lazychildoflife · 1 year
Prince Regulus and Prince Sirius
[I don’t know where this would fit. I’m just making these up as I go along but I do wonder what the dynamics between these two are in this HotD AU!. Sirius is the one holed up at the Black Palace whilst Regulus is making a name for himself. Regulus is still being seen as the better son, the better prince whilst Sirius is only known as the heir to the throne who cannot get hurt no matter what. Sirius is going to be kind of reserved at the start whilst Regulus is quite unhinged and battle ready. I do want the brothers fighting against and beside each other at someone. I haven’t gotten the story line completely just get. These snippets are just small thoughts of what I potentially want.]
"Are you happy?"
Regulus paused from wiping his sword and furrowed his brows. He glanced around the room only to see it empty besides Sirius and himself.
"With what?"
Sirius shrugged. "Living, I guess. Are you happy in your life?" He repeated with hesitation. Sirius didn't know why he was asking Regulus about this. All he knew about his younger brother was the fact that he was a famed warrior, a husband and a father to two children. And he had a close relationship with his sworn sword.
"Why wouldn't I be?" Regulus frowned, placing his clean sword back on his side. "Other than this stupid war, I have everything I've ever wanted."
"Like," Sirius pressed on. "Tell me about it."
"I-" Regulus' words got stuck in his throat as he saw the sheer volume of want, tiredness, love? “You should meet my children when this is all over.”
“Juliet Zabini is your wife, right?”
Regulus nodded, his mouth quirking up slightly. “We have a third on the way. Atlas, our oldest, is starting to talk a lot more these days. Babbling on in English and French.”
Sirius smiles. “Saying what?”
Regulus leans back onto the wall. “No fucking clue. Apparently, only Bianca knows. She’s only had her first nameday a few moons ago and believes that Atlas holds the world in his hands. You cannot see one without the other."
Sirius smiles at that. "Does she treat you well? Juliet?"
Regulus nods. "She's one of my closest friends and the love we share will always reflect that."
Sirius frowns, "she knows?"
"About Barty and I?" Sirius nods. Regulus nods back at him, "of course. She's the one who introduced us."
Regulus frowned at Sirius. "How are our parents? I only hear about them in passing."
Sirius clears his throat, "they're alive. I barely see them. How are the Prewett family? You're staying there, aren't you?"
"I am. I fought with Lord Prewett at Nocturn Alley whilst our aunt looked after Juliet and the children."
Regulus leaned back onto the wall as he stared at his older brother. He truly didn't hear much about him. Even his own spies didn't have much to report back to him. Prince Sirius, by all regards, is a quiet and meek individual.
But Regulus didn't believe that.
Not one bit.
Regulus was taken into the Prewett family as a ward after the council chose their father as the heir and not their aunt, the Princess Lucretia at the age of five. They've had thirteen years apart yet Regulus could remember Sirius being the life of the party. He was a mischievous prankster and yet the most protective brother.
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