the qualifier for how my ASD behaviour presents the way I did is that I don’t want to use the reductive term “high functioning”. I haven’t done any reading on it yet, but I feel it really *is* reductive and tempts both the writer and reader to be prescriptive instead of descriptive. I’ve now used more words (and more here, now) but I think they’re needed. Function with Autism is a tricky thing. In a lot of contemporary writing, both by those with Autism and by those researching it, there’s commentary on outsiders making remarks of “oh but you don’t look or seem Autistic” or “you were less Autistic today” and this is some very unhelpful framing and perception of Autism from our experience of living with it. So what I mean by what I wrote is, 
it may not be apparent by my behaviour that I’m Autistic, and for the most part, I have learnt the social mores of interacting with others in order for socialising to be more or less frictionless.
It’s something I suspect many ASD folks at various capacities develop over time. It also means that often we spend a lot of extra energy on the labour of socialising. That’s no-one’s fault (for the most part - I’ll get to that hopefully, if I remember), it’s just a fact of our lives. I do use the term Our very carefully, and I apologise for speaking for other ASD people. I should speak only for my own experience. The labour of interaction doesn’t always come a great cost to me, but sometimes it does.
I’ve had my bipolar 2 diagnosis for longer so I’ve been educating myself about it for longer. While I currently have no pharmaceutical treatment for Autism, I’ve been on and off and currently on meds for bipolar for much longer, so I have much more experience managing it. In the past it has been impossible for me to understand anything about my own behaviour but slowly over time I’m beginning to develop skills in identifying components of each condition, what I can do about them and the many... many things I can do to navigate life.
That is a lot of management, as I have no doubt many of you will understand all too well. We do this on top of the rigours of life, in addition to the same concerns everyone carries. 
This is why nothing, nothing ever... is easily dismissible as just an “oh well...” “just a bad experience...” “you’ll just have to...” “next time just...” “don’t worry about it, next time...”
I feel like the “just...” isn’t so easy for us, or to be specific, for me.
By the way we’re still in the preamble. Hopefully by the end of this I’ll be able to focus on outcomes but I don’t know how emotional I’m going to get when I plunge into it. I realise what I’m probably doing is priming myself for the text to come and were I to actually edit this, a lot would be cut but I don’t have that luxury and I want all of this to stay in. It’s important to me and hopefully the context will become clear. My last primer is to set out to write about 3 distinct interactions;
The first and bulk of the text - not all bad but prolonged and thus harrowing
The second - unclear but ultimately terrible
The third - joyful
A Pub/Bar Is Not An Appropriate Place To Learn And Then Teach A Board Game
I’m going to begin with some paraphrased commentary I’ve thrown around several times before;
In board games culture, the social norm of over-reliance on Ambassadors is unacceptable.
Now that statement actually applies to a whole myriad of contexts including commercially, but I’ll apply it to how it’s relevant to the account I’m going to describe. I’m writing this journal entry because of a series of interactions that transpired after attending a regular board game night in the city where I live. Twice in a row now, people have seen that I’ve brought games with me and made statements more or less like;
“You look like you’re an expert, can you teach this game?”
And I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t I just say “No” etc. but with some social mores and I’ll get to that.
Here’s the thing;
Yes I brought games... do you think perhaps those are the games I might like to teach?
Thanks for the flattering compliment (I did thank them both times)... but you want me to learn a board game in a loud pub/bar and then teach it in said loud pub/bar with all that teaching entails i.e., shepherding the experience? Because I get that maybe to you, teaching doesn’t mean good Ambassadorship but to me it does and yep, I realise you might not know that (again... we’ll get to that because guess what...)
I’m Autistic, which you don’t know, and that’s important because...
I very gently tried to deploy all the delicate social niceties one does to disarm a potentially hazardous situation for me, rather than panic, because panicking is how things turn Very Bad. Honestly, sometimes it’s not even about things turning Very Bad for you which for the most part is you feel awkward - I mean sure, sucks for you, but for me, the energy cost goes through the roof and will continue to keep hitting for days. Turns out it still does anyway.
I tried to suggest that reading and understanding rules in a loud pub might not be ideal, but the other person was a bit happy-go-lucky and as it happens, I turned up late after work which unfortunately I’m always going to do - so most people had already started games and this person picked up a 2 player game from the common event library. I’m sorry if details are getting scattered, I’m doing my best.
So I attempt to read through the rules and teach it and at a few key points, they ask for clarification which is very natural, so I clarify as best I can and they simply don’t listen and give their own interpretation which in the way they gave it, I also totally understand. I’ll be clear at this point and say in no way was this person rude - their manner was really cordial, polite, and this person was actually wonderful. I’ve no way of knowing their gender identity or sexuality because it never came up and nor did pronouns, but they presented cis and never once showed any sign of having a problem with how I was presenting, so that was really really nice.
But they still didn’t listen to me when I clarified rules and so I just went with it - I dead-set offered minimal resistance because in a social setting, in a loud pub, when I’ve been set-upon to teach a game I don’t know and now there’s an expectation to deploy this experience, I just have to get this thing going and get through it. Already as we play I realise we’re playing it incorrectly and I have to make like it doesn’t matter because it doesn’t - even now I’ll be honest, it happens all the time - so again, let me be clear;
Playing the game incorrectly didn’t and doesn’t matter - not being heard is what matters. And it isn’t important because I’m Autistic, it’s important regardless.
So not only do I think having to learn and then teach a game in a loud pub or bar (or convention, to be honest) is a bad idea, I think specifically a 2 player game is also a bad idea because were a similar situation to occur with more people at the table, there’s more opportunity for consultation and consensus where hopefully other experienced and hobby literate people can review, discuss and contribute.
That whole experience was horrifying for me. It cost me so much energy and it still is... but it wasn’t that other person’s fault.
They didn’t know that I’m Autistic and bipolar and still don’t. I still don’t know how to tell people in a way I’m comfortable with that’s conducive to good socialising and group behaviour going forward thru each interaction. It’s difficult for me because there are so many things I believe should be good behaviours on principle but I realise the whole reason I may believe those things may be entirely due to Autism or bipolar or both, such as...
