#software security
Just noticed the new "Landlock" feature in Linux.
I haven't looked deeply enough to opine on design specifics, but from a birds-eye view: finally!
If you think about software security much, you know how frustrating it is that unprivileged processes have so few options for reducing their privileges even further.
And of course, only from inside the program can you get the most precise idea of how much you can limit your capabilities - just how little your logic needs.
So I really love seeing yet another step to the beautiful future where we can write programs that lock themselves down as much as possible.
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prqysyrrt · 9 months
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Banking Software for Management.
Banking Software essential for Mutual funds.
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justaninfosec · 1 year
Threats: What Every Engineer Should Learn From Star Wars
Okay, I know this isn't a general purpose security topic, but hey, I've seen a lot of Tumblr users admit to being in software dev over the years ;) Adam Shostack, well known in the security space on a variety of topics, particularly threat modeling, has a new book out. The twist? Looking at the concept of threats to software through the lens of Star Wars.
I haven't read this one myself yet so no book review right now, but it looks fun!
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uaebusiness · 2 months
Enhance Software Security in Dubai with Point Retail Solutions
Safeguard your business with Point Retail Solutions! Our advanced software solutions prioritize 'Software Security in Dubai, ensuring robust protection for your valuable data and operations. From encryption to real-time threat monitoring, we offer comprehensive security measures to keep your business safe from cyber threats. Trust Point Retail Solutions for peace of mind and reliable security!
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nascenture · 2 months
What are the Best Practices to Ensure Secure Software Development?
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In an era dominated by digital advancements, the significance of secure software development cannot be overstated. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into every facet of our lives, the potential risks associated with insecure software have grown exponentially. Security breaches, data leaks, and cyber-attacks pose serious threats to both individuals and organizations. In response to these challenges, adopting best practices to ensure secure software development has become imperative. Secure software development encompasses a holistic approach that integrates security measures at every stage of the software development lifecycle.
From initial design and coding to testing, deployment, and maintenance, each phase presents an opportunity to fortify the software against potential threats. This proactive approach safeguards sensitive information and builds trust among users, stakeholders, and the broader digital community. This blog will outline the best key practices that organizations and developers should embrace to foster a secure software development environment. By understanding and implementing these practices, software developers can minimize vulnerabilities, mitigate risks, and ultimately deliver reliable and secure applications in an ever-evolving digital landscape. 
Top Security Practices for Secure Software Development
Secure software development is essential in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Implementing top security practices ensures that applications are resilient to attacks and safeguard sensitive data. Here are some of the key security practices for secure software development:    
1. Security by Design
Security by Design is a proactive and strategic approach that places security considerations at the forefront of the software development process. It involves integrating security measures into the architecture and design of a system from its inception rather than treating it as an add-on or an afterthought. The goal is to identify potential threats and vulnerabilities early in the development life cycle through methods like threat modeling. By considering security aspects during the design phase, developers can make informed decisions, implement robust security controls, and establish a strong foundation for creating resilient and secure software. This approach ensures that security is an integral part of the software development effectively reducing the risk of vulnerabilities.     
2. Code Reviews & Static Analysis
Code reviews involve peer evaluations of the source code, where team members analyze each other's work to catch errors, ensure adherence to coding standards, and, importantly, identify security flaws. Complementing this, static code analysis tools automate the process of scanning code for security issues, providing an additional layer of scrutiny. Together, these practices enhance the overall code quality, help prevent common security pitfalls, and contribute to building a more resilient and secure software application. Regular and thorough code reviews, coupled with automated static analysis, create a collaborative and efficient means of ensuring that the software is free from vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors.     
3. Secure Coding Practices
Emphasizing the principle of defensive programming, secure coding involves implementing measures such as input validation to sanitize user inputs and prevent common vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). Robust authentication and authorization mechanisms are incorporated to control access to sensitive functionalities and data. By following secure coding practices, developers reduce the risk of security breaches, ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data, and create software that adheres to established security standards. Regular training and awareness on secure coding principles enable developers to stay updated on emerging threats and incorporate security measures effectively throughout the software development life cycle.        
