#sometimes I don't get emails/notifs so I don't see 'em right away
mrs-lockley · 3 months
🕊️, 🍯 & 💖 for the ask game
Thank you, nonnie!
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
I'll start off with my makeup routine! I have a particular way I like to do it: after skincare, sunscreen → primer → concealer (usually my under eyes and a little bit around my nose since I'm a little reddish in that area). I let that sit for a minute then move to  → brows, usually a tinted brow gel or sometimes a pencil if I don't feel like using gel  → back to concealer. After it's been sitting, I blend it out with a sponge  → (optional) eyeshadow if I have extra time or feel fancy that day, but I usually keep it light with one color. I'm medium skin-toned so I usually do a light brown or a mauve   → (optional) liquid liner. I've been using Asian-owned or Asian beauty brands like Em Cosmetics or Kiss Me (Heroine Make) for eyeliner because I have smaller eyes, and I need a really fine tip liner (0.1mm) to get a wing. I have oily skin so pencil smudges easily, and the tip is usually too fat for my eyes since I have small eyes. I find liquid works best.  → mascara! Takes me some time because I always get it on my eyelids lol, but that's what q-tips are for to clean up after. I normally do one coat but sometimes I'll do two if I want something extra.  → blush! Even though I'm oily-skinned, I prefer cream blushes because they blend out nicer for me, but I do use a powdered blush on top for extra staying power. Sometimes I'll use my lipsticks as blush too!  → (optional) small highlighter if I'm feeling fancy  → lip liner. I have smaller lips but I stick to nude shades like a mauve or a pinky one  → lip balm/lip gloss. I don't wear lipstick as much as I used to, and I've been really liking tinted lip balms. Or I might use a clear gloss on top. A trick I use to not get my clear gloss stained with my lip liners, I add a bit of it on the back of my hand and then use my finger to tap it on.  → (optional) lipstick/lip tints. If I want more staying power I'll do lipstick, usually a warm terra cotta brown, or a rosy mauve shade. On special occasions I have a vintage warm blood red shade from Besame that I love to use.  → powder, powder, powder! I'm oily-skinned and if I don't powder then everything will be melted off by lunch. Even on days I don't wear makeup, I still powder because I will look like a disco ball by noon. I have tried the dewy K-beauty look and I look like a grease ball, even with powder. I'm stacking on powder as if it's still 2016. → setting spray. I haven't used one in a long time but a friend of mine got me a Nyx setting spray and it really helped keep my makeup on, even with how oily I get. While it's not 100% matte, it doesn't melt my makeup off which I appreciate. In total it takes me anywhere from 10-20 minutes. 10 if I'm doing the basics and getting ready for work, 20 if I have extra time and I take my time, especially doing eyeshadow.
Second- every few days, I like to journal in my bullet journal. I write about 2-3 pages every few days to talk about what I did the past few days so I can remember everything, or even just to write my feelings out. I use my bujo as a personal journal since I'm not in school anymore, but I like decorating it with washi tapes and stickers.
Third - I clean out my junk mail in my email. Most of it is from department stores or other stores that I get weekly newsletters from. Most people delete them right away but I like to skim through them before deleting because sometimes I'll find a coupon or early access sale. Even if I don't get anything, I like to keep them handy just in case before deleting it. I also hate seeing the notifications in my inbox
🍯- describe your favorite smell
Ooh this is a good one! I didn't realize how important smell was until I got COVID for the first time in November and I lost my sense of smell for almost two months (I was still able to taste a little bit). Not to be a ✨California Girl✨ but sea salt- I don't live far from the beach and the smelling the salt from the ocean breeze is comforting to me. I'm not a big beach person because our water is cold since it comes from Alaska, but the smell of it is comforting to me and reminds me of the times when I was a kid that my parents would take my sister and me to have picnics at the beach.
💖- have you ever been in love?
