#sorry to all my followers for putting fucking art drama on ur dash
bionic-penis · 9 months
did you even look at the links in the journal? https://sta.sh/0oaewsw1qme https://sta.sh/218azefzfdww https://tupe-lo.tumblr.com/post/184656093423/venty-vent
Yeah I did.
The screenshot about the dead body proves nothing other than, allegedly, AwoDee is comfortable around death. The screenshot is cut up too so we don't even know if its actually AwoDee saying that nor do we get any context. Bad evidence.
The link where AwoDee and CandyRotten have a conversation over discord regarding AwoDee's art also proves nothing. It literally just looks like a conversation gone wrong which, considering that AwoDee AND CandyRotten both have autism (with CandyRotten saying IN THE JOURNAL that autistic ppl naturally struggle with tone and communication) uh yeah I'm not surprised. The one time we get good evidence and its just people being annoying and not understanding eachother be fuckin fr.
And finally, the link to the vent also proves nothing other than, allegedly, AwoDee was a minor who'd go into adult spaces which is bad, but also isn't something that I'm going to condemn someone for, especially four years after the fact. Not only that but the original poster of the vent provides no actual evidence. It's all hearsay which, given the fact that it's a vent post, makes sense, but it also means it shouldn't have been used as evidence in a journal (from 2019) thats still being passed around to this day. Bad evidence.
CandyRotten made bold claims that, if any of these people were a bit more popular, could ruin AwoDee's life. You can't just call someone a neo-Nazi and insinuate that they're having inappropriate relations with children without proof. Also why was the only proof we're given about stupid shit? You're telling me CandyRotten had time to grab multiple screenshots about AwoDee being annoying about his art, but NOT him being racist? Seems a little fishy and it calls CandyRotten's priorities into question.
Its possible that AwoDee did all of those things, but because CandyRotten was unable to provide screenshots we can't know for sure. It is irresponsible to pass around CandyRotten's journal as if it contains any kind of validity. Furthermore, this was four years ago. People change. CandyRotten himself has mentioned being a bad person but moving on and growing from that. Why isn't AwoDee given the same grace?
Give me actual evidence or leave me alone.
PS: its so fucking annoying that a lot of these points were "omg hes sooo weird hes got a gore fetish he's into cannibalism" can we all fucking grow up please. Being into horror is not weird nor is it something someone should be condemned for. You dont have to like but you don't get to act like someone's a creep for being into it. Honestly this guy sounds like he fucks.
Also fuck ppl for calling this guy weird for displaying behaviours commonly associated w autism. How was that ever okay. Like I'm supposed to side with CandyRotten when he's calling out AwoDee's "weird" behaviour while also acknowledging that autism affects how you interact and communicate? Where am I?
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nicecrumbart · 2 years
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