A Pub Is Not An Appropriate Place To Learn And Then Teach A Board Game
because if it doesn’t come out quite right for you, you can just waive it off, but for me, it ends up being a days-long nightmare of energy-drain and behavioural analysis. I can’t tell you anything about the game we played at all. I don’t understand anything about it because I barely processed the experience. Every unit of energy I had was spent on maintaining my social behaviours, my mechanical actions and verbal skills. I had a few impressions of the game’s mechanisms and was for a fraction of a second tempted to drop some comments on BGG but they would have been so ill-informed and incorrect, I remembered by self-observational skills and realised I shouldn’t do it.
I played one game that night and didn’t know whether I had any energy left for any other activities.
The Second Interaction
While we were packing up, some guy wandered up to our table - this usually happens when you see a game wrapping up so you can be included in a new game which is totally fine. I don’t know what his motivations were, but he literally spoke one or two words like “what’s happening?” and either myself or the other person said that we had just finished and I don’t know if he took one look at my queer-ass self or not but he was gone without another word. 
I really don’t know what that was all about. I really hate to talk like the only gay in the village with my hair clipped in and my women’s clothes but sometimes folks sure do treat me like it. Didn’t say “oh hey my game is ready, nice to meet you” or like he knew the other person I’d just wrapped the game up with, mans just took flight and was gone, so now I am already in Autistic cyclic coping mode and now I feel queer rejection too whether it’s real or imagined so I am noping the fuck out and going home.
The Third Interaction Which Actually Happened Second
As I write about what for me were some fairly harrowing experiences, I don’t want to cast a fully negative tone over the event as a whole. Each time I’ve attended this regular event, including this evening specifically, the hosts have visited the table I’ve been at and greeted us. They’ve shown absolutely no reaction to how I’ve visually presented and been warm and welcoming, discussed whatever game we’ve been playing and been full of positivity which I think is wonderful. I don’t want anyone to think that anything that’s transpired between me and anyone else is the result of some kind of endemic cultural problem specific to one cultural space...
I think it’s something endemic of board games culture in general, or even people in general.
It’s going to be easy to read this and say that I have to telegraph to people what my needs are. Also there’ll likely be people with ASD and/or people with mental health concerns who will advocate for changes of behaviour in others as I’m about to start outlining as you probably easily guess and I did promise to make an attempt at outcomes. I agree with everyone to a certain extent except that society doesn’t make it easy for people with mental health challenges to discuss our needs openly. Yes, not at all made any easier by those seeking to alleviate themselves of accountability but let’s take it on good faith that no-one wants to do that.
The whole reason I burnt-out from board games culture and took a break for so long was the overwhelming expectation from people to constantly teach games and keep providing good experiences over and over again, to the point of there being no appreciation for it. When anyone teaches me literally anything - even in my work place - I thank them for it - no matter how small it is. Teaching games isn’t easy, even simple games. Taking the time to read rules, cover ambiguities, ensure you can answer questions, and then shepherd the session for the duration of the game, is a skill - and that’s taking into account how well the rulebook is written. Expecting that to be done in a short amount of time in a loud environment?? For some of us, when we prep games for a game night, or bring a small selection of games to an event, we review the rules to ensure we can run them smoothly, even if we’ve run them a hundred times before... 
We do this not to ensure the game functions for the sake of the game, we do it so that the game functions for the sake of the people.
I guess you could argue, then, that learning a game on the night and getting it wrong shouldn’t matter because as long as the people enjoy it, it’s fine... but that’s just it - learning it on the night isn’t enjoyable. Even between the other person and I, it was time-consuming and half-way thru the game, they also picked up at least one of our magical rules errors which we did just play thru and also was fine, but these social frictions between people are going to be far more likely, and far more stressful. The end of the game just happened to coincide with the time I take my fistful of meds so maybe they did just happen to pick up on that but oh well too late by then, I didn’t get to mention what flavours I have in my brain so that might have to be for another night. 
I feel as tho loading up that expectation on other people to perform labour without knowing where they’re at and expecting the right of refusal to be amicable is a weird and unfair position to put on people. I put myself in a position where I’m happy to teach the games I brought. I understand what it means to learn and teach a game under the most ideal circumstances... for a person who doesn’t have mental health concerns... so I wouldn’t ask anyone else under any circumstances, ideal or otherwise, to teach a game they didn’t know.
People don’t know I’m ASD and bipolar. I don’t know what they are, either, but I’m in the unique position of having mental health concerns so I’m constantly considering where others are at and what they might need.
I think that’s what I’m asking for. I’m not at all angry at or feeling hurt by my board game play-companion that evening, they were lovely and I’d happily play a game with them again, but I don’t know how I’d go about explaining this situation to them because educating others in detail in a short amount of time is extremely difficult, then and there when you’re in the situation. I realise people who don’t have these or similar concerns tend to “brush off” similar situations but I don’t brush off anything. Nothing ever gets brushed off. Everything costs something and that cost is monumental. It costs energy and it costs days.
I don’t think I need people to go and read pages and pages about Autism and bipolar disorder, I think I just need people to listen a bit more. I need people to be appreciative of the labour of others, specifically of when they put effort into instructive and demonstrative action i.e. teaching board games., and understand this specific example in this context; a game that no-one knows, especially with strangers. If you want to pony-up for a new board game, don’t put it on someone else. You want to make that call, it’s your call, you do it. 
0 notes
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Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629914023394148352/tribal-immunity-2
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Christina is wary about pre-game relationships in her tribe. There is merit to those words, but will she be able to navigate through it?
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I do not have a lot to say, nor am I sure we are in round 2. 
Dylan becomes increasingly frustrated with Emma
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Emma believes that someone else on her tribe has an idol when she is the one that has the idol. She believes there must be two idols on one tribe.
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I hope six guesses are enough in, honestly, do not know the timeframe. As I was doing this, I also had to talk to 3 others and not appear suspicious because they are not the people who kindly take people of my quite weird assholeness. We are all people, and I am just trying to keep us all from tribal because everyone is afraid of that happening again. The fact that I can not discuss this with anyone sucks a lot!
Well, I think Amy also tried. Hopefully, Amy could do it in 3 tries, as it should have been done in 3. 🙏🙃 We have intelligent people with math skills! 🙌🥳. I know someone has to have the speed to do it on either tribe.
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I’m kind of annoyed because I know there’s a group in heartless tribe that knows each other from previous games and obviously works together. No way you’re all online til 3AM for no reason. It makes me nuts because I feel like I’m fucked from the start and I’m just waiting to get taken out. There’s no way to infiltrate a group that’s already bonded over these games. It’s hard to strategize when adaora isn’t online, Emma is Emma, and the other four are working together. Kevin and Colin sort of act like I’m someone they want to go to the end with, but I’m 99.99% sure that’s absolutely false. It’s too early to feel this defeated. 