4. Dependency Management
Keep all third-party libraries, frameworks, and dependencies up to date to patch known vulnerabilities. Developers need to regularly update and monitor these dependencies to address known vulnerabilities and ensure the overall security of the application. Automated tools can assist in tracking dependencies, notifying developers of available updates, and scanning for potential security issues within these external components. A proactive approach to dependency management reduces the risk of exploiting vulnerabilities present in outdated or insecure third-party libraries, contributing to the overall resilience and security of the software.     
5. Data Encryption
Data encryption is a pivotal security measure in software development, involving the transformation of sensitive information into a secure, unreadable format. This process ensures that even if unauthorized individuals gain access to the data, they cannot interpret it without the correct decryption key. Encryption is commonly applied to protect data during transmission over networks, mitigating risks associated with interception and eavesdropping. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in safeguarding stored data, whether in databases or on physical devices. By implementing robust encryption algorithms, developers fortify their applications against potential threats, enhancing the overall confidentiality and integrity of the data they handle.     
6. Incident Response Plan
An incident response plan is a structured and pre-defined approach that organizations follow when facing a security incident. This plan outlines the necessary steps, roles, and responsibilities to efficiently and effectively respond to and mitigate the impact of a security breach. It includes protocols for detecting, analyzing, containing, eradicating, and recovering from incidents. The goal is to minimize damage, reduce recovery time, and ensure a coordinated response across the organization. Regularly updating and testing the incident response plan ensures that it remains relevant and the team is well-prepared to handle various cybersecurity threats.     
7. Continuous Monitoring
Continuous monitoring is a vital practice in maintaining the security of software systems by systematically observing and analyzing activities to identify and respond to potential threats in real-time. This ongoing process involves the constant examination of system logs, network traffic, and other relevant data sources to detect anomalies or suspicious behavior that may indicate a security incident. Continuous monitoring enables organizations to promptly identify and mitigate security threats, reducing the risk of breaches and minimizing the potential impact of cyber attacks. 
8. Access Control
The principle of least privilege guides access control, ensuring that users and processes have the minimum level of permissions necessary to perform their tasks. By enforcing access control policies, developers can prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data or functionalities, reducing the risk of security breaches. Regularly reviewing and updating access control settings is crucial to maintaining the security posture of a system, as it helps eliminate unnecessary privileges and ensures that only authorized entities can interact with specific components of the software. Effective access control is a cornerstone of secure software development, contributing to the overall integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the system.   
9. Secure Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
From initial planning and design to coding, testing, and deployment, Secure Development Life Cycle (SDLC) emphasizes the incorporation of security measures at each phase. This holistic approach ensures that security is not treated as an afterthought but is an integral part of the software's DNA. By implementing security practices from the outset, SDLC aims to identify and address potential vulnerabilities early, reducing the risk of security breaches and enhancing the overall resilience of the software. Automated security testing tools, regular code reviews, and continuous monitoring are key components of SDLC, contributing to the creation of secure, reliable, and robust software applications. 
Final Words
Ensuring secure software development is a collaborative effort that requires a combination of proactive planning, secure coding practices, continuous monitoring, and a commitment to staying informed about the latest security threats. By adopting these best practices, developers can build robust and resilient software that not only meets functional requirements but also protects against evolving cybersecurity challenges. Prioritizing security from the outset is not only a best practice but a fundamental necessity in today's digital landscape.
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intelliatech · 5 months
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Explore our Software Security Tips for a robust digital defense! 🌐🔒 Discover essential strategies to safeguard your software and protect your online presence. Your security matters! 💻
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inomc · 6 months
Software security refers to the act of safeguarding software from unlawful entry, utilization, exposure, interruption, alteration, or annihilation. This is an important element of information security since software commonly serves the purpose of storing, manipulating, and transmitting confidential data.
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bdccglobal · 7 months
Enhance Security Throughout Your SDLC with DevSecOps Tools: Explore 9 Effective Strategies for a Safer Development Journey! 🛡️💻
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execve(2): insecure by default
a rant that ended up flowing into "structured privileges"
Thinking about the execve(2) interface of UNIX, particularly with elevated privileges - especially in combination with the UNIX philosophy of little tools that do small jobs well.
This generalizes, actually - the same ideas of privilege segregation could apply within a process if languages and runtimes took advantage of modern kernels' support for it - at least in Linux, where processes and threads are basically the same kernel primitive, with just a few configuration differences.
