#table 7: delfi giving up on life
marciego · 2 years
where you sitting, violetta+soy luna edition
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reblog and say in the tags which table is your favorite <3
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 5 months
If DCLA characters had Tumblr part 3 🕺🏼
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🙍🏻‍♂️ my-name-is-tomas follow
🙍🏻‍♂️ my-name-is-tomas follow
Who answered no? 😞
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👩🏻‍🦱 dangerously-beautiful-ant follow
What are your first memories?
I’ll go first: I was 3 and my little sister was just born, and I got to hold her and I asked if she was gonna stay with us forever 🥹☺️
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
I was around 2 and had woken up, and no one was awake so I wandered the house confused over where everyone had gone. Then, I went into the kitchen and there was my mom. She picked me up and hummed a tune and I felt so soothed 💓
🌼 punk-not-dead follow
I was kicked out of daycare at age 3 because I had ”caused too much trouble”. Apparently our teacher had put some matches on the table because they were gonna use them, and we were instructed to NOT touch them. So naturally I did touch them and I lit a curtain on fire. They wanted to excuse this as an accident if it weren’t for the fact that I had been opening the front door and run outside to the parking lot, escaped through a window at naptime, and bit a teacher I hated so hard that she started bleeding. There was also some incidents where I ran with knives or scissors, although no one got hurt, but now they just could not take it anymore.
I just remember waiting in the teacher’s lounge as my mom was inside the principal’s office, and I really needed to pee. And I could have just walked over to the potty standing in the restroom next door but I decided to make my mean teachers suffer, so I put my pants down and peed on their couch. I covered it with a pillow.
A minute later my mom came out and we left. I never returned but those bitches got what they deserved. I wish I could have seen their reactions.
🎀 italys-biggest-bow-collector follow
I don’t even know if I can tell my first memory after whatever I just read?
Respectfully what the heck.
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🍓 chico-fresa follow
There’s so many people I know irl who has Tumblr. The problem is, I can’t figure out who some of them are. And they won’t say.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
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Way to vaguepost about me in tags, Matteo. Anyway I’ll give you a hint: I barely speak to you.
🍓 chico-fresa follow
… Delfi?
But even Delfi speaks to me a little bit because of interviews so…
🐬 fab-and-chic-delfi follow
It’s not me.
🍓 chico-fresa follow
I WILL figure it out! Just you wait!
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Good fucking luck snob-dude
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🎸 beanie-guitarist follow
I love getting to know people on tumblr. You all have such interesting lives. Literally everyone I meet here are like ”oh no my life is so boring” and then they tell me something about it that sounds so interesting!!
💍 queenoftherink follow
As if people you know irl do not have interesting lives.
😎 rapmiro follow
Yeah, like Ramiro! You know him! I make your life interesting by spreading my interesting life!
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🎹 moondust-og follow
Uploaded a new video at my channel with a brand new piano cover! Link in the pinned post 🎵
👨‍🍳 kunsts-best-chef follow
Everyone check out my roomate’s work!!!!
💃🏼 daisydances follow
^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!
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🌟 supernova-number-one follow
Fun fact, I’m a brunette but my mom from an early age thought I would have looked better blonde and she encouraged me to dye it… this is the first year since I was like 7 that I actually have my natural hair color again.
💍 queenoftherink follow
Oh, reminds me of how my ”mom” liked to put my hair in the same hairstyle as her, I legit looked like a mini her for so long… I’m blonde, though my natural hair color is darker blonde, and she did also encourage me to dye it to platinum blonde.
🌟 supernova-number-one follow
May I ask why you write mom in quotations?
💍 queenoftherink follow
Long story short, I’m adopted by her but due to some safety bullshit or whatever she didn’t want people to know that, because she has a lot of power and if people knew she had a daughter that could have lead to danger for me. So, I have always referred to her as my godmother. Some of our staff probably still believes I’m actually her goddaughter lol.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
Now why were you ok with answering when she asked but when I asked you just called me a ”dear lesbian on the internet”?
💍 queenoftherink follow
Now is not the time, dear lesbian on the internet.
🏳️‍🌈 creyendoenmi follow
I hope you know that I know you irl
💍 queenoftherink follow
But on the internet you’re a dear lesbian.
#i know you like it #your bio title is literally ’dear lesbian on the internet’ you love that title #you’re welcome for giving it to you
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🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
My cousin’s friend offered me some strange gummy bears 🤣 And now I feel really loopy.
💍 queenoftherink follow
@not-homophobic-goth-girl EMILIA WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU GIVE HER
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl follow
Just some gummy bears?
💍 queenoftherink follow
She’s literally declaring a cheese slicer a god Emilia wtffff!!!!
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl follow
That just sounds like common Luna behavior to me.
Also what’s a cheese slicer?
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
Wait how do you not know what a cheese slicer is?
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl follow
GOD DAMMIT LUNA you ruined the prank!!
💍 queenoftherink follow
Wait this was a prank???
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
Yeah, I had to ruin the prank because I am genuinely confused - do you not know what a cheese slicer is?
Ámbar we decided to prank you that I had gotten high because Emilia said ”it would be priceless”. She actually just gave me regular gummy bears.
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl follow
Wtf is a cheese slicer I never seen that in my life
💍 queenoftherink follow
Gotta admit good prank… i’m giving you credit I fell for it.
But now I’m also wondering how you do not know what a cheese slicer is.
💄 not-homophobic-goth-girl follow
I don’t eat a lot of cheese?
💍 queenoftherink follow
NEITHER DO I but I fucking know what it is???
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📝 angiesthoughts follow
I remember when my niece was a baby and I had a terrible day at school before coming over to visit, and my sister was busy in the kitchen and I just… vented to my niece as she laid on her playpen. And since that day, I for whatever reason felt like she was the best listener to my troubles. It was perfect, I could talk out about my problems and she just listened. Then I could cuddle with her to feel better. I used to offer to change her diapers just so we could be alone for a moment and I could just… vent.
Now she’s all grown up and I’m listening to all of her vents and bringing comfort and cuddles 💓 I guess I returned the favor.
🎤 singing-is-who-i-am follow
Well I guess this is one way to find out my aunt has Tumblr?
#angie please block the hashtag ’vilu gets real’ I have sworn to never let any family members see that #not even my cool aunt sorry
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✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Watching Rise of the pink ladies and why is my girlfriend literally Nancy?
My girlfriend WOULD sing ”A world without boys” and Brutal Honesty is literally her guardian angel about her. Also Nancy sews clothes just like my girl 💛💛
🍓 chico-fresa follow
Wait I figured it out! You’re Jim! Figured out one person on Tumblr I know irl…
I didn’t know you had a girlfriend! Thought you were straight honestly. Who’s your girlfriend? Wait don’t tell I wanna figure it out 🤔
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Get the fuck out of this post if you’re not gonna discuss rise of the pink ladies this post was only for that show and also so that my girlfriend specifically would reply. And she probably will reply in DMs now to make it harder for you.
#you’re on thin ice just for saying that you thought I was straight hope you know that
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🌼 punk-not-dead follow
It’s so funny because you may be close to most of your friends but there are some that knows more about your life than others.
I have some friends who know every single crazy thing I’ve done and then I have some friends who actually percieves me as ”chill” and does not even know about my boyfriend material scrapbook.
🛼 rollerskatingonthemoon follow
This. I love and cherish all of my friends but I don’t think some of them are aware of when I went to learn more about my past and had to dress up in a disguise to not be recognized at a nursing home, nor am I sure if they know all the drama that happened in the house I live in.