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Permitted who I believe I am allied with to vote me out, but asked to be told before they do (if need be), so that I can give one the immunity idol to them.
Believe this is a 3 vs 4, also potential of 5 vs 2. I could be on either side of that. I actually do hope we have tribal so this can be figured out to be 100 % honest. This is how I currently feel and this all is subject to change. I do not understand this. But I love the idol hunts and tribal group Immunity Challenges! I expected and was excited for a spreadsheet and we get a random color challenge. Pure luck really. It could have been done in 4 tries, 3 if you are that brilliant. I wish the tribe would talk more. It is annoying to me that there are so many individual private chats and also do enjoy the individual time to bond with those who are willing to do that work. To be frank, I did not mean to post the initial post into Tribal Chat, but I did. 🙋‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️The next one's were for a reason. I do think that the game is going well. Just wish TC more active & wondering if going to next challenge I wonder if Tribal Council will be more honest this time. Think it was BS they all did not have to respond as well. That's it. All STB and you know, I do not know what anyone is saying.
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629999426614804480/mastermind-results
Dylan wins the reward. They are able to find out that the exact prerequisites for a path in the idol hunt. They did not end up using it.
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So we won immunity which is cool. I feel like merge is gonna be soon, so that's cool. i'm pretty sure we would have a target for the next vote if we go to tribal, so that's exciting. stay tuned! xoxo gossip girl 
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Told you it should have been done in 3 tries... Glad we won!
People begin to grow wary of Adaora’s inactivity. Christina is worried she might have to lose a number if Adaora doesn’t get more active
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We won tribal!!! Yay Dylan for doing such an incredible job! Glad tribe is doing well. 
This edit logic stuff I do not get. Glad we didn't go to tribal. Super excited for today!
This edit logic has some of the tribe talking. Some are assuming the wrong things from what I see, including myself (until I clarified how this is edgic may work, which still makes no sense). I don't know who to believe or trust anymore, so I am glad to be having a medical procedure that allows me to not be awake for 4 hours! 🙌😴😇 People are straight-up lying to one another, so this is interesting. I have tried to be quiet, make some relationships, cultivate others, and still am lost. All this is subject to change and stuff...
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Well holy shit. After two days of failed attempts, I was able to get an idol! First I found the Ends of the Earth Keyblade, which gave me half of the Darkness Idol. Today, I found the Destiny’s Embrace Keyblade and completed it!! It basically gives me the power to force a vote between two people 💃🏽 Hopefully I don’t get voted out with it lmao Other than that, I’m really glad we won immunity last night. I was SO confident I had the best score with only 4 guesses, but props to Dylan for somehow doing it in 3! We destroyed Nobody Tribe and that’s all that matters. 
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IM SO HAPPY WE WON IMMUNITY. I have no time to deal with tribal, so I'm glad I don't have to. I have no idea whats gonna happen on the other tribe for their vote. Obv I hope Ellie survives because I love her, buttt I also wouldn't mind seeing how I can play a survivor game without her for once uwu. So im kinda indifferent about it all!! Im continuing to vibe with Christina and Kevin, theyre quickly becoming some of my faves, but i truly love everyone on our tribe. Tribe swap soon OwO????
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Honestly, I haven’t been as active as I should with my tribe. I’ve just been super busy and I feel like I’m going to get voted out just because I haven’t been in contact as much. I lowkey don’t care anymore though. Or maybe I’m just too busy, idk. I really have to step my game up I feel like I’m in danger since Gizmo is gone! 
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630096410501611520/tribal-council-1-nobody-tribe
Tribal Immunity: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629914023394148352/tribal-immunity-2
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So I just finished the Mastermind Immunity challenge and finished and only took me 5 guesses. Now, I'm hoping my tribe pulled through so we can get another win. And I'm hoping everyone else did worse than me so I can win the reward
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Mastermind was fun! I messed up twice which is so frustrating. Ugh I really wanted to do better. Hopefully our team wins. If not it will be interesting 
John finds the Blindfold
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Well y’all here I am with yet another advantage in my pocket, I have a safety without power and now I also have a blindfold. I’m not gonna tell a soul about either of these until I need to. I’m planning on holding these until I can use them to make a big move in this game. 
Kim wins the reward. They are able to find out that the exact prerequisites for a path in the idol hunt.
Results: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/629999426614804480/mastermind-results
Ellie is in a really good spot. She doesn’t intend to be loyal to John and Josh. A lot of people like her, and want to work with her. For this round, she shouldn’t dictate votes if she wants to lengthen her stay in the game. Her closest ally seems to be Kim
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So we lost, BUT It’s great for me!! I need to see who I can trust/work with early on and tribal is the only true way to do that. I’m in a pretty good spot rn, already have an alliance (which I don’t honestly plan on staying loyal to) lots of people that claim they want to work with me, and the person I’m working closest with won a reward in the challenge! I’ll keep y’all updated on how this goes
Josh targets Kim and Jordan in the Misfits, possibly fearing the reward. Ellie attempts to sway him away from that.
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So we just lost the Immunity Challenge and now we have to vote someone out. I'm looking towards pushing for Jordan to go because he got the highest amount of guesses on our tribe and he is not in my alliance
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Well we lost that challenge . I can't believe the other tribe had someone who finished with a score of 3 and most with like 4. WHAT. At least i won reward.Currently it seems like its Jordan vs Josh and John.I'm stuck now because I know Josh and John could be a pair to be feared .
So i have just been told that Josh is gunning for me .All i can say is you can swing but make sure you don't miss 
Josh and John are seen as a duo
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This game can really flip on a dime. Just a few hours ago i was all for getting Jordan out as the easy vote , which i should have known was too good to be true , and now I'm working with Jordan to get Josh out because he's trying to get me out . Fun .
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WELL. My bad. Did not do good. Hopefully the target will not be me because I didn’t do so well. I think the misfits alliance is leaning towards Jordan. Which I agree. As long as it’s not me 😅 I’m going to talk to Jordan and see how’s he’s feeling/what he thinks. 
