#stannis does some shit im like 'dude i dont think you care i know YOU think you care but i dont think you being king would make you any les
seaworthee · 1 year
my favourite thing about reading asoiaf is thinking to myself 'you dont have to do this. nobody's making you do this.' every two pages
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therewas-a-girl · 7 years
still dont understand why danny is vilified for that opening scene where she burned the Tarlys, but okay.  
no i cant leave this at that, i need to run through this bullshit to get it off my chest. 
first of, we have tyrion, walking after the battle among the charred remains of the soldiers looking devastated... as if he isnt the man who did the exact same thing to other soldiers, during a battle.  as if he has any right to be sanctimonious when he helped joffrey rule and actively helped his father rule after teh red wedding, and did nothing to even hint he protested against the - one example only - devastation that came from loosening the Mountain in the Riverlands for instance. at least those soldiers died there quickly. who dies faster, someone being burned alive or someone having his chest chewed through by a rat? tyrion is far better in the show than in the books, far more polished, but even in the show he has no room to be sanctimonious about this shit. or is danny supposed to be ‘’’better’‘‘ and she’s supposed to prove that by magically taking over a continent by handing out flowers? 
i have to amend sth here. its not like tyrion could have picked up and left like Shea suggested. in Essos, anywhere really, without the Lannister name, Tyrion’s life would have been entirely defined by his disability, and that is not fair. its not fair to ask him to chose that - when speaking against his dad would mean exactly that for him, perhaps. idk. But still, i don’t think he has room to act like danny did something unforgivable. 
maybe believing in her meant that he believed she was better than all of them, idk. maybe he’s just disappointed that in war, she looks just like everyone else. idk.
yeah she used drogon to intimidate. so did robb stark - use his ‘big as a horse’ fucking direwolf. sit down. 
‘im not here to murder’ - called out as if its hypocritical. i need someone who is versed in the law to tell me about the difference between two sides killing each other in open battle after having declared war. and one part indiscriminately killing the other in circumstances that had not been expected and that break the sacred laws of the land. like say, slaughtering people at a wedding after offering them hospitality. bowing up all the nobility of the capital in a holy building. 
and that’s not to say that it means a lot to say ‘someone is better than tywin or cersei’. it’s actually to express my deep frustration with how unbelivable it is than anyone would stay faithful to someone like that, or to the legacy the lannisters are leaving behind. because jamie is dead wrong on one thing: people do care how they are building this world. 
lmao Tarly being faithful to Cersei is just.. beyond me, honestly. why dude? how am i supposed to believe that? 
‘say what you will but at least cersei was born in Westeros’ MOTHERFUCKER SO WAS DAENERYS  BITCH WHAT THE FUCK
correction... d&d. THOSE motherfuckers 
i hate how Tarly is acting like Danny was away on some long vacation or something. like she has no right to be there and her family never ruled for 300 years. Danny comes off as so entitled and demanding because literally - and here is the proof - she has to shout ‘i will take what is mine’ five times as harder as say, Stannis, to be even glanced at, let alone taken seriously. and people have the gall to sit there and point their noses in the air to over the fact that, no, she happens not to have anymore patience for being insulted to her face when she offers to release the Prisoners of War she made, and not say, execute them so that hse doest have to feed them. like its usually the way in westeros. 
fuck this asshole, in short
lmfao ‘A FOREIGN INVADER WITH NO TIES TO THIS LAND’. i mean... what, do the Tarly now resent the Targaryens for the Conquest from as far back as 300 years ago and still call them foreigners? who knows! certainly not me. 
‘an army of savages at her back.’ seriously. he’s insulted her, her family, the slaughter done to them, the people who follow her, who bled and died for her, and her offer of mercy, TWICE. at this point danny is not just justified in killing him but seriously, this fucker is suicidal. 
lmao DickOn wants to die with his dad. 
someone tell me why i am supposed to sympathize with them? why im supposed to treat danny’s reaction as unreasonable or even cruel beyond any measure? she gave them a choice. literally, many choices and they found a way to refuse every single one. 
i get that danny is the “savior” and everything, but i find it deeply unfair to hold her to impossibly high standards of behavior. even when she takes actions that are, in the universe of the show, wholly reasonably things, she suddenly becomes ‘the mad queen’. what’s up with that? there was nothing mad about any of what she did. she just didnt do the PERFECT thing, and yet, people seem to be dying for her to be the villain. ‘not perfect’, doesn't mean ‘more villainous than the great other’ 
still can’t believe that she is judjed harshly for a scene where even that dick tarly said ‘there are hard choices at war’ as if he had any right to say it. but he did say it though. when tarly made his imperfect choice, he was ‘not willing to give up his honor for his lands’ tho, and it was to be respected. when danny made her imperfect choice, she’s the ‘mad queen’ 
no. just no. 
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