Anyway, it bothers me that the default behavior is that if I start a root program, everything it executes is also root. In some sense, the ideal default for a program with a privileged effective UID and an unprivileged real ID is that the execve system call drops privileges - and if you want to keep privileges, that should be an explicit flag.
Even more ideally, this wouldn't be a flag that you, as the program with privileged effective UID or effective capability set or whatever, get to just set however you want - this should be some sort of object, like a file descriptor or a 128-bit random key or a pointer into read-only mapped memory, which is given to you by the caller who gave you elevated privileges. So your options are either "drop privileges" or "keep any privileges that your caller allowed you to keep" - notably absent from your options is an unconditional "keep privileges".
Of course, one problem here is that at some levels of abstraction, forking another process should be an implementation detail - when I call a program as root, I shouldn't have to know "this program wants to fork a child", let alone details like which child programs, how many, how deep the process tree goes, and so on.
So execve isn't exactly the right boundary here, at least not always. But here are a couple examples where the execve boundary is user-facing and explicit, and is the right boundary:
Suppose I want to run a privileged `find` program - because it needs to look inside directories that only root can read, and then I want to run some un-privileged command per file path - the most secure thing, especially if I don't have time to audit the command's source and build and binary for problems, is to prefix my exec arguments for find with something like sudo -iu "$USER" so that the child process of find drops privileges back down to my user before running the command.
For another example, suppose I want to run something like fzf on a list of paths, and then I want fzf to use `bat` to preview those files. bat could need read-only root privileges if some of those files are only root-readable, but there's no great way to give those privileges to just bat instead of fzf - at best, I run sudo once before running fzf, sudo caches my credentials, and then I set the preview argument of fzf to include a sudo call. But this isn't friendly to building larger programs: if the fzf call is inside some larger script, that script now has to either unconditionally include that sudo call, or include it or not based on either a flag that is passed in or if it already has special privileges.
Going back to how this generalizes, this same problem happens with libraries - instead of calling into another program, you call into some library, but either way, you probably don't have time to audit the whole thing, and it often doesn't need all the elevated privileges that you have - if I've got code to parse YAML inside my process, those instructions don't need any privileges besides access to the input bytes and enough memory to return the parsed result, and yet I have to go out of my way to isolate them and drop privileges if I want to be safe from some exploitable parser bug.
Ideally, code should have to go out of its way to explicitly take privileges that it either needs or can optionally use, as a kind of parameter. The whole system, from the ground up, would be built with APIs which have a bias towards dropping privileges and which require every privilege to be passed in from higher up in the call tree. Then the path of least resistance aligns with security: if you're writing code which doesn't need privileges, you don't go out of your way to take them from the caller - if you need privileges to do something, you have no choice but to reveal it in the API.
The only wrinkle here is that people should be able to write middleware which doesn't know or care about privileges, but is transparent to them. The simplest solution is to do what Go did with its context type - force middleware to take that parameter, and pass it through just in case the thing it calls needs it. This is... better than privilege use being invisible, but it's still pretty bad, especially when we generalize it to a granular "permissions" object, since middleware would need an arbitrarily permissive type: instead of knowing if we're calling something that requires privileges, we are back to calling something that might use any of the privileges we fed into it, and we can't know without inspecting the middleware.
In languages with templates, the permissions could be expressed as a template parameter, and then it's at least clear that the middleware takes whatever permissions its callee requires - and someone higher up in the call stack is defining the callee, so they have the responsibility and knowledge of those permissions. But this still isn't really enough, that's just a nice way to make the type system transparently propagate information about elevated privileges to the places where a developer is most served by knowing it.
But at runtime, we need a distinction between a usable privilege, and an unusable "sealed" privilege which is just being passed through code from a higher caller to a transitive callee which has what they need to unseal it.
This has been on my mind for a couple years now, at least. The overarching theme here is that ideally software has a reified representation of all interesting privileges, which ideally is both visible in the type system and actually enforced at runtime, and that code should be forced to be explicit whenever it uses or passes privileges to do anything.
(I call this "structured privileges", and it's yet another special case of the general/abstract idea that unifies structured programming, structured concurrency, my structured preemption idea, and so on. If we fully generalize the concept, the most appropriate term is something like "structured capabilities", because it comes to encompass the ability to do anything that we might want to explicitly manage in some parts of code. More on that soon, hopefully.)