✌🏼 arodarmivida follow
Tell me why you never told me that you dressed up in a disguise to go to a nursing home?? That sounds hilarious I would have wanted to come along
#also op tell us about your boyfriend material scrapbook
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 11 (The Cut that Burrows Deep)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch. 10 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar feels like every step she takes, the more she can feel her heartbeat. It’s like she’s carrying it in her arms with nothing to guard it, out in the open alone. She opens the cold rusted handle of the entrance to the restaurant. There she is, her biological mom trembling while drinking a glass of water. Ámbar sums up all the courage inside her and takes the chance to approach her. When she grabs the seat in front of her, Sylvania can’t help but stare in shock. “Wow Ámbar, you truly have grown.” Ámbar may have brought all her walls down for the people she loves, but she puts them back up with this stranger.
“You can’t say that since you were never there for me. That’s no fair,” Ámbar chided. Sylvania chokes up and avoids eye contact. “Look Ámbar, I now know after everything that has happened the big mistake I made, but at the time it felt like the best option for you. I was young and didn’t have the means nor felt ready to take care of a child. I thought Sharon would’ve been a better parental figure instead of a young girl like myself. I later on regretted it and that’s something I shall have to carry with me for the rest of my life.”
Ámbar grips onto her purse trying very hard to hold back all her tears. She wonders why did this lady chose Sharon specifically and why did Sharon try to keep it a secret for so long? “I understand you were young, but I know that’s not the whole story because I have memories being in a different house that was NOT Benson Mansion. You saw me, you knew me, and didn’t like me enough to keep me,” Ámbar rebuked. Sylvania is showing tears now, she’s choking up with every word as her hand trembles just to take a sip of water. “It wasn’t like that at all Ámbar. I tried, I really did try to see if I was capable of taking care of a child. I noticed my arms weren’t so comforting for you. Sometimes when you love someone, so much, you have to let them go because you care,” Sylvania responded. Ámbar doesn’t know whether to believe what she’s saying or not. She wishes she can get out of these tornadoes of lies that always come chasing her. She’s sick of it all. She wants the truth. Is that too much to ask for?
Silence crowds the room, they’re breathing the same air but can’t even look at each other. Sylvania speaks up again. “I know this feels hard to believe but why do you think I came back? It was for that reason, I thought Sharon would be a better parent than me and would take great care of you. I realized I was sadly wrong.”
“Sharon? Of all people? What made you think that a woman who put a place on fire because she was jealous of her own sister would be a perfect parent for a child? Do you know she never showed me affection or love? I had to learn it all on my own. She only showed any signs of care when she needed me part of her plan that only benefitted her. You left me to a person who only cares about themselves,” Ámbar fumed.
“It wasn’t like that at all. I had no idea about her being the cause of the Benson fire and she had already adopted you before that even happened. When I met her, she was a kind woman, I was friends with Lili from work, so I had already knew the family. I assumed that Sharon had a good heart just like Lili, even though she was seemingly different. The whole time I would interact with her, she was always nice and seemed to really want a child because she always felt alone. It all just felt fitting.” Ámbar is trying to put together all the puzzle pieces in her head with Sylvania’s story. Part of her doesn’t believe it but…. It does kind of make sense. For her it justifies nothing even though she has hope.
Before she gets up from her seat, she leaves a wad of cash. “Ámbar where are you going? We haven’t even ordered yet?” Sylvania asks. “I’m not feeling hungry anymore, here’s some money for dinner.” Ámbar heads out the door with no remnants behind other than the tears that fall to the floor.
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Jam and Roller
“Eyyy amigo I’m so happy for the release of your new music video!” Gastón exclaims to Matteo. They’re both drinking smoothies while watching the Youtube countdown from Matteo’s phone. These are the special moments Matteo loves to share with Gastón since he’s always been his pal for the longest. He also loves sharing it with Luna too, but they sadly haven’t hit it off as well for a while. Matteo is hoping Gastón’s plan will work for the upcoming days.
Simón heads to their tables with a fresh batch of popcorn. “Wow, how exciting! It’s even more special since you get to enjoy it here at the Jam and Roller with us!” Simón states. Matteo grins but it slowly fades when he sees Luna walk into the cafeteria and completely ignoring him. “What happened?” Simón asks when he sees Matteo’s vivid expression abruptly change. “No nothing, I just wish I got to share this moment with another person too.” When Simón turns his head and sees who Matteo is staring at, he realizes what Matteo meant.
Nina pulls out her purse and hands her phone to Luna. “I know you’re trying to pretend you don’t care but you do. Watch the video, it’ll get rid of all your curiosities.” Luna shakes her head in disapproval. “Nina, the least I want to do is watch a music video of the one I love flirting with a girl who has a huge crush on him as well. They’re practically soulmates, meant for each other,” Luna exaggerates. “Oh c’mon, I know it’s complicated, but you know that’s not true. If you’re not going to do it for him, then do it for yourself. You deserve to see why he arrived late to your date.” Luna glares at Nina and decides to take the phone.
Once the music video is out, everyone begins to cheer for Matteo. Luna sits even more depressed seeing at the ‘amazing’ chemistry Matteo and Viviana had in the music video. She can’t help but doubt herself even more when all the comments from his fans say they ship him with Viviana. “Nina, I’m not feeling so good. I think I’ll just head home.” Nina nods and Luna begins to get up from her chair and head out. Matteo notices and follows her out.
“Luna! Luna, wait up! I need to tell you something,” Matteo yells out. “Matteo not now, I’m not in the mood. Congratulations of your video, it was very nice. I just don’t feel so good okay.” Matteo catches up to her and stands in front. “Look Luna, I don’t know if you’ll listen to me now but please go to tomorrow’s concert I’m having. My manager is having me make a concert to promote the single, but it wouldn’t be the same without you. Please Luna. You never miss any of my concerts,” Matteo begs. Luna gradually smiles. “Really? You still want me there?”
“Of course, I do Luna.” Luna now can’t help but blush. “Matteo, of course I’ll go. Even though I’m still a little upset at you calling me jealous, standing me up on our date, and not believing or listening to me, I still care. Since you want me there, I’ll be there.” Matteo is surprised by Luna’s comment and begins to graciously smile too. It was a moment for them, they hadn’t had one like this in a long time. It felt needed.
Nico is in the rink sitting on one of the chairs, he seems to be working on something since he has his notebook open with his pen. Jim enters and sees him alone. “Hey there, what are you working on?” Jim asks. “Oh just a few verses, I’m trying to get ahead on the Roller Band song for the competition, but nothing seems to come into mind,” Nico says. Jim heads to the seat beside him. She sits down and carefully glances over his blank page. “Oh yeah you do seem to be having some trouble,” Jim chuckles. “If you’d like I can help, I’m use to writing songs with Yam.” Nico turns and faces Jim, “Yes of course. I need all the help I can get; it’s been a while for me since I got to write a song with the Roller Band.” They both laugh together and get working on the song.
Jazmín dashes to Delfi holding a small slip of paper. “You won’t believe what just happened?” Delfi carefully places her books into her locker after seeing Jazmín rush to her. “Is it something new for the Fundom or for your blog, Ja Jazmin?” Delfi predicts. “Nope, you’re very far off. Look at this,” Jazmín hands Delfi the note. The more she reads it, the more her eyes grow like a flower blooming in the season, keeps opening. She’s in plain shock as Jazmín nods from her amusement. “Right! I have a secret admirer!! I have to post about this on my blog!” Jazmín frantically grabs her phone from her pocket but right when she’s about to film, Delfi stops her. “No Jazmín, this is something special. Honestly, I think this is something you should keep for yourself, every celebrity likes to keep their personal life separate from their work life,” Delfi advises. Jazmín thinks for a second and says, “Nahhh I’ll still post it, plus this can even help us discover who the anonymous writer is!”