I might have. When I was 15, I had a crush on one of my friends. We were both so young and honestly I see myself as heteromantic, or demisexual. I'm attracted to men but I did feel something for my friend that time that I can't quite explain- it wasn't quite romantic where I wanted to be her gf, but it was deeper than platonic for sure. We fell out of touch a few years ago and I think about her from time to time, and I hope she's doing okay.
There was a guy I dated in college when I was 21. I don't like to talk about him much, but now that I'm 26, I realize there were a lot of things in our relationship that was not okay that I would actively deny because I didn't know how to cope. He was my first relation/situationship, and I'm not even the same age as he was when he met me. I think the best way to describe my relationship with him is the entirety of All Too Well (both 5 and 10 minute version) by Taylor Swift (Red is my comfort album). I was 21 and I did briefly envision a future with him before the heartbreak.
I was talking to one of my high school friends yesterday about it and how I didn't tell anyone my trauma for 2 years, and she said something that struck with me where she said "maybe you didn't say anything for 2 years because you needed to grieve. 2 years isn't long, but 2 years of grief can feel like a lifetime."
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angeltrapz · 2 years
sorry if this has already been asked but do u have a fave saw character besides Adam and Lawrence?
I do actually!! I have a Lot but I know I. hardly talk abt others most of th time dkjfnakj (outside of Chainshipping Adam and Lawrence are genuinely some of my fave characters individually)
a big fave for me is Amanda! I relate to her in a lot of ways and also she just makes me so so sad,, I rlly wish she'd realized sooner than III that John didn't actually care abt her & was just using her to further his agenda. she has so much potential and I believe she deserved to have her character explored more + also I just want her to be happy wtf!!! I've spoken abt this w my bestie Adam but like imagine if she (and Hoffman & Lawrence) was the one to take John Kramer out. like they have had Enough and just fucking get his ass. I simply think it's what she deserves <33 and also like smth else I think abt a lot too is the fact that even though she got clean after going thru the RBT/becoming an apprentice, she ended up self-harming (we don’t know if she’d been doing that Prior to her test) and in reality that is just trading one harmful addiction for another and I hate that John used that loyalty to allow that. he ENCOURAGED her to do that bc it meant that she’d rely on him for guidance, bc it’d keep her dependant on him and thus would ensure that he’d always have her assistance. I hate that man so much Mandy deserved better!!!
I have also been fond of Strahm since I first saw him in IV lmao. part of that is he is Tall and Pretty and I am Gay but also bc? his character ALSO deserved to have been explored more!! he's also someone who had so so much potential and I wish his narrative had been more like. fulfilling? if tht makes sense. I'm particularly fond of the idea (which is actually mostly canon) that after what happens to Perez, he ends up acting as a sort of vigilante Jigsaw hunter. IDK I just adore that idea (also I wanted him to at least know Perez was okay b4 he died. I have no idea if he did but it breaks my heart to think he died not knowing she was alive, even if she was killed off in V - which by the way was ANOTHER shitty decision).
GIBSON!! I love him he's such a fucking dork. that scene where he's like "it's a safe house, Jill. safe. house." and IMMEDIATELY AFTER palmer comes in like "hoffman knows where we are" is SO fucking funny, esp the look on his face. I can't help it I'm sure that scene wasn't supposed to be funny but it was. but anyway! I think part of why I'm drawn to him is bc he has a very strong moral compass (like Strahm, though perhaps in a different way) and I do genuinely think he wants to help ppl and keep them safe, and I think he's also willing to bend the rules if it'll help ppl. I know he's in one movie and he Dies In It but IDK... funny little guy. I care him.