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So we lost the challenge...I thought I did great and I ended up tying for one of the worst scores. Idol hunts haven’t gone well, I believe someone has one already. I know Josh is going for me..I’m pretty sure John and Jessica are with him, and hopefully nobody else...I’m trying to get a solid with with Ellie, Kim, Daniel and myself. I don’t know if it’s going to work out but it’s my only plan this far. I’m expecting at least 3 votes at tribal
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It’s honestly can’t believe we lost! Kudos to the other team for guessing correctly... 😒 Now the fun begins... I have no idea who’s getting voted out. I have a few close relationships with Jordan and with Josh, but seems like they both want each other out... I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Josh forms the Misfits alliance with Ellie, John, and Jessica so that he can have a majority.
Josh expresses concern about an idol being played on Jordan to Ellie and John. He tells him his grand plan to vote out Jordan.
Kim expresses to Ellie idol paranoia. Ellie rats to him about Josh going against him very quickly and willingly. She is not afraid to throw people under the bus when they are being messy.
The tribal is seemingly Jordan vs Josh
A split vote begins to be talked about between the Misfits with John and Josh spearheading the discussion. Josh volunteers to get his name thrown around to keep people’s scent off him and John’s intent to vote Jordan.
Josh causes a lot of unnecessary chaos by spreading lies and deceit. He throws out everyone’s name to everyone to get people against each other. He tells Kim to target Ellie, and tells Ellie that Jordan said that. Daniel rats out Jordan to Josh, making him suspicious
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Tonight was hectic. Everyone was scrambling around trying to figure out who the target is. Everyone's name was brought up. I didn't hear mine but I'm pretty certain Jordan threw it out. Ellie was very suspicious tonight as she was online for a long time but was not responding to any messages. I brought up an idea to blindside her but I quickly shot it down because it was too early to make that big of a move. We eventually settled on voting Jordan. John, Daniel, Kim, Ellie, and Jess are down. I just hope they stick to their word and that Jordan doesn't play an idol. This has been so stressful
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THIS TRIBE IS SO MESSY OMFG . Now Josh is trying to get me to vote out Daniel, Daniel ratted me and Ellie out , I ratted Josh out to Daniel to gain his trust , Daniel doesn't trust Jordan because i ratted Daniel out to Jordan and Jordan ratted that information out .LORD HAVE MERCY THE MESS. 
Ellie, Jordan, and Kim form an alliance (Idrk). It is now Ellie, Jordan, Kim vs. John, Jordan, and Jessica. The J’s do not realize that they do not have Ellie on their side as she has successfully been ratting them out.
Daniel seems to be the swing vote. 
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I'm probably going to eat my words again , but Daniel and I firmed a connection after I told him Josh wanted him out and I'm feeling good about it. 
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Hey it’s me again. Haha. Soo I heard my name go out there by Jordan, which makes sense because we both had the highest scores. Jordan hasn’t replied to my last message so I’m going to say it’s true. Guess what Jordan, I’m voting you out. And I’m fighting to get you out. Side note, there was talk that Ellie may be double crossing the misfits alliance. Therefore, The guys considering back dooring her. But I think I shut that down. Even if it’s true I don’t think she’s after me. I’m not voting out a girl. Especially since we are the only two. So I hope she at least has my back, because I have hers. I also really trust Kim and josh. I haven’t talked much to John but I trust him for now since he’s in the misfits alliance. And I don’t trust Daniel at all. But I’ll play nice.   Anyways, BYEEE JORDAN. Not going to miss you. Xo
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So we lost the immunity challenge today..not good. Especially because I tied at performing the worst with another tribe mate. I am very concerned with how things will potentially go tomorrow. Josh has had it out for me for days now, ever since I assumed him and josh were partners. It seems most of the tribe is on edge as far as who to vote for and who to side with. My plan right now is to group together Ellie, Kim, and Daniel, to vote out one of the other three. This has been a freakin roller coaster, I go from thinking everything is fine and dandy one minute, then the next everything is screwed. I feel like I can trust Kim and Ellie, Daniel I am praying is on my side because if he isn’t, it may be all over for me..my worst fear is that everything will to my way but then an idol could be played to screw my plans. since josh is going for me I’m assuming he will think I’m going to get him too, therefore I intend on targeting John or Jessica in case josh wants to play an idol. I hope things feel more solid tomorrow..
John is wary and is contemplating whether or not to utilize his Safety Without Power tonight. People are being quiet with him which feeds into his paranoia.
Ellie, Jordan, and Kim finalize that they will be voting for Josh.
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So looks like Josh is officially our target. I realllly hope this tribal goes well because I feel our group of four, being Ellie, Kim, Dan, and myself will grow so strong if we all vote the way we are supposed to. I still feel like it would be a miracle for me to not get as least 3 votes tonight. I’m coming for you Josh!!!
Josh feels very comfortable about tribal. He doesn’t realize that the allies he thinks he has have all turned on him.