The Restaurant
Yam is wearing her golden shimmery dress that Jim helped her pick out. She’s very anxious about her date with Ramiro, she wants it to go out perfect since this was something she had been dreaming of for a while. He puts down the menu and slips his hand under hers to her surprise. He gives her a shy smile. “I had been dreaming of this for a while. Before, I would always try to move on, but I just couldn’t. My mind just couldn’t forget about you,” Ramiro admits. Yam begins to tear up. “I felt the same way for so long but never said anything worried you didn’t feel the same way. I’m so happy about this moment. I don’t care how long I had to wait, it was totally worth it.”
Throughout the whole night, Yam and Ramiro shared college stories and even old memories of each other. How Yam never stopped writing songs about him and how Ramiro would skate imagining about her. Everything went smooth till dessert came. A random man with a suit and tie approached their table and faces Yam. “You look familiar, are you Yamila Sanchez from that Ja Jazmin blog?” Yam stays startled and stutters, “uhhh yes why?” The man quickly pulls a card out of his pocket. “Hillside Records, I’m the owner. I would like to set up a meeting with you for a chance at a record deal.” Yam immediately glares at Ramiro for a response. He shows his approval and gestures for Yam to respond. “Yes I would love to!” Yam exclaims. “Great! I’m available tomorrow at 5 pm. There is one important detail I have to tell you,” the man says. “Yes, what is it,” Yam asks. “The record company is not in Buenos Aires. It’s in California.” He proceeds to hand her the card. “Think about it, I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaves and Yam shows her disappointment to Ramiro, she couldn’t believe how such an exciting offer can turn to something so depressing. If she took this offer, that means she would have to leave her family, her friends, and her chance at being with Ramiro.
“Look I know this is hard to think about but just follow your heart. If this is something you truly want go for it, I can wait longer,” Ramiro grabs her hand and holds it. “I don’t know what to say. I never knew me pursuing a music career would mean I have to leave everything and everyone I love,” Yam gradually lets her tears fall onto her glittery dress.
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hide-in-imagination · 4 years
“Roads That Cross... With Delfi and Jazmín” (Part 1)
You can read the previous chapters here: (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13) 
This chapter ended up being way longer than I anticipated so I took the healthy decision of dividing it in two. That way you get updates faster, and I have time to figure stuff out in the meantime. Enjoy!
Simón wasn’t sure where the urge had come from, but he didn’t question it as he made the short walk to the mansion to get his guitar.
Part of him hoped he’d find Ámbar there or in the way there. He wanted to feel her close. He wanted to bury his face in her neck and breathe in the smell of her hair. It was a scent he could recognize now; even carried it with him after that morning, although he couldn’t smell it in himself. He still didn’t know exactly what it was 'cause the bottle didn’t show it, but it was nice, and most importantly, his memory associated it with sweet moments with Ámbar. Maybe if he smelled it, he’d feel better. Maybe if she just smiled at him, he’d feel better.
He didn’t find her.
Simón almost stayed in the storage room. Not because he wanted to hide from Benicio but because the calmness of the empty room was inviting. He could just stay for a while, play a couple songs without anyone bothering him…
You wanna lose your job too?
With a sigh, Simón placed the guitar inside its gig bag and made his return to the Roller alone.
Once inside, Simón walked to the stage and sat on its edge, bringing his guitar close and playing with the strings. Soon, a melody came about, a nostalgic one, and his voice came out to join it.
Te vas amor,
si así lo quieres qué le voy a hacer
Tu vanidad no te deja entender
Que en la pobreza se sabe querer…
Right as he began the next verse, another voice started singing, taking him by surprise. Simón snapped his head to the side and saw Luna, smiling widely as she walked closer to sit at his left. Seeing her smile brought a smile to him as well, and he strummed the guitar harder, with more vivacity, singing the chorus with her.
For two minutes, Simón forgot about everything. He felt back in Cancún, under the sun he had grown up with. He could almost hear the waves and their laughs with Luna and the voice of her mom begging him to stop playing that song.
Then the song was over, the strings rigid and static once again, just like his life. He felt stuck, as if, at some point, the solid ground under his feet had been replaced by a treadmill, and no matter how hard he ran, he didn’t arrive anywhere.
Simón didn’t have many moments like these; he didn’t allow himself to. He had learned— internalized from a very young age that a positive attitude was the key to achieve everything in life. And it wasn’t a karma thing where you expected the world to return your good deeds back to you one day, it was about how you chose to see things. Whenever something dragged you down or didn’t go as you wanted it to, you had two options: let it get you down or keep going. Simón kept going. He kept advancing and advancing, but there would always come a point where the big boulder he was pushing up the hill would roll back down and try to crush him.
This was one of those moments.
It was stupid, really. Benicio thrived on making other people’s lives miserable, for all intents and purposes he shouldn’t have listened to him. But he couldn’t un-listen to him, so now he had a cacophony of voices in his head calling him a failure. Telling him to go back to his country. Telling him that he wasn’t good enough.
“This song talks about love,” Luna told him hesitatingly, her green eyes showing worry. “Is there anyone that you think doesn’t deserve a love that’s sincere?”
It was funny. Some months ago, drowned in bitterness and hurt feelings, he would’ve answered ‘Ámbar’. Now though, it was like the lyrics he had sung a thousand times over had transformed into something else while remaining the same. It was like looking at something that could be written by a future version of himself. A version of himself abandoned with nothing left but a song.
“I wasn’t thinking about the lyrics,” he replied. It was both true and a lie. He was thinking about everything and nothing at once. A part of him was screaming at him to stop making up scenarios in his head while another kept answering ‘but what if they come true?’
Keep going.
Suddenly, Luna said she had to go, so Simón put on a smile to make it easier for her to do so.
Once again, it was just him and his guitar.
 Five times. Sharon had left five times enough money to pay for the tea and coffee they had consumed. She probably hadn’t even bothered to look at the prices and hadn’t taken the time to count in her haste to leave Ámbar alone once again. How long had they been together? Ten minutes? Five?
I failed.
Ámbar stayed in her seat, finishing her tea as she wallowed in everything that had gone wrong. Not only was Sharon not stopping but now she was mad about Simón. Oh, Simón; she had lied to him telling him she was going to see Vidia, all for what? She had told Sharon that she wasn’t going to tell him anything, and for what?
She didn’t know if what she was feeling was fear, frustration or anguish. Maybe all three. What was she gonna do? What could she do? She was trapped.
A sudden wave of anger hit her. This was all Sharon’s fault. All of it. She wouldn’t be in any mess if it wasn’t for her. Had Sharon ever even thanked her for all she had done for her? No, of course not, it’s just what was expected of her. And now she had the audacity to tell her who she should and shouldn’t be with? She wanted her to renounce something that made her happy just because of a whim of hers? She knew Sharon was selfish, but this was something else.
Ámbar reached for the bills Sharon had left. She didn’t want anything from her, she’d pay the drinks herself. She almost wanted to tear the money apart. She almost did. But then she got an idea.
No; she was going to spend it. And she was gonna spend it on something for Simón. It was the biggest ‘fuck you’ move she could manage at the moment and she was gonna do it.
With her mind made, she asked for the check, paid, and left the Café to go visit some stores.
The plan had been to just buy him something and go back to the Roller quickly, but once she started looking through different things, Ámbar lost sense of time.
