chaosgremlinmunson · 8 months
STWG daily prompt 5/10/23
Prompt: quiet
Pairing: Steddie, platonic Stobin, and Eddie/Robin friendship
Subject: unexpected child, Steve has bad parents.
When Eddie came bounding up the driveway he was thinking he'd get to see Steve, cause some chaos while making his boy smile, and snuggle up all night. What he wasn't expecting was to get there, and as she opened the door be cornered by Robin who immediately shushed him, pulling him back outside for a moment.
"What's going on Birdie? Why did you kidnap me back outside?" Eddie was staring at Robin now, who was biting her thumbnail.
"Look, uh, something unexpected happened this morning and well, I don't really know how to say this." Robin was rambling, "Ok, so uh, so there's a baby in the house. And well you know Steve's parents are horrible but we haven't even heard from them since spring break of last year, and then today this girl showed up. Well, anyway Steve apparently now is responsible for his little sister, the girl is two years old and they're just now dumping her on him?! I mean, could they not find his dad, why Steve? Why is it always Steve?"
Eddie just stood next to Robin, his arms wrapped around his torso, rocking back on his heels as he stared up into the cloudy sky, "You, know. He's lucky has you Birdie. But if you bringing me outside was warning because you thought I'd run-"
"I know you're not going to. If you break his heart I'll make you wish those bats finished the job Munson, and you know it."
"Yeah, I know Bucks. I love him. No matter what baggage comes with that I'm not letting him go, I hope I can talk him into leaving this Podunk town, maybe bring you with us, we can move to Indianapolis, or God I don't know, just somewhere far from Hawkins. The kids are all leaving, you know. I heard they Byers are all going back to California and Hopper is of course following his family. The Sinclair's apparently are fostering Max and moving them all to Chicago since Max's mom can't be found, and Dustin and his mom said wherever we go she'll move Dusty close by. The Wheelers are apparently moving down to Texas, something about Ted's father owns a ranch and they need a fresh start anyway. Just, let's go be with our boy, be whatever he needs right now and we can figure out everything else later." Eddie knew he just rambled for too long, but he needed Robin to know this wasn't spur of the moment. This was something he wanted, and if Robin needed to come so Steve was there he was thrilled. He loved them both.
They walked quietly back in being sure to make no noise, and they rounded the corner to Steve singing softly to his sister holding her close as she slept. Eddie knew in that moment, he was going to marry this man and that little girl would know nothing but true unconditional love for all of her life. He quietly sat next to Steve on one side while Robin took the other, and together they just watched the newest angel of their little family as she held on to her big brother even in her sleep.
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