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I need to leave a confession so enjoy my screaming (this is directly from my host chat so I apologize for lack of context) Ellie, 6:39 PM YES THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WAITING FOR Ellie, 6:40 PM Jessica and Jordan getting the highest scores works awesome in my favor as well Ellie, 6:41 PM I need to see who I can actually work with/trust so I’m glad we lost Ellie, 6:41 PM And Kim getting the reward is also great for me Ellie, 6:48 PM You guys wanna say any names? lol WHO IS THIS MAN DJXJDJDJD Ellie, 6:51 PM He wants Jordan so I’m just gonna go along with it Ellie, 6:51 PM Well not necessarily but I mean imma say that I am Ellie, 6:51 PM I have absolutely no reason to keep Jordan Ellie, 6:56 PM Ok so right now it’s definitely looking like josh or Jordan Ellie, 6:57 PM It’s so early to flip on my alliance Ellie, 6:57 PM But like whatever I do I’m definitely voting with kim Ellie, 6:57 PM And Kim wants to keep Jordan rn for numbers sake which is fair Ellie, 6:58 PM I mean I’ll find a way to get numbers no matter where I go Ellie, 6:59 PM Jordan found the spot where the idol that I have was, cute Ellie, 7:01 PM It’s way to early in the game for me to make a big move Ellie, 7:01 PM I need to find a majority and stick with it Ellie, 7:01 PM So I guess we have to convince Daniel to vote with us Ellie, 7:02 PM But I hate putting my trust in just one person that I’m not super super close with like that Ellie, 7:02 PM KIMS TALKING ABOUT THE IDOL AND WENT Unless you have it of course Ellie, 7:02 PM HES ONTO ME SJFNSJRJSJ Ellie, 7:02 PM DO I TELL HIM👀 Ellie, 7:03 PM I’m gonna say I don’t for now Ellie, 7:09 PM Kim is dead-set on josh so looks like we’re doing josh Ellie, 7:09 PM It’s to early for me to make decisions or at least to make them and be obvious about it Ellie, 7:09 PM I just need to subtly guide people to the person I need gone and keep my name out of it Ellie, 7:14 PM There’s so much idol speculation going on and I’m just 👁👄👁 Ellie, 7:24 PM They’ve 100% confirmed the idol is not there much faster than I would’ve liked Ellie, 8:06 PM The amount of J names is so confusing Ellie, 8:08 PM And we’ve full circled back to voting jessica Ellie, 8:37 PM THERES SO MUCH GOING ON MY GOD Ellie, 8:39 PM IM SO CONFUSED YOU GOTTA LET ME FOGURE THIS OUT BEFORE I TRY TO TYPE IT New day Raffy, 11:18 AM Who are you really planning on voting out? Ellie, 11:18 AM Josh Ellie, 11:18 AM Although Jordan still might want Jessica Ellie, 11:22 AM But I need josh out Raffy, 11:23 AM Why do you need him out? Ellie, 11:48 AM His plans hurt my head
John uses his Safety Without Power for no reason as his name was not being thrown out. This will put a big target on his back going into subsequent rounds if his tribe has to go to tribal again.
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Oop I just used my SWP because I don’t trust any of these snakes. Someone is going out tonight and it’s not me. Now I’m just gonna pray for a tribe swap so I can sell these nobodies down the river. 
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We are about to go to tribal... I was very close with Josh and was going to vote out Jordan because that seemed to be the consensus. That was until Kim and I solidified a deal and basically figured out Josh was playing everyone. Kim told me Josh made a final deal with him and after much talking, we realized Josh was putting everyone against each other. So we figured out a plan for tonight and we are hoping no one plays an idol.
Tribal Council: https://hollowbastionsurvivor.tumblr.com/post/630096410501611520/tribal-council-1-nobody-tribe
Josh voted out
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0 notes
vertcoinreddit · 7 years
Thought I would share this chat I had with James Lovejoy last night. Super generous of him to provide this much access and time answering questions. I was already a HODL'er, but this solidified it.beerfinger [1:28 AM] Just read through the entire rebranding thread in the Vertcoin subreddit. Earlier today I also watched some of Crypto Hedge's interview of James Lovejoy from last August on YouTube. I understand both sides of the rebranding argument and have tried to play devil's advocate. Right now I do believe that the argument against rebranding is stronger. Full disclosure: I've worked in marketing/advertising my whole career and just recently got into cryptos. With that said, there are two questions that keeps nagging on me:[1:28] 1. this coin has been around since 2014, so nearly 4 years. James seems like an incredibly smart and capable chap, but I'm just going to go ahead and assume the he hasn't always been the Lead Dev while he was in high school. Presumably there was someone before him and, after he graduates and moves on to whatever it is he's going to do with his life, there will be someone after him. Yes? So, with all due respect to James, as an investor in VTC, what assurances are there that this isn't merely an interesting side-project for a brilliant MIT student with little interest/incentive in its value as an investment portfolio? If the value of this coin to James is that of a college project, that is something I as an investor would like to know.jamesl22 [1:32 AM] Hey![1:33] I've been the lead dev since Nov 2014[1:33] (while I was in high school)[1:33] And I've kept at it through college, I certainly don't intend to go anywhere[1:33] Plus, there are more who work on this project that just mebeerfinger [1:33 AM] 2. I've read complaints about Vertcoin from people who poopoo its usefulness. Decrying it as "just another coin trying to be Bitcoin with not much differentiating it." People don't seem to view the ASIC thing as a big enough differentiator to make VTC stand out. There seems to be a kernel of truth to that as part of the argument against rebranding seems to be a tacit acknowledgement that it should not occur until a major change in the development is launched. So my question again stems back to James' motivations and incentives here. Is this a convenient use case for some college thesis? Or is the team really working on coming up with a major change in development?[1:34] hey James! wow, thanks so much for your quick response[1:34] great to actually communicate with you. and I stand corrected. very impressive that you started on this so young. I can see why MIT accepted you :slightly_smiling_face:[1:36] my questions still stand though: I'm not trying to insult you so I hope you don't take it that way, but as someone who considers VTC part of my investment portfolio, I am very curious to hear about your incentives. You clearly have noble intentions. But what is your ultimate goal? What's the end game? Is it the same as Satoshi's was? (assuming he was really one person who existed)[1:37] Or is there something else?jamesl22 [1:37 AM] I think it's the same as Satoshi's[1:37] To recreate the financial system in a fairer, more distributed way[1:37] My research at MIT is totally separate to my work on VTC, though the two are complimentary (both are in cryptocurrency)[1:38] In my ideal world everyone runs a VTC miner and full node in their home, banks become narrow banks and clearing houses/stock exchanges are a thing of the past[1:39] The rewards of the financial system (in the form of transaction fees) will be distributed to the people, rather than siphoned off by banks or ASIC manufacturers as happens now (edited)goodminer [1:40 AM] :thumbsup:beerfinger [1:40 AM] I see. That is compelling. So, being that's the case, that sounds to me like something worthy of a brand, no?