It occurred to her that it was the first time she was shopping for Simón. What could he like? What would be useful? Those questions repeated on her mind. She got a little over-excited going through the stores, seeing everything on a new light because she wasn’t thinking about her tastes but about his.
Of course, she had bought stuff for Matteo when they were dating, but that had been different. Back then, she had done it almost with professionalism, going for the prestigious brands first, thinking about which accessory would fit more with his style or which item of clothes would go better with his skin color.
Clothes. Clothes are useful, he could like that.
As Ámbar went through different male sections, she confirmed how different it was to shop for Simón. She didn’t think about brands; she knew he didn’t care about that. Instead, she looked at different items and imagined how they would look on him. She thought about which one would make Simón happier, or which one would make her want to take it off him the most.
Not everything was fun though. Against her will, her conversation with Sharon continued to play on her mind. Her blind rage against the Valente, her accusation that Ámbar had switched sides, her ice-cold voice telling her to break up with Simón... 
It was the first time that Sharon ordered her something and Ámbar straight out refused. The fact made her proud as much as it scared her. What if Sharon was serious about wanting her away from Simón? What if there was retaliation? What if she did something?
Don’t be ridiculous, Ámbar, this is not a soap opera.
Sharon wasn’t going to hire assassins or something. Ironically, she would have to actually care to do anything about it, and all her life experiences had shown her that she did not.
‘You better listen to me, Ámbar, it’s for your own good.’
Ámbar put the hook she had been holding back into its rack with a little more force than necessary. ‘For your own good’; she was so sick of hearing that phrase from her mouth. To tell her that she would go down with her, that no one would forgive her…
She doesn’t need to tell me that, I know it already.
Ámbar shoved all of that out of her mind and re-focused on the clothes. She was gonna give Simón something, he was gonna be happy, and he wasn’t going to leave her.
The low budget made things difficult. Of course, she could use her credit card and not just Sharon’s money but, one, that would defeat the purpose, and two, she felt if she pulled her card out, she was going to end up buying half the mall and then Simón would feel bad and scold her for spending so much on him.
Well, he better be prepared for his birthday. There was no way she wouldn’t fill him with presents then.
If we’re still together, her mind retorted immediately. She focused all her will into ignoring that.
By the time she finally made it out of the mall, it had been hours. She felt irresponsible for leaving her work on the side for so long, but it was time well spent. She wanted to get to the Roller quickly and see Simón’s face.
But when she arrived, he wasn’t there. Confused, she turned to Pedro who was retrieving empty plates from a recently vacant table and asked him about Simón.
“He said he was going to the mansion and coming right back.”
Ámbar frowned. That was unusual. Maybe he had forgotten something that morning?
Anyway, he thanked Pedro and was making her way through the cafeteria to wait for Simón when she heard voices coming from the dressing room. The door was ajar, so she stopped right before it to avoid being seen and concentrated on listening. Normally, she wouldn’t have eavesdropped —the days where she focused on what everyone else was doing were behind her— but she immediately recognized the voices inside, and it did not sound good.
“...the Red Sharks no longer exist,” Ramiro was saying, his voiced clipped.
“Maybe it would still exist if its teammates weren’t traitors,” Benicio spat resentfully.
“The reason it doesn’t exist anymore is that you don’t even care about skating, all you two care about is ruining everyone else's lives! Just leave Delfi and Jazmín alone,” Ramiro exclaimed forcefully.
Ámbar’s attention peaked at hearing her ex-best friends’ names. Why was Benicio going against Jazmín and Delfi?
“We are not going to do anything; they did it to themselves all on their own. And I don’t remember asking for your opinion, traitor. Benicio, did you ask for his opinion?”
Oh, so Emilia was also there. It didn’t surprise her. Ever since Benicio arrived, she hanged to his every word. Ámbar had noticed some jealousy coming from her when Benicio and her had been… together. (God, how she hated to remember that.) Now that she was out of the way, Emilia had clearly stepped up to take the role of his right-hand woman. Or, more exactly, the same pitiful role she had played with Matteo.
“No, I didn’t,” Benicio answered, and Ámbar could perfectly imagine the cocky face he was making. “It seems to me like you’re just desperate for someone to talk to, Ramiro, interrupting conversations like that. But you made your choice. We don’t want you anywhere near us.”
“And if your besties from the Roller don’t want you near either, then… I’m sorry, honey. But you’re going to be very, very alone.”
Emilia’s mocking tone made Ámbar want to slap her. They had been something like friends once, but the more time passed, her attitude became worse. Ámbar had had the hope that Emilia would come to her senses since she was not stupid, but with Benicio’s influence and her trying to win his attention… It was a bad mix.
If the pair had been trying to intimidate Ramiro, it didn’t work. His voice sounded firm and decided when he replied, “I prefer it that way.”
“Leave Delfi and Jazmín alone, I mean it,” he said with a warning tone, and next thing Ámbar knew, he was walking out the door, almost colliding with her.
Ramiro’s eyes widened when they focused on her.
Quickly, Ámbar rose her hands in a gesture for him to remain quiet and dragged him away by the arm. She stopped inside the lockers and turned to Ramiro.
“What was that about?” She asked in some of a quiet voice in case Emilia or Benicio walked by. “I heard Delfi and Jazmín being mentioned, what are Benicio and Emilia planning?”
Ramiro let out a deep sigh. “Sadly, I have to admit that Delfi and Jazmín were the ones who got themselves in this situation.”
“What situation?”
“Did you watch their last videos?”
Ámbar blinked. “No? I have more important things to do.”
“Like going shopping?” He asked sardonically, giving a look to the bag she had left behind her on top of the bench.
“Oh. No, that was just an improvised gift for Simón,” she dismissed.
Ramiro gave her the cheekiest smile and look on the planet. “Awww, the little princess is in love.”
Ámbar rolled her eyes.
“Don’t tease me, Ramiro, just tell me what’s up.”
He laughed and shook his head. “Fine,” he sighed. “So, basically, Delfi’s and Jazmín’s last videos were almost identical. Everyone assumed one had copied the other and each of them claimed the other was the copycat, which generated a fight.”
“But, the truth is that they planned it all. They made the whole scandal to gain views and subscribers.”
Ámbar raised her eyebrows. “Really…”
And then they complained that it was she who pushed them to do these kinds of things. Look at them now. She didn’t even talk to them and they had planned a scam all on their own!
They could not blame her influence for this one, and Ámbar felt a little happy about that. It was almost vindication. Also, it served as proof that even ‘the good ones’ made bad deeds sometimes.
Contrary to her silent joy, Ramiro looked troubled.
“It was wrong what they did, I know that. But now that Benicio and Emilia know about it, they’re going to tell the whole world and I’m worried about what’ll happen to the girls.”
If Ámbar knew the internet at all, they were going to get a lot of hate once the news broke out. Backlash from a failed plan was something she was definitely familiar with.
“Well... you’re right,” she told Ramiro. “They did get themselves in this situation.” Just as she’d had to deal with the consequences of her actions, Delfi and Jazmín would have to deal with theirs.
“Yeah, but Benicio and Emilia shouldn’t get to enjoy it,” Ramiro retorted with frustration.
It was a good point. Yes, the girls had made a mistake, but Benicio and Emilia turning it into a victory of sorts for them didn’t sit well with her at all. It could be that all Delfi and Jazmín would have to face would be some angry comments, but to Delfi, and especially Jazmín, their followers’ opinions were important. It was going to be a hard blow.
“Although, maybe nothing will happen,” Ramiro continued on a hopeful note. “Even if Benicio and Emilia expose them, who will believe them? It’s not like they have a good reputation in the Fab & Chic or Ja Jazmín.”