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itservicesindia · 7 months
Efficiency in software development is not a one-time achievement; it's an ongoing commitment to refining your processes. By implementing clear require
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tripundsolutions · 11 months
Web Application security threats and their solutions
Discover the various forms of web application attacks, how they can impact your company, and the steps you can take to protect yourself from them.
Cross-site scripting (XSS) attack: 
An attacker launches a cross-site scripting (XSS) assault on a reputable website or web-based application by inserting a piece of malicious code into the target. The user's web browser will run the script because it believes it originated from a reliable source, which is very likely the case. Attacks using cross-site scripting (XSS) have the potential to steal data or carry out other harmful actions on the computer of a visitor. This technique, despite its low level of sophistication, is quite widespread and has the potential to cause significant damage.
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SQL injection attack: 
This type of attack involves injecting malicious SQL code into a vulnerable website's database. This can lead to data breaches, data manipulation, and data destruction. SQL injections take place when an attacker intervenes in every query that a web application sends to its corresponding database. An SQL injection vulnerability (SQLI) can give unauthorized users access to sensitive information stored in a database. An attacker can alter or remove this data, as well as insert code that can change the way the web application behaves or the content it displays.
Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack: 
This attack involves tricking a user into acting on a website without their knowledge or consent. It takes place when an attacker uses deception or coercion to get an end user to perform undesirable activities on an application in which they have already authenticated themselves. This may be carried out by a link sent in an email or through a chat session, and if it is successful, it may result in, for instance, a transfer of funds or a change in email address.
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Denial-of-service (DoS) attack: 
In this type of assault, the attacker deliberately overwhelms the target website with traffic to make it unavailable to its intended audience. Because of this, businesses risk losing money and having their reputations harmed. These assaults occur when an attacker overwhelms a server with a large number of HTTP requests. This type of attack, which can paralyze a server and block genuine users from accessing your services, can be launched by a network of infected machines or bots.
Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack:
In a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack, a hacker arranges a meeting between two targets and then uses their trust in each other to gain access to the information the targets were trying to provide to each other. A man-in-the-middle assault allows an adversary to sabotage a message that is meant for another recipient or is not supposed to be transmitted at all, with little chance of detection until it is too late. MITM attacks can be referred to in several different ways.
Tips for Preventing Website Attacks
There are many different types of web application assaults, but there are also ways to fight against them. A few important tools are mentioned below.
Automated scanning:
It assists enterprises in detecting, analyzing, and mitigating vulnerabilities and misconfigurations – ideally before an attack occurs. It will help enterprises in identifying security flaws that must be addressed.
Secure development testing: 
It identifies the security threats and attacks early and also aids in the development of efficient strategies for preventing and mitigating the effects of breaches.
Firewalls for web applications: 
These are hardware and software solutions that safeguard applications by preventing harmful traffic from reaching the online application.
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Web application attacks can be disastrous for organizations, which is why it is critical to understand the different types of attacks and how to best defend web applications. Businesses can limit risks and secure their online applications by using suitable development, testing, and security processes.About Us
This blog is brought to you by Tripund Solutions, a rapidly expanding IT company headquartered in Mumbai, India. We are committed to providing customers worldwide with seamless web and mobile solutions, customized software development, software testing, and maintenance services. If you are looking for a technology partner, then look no further, get in touch with us today at [email protected]
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opsmxspinnaker · 1 year
Explore the importance of deployment security and the potential risks involved. Learn how OpsMx can help you strengthen your deployment security practices and protect your applications from threats.
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nitor-infotech · 1 year
Cloud Engineering
Cloud engineering refers to the process of designing, building, and managing cloud-based infrastructure and applications. It involves the use of various cloud computing technologies and platforms to create and maintain highly scalable, available, and secure systems and applications in the cloud. 
Benefits of Cloud include -  
Amplified Performance 
Enhanced Reliability  
Improved Usability 
Reduced Costs 
Get acquainted with the four pillars of cloud computing in our blog.
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virtuoso12 · 1 year
How you can Secure the PII data| Virtuoso Infotech
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How you can prevent your PII Data and avoid Technology Risks, security loopholes before investing into a startup read more...
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betfoc · 2 years
Betfoc delivers the most advanced software security services that help you boost business credibility. Best security solutions to safeguard your infrastructure.
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