[1:41] Unless you think there are other coins on the market with the same goals. In which case, what will differentiate VTC?jamesl22 [1:42 AM] I don't think there are any on the market with as strong of an ideology as us[1:42] Or any that can demonstrate that it follows through on its commitments[1:42] The way I see it, VTC went from being worth $0.01 last year to 100x that now[1:43] I don't see how a rebrand can possible accelerate already parabolic growth[1:43] Bear in mind, that until a few months ago we had 0 marketing, that is where our focus should be nowbeerfinger [1:44 AM] Fair. I'm curious, what do you think it SHOULD be worth?[1:44] I mean right now, at this moment.jamesl22 [1:44 AM] I don't think I should say, the SEC might be watching usbeerfinger [1:44 AM] Not in the future.[1:44] haha[1:44] ok[1:44] Can you say if you feel it is undervalued?[1:44] or overvaluedjamesl22 [1:45 AM] I will say with confidence that 95% of the top 100 is severely overvaluedbeerfinger [1:45 AM] coins you meanjamesl22 [1:45 AM] Yes[1:45] On coinmarketcap[1:45] If you visit most of their websites, there is no code at all[1:45] Yet it's worth many times what VTC is worth[1:46] Where VTC has been established for nearly 4 years, bug free and features well demonstrated[1:46] VTC also had LN and SegWit on main net before LTC or BTC (edited)beerfinger [1:46 AM] Yes I mean your statement doesn't surprise me. It's a nacent market. Lots of snake oil, clearly.[1:47] I guess to steer this back towards the branding/marketing of your coin though, you clearly feel strongly about it and have a clear vision. Do you feel that as it stands the branding conveys that sentiment?jamesl22 [1:47 AM] When you say branding, I assume you mean "vertcoin" and the logo?beerfinger [1:48 AM] yes. logo, color scheme, etc...[1:48] name even[1:49] also to clarify one point, when I say that you clearly feel strongly about it, the "it" refers to your coin (not the marketing of it)jamesl22 [1:49 AM] I think it's largely arbitrarybeerfinger [1:49 AM] why is thatjamesl22 [1:49 AM] Most coin names have no meaning whatsoever[1:49] Google, the largest tech company in the world has a silly name[1:50] Litecoin (whose name ought to imply it has fewer features) is #4beerfinger [1:51 AM] I wouldn't underestimate the amount of strategy that went into branding Google (and continues to this day)jamesl22 [1:51 AM] What's most important is the pitch, how can you convince someone who knows nothing about the technicals behind cryptocurrency, that ASIC resistance and decentralisation is important?[1:51] Yes, but the original branding was arbitrary and haphazard[1:52] Yet the technology spoke for itself[1:52] Now it's in the dictionary[1:53] Spending lots of time and money on a new name/logo, trying to get community consensus on that and then redesigning the website/subreddit/wallets/other services to reflect the changes is not where I think we should focus our small resources[1:54] My goal over the next year or two is to take VTC from speculative value to real-world value[1:54] So point of sale, ease of use, that's the focus now[1:55] I aim to over time provide complete solutions for merchants to implement VTC at point of sale, for laymen to set up nodes and miners in their homes[1:55] As well as potentially enterprise support if we get big enoughbeerfinger [1:55 AM] It sounds like this is your intended career path then, yes?jamesl22 [1:55 AM] In some shape or form, yesbeerfinger [1:55 AM] Wonderful[1:55] When do you graduate, James?[1:55] If you don't mind me askingslackbot Custom Response [1:55 AM] I AM talking to you aren't I !jamesl22 [1:56 AM] Charlie Lee worked at Coinbase for several years before returning to LTC a month or two ago[1:56] 2019beerfinger [1:56 AM] So you're a Sophomore? Or are you in graduate school?jamesl22 [1:57 AM] Juniorchuymgzz [1:58 AM] @beerfinger can you imagine when people first heard the word "dollar" like WTF is a dollar where did it actually came from. It actually comes from Czech joachimsthaler, which became shortened in common usage to thaler or taler. Don't pay much attention to the name Vertcoin, just take a look at the tech. If you buy into this coin's ideology, you will actually start to like the name.jin [1:58 AM] Hey guys :slightly_smiling_face:[1:59] @chuymgzz but not everyone looks purely at the tech, if we look at the top 100 coins, you would know whats going on :stuck_out_tongue:beerfinger [1:59 AM] Cool well thanks for indulging me, James. I really appreciate it. Hopefully this conversation continues in the future. While your probably right that right now is probably not the right time, that doesn't mean at some point in the future it won't be. In the meantime, I'll take comfort in the knowledge that I've invested in a worthy cause.chuymgzz [1:59 AM] Longer term only the functional ones and the ones that deliver will survive and a whole ecosystem will be built around itjin [1:59 AM] buzz and hype is unfortunately a large part of itbeerfinger [2:00 AM] *you'rejin [2:00 AM] that is true, but without marketing to draw in attention (which leads to usage and so on etc) it will be difficult for a functional one to survive evenbeerfinger [2:07 AM] @james122 One more thing: how do you feel about regulation? Pro or con? Do you feel that the idea of nation states like the US and China (ergo the ICO ban) taking it upon themselves to place restrictions on the market to try and make them safer is anathema to the idea of decentralization? Are you a full on libertarian in that respect? Or do you welcome regulation because it'll separate the wheat from the chaff?jamesl22 [2:07 AM] I think we need a sane amount of regulation[2:08] ICOs are clearly illegal imo[2:08] Unless they are performed under the same rules as an IPO[2:09] Plus I don't want to create a safe harbour for child pornographers, people traffickers and terrorists to store their money[2:09] However I do think the state has no right to spy on you without a warrant (edited)beerfinger [2:09 AM] You mean you don't want to be Monero? :slightly_smiling_face:jamesl22 [2:09 AM] No[2:10] I will pursue privacy features that make the pseudoanonymity provided by the blockchain easier for people to use effectively[2:11] That way, it is not obvious to anyone your holdings or transactions publicly (edited)[2:11] But things like sting operations would still be theoretically possiblebeerfinger [2:13 AM] Love it. I still feel the branding thing will need to be revisited at some point. I don't know what that means, exactly. Whether its as small as a font change to something bigger like a new color scheme, logo or even name, I'm not sure of. The ideology is strong, but as it stands Vertcoin doesn't have a clear differentiator in the market. I'm not sure that matters so much yet at this time, but it will.