“That’s a good point,” Ámbar agreed.
Ramiro looked pensive. “I think I’ll tell the girls anyway. Just in case.”
She nodded. “Yeah, better. I’ll be here all day so, if I see them, I’ll give them a heads up too.”
Ramiro smiled and gave a playful shove to her shoulder. “Look at you, being all nice. What happened to the ‘I don’t care about anyone or anything’ attitude?”
Ámbar shrugged with pursed lips. “I just think they have the right to know. Maybe if they have time to prepare themselves it won’t be so bad…” she averted her gaze. “I surely would’ve liked some heads ups.” About a lot of things. 
She could feel his eyes on her in the silence that followed, but she wasn’t expecting what he said next.
“I know you didn’t mean to burn the rink.”
Surprised, Ámbar turned to see him. His gaze was kind as he showed her a sad smile.
“You do?” She asked hesitatingly.
“Yeah,” he confirmed assuredly. “You’re like me; skating is a part of us. To think that you’d intentionally destroy this place is absurd.”
Ámbar’s whole body reacted with energy and her hands rose to the sky. “Why, thank you! Finally someone uses some common sense!”
He laughed at her utter elation and she laughed in utter relief. Finally, finally someone believed her. Well, she assumed Simón believed her too since she doubted he would’ve gotten back together with her otherwise, but he hadn’t believed it at first, and it was nice to actually hear the words for once.
It gave Ámbar just a little hope. Maybe with time, more people would believe her too.
“Well, since I’m here, I think I’m gonna skate for a while,” Ramiro said, walking to his locker and opening it. He spun to look at her. “Wanna join me?”
She gave him a sorry smile. “Thanks but I have to work. I ignored my responsibilities for too long already.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later then,” he said with a smile, pulling out his skates.
Ámbar walked out of the lockers and headed back to the cafeteria. The moment she stepped foot in there, the first thing she saw as if pulled in by a magnet, was Simón scrunched back as he talked with Luna, sat on the edge of the stage. He had his guitar over his legs, but even without it, she knew she would’ve recognized him. Just as her eyes always found him.
Her chest instantly filled with glee. It had only been a couple hours but, she realized that she had missed him.
Over his shoulder, Luna saw her and their gazes met. Quickly, she said something to Simón and stood, leaving him alone. She gave Ámbar a little smile as she walked to the other side of the bar and then sat in one of the couches.
Ámbar understood the gesture and returned the smile, albeit feeling a little weird. She still wasn’t used to being amicable toward Luna. She suspected it would take a while considering how long she had spent hating her guts. But she didn’t hate her anymore, and she was an important part of Simón’s life; that was a big reason for them to get along.
Luna must have come to the same conclusion, and Ámbar wasn’t about to waste the opportunity.
 Fingerpicking was something Simón had struggled with when he first started playing guitar. Now it was something he did without thinking, or rather, it was something he could do automatically while thinking of something else entirely.
If he hadn’t been distracted, he probably would’ve heard the footsteps behind him. But he was and he didn’t, so when a pair of hands touched his shoulders and he felt a kiss on his cheek, he nearly jumped.
Simón spun in a flash and his heart skipped another beat when he saw that smile.
“Ámbar,” he said surprised as she happily took sit beside him. He left his guitar aside. “You arrived.”
He had wanted to see her all day but, now that she was there in front of him, he wasn’t sure what he felt. His head was a mess at the moment, too many worries and situations that may or may not happen fluttered around.
But seeing her smiling at him, looking at him with nothing but affection… it eased the knot of anxiety in his chest a little bit.
“Actually, you arrived. I’ve been here for some minutes now,” she informed him.
He was surprised once again. “What? Really? I didn’t see you.”
“Ah, I was in the lockers with Ramiro until now, that’s probably why. And you weren’t here when I arrived,” she explained. “Now I see why you went out. Did you get a strike of inspiration or something?” She asked, signaling to his guitar.
Simón brought his gaze to the instrument. “Something like that.”
He didn’t want to talk about his worries now that she was finally with him. Especially what had to do with her. She’d probably just scold him anyway for listening to Benicio in the first place. It was silly. It wasn’t worth it.
“Everything okay with Vidia?” he said instead, to avoid the topic. “You were out for a while.”
Ámbar blinked, and for one second, he thought he saw a change in her expression, but it was gone very quick.
“Yeah. Yeah, everything’s fine, everything went well,” she replied smiling and held one of his hands.
Suddenly, he was reminded of how much he had wanted to hold her before. The feeling of her hand against his may have not been much, even friends held hands sometimes and it didn’t mean anything deep, but right now, it was reassuring. She was there, with him, sweet and tangible.
A shout came from afar.
She turned around and Simón tilted his head to the left to look behind her. Ramiro was skating toward them, which was weird because that usually wasn’t allowed in the cafeteria. He was holding a white paper bag in one of his hands.
“You forgot your present.”
Ámbar let go of Simón’s hand and stood rapidly.
“Oh my god, thank you,” she said, and received the bag when Ramiro reached them. “How silly of me.”
Simón stood up as well and watched them. A bad feeling settled on the pit of his stomach; one he didn’t like but also couldn’t help. Why is Ramiro giving gifts to Ámbar? He thought. And, of course, the immediate reason was because they’re friends, but were they really that close already? Since when? And how close?
There was nothing wrong in Ramiro giving her something, he knew that, but Simón felt defeated all the same. He hadn’t even given Ámbar a gift yet and he was her boyfriend. Wasn’t he supposed to do those things?
Completely unaware of Simón’s discomfort, Ramiro smiled at Ámbar.
“You’re welcome, little princess,” he told her. With a wink. Then he looked at both of them and said, “I’ll leave you two alone.”
Just like that, he turned on his skates and began sliding back to where he came from. On the way, he was approached by Luna, who started following him. “Ramiro! Hi! How would you feel about being a background dancer?”
Simón barely registered all of that because his mind was still on the wink, on the gift, and on the ‘Little princess’.
Since when did they treat each other like that? Since when did they have pet names? 
They’re just friends, he repeated to himself. But at the same time, he was hearing—
‘Now that she has you, let’s see how long it lasts.’
His gaze snapped back to Ámbar.
“You seemed kind of out of it for a second,” she told him.
He shook his head and tried to smile. “It’s nothing.” They’re just friends, they’re just friends.
Ámbar held the gift bag with both hands and Simón hated the way she seemed to handle it with care. Right as she started saying something, another voice called out for him.
Simón turned to his left as Pedro rapidly came to his side, holding a tray with drinks on one hand and a note on the other. He had a rug on top of one of his shoulders and he seemed a little agitated.
“I’m sorry, could you make the orders for table three?” He asked. “I have my hands full.”
Simón felt a jab of guilt. Of course; it was probably lunchtime by now. Customers always went up at that time of the day, it was the reason why they usually took breaks after those hours. Simón should’ve been minding the clock, he should’ve been tuned in to that, Pedro shouldn’t have even had to ask.
“Yes, of course,” he replied immediately, receiving the piece of paper from him with the orders written down.
Pedro turned back to deliver the drinks while Simón quickly left the guitar in the stand on top of the stage and went behind the bar. He didn’t even look at Ámbar, feeling ashamed. The first thing she had seen after hours of being gone was him playing the guitar while he was supposed to be working and Pedro practically begging him to help out.
So he was not only a lousy boyfriend but a lousy employee as well. Great. Just great.
