#sorry i ramble so much im just super passionate about giant transforming robots and iwant other people to love them too
girlwiththegreenhat · 5 years
I actually have had no interest in Transformers up until now (I only knew about the old cartoon robots and overly humans faces don’t appeal to me) but I had no idea there was a more recent cartoon until you reblogged videos and art and such! I wanted to ask, is the series narratively engaging? Like does it have good arcs and character builds and themes and what not? Also, I think there was a 3D a 3D animation series, right? Between 2d and 3D, which would you recommend to watch first?
There have actually been a lot of recent cartoons, when one ends another one follows in roughly a year. Based on the ones I post about though, the two you’re probably referring to are Transformers Animated… (2007 ~ 2009, newer in regards to the original 80s cartoon but hardly the most recent Transformers series. also my favorite lol)
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... and Transformers Prime. (2010 ~ 2013, the series after TFA and the only real 3D animation TF series I actively reblog.)
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Transformers Animated has a good narrative and absolutely amazing characters tbh. The three-part episode it starts with really grabs your attention so you don’t even have to wait for it to get good, but it’s not afraid to be silly either - season three does get more serious but it doesn’t majorly affect the overall tone of the series, its def still goofy. I recommend TFA as anyone’s intro to the franchise, it’s a great look at what Transformers is really meant to be? It can be serious, but at the same time its a story about giant alien robots coming to earth that turn into cars. Silliness comes with the territory. Also the world building and development that went into TFA is... absolutely crazy. The folks that made it obviously have a looooot of love for the franchise. Overall: TFA is underrated, hella well-written, you end up loving most of/all of the characters, and the only downsides are the occasional kinda-annoying human villains and the fact that Hasbro cancelled it so finishing season 3 gives you a sad empty feeling inside and the feeling to avenge it. (You can legally stream it for free on Tubi btw! and if you like it make sure to tell hasbro that, we’re trying to get the fourth season we deserve and the writers said if we push hard enough hasbro might give lol.)
Transformers Prime is... not bad, honestly. It used to be my favorite for a while but it lost some of its luster with age, it’s not a bad show IMO but the characters can be a lil flat sometimes (mainly the autobots, the decepticons in this show are actually more entertaining most of the time lmfao) and some of the plots can get repetitive. I’d still recommend it if you’re really into Transformers but it’s a darker take on the franchise, even written for a young teen audience rather than kids. If you prefer the silliness of TFA though you might not like it, and the 3D animation is kinda limiting so there aren’t as many characters as there are in TFA.
.... gonna tangent back to TFA real quick but that’s another thing that’s great about it, because it’s done with 2D animation it fits in a looooooooot of characters. you end up falling in love with characters that only show up for a couple of episodes, and all of them have such unique crazy personalities i guarantee you’ll have at least a couple favorites by the time the series is over.
anyway there are quite a few other series, some 2D, some 3D, some a mix of both, and of course the movies as well (the only liveaction TF movies worth watching are the recent ‘bumblebee’ movie), and I do reblog a bit from series I don’t watch much or at all, so if you had another series in mind that i missed i apologize xD Transformers Cyberverse is the current series, TLDR ehhh its not bad. the episodes are short and its also silly so if you like TFA check out the first few episodes on youtube and see if it’s your kinda thing.
Also, the original 1980s cartoon can definitely look weird in a lot of ways but surprisingly it has quite a few genuinely good episodes. If you enjoy TFA i recommend watching some of the fan favorite episodes because there are some solid ones. the series had a lot of writers and none of them were allowed to talk to each other so the writing quality varies, some of the episodes are Typical 1980s Cartoon Nonsense(tm) and some of them are Genuinely Good Especially For A 1980s Cartoon Hot D a m n.
tldr - transformers animated is great, i absolutely recommend you watch it first ESPECIALLY if you've never really watched anything transformers before. transformers prime is... okay. darker themes but some of the characters aren't as strong and some of the plots are bleh. watch it second if it appeals to you but based on your ask it might not. G1 (original old cartoon) has some Genuinely Good Episodes that still hold up which i recommend you to seek out should you enjoy TFA, they're worth looking past the animation errors and personal taste in character design.
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