I've spoken abt it a little bit but I've adored Laura since I first watched II. it just kinda struck me how she's so kind and she's so scared and she didn't deserve to die the way she did. she didn't even deserve to be in the HOUSE (along w pretty much everyone in that trap,, I have conflicting feelings abt Xavier though) and the fact that she was literally abducted from her own car in the middle of the night. I don't know she just strikes me as someone who has such a big heart and wants to be able to trust ppl and then she gets forced into hell. Laura baby you deserved better and I wish you'd survived <//3
Both Daniel Matthews and Daniel Rigg!! I genuinely love Rigg so much and it pisses me off beyond belief that his flaw according to Jigsaw was... caring abt ppl?? like yes I do agree tht Rigg was absolutely overworking himself + needed to give himself a break and that his focus on the case was unhealthy but Eric was a close friend of his and like... he felt guilty that he let Eric leave. he just wanted to find his friend. I totally understand why he went through the door, knowing that Eric was on the other side even if he didn't know what'd happen when he did go through. he breaks my heart dude!! he deserved better too.
and Daniel!!! Daniel is such a sweetheart, esp the way he interacts with everyone, the way he covers up Gus's head to allow him some dignity, the way he keeps close to Laura once he notices her getting weaker and tries to encourage her to keep going,, he's just this sweet kid who's acting out due to problems at home when at his core, he just wishes his family wasn't so splintered. I'm also heartbroken abt the fact that like. he saw most of his fellow captives die and then Had To Kill One Himself. and then when he gets out? one of the only ppl he trusted turned out to have been responsible for putting him there AND his dad is missing after doing everything in his power to make sure Daniel was gnna be okay. he makes me so fucking sad dude.
so I'm gnna gather these next ones together but Eric, Mallick, Art, and William (Easton). I've spoken abt Eric and William here a little bit b4 and I do want to clarify tht I do not condone/excuse their actions bc I have gotten. shitty asks in th past abt them frm ppl who seem to think I just excuse their actions bc I like them?? which is So not the case lmao
but! moving on. as I'm a lot more nervous to talk abt him than I used to be, I haven't discussed Eric for a while but rest assured I am thinking abt him always. again my bestie adam creates SO much good content for him and is like one of th only ppl I feel comfortable talking abt him with so like! a lot of my thoughts center around the AU where Eric survives the ice block trap and learns to cope w his life after. the reason I included these four together is bc they're very intertwined in the SAW polycule (which was also created by Adam <33)! it also like... breaks my heart to think tht like. Eric spends the entirety of SAW II thinking his child is in immediate danger and he can't do anything to help him. his entire motive is finding his son. has he been kind of a shitty father so far? yes, honestly. but no one cld ever say he doesn't love Daniel. it also destroys me to think abt how in canon, Eric probably didn't even know Daniel was okay!!! like that level of horror is too much for me man!!
Mallick is honestly so. I don't even know how to explain it. I relate to him a lot as well bc we have very similar tics + th way we experience things? like he spends so much time trying to make himself smaller, even if he's brash and somewhat abrasive in the way he talks to the rest of the Fatal Five. he'd known Brit for all of an hour maybe and was willing to sacrifice himself for her if it meant she'd get out. he harbours so much guilt abt the fire he set and what it did to innocent ppl, which was not his intention but a result of his (and Brit’s) actions nonetheless. I rlly do think he'd been torturing himself internally abt tht + thus sees the fact he'd ended up in a Jigsaw game ("I knew this was going to happen to me") as a sort of karmic punishment, due retribution he didn't receive as he was never arrested in connection to the fire. I don't know there's so much abt Mallick that makes me sad and honestly I just want him to be happy too. if you want fantastic Mallick meta (and amazing meta in general) then I have to suggest @ericmatthewz + his meta takes (who has so far been mentioned in this post as my bestie Adam kjfhakj ily <33)
Art!!! I am so fond of him. was he an apprentice? was he an unlucky bastard who happened to have been tested twice (which is interesting, considering Eric is the only other person that’s happened to)? we don’t know! and that’s the interesting part. if he WAS an apprentice, I like to think tht he wasn’t an active participant in John’s nonsense - his job was to set up Rigg’s tests and keep watch over Eric + Hoffman and nothing more. I definitely don’t think he agreed w what John was doing, and I also think he had a lot of like. compassion for Eric. ‘cause he didn’t have to stabilize him after he tried to jump off the ice, he didn’t have to interact w him at ALL, but he did those things anyway. he saved him anyway. that stuck w me for some reason. if he WASN’T an apprentice, I rlly do think it’s just another show of John’s hypocrisy (”It can’t be personal” okay old man so what the fuck is w Lawrence and Art and William and even Amanda as a patient at Jill’s clinic?? huh??) and an exercise of power. Art was doing his fucking job. Are Rex and Ivan terrible ppl? absolutely and I don’t feel bad for them whatsoever! but the nature of Art’s occupation is tht sometimes, you don’t get to choose. sometimes you have to play devil’s advocate bc That’s Your Job. I’m not saying all lawyers are innocent here but like... it’s His Job, you know? just. jhfkjsa. same reason I hate how John treated Lawrence.