“Wait, could you take five minutes?” Ámbar told him. “I wanted to—”
“No, I’m sorry, I took enough minutes already,” he told her as his hands moved through ingredients. “I gotta help Pedro.”
To be honest, he feared whatever she might say at that moment. He didn’t want to hear it. The one thing he wanted right then was to stop feeling like a complete failure.
“Okay…” Ámbar said slowly. “Okay, sure. I’ll just grab my folder and I’ll let you work.”
She walked behind the bar and ducked to pull out her big green folder from under it. As she turned to leave, Simón felt the urge to grab her and tell her he’d give her as many minutes as she wanted. As many gifts as she could ever wish for.
He didn’t.
As he continued working, the voice inside his head calling him ‘loser’ didn’t even sound like Benicio anymore. It sounded like himself.  
Y’all think that Ámbar is the human embodiment of ‘conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know’, but I actually think that Simón is as Elsa as Ámbar and I’m gonna prove it. Consider this chapter the prologue of my thesis: “Simón has been through shit too, he just smiles too much for you to see it.” Also, consider that thesis the part one of a trilogy called “No one deserves Simón and that is a FACT.” 
Also, did anyone ask for more Rambar? Well, here you go, fresh out of the oven.  
Hope you liked this and Part 2 should be done in about two weeks. 
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lifesruiner · 7 years
No tengo miedo de apostarte, perderte si me da pavor.
Simon and Luna are stepbrothers and just arrived from Mexico to Argentina, they inmediatly friend Nina, but the power trio of the school gets really interested in this new squad.  
Chapter 10 | 9 | | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
The weekend was a hell to Ambar, she tried to contact Simon in every way without any success, she tried phone, skype, messeges, snapchat, instagram, email, she even thought in sending him a letter, she needed to explain the whole mess and asking for his forgiveness, she didn´t expect that they would go back at the state of possible relationship, but she just wanted to tell him how all changed since that day in the rink, and how wrong she was and how she would do anything to never do that stupid bet with Matteo, but after every attempt to contact him, he inmediatly blocked her in every social media she used, so she decided to wait until monday and talk to him on school, he had to hear her since he sits next to her. 
When she entered the classroom Simon wasn’t there yet but he usually arrived a little later after her, but Matteo and Gaston were already there, Matteo was sat with a notable black eye and Gastón was next to him, neither of them looked very happy neither.
-Hey -Ambar mouthed softly to them, but the only answer she got was a lifted brow from Matteo, Gastón didn’t even look at her, she went directly to her sit to wait, those minutes seemed everlasting, but when the teacher entered she could saw how the figure of Simon was behind her, Ambar sat straight and couldn’t help but smile when she saw him, but unlike her Simon was looking at the floor the whole time, never looked at Ambar, not even once, weirdly he didn’t went to sit next to Ambar, he stayed next to the teacher.
-Good morning class, we’ll have a little change today from specially request from our Director -The teacher said smiling -Delfina, pick up your stuff and please take sit next to Ambar from now on, and Simon will sit with Miss Carbajal.
The teacher said and Ambar swear she could heard how her heart crushed, Delfi took all her stuff quick and sat next to her confused, Ambar didn’t take her eyes out of him while Simon walked over and sat next to Jazmin, smiling sincerely like always to Jazmin, and Jazmin being flirty with him, it was the worst to watch, she knew Jazmin had a little crush on him, she has commented to her before, but seeing that, was devasting her and now she didn’t have a clue what to do.
-Where the fuck is she? -Matteo asked to Gastón after looking in the whole school for Luna without any luck, wasn’t in the cafeteria, not in the table they hang out usually, not in the corridors, not even in the library, how was possible that she hide that good when she just arrived the school.
-I don’t know, but I don’t think that she would hide this well if she wants to see you -Gaston said exasperate to Matteo -And I don’t blame her, actually I don’t want to see you neither, but I don’t want to be alone, and since Nina doesn’t talk to me for your fault, I’m stuck with you, dickhead.
-Thank you for the support, bro -Matteo said remarking sarcasticaly the word “bro” 
-Is that... Matteo how could you did something like that? I mean, I can believe Ambar doing it, but you? You aren’t like this... -Gaston said with clearly dissapointment in his voice that made Matteo’s heart shrugged
-I...I don’t know, Ambar was teasing me, an..and I was jealous of seeing her with Simon, and...fuck... I was so afraid -Matteo said sitting  in a bench nearby and placing his face between his hands 
-Afraid? Why afraid? -Gastón said taking a sit next 
-I have met her for like two days and... and still felt so different about her than I’ve felt for anyone, I wanted to be in Simon’s place, I wanted to hug her, and make her laugh, and be around her all the time, and... and she was practically a stranger -Matteo said lifting his face and Gastón saw how broken his best friend was -but I also thought she would be like every other girl, she would go out, will post some pictures with me, win some followers and when she realize it that I am not as perfect as everybody think she would go, and that thought made me feel so awful and I didn’t want to feel that way, and I thought that if I’ll stay in denial those feeling will go away
-But they didn’t -Gastón said knowing what was on Matteo’s mind, he knew it better than himself 
-No, they got stronger and now... -Matteo said with her voice cracked at the berge of crying and Gaston noticed it 
-And now, you are going to man up and talk to her, explain her, and if she understands and forgives you and really wants that things work out is the girl for you, if she doesn’t at least you will know you tried at least to fix the mess, okay? -Gastón said placing a reconforting hand in Matteo’s shoulder, he knew Matteo screwed but also knew that this was hurting Matteo, and seeing him like that hurt him too.
-Thank you, really, I don’t know what I would do without you -Matteo said placing his hand on his shoulder too 
-You probably would be dead or in jail -Gaston joked and Matteo couldn’t help but let a little giggle out and the realization hit him like a train
-Talking about dead, we should see how is Ambar, she looked pretty bad this morning -Matteo said standing and Gastón followed 
-Okay, but if she starts bitching about how this is your fault or my fault like every time something goes wrong in her life, I am leaving her -Gastón said while they staring to walk now looking for her
-Hey, don’t be like that, she is going through a hard time in her house and now with Simon -Matteo tried to defend her, she was very private about her personal problems and only Matteo knew about that, so far he knew.
-All people go through different things in their lives, that doesn’t give the right to anyone to be shitty to others 
-She just... just need a little more patiente -Matteo explained, he knew that Ambar was a little too much to handle sometimes, and didn’t want to start imaginating how unbareable she was at that moment 
-I know, and you know I try my best to be patiente, but today is just not a good day to push my bottoms, she can be annoying when Nina starts talking me again -Gastón said that and Matteo felt guilty to know how this stupidicity has affected Gastón too, the most inocent in all this mess 
-Oh bro, I really, really sorry, I should go talk to her, explain her that you didn’t have to do anything with this -Matteo said stoping their walk
-Nah, I’ll do it this afternoon, I’ll tell her the truth, if she doesn’t believe me then she doesn’r know a thing of who I am and shouldn’t.... you know -Gastón said trying to not put more guilty on his best friend, but also sad of thinking Nina could actually believe that Gastón has something to do with that, he was excited about their new relationship and didn’t want it to end so soon and for not an actual reason 
-Okay, but if you need that I .... 