[2:15] You clearly have a strong vision, I'm just not sure it's being communicated effectively yet. Hence, haters who say Vertcoin is just trying to be another Bitcoin.workstation [2:15 AM] beerfinger might be a huge whale sniffing out Vertcoin before a huge loadup. Not that, that's a bad thing :stuck_out_tongue:beerfinger [2:15 AM] haha... I wishjamesl22 [2:16 AM] Vertcoin is trying to be another Bitcoin lol[2:16] It's picking up where Bitcoin left off[2:16] If people want a decentralised cryptocurrency, they should use Vertcoin[2:17] Bitcoin just isn't one anymore[2:17] Neither is Litecoin (edited)beerfinger [2:20 AM] Semantics really, but if that's the case then that means Vertcoin isn't trying to be another Bitcoin. Bitcoin is already Bitcoin, which is a coin that did not fulfill it's promises. Vertcoin, on the other hand, like you said picks up where Bitcoin left off. I'm not sure that's being communicated by the brand (yet). Doing so may have nothing to do with rebranding (unless rebranding generates a bigger social following who then helps you communicate that).workstation [2:20 AM] You've continued on a great coin James and no doubt Vertcoin has great features vs other coins, however without widespread use and adoption, Vertcoin might just become another coin without much use. The marketing side is sometimes even more important than the development side. Just need to look at history for that. E.g. Early version of Windows was buggy, bluescreen of death plagued it. But with heaps of $$ and marketing, Windows is pretty rock solid these days.atetnowski [2:21 AM] joined #marketing.jamesl22 [2:22 AM] Yes, agreed to both statements[2:22] We're working on it, but it takes time and money[2:23] But really, adoption is pointless until point of sale works properly[2:23] When you can get it into people's physical wallets, or phone and they can spend it in a store, that's when it takes off (edited)[2:23] Walmart, Target, all the big retailers hate Visa and Mastercardworkstation [2:24 AM] Thats a long way off... Even Apple and Samsung are struggling in that areajamesl22 [2:24 AM] They would love a solution that opted them out of having to pay their feesbeerfinger [2:25 AM] @workstation To play devil's advocate for one sec, most successful people in the world don't achieve success because they tried to achieve success. Success is merely a byproduct of their passion. I do believe that James' commitment to the ideology can be sufficient. But it is true that the branding should communicate his vision. That is a constant conversation, too.workstation [2:25 AM] yes, truejamesl22 [2:26 AM] What we really need is talented content creators to make compelling media that explains the vision in a layman friendly way[2:26] Thus far the message has been far too technical[2:26] But in the past, the space was mostly populated by technical people so that is understandable[2:26] It is only in the last 6 months that the general public has started to get involved[2:27] Sadly "ASIC resistance" doesn't speak to thembeerfinger [2:27 AM] @james122 While it's true that universal adoption is key, you can say that about ANY coin. Even dogecoin would suddenly become a real coin if everyone up and decided to start using it one day. What's your strategy for making VTC that coin?jamesl22 [2:27 AM] Whereas I think taking power from banks, chinese miners and giving it back to the people can be far more compellingworkstation [2:27 AM] We take Visa and Mastercard at our stores. We only do it because it boosts sales. People these days are all borrowing on credit because they don't have enough.... Paying on their CC# lets them buy things now (instant gratification) and slowly pay later. They managed to get banks on board because they make so much money on the interest. There is a clear reason why those cards satisfy a demand. We get charged about 1.5% by VISA/MC. To be honest, it's not a real deal breaker.beerfinger [2:27 AM] haha, well, james you're talking to the right guy :slightly_smiling_face:[2:28] My career is content creation[2:28] I have nearly 20 years producing commercials and (lately) social content for global brandsmikevert [2:29 AM] joined #marketing.beerfinger [2:29 AM] I would be happy to consult and provide any assistance I can[2:29] "taking power from banks, chinese miners and giving it back to the people can be far more compelling" - that's your modus operandi[2:29] you can definitely tell that story in a compelling way[2:30] Question: have any crypto's ever created any sort of ad before? Even just for social content? (sorry, I'm new to this space)jamesl22 [2:30 AM] Well we'd obviously be grateful for your assistance[2:31] I'd imagine so, though I don't follow many other coins' social media very muchgoodminer [2:31 AM] @beerfinger lets chat :smile: We've been working on a lot of initiatives over the last few weeksjamesl22 [2:31 AM] @workstation 1.5% to a huge retailer is a large sum of money thoughworkstation [2:35 AM] I don't see any coin being widely used to be honest. They fluctuate way too much. Say a typical consumer whose after tax salary is $1000/week.. He buys groceries at the store for $1/Liter. This is simple maths for him, he knows it's going to cost $1 each week, inflation may make it rise to $1.10 next year, but he understands that. With coins, the price of his milk is too hard to calculate.[2:37] Why would Bob switch to using coins, when Visa/MC give him so much more? He doesnt pay the processing fee (1.5%), he gets free credit (these days, banks will easily approve 10k credits). Why would he switch to Vertcoin?jamesl22 [2:37 AM] @workstation, volatility is high because market volume is low[2:38] I think it will take another financial crisis or two though before people start to abandon fractional reserve banking (edited)workstation [2:42 AM] As long as bob gets his paycheck, he's not going to care what happens at the fedjamesl22 [2:43 AM] Bob ain't gunna get his paycheck one day though[2:44] Because the credit ponzi scheme economy will have collapsedworkstation [2:48 AM] yes, the fed can print whatever it wants out of thin air... But its backed by US tax payers to the tune of 2+ trillion/year with most banks adhering to loan capital requirements. E.g. they need a certain amount of money deposited before they can loan more money out. What is Bitcoin/alt coins backed by? Seems like its somewhat of a ponzi scheme now, with everyone piling in thinking it will go up forever. I get that BTC is backed by real energy usage/capital requirements to mine it (asic equipment, datacenters, etc), so its more "real" than $1 USD, but they both service a purpose.axelfoley75 [2:49 AM] joined #marketing.workstation [2:51 AM] but whats the end goal because it seems they all become ponzi schemes. The only true coin will be one that will not allow any fiats be converted to to coin.[2:51] the only way to earn a coin, would be to mine it, wouldn't you think that that would be the truest coin?