kindathewholepoint · 2 years
The catch phrase for my SPN Vancouver ops was “Plan B.” I went into the con with credits from Gen and Rich canceling and a Jensen solo, J2 and Baby, and a J2M. Used the Gen and Rich credits to buy a Jared/Misha and the Rob & Ruth. Then with Jared canceling due to COVID, three of my five ops had to be traded in. But Plan B turned out pretty okay :-)
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I had a reference photo for this op and I went in and was looking down to get my hand situated and then looked up and my brain went “eeeek, why is he looking at me? Oh, right, because I told him to.” LOL 
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This is a photo of me laughing at Jim’s comment that the people ahead of me looked like they were wearing Jared’s clothes (they were very tall people wearing plaid - he was not wrong).
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