-I know, don’t worry, we’ll have eachother’s backs always, don’t ever doubt that -Gastón said giving him the most sincere smile ever, and Matteo couldn’t be more thankful for having him in his life, they shared an accomplice smile with more meaning that a thousand of words and then kept walking to find Ambar, after a couple of minutes they found her sitting in a bench on a corner of the cafeteria looking at nothing while Jazmin and Delfi were trying really hard to get her attention 
-Do you want to scream at me? Do it, I don’t mind, that always put you on a better mood -Jazmin was almost like begging her when Matteo and Gaston arrived 
-Hey girls, what’s up? -Matteo asked being smuggly casual as always 
-I don’t know, she hasn’t said a word, not even when I laughed her expression changed -Jazmin said looking at her worried, Ambar always frowned to Jazmin when she snorting while laughing 
-Can you give us some minutes? -Matteo asked kindly and both nodded taking their stuff with them 
-Also Matteo, that black eye gives you such a vibe of bad boy, I love it -Jazmin was saying smiling widely 
-Jazmin, let’s go -Delfi said exasperate taking Jazmin with her by her arm leaving the three friends there 
-Hey, are you okay? -Matteo said and Ambar fixed her eyes on him 
-Sure, why wouldn’t I? -She said with an emotionless smile on her face, that kind of smile that doesn’t trasmit any good sensation 
-Because all the mess from friday? And Simon changing sit? I expected you to be a little more... you know... -Gastón said gesturing with his hands because he didn’t want to say the world he was thinking. Histarical, Gastón thought she would be more histerical 
-What? No! Why would I be bad about some random guy that I just met and doesn’t mean anything to me, that was a game and is over, so now back to normal -Ambar said monotone, Gastón was confused but Matteo knew that she was hurt, maybe that was the most hurt Matteo has seen Ambar in his life, just that she was holding up inside her, not letting anyone know she was weak or hurt. 
-Ambar, you don’t have to fake with us... -Matteo said talking softly while taking her hand, but she inmediatly took it appart 
-What fake? This is real, I don’t care about him, I don’t care about anyone, I am the most popular girl in the school and there are lots of guys dying to have a chance with me, do you think I am going to feel bad for a... a... dork, without sense of fashion, bad hair, that smiles at everything, you are ridicoulous guys, if you excuse me, I think I am going to have a nap in the nursery room, bye -Ambar said putting on sunglasses and walking out of there 
-You won’t believe me, but I would prefer that she would screamed at us, this was terrified -Gastón said with real concern on his eyes 
-I know, and I am so worry about what she would capable to do -Matteo said looking really worry for her
-Why the fuck she can take naps on school? -Gastón asked confused and Matteo couldn’t help but laugh at that 
-Ugh, today was a very tiring day -Luna said throwing her backpack at a side of her bed
-I know, hide and run away from the guy you like must be exhausting -Simon said teasing her but Luna just let a sigh out -You know that you can’t hide all the year till we leave school, right? 
-Yes, but, just... not yet, okay? -Luna said and Simon just nodded 
-But, how did the things went with Ambar then? Did you see her? -Luna asked worried and he sat next to her and she reposed her head in his lap while he played with her hair 
-Yes, I talked to the director and could changed sits with one of her friends -Simon said without smiling, it was weird looking at him without a smile on his face -And she didn’t show up to the other half of classes, Matteo said she was at the nursery 
-Nursery? Is she okay? -Luna asked worried 
-I don’t know, and it’s killing me because I am worried and, why am I worry about the girl that played with me? with us! -Simon exclamed confused 
-Because that’s who you are, you worry about the people you love, even if they don’t deserves it -Luna said with a reconforting smile -And.. and the rest? you know... -Luna couldn’t pronunce his name, but Simon knew her too well to know about who she was talking about 
-You mean Matteo? -Simon said with a little smile and Luna just nodded sightly -He was... with a black eye -Simon laughed and Luna let a giggle out 
-I still can’t believe you really hit him -Luna said laughing at the though of Simon, who was a carebear made person, hit someone -You literally once saw a fly trapped and let it free
-I know, I can’t even remeber doing it, I would like to apologyze -Simon said meaningful and they both laughed for a while until it went off -He seemed off to be honest, that glow of perfect guy, that presence he has, you know, that you have to turn your head whenever he enters a place... gone -At his words Luna couldn’t help but felt how tears were streaming out her eyes, Simon noticed it and cleaned one with his thomb -You’ll get throuhg this, we’ll get throught this, together as always -Simon stated and Luna just nodded sightly with a smile and tears still on her face. 
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deliverydefresas · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write luna and ambar interacting thanks to simbar or maybe luna worrying about ambar's intentions once simbar start dating! Thank you!
AAAAHH, I’m so sorry for the delay! I’m sure you even forgot you’d sent this lmao
but anyway, i’m finally catching up with prompts! woop woop! hope you like this 2K words of idk what hahahaha
NOTES: well, obviously simbar are dating already, lol. also it is told in luna’s pov even if the whole thing is about simbar lolz
more of my simbar ff | more of my sl ff
“My eyes still can’t believe this is happening.”The words came out of her mouth, incredulously at what she was seeing.
Her best friend with his arm around the girlthat had sworn multiple times to make her life hell, his lips constantly on hercheek and temple, their chairs so close she was almost on his lap, smile as bigas China and Russia combined; that was something she would have foresaw even inher wildest dreams.
It had been over two weeks since Simón andÁmbar had made their relationship public, and she was still shocked about it.
“I can.” Her boyfriend’s best friend chirpedfrom the other side of their table, his eyes too on the couple two tables downfrom them, “Ámbar would never pass the opportunity to be with someone aspopular as Simón and the Rollerband are. I’m sure she’s loving all theattention that her new status as his girl is bringing to her now.” Hisgirlfriend and her best girlfriend elbowed him on the ribs, eyes opened wide, “what?It’s true!” Gastón responded, rubbing the side Nina’s elbow had hit.
Luna looked back at the scene, this time with afrown on her face. Could it be possible that Gastón was onto something with hiscomment? When it came to Ámbar nothing surprised her anymore.
Matteo, sitting on her other side, shook hishead, “you really don’t know when to shut up, buddy.” He laughed, and sipped alittle of his mango juice before dropping his eyes on her girlfriend’s greenones, “Ámbar has standards, yes, she’s set them a little low this time, but I’msure she actually likes him; don’t worry, love.”  
Luna’s frown deepened a little, “how can you beso sure she’s not using him to gain more popularity? I don’t want that for him,he deserves someone who cares and loves him for him, not because his career is taking off!”
“I know her, Luna. If this was a plan of somesort for her, she wouldn’t let herself be as close to him as she is now. Notwithout some kind of feeling in between.” He reassured her, drawing circleswith his thumb on the small of her back.
“You think?” She asked, and Matteo looked atNina for support. The universe knew Gastón would only worry her more if hetried to help; his best friend was still bitter about the whole Nina/Felicity videoincident from last year to help Ámbar in any kind of shape or form.
Thankfully, Nina didn’t disappoint, “Matteoknows how Ámbar’s brain works better than us, Luna. You should trust him.”  
Luna’s frown disappeared when she heard herfriend, but her eyes stayed on the couple; only this time, she focused on theblonde girl instead of Simón. Ámbar sitting beside him, almost on him because the distance betweentheir chairs was nule, legs intertwined by their ankles, her shoulders back,and proud smirk intact even when she spoke to Delfi or Jazmín, who were seatedwith them and Pedro. She’d occasionally turn to him when he went to give her cheeka kiss, so they’d kiss for a second; before sipping her drink or flipping herbangs out of her face. She didn’t look as smitten as her friend, but she didn’tlook uncomfortable or forced, either.
Luna was torn. Biting her lip, she turned toMatteo, who could already tell his girlfriend wasn’t convinced at all.
“When we go skating, I need you to distractÁmbar for a moment, preferably long enough so I can talk to Simón.” Matteo’seyes showed uncertainty, but nodded anyway.