[2:52] right now people are just moving wads of fiat money into coins/alt coins, thereby skewing everything.beerfinger [2:54 AM] just jumping in here with one last comment before I go to sleep: money, whether we're talking salt, precious metals, fiat currency, or cryptos, is just something that we all agree to prescribe a value to. That being the case, how are you going to stop someone from trading that value for something they want? If someone wants to trade their cryptos for chickens, a latte, USD or anything else, they're going to do it. No point in trying to regulate what people spend their money on or how they do it. Seems the antithesis of the whole decentralization thing anywayworkstation [2:57 AM] trueaegisker [3:02 AM] I belive when crypto matures, has fast and easy payments solutions, volume will rise and price will be more stable. Current price is speculation due to news and new development. I dont belive that after 10 years we will be seeing such swings.beerfinger [3:04 AM] sorry keep thinking of new stuff... @jamesl22 your point about POS is salient. What's your perspective on coins like TenX that try to address that with payment platforms and cards?[3:05] is that what you mean? nuts & bolts, how would Vertcoin become a POS option?aegisker [3:06 AM] How is usdt keeping its price around usd?beerfinger [3:07 AM] don't they just keep up with USD inflation by making sure there's an equal amount of tokens to USD in the market at any given point?jamesl22 [3:07 AM] Integration of LN and AS is key[3:07] Then providing some hardware or software solution to integrate with payment processors[3:07] I haven't looked at tenxbeerfinger [3:07 AM] so Vertcoin IS actively pursuing this then[3:08] interesting[3:09] perhaps there's some way to leverage things like ApplePayjamesl22 [3:09 AM] I doubt it[3:09] ApplePay's design is fundamentally differentbeerfinger [3:09 AM] I mean it doesn't have to be ApplePay itself. Can be a separate applucky [3:09 AM] Having bitcoin or altcoins tied to your debit card isn't unbelievablejamesl22 [3:10 AM] Of course not[3:10] But it is suboptimalbeerfinger [3:10 AM] yeah sort of kills the whole decentralization thinglucky [3:10 AM] in fact if we are going the whole hog and saying fiat collapsed. You'd be silly to think the banks would standby and let crypto take over without thembeerfinger [3:10 AM] now we're relying on banks againlucky [3:11 AM] At the first sign of crypto succeeding fiat. Banks will take over[3:11] Because they can trade their fiat to coin[3:11] Government tooaegisker [3:12 AM] Well, banks issues debt, whole market is built around debt. Crypto would take that away[3:12] This will be hardest transitionjamesl22 [3:12 AM] If the crypto market ever gets to say $1tril, the banks will use their lobbyist army to squash it as best they canlucky [3:13 AM] Is it not possible crypto gets immediately regulated into the banking system as soon as it passed fiat in some wayjamesl22 [3:13 AM] They don't care right now because the space is tiny compared to their own equitylucky [3:13 AM] Yes exactly Jamesbeerfinger [3:13 AM] i like the idea of leveraging NFC tech as a way to introduce crypto to POS purchases... everyone already has a smart phone so no need to reinvent the wheel... it's basically just an applucky [3:13 AM] If finance is going to change politics needs to too[3:14] Nfc seems like the way. Yeag[3:14] Lots of the android wallets leverage itaegisker [3:14 AM] No need for nfc, nfc was kinda overhyped. Qr codes can work equally goodjamesl22 [3:14 AM] @beerfinger I think LN will allow us to achieve thatlucky [3:14 AM] Lol qr[3:14] Who has ever scanned a qr....jamesl22 [3:14 AM] We just need a hardware implementation for the readerbeerfinger [3:14 AM] sorry james, what's LN?lucky [3:14 AM] Apple made sure qr never workedjamesl22 [3:14 AM] Lightning Networkbeerfinger [3:14 AM] ahaegisker [3:15 AM] If u use your phone, why complicate with nfc, is there a security benefit?beerfinger [3:15 AM] the infrastructure is there... most readers i come across these days are already NFC compliantjamesl22 [3:15 AM] QR can work, but requires a high res display in the POS device[3:15] Which would increase costs[3:15] NFC is cheap aflucky [3:16 AM] Yep. Qr is extremely requirement heavyaegisker [3:16 AM] For example, pub: you get check with qr. U pay with your phone. Waiter sees on his computer that its payed.lucky [3:16 AM] Look at Asia and south America[3:16] Nobody can read qraegisker [3:17 AM] I europe all checks already have qrs for tax checkinglucky [3:17 AM] I work in global marketing. Qr is completely unadopted in the real world[3:17] Yes in no public scenario qr is usedaegisker [3:17 AM] Where you from?lucky [3:17 AM] Uk[3:19] A decade in marketing I can tell you for sure Joe public doesn't scan qr codes[3:19] James is right. We need an alternative hardware solution[3:19] And I think I unique piece of tech in public would drive massive interestaegisker [3:20 AM] In slovenia, croatia, austria(i tjink) there is law that all transactions in coffeeshops or shops(everything with fiat transaction) is sent to tax authority as soon as check is printed. U get qr code on your check, so you can check if tax s paid for your service. This is to prevent black markets and unauthorized sellers. Works pretty well. If you frequently scan qrs you can get some bonuses..[3:21] Public got used to this pretty fast.lucky [3:21 AM] So there's an incentiveaegisker [3:21 AM] So also you could print qr shop wallet addr.lucky [3:21 AM] Kind of skews the ease of adoption stat we are looking foraegisker [3:22 AM] Costz nothinglucky [3:22 AM] Costs a smartphone with a quick camera[3:22] How about in a dark clubbeerfinger [3:23 AM] I came tonight with many questions about Vertcoin. Namely the incentives of the Devs and how it differentiated itself in the marketplace. All of those questions have been answered as best as I could have hoped. The only thing left is figuring out a way to tell that story. @jamesl22, all of the things you've said tonight are reassuring and exciting. They provide great promise for the future of this coin and even more - your goals, if realized, are truly category shifting. This is such a compelling story. TELL IT!lucky [3:23 AM] Asking every transaction to require an in focus photo capability is insane, imoaegisker [3:23 AM] uploaded and commented on this image: IMG_20170908_092307.jpg 1 Comment Thats how it lookslucky [3:23 AM] We need something similar to a contactless debit card[3:24] Good luck scanning that in the dark with a £100 smartphone. Though.aegisker [3:24 AM] For starters this is easiest solution for early adoption (edited)workstation [3:25 AM] why not something short like vCoin. Then u could make it go off V=Vendetta, sort of has a nice mystery, anti establishmentaegisker [3:25 AM] You just need plugin for your pos software that checks your crypto wallet for received funds[3:26] Imo this is easiest way to implement first public purchases of beer or coffeebeerfinger [3:26 AM] by the way, less is more when it comes to branding[3:26] look at apple[3:26] i love this example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUXnJraKM3k YouTube Brant Walsh Microsoft Re-Designs the iPod Packaging[3:31] and there's always something to be said for ad wars... apple's david vs goliath attack ads vs microsoft is what put them back on the map[3:31] that could be a great angle for Vertcoin... go after Bitcoin[3:31] make fun of it the way Jobs poked at Gates[3:32] that's just my 2 Vertcoins via /r/vertcoin
0 notes