#so ya i don’t typically read into what celebs do on their social media but LOL @ Jake being petty af
glassesandkim · 3 years
Jake was non existent on social media yesterday. Usually when it's an episode he likes my feed is filled with his posts. All he did was tweet about pink scrubs and a good bye to Jesse Williams then he logged off. If you follow live tweets during the show you'd know this is very odd for him.
I wouldn’t be too happy either if I were Jake IF this is all Levi gets all season after being promoted as a season regular. 
It’s kind of a slap in the face to your craft and ability. Jake is an actor first and he just gets script after script of lazy writing and comedic filler. He was promised something (to have a bigger role and to represent lgbtq+ people). He did that in s15 without the pay upgrade and now in s17, he’s whatever the hell this Levi is. 
I’m not asking for a happy ending for schmico or demanding that only picture perfect “healthy” relationships are represented when it comes to queer couples in media (I’d explain more on this maybe in another post if anyone is interested), but I’m really just asking for every action that Nico and Levi make to be framed in comprehensive, thought out and planned ways. 
The premise of their storyline is FINE (where one person is more committed than the other and then they just keep missing each other with that) but the way this story is being told is terrible and lacking backbone. It’s not enough to have a million bench scenes and have these characters say one or two lines to completely explain WHOLE entire mental crises and thoughts. Grey’s doesn’t SHOW us stuff anymore. All they do is TELL TELL TELL through monologues, through dramatic hooks right before these monologues, and through awkward conversations that would never happen in real life.
Cristina and Meredith had that. They talked at each other without acknowledging each other’s stories but that’s them. That’s THEIR dynamic. Taking that dynamic and applying it to MULTIPLE characters is crazy????? (A good example to this clip where both Levi and Taryn start talking in that really specific odd way that every grey’s character talks like now)
I’ve really only seen Owen and Jackson being written in a way that showed their turmoil and their pain (the ep where he finds out teddy is cheating and last last last ep where he starts crying in the stairwell breaking bad news to a patient’s family. Jackson with the goddanm meat grinder.). Otherwise everyone talks the same and is psycho.
These characters are husks of what they used to be. They serve only the purpose of forwarding plots that the network or writers want to preach instead of doing real character work.
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