WILLIAM. okay. I totally get where ppl are coming from when it comes to like... discussions of his job and the problems that lie within rejecting coverage of medical needs, esp bc healthcare is a shitshow in th US and often doesn’t help the ppl that need it most, but. I find John’s treatment of William very... invasive? implanting the key in his side, hooking those explosive bracelets/anklets into his skin, tattooing him permanently under those devices - that’s all incredibly invasive and intentional. like John doesn’t want William to forget how he thinks of him. And the fact that none of his trials were recorded in the sense that Tara & Brett (both of whom I can totally understand why they wouldn’t like William, from their perspectives) or Pamela cld see what he sacrificed for his team. that is also smth I believe was intentional.
we’re shown countless times that William tries to do whatever he can to make sure ppl make it out, but John’s constructions of his tests mean that he just Can’t which! again! is intentional!!!! and that fucks me up!!! I rlly do believe at his core William is a man who believes he’s doing the right thing (even if the system is Incredibly flawed) and what he wanted at the end of the day was to keep ppl alive and safe and the fact tht he cldn’t is smth that weighs heavily on him and I dunno. I just think abt tht a lot. (I am so sorry for this huge paragraph)
last three are Jill, Diana, and Corbett <33 Jill I just think is neat + I often think abt how all she wanted to do was help ppl, how she probably made a genuine connection with Amanda and cared so deeply for her that she still checked up on her when she could, and the fact that her desire to help others inadvertently caused the greatest tragedy she’d ever experienced thus far, though it wasn’t her fault whatsoever. I often think abt how she’d had to grieve alone (”I lost him too”) and how hard that must’ve been - and then John was revealed to be the Jigsaw killer, and I Know that had to have been Such a blow. I care abt Jill and I rlly don’t like th way her story ended. she’s such a strong character and it very much feels like a cop out to have her killed off in the way she was! after everything she’d been thru!! to have someone so caring with such a big heart endure such hardship only to kill her off when she’s on the cusp of like. beginning to heal and maybe put John behind her was a Bad decision tbh. + also this is also a brief opportunity to say that I’ve considered Jill/Kerry b4 and like in an AU where they both survive? badass vigilante gfs who will singlehandedly end Jigsaw if they have to (and who cld team up w Perez & Strahm too :3c).
Diana and Corbett!! my girls!! all I have to say abt them is that I’m very attached to them bc they’re just kids. they are literally not even in double digits when going thru Jigsaw’s bullshit and I Hate that (I hate tht Daniel + Brett were involved just as much!!). I do find it interesting that as a villain, Jigsaw has no qualms abt endangering children when typically that’s a hard limit for most villains, but I fucking hate it at th same time bc again. they are KIDS (goes to show how fucked up John’s doctrine is too djfkasdks). I like to hc them as being close friends both as children and throughout their lives + are good + supportive for one another <33
anyway. ty for asking + I am. SO sorry tht I went off so much dkjhfkadsjk
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