She needed to hear the words from his bestfriend to get the feeling of doubt out of her system.
They all had been skating for half an hour whenshe gave Matteo the okay to leave with Ámbar. She wasn’t so sure what excuseher boyfriend had told her to get her to leave, but she was sure it wasn’t agood and believable one if Ámbar’s glare was anything to go by. She’d alsoasked Gastón and Nina to distract Delfi and jazmín with an interview for theFab&Chic, because she knew that, the moment they both saw her alone withSimón, they’d run to get Ámbar.
She waited for a minute after they left toskate towards her best friend, who seemed to want to leave now that his girlwasn’t there.
“Simón, wait up!” she called out, stretchingher arm to stop him from leaving the rink. Simón’s smile greeted her when heturned her way.
“Hey, pretty one. What’s up?”  
He was practically radiating happiness. Thedimple in his chin was more prominent than ever, and his eyes sparkled withcontent and joy. He had smitten written all over his face, and it threw her offa little.
Not once had she seen him this way, not ever.She hesitated for a small moment, she didn’t want to ruin his relationship byplanting the seed of doubt, but she also didn’t want him to get heartbroken ifÁmbar was indeed using him.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” theseriousness in her voice confused him. He took a step towards her.
“What about?” he turned serious too, once herealized something was up with her. Luna looked around to make sure no one wasthere to interrupt them, before sighing.
“It’s about Ámbar.”
Simón didn’t say anything at first. He justkept looking at her, still serious, before he blinked, “Ámbar?” Luna nodded, “whywould you want to talk about her?”
“I just,” she struggled to find the words, “areyou sure she likes you?”
Simón blinked again.
“What?” he was thrown off by her question, “you’reasking if I’m sure she likes me? I’m sorry Luna, but what the hell?”
She fidgeted a little under his stare, who hadhardened significantly after she’d thrown the question. “I’m just, I want youto be sure she’s with you for the right reasons. That’s all.”
Simón’s face softened a little, and sighed, “whoput this on your head, Luna?” She was dumbfounded by this.
He smiled a little, “I know you, squirt.Someone must’ve told you something that made you worry about this. It’s not inyou to automatically think something was up. Now, spill, who was it? Matteo?Nina? Jim and Yam?”
Luna took a step back, and shook her head innegative, “Gastón may have said something about Ámbar never missing the chanceto gain popularity, and while I admit I hadn’t thought about it before, I haveto agree with him. I don’t want you to get hurt because of her, Simón.” She admitted.
“Luna, Luna, Luna, what am I gonna do with you,huh?” he chuckled, and stepped closer to held her hands, tilting his head alittle to be at an eye level with her, “you don’t have to worry about that,okay? I like Ámbar, and she likes me, too. No weird business involved, alright?Believe me.”
She searched in his eyes for any kind ofhesitation or proof he wasn’t absolutely sure about his words, but found none.So, she sighed in defeat. “Fine.”
Simón laughed at her face, before pulling herin a hug. “What do you say about skating with me for a while? I have a couplemore minutes before I have to help Pedro interview people for new staff.”
“If you insist.” She mocked him, snorting alaugh when he began moving them towards the center of the rink with a funny expression.  
Luna forgot about their discussion soon enough,but the weight of doubt wasn’t fully gone yet.
The next morning, a knock on her doordistracted her from tying her school’s tie correctly. She exclaimed a quick “comein” before messily tying it; thinking it was her mom hurrying her to godownstairs already.
Surprisingly enough, if it wasn’t her mom, butÁmbar who entered her room.
The blonde scanned quickly the room, the usual disinterestedlook present on her face. “Lunita,” she greeted her. Luna was confused to seethe older girl in her room, and it showed in her voice.
Said girl smiled tightly, “good morning.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way but, what areyou doing here?”
Ámbar shrugged her question, “can I sit?” shepointed to chain near Luna’s desk, when she nodded, the blonde continued, “Icame to talk to you about something.”
“To me?”
“It’s about Simón.”
Luna jumped to a defensive stance, “listen, ifyou came here to give me the “stay away from my boyfriend” talk let me tell youalready that I won’t because 1) he’s my best friend and 2) I have-”
Ámbar rolled her eyes, before interrupting her,“I didn’t come here for that, you loser.” The brunette was taken aback.
“You didn’t?”
Another eye roll, “no.” The blonde straightenedher back, looked at her, and sighed before speaking again, “Simón told me youtwo had a talk yesterday. One that involvedme.”
“He told you?” At this, Luna was surprised.One, because she didn’t think Simón would actually tell her, and two, becauseshe didn’t seem as mad as she would’ve imagined to be.
“Surprised we actually talk?” Ámbar’s tone made her feel a little guilty. She didn’t soundhurt, but offended.
“A little.” She admitted, to which the othergirl huffed.
“First things first, if I’m here it’s becauseof Simón asked me to. I had absolutely nointention of explaining myself or my relationship to anyone, especially notto you.” Ámbar glared at her forsecond, “secondly, no, I’m not using him. I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like that he’s getting morerecognition, but I’m also very proud of him and the losers he’s with; hedeserves it.”
“Thirdly,” Ámbar took a deep breath, “I likehim, a lot. He’s a sweet kid, he listens to what I have to say, and tries tounderstand where I come from. He… Simón makes me want to be better. Because Iknow he actually cares if I am.”
“I- woah.” Luna was stunned. She hadn’texpected Ámbar to come at 7 AM and pour her feelings for Simón on her, muchless to look as sincere and vulnerable as she was right now.
“Finally, I wanted to apologize for my behaviorbefore,” the blonde looked uncomfortable, a small frown appeared between hereyebrows, “I guess I was lost and didn’t know how to overcome my insecurities.”
Luna blinked a couple times, but accepted herapology, “don’t worry about it, Ámbar. It’s okay.”
“I didn’t,”said girl huffed, “but Simón made me promise I would apologize.”
The brunette’s eyes sparkled with mischief, “you’refalling for him, aren’t you?”
She could see it now. The way her blue eyeschanged from her usual disinterest to a hint of warmth, the subtle blush andthe small lifts at the corners of her mouth whenever she said Simón’s name wasenough proof for her. Ámbar was as smitten as her friend, she was just lessobvious about it.
“That’s none of your business.” She scowled ather, but her blush intensified a notch.
Having said what she came to say, Ámbar stoodup from the chair, and walked right to the door, arranging her uniform as shewent.
Luna stopped her before she could get out, “hey,Ámbar?” the blonde turned to look at her, “why? Why change now?”
Ámbar paused, thinking her answer beforetelling her, “it’s better to be the hero of your own story than to become thevillain of someone else’s. I get that now.” Another pause, “however, this doesn’tmean I’m going to be nice to you, you’re still… Lunita.”
Luna laughed, but nodded in recognition of whatshe was trying to say.
She wasn’t going to make her life hell, butthey weren’t going to become best friends forever either.
“That’s okay. And don’t worry, I won’t tellanyone this talk ever happened.” Ámbar rolled her eyes, but she could see thehidden gratitude in the barely noticeable nod she gave her.
“Now, hurry up. I don’t want to be late becauseof you.”
Luna watched Ámbar close the door, and smiledinwardly. She had nothing to worry about, Simón was happy and with someone whowas happy with him too, so she had to be happy to.
And then, she groaned out loud; because Matteohad been right once again.
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 15 (Close to Fingertips)
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Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.12 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
The competition is only a week away and the gang are intensely practicing for the upcoming finale. Luckily, Emilia had arrived just in time from her flight from Cancun. She has been playing a big help in advancing the team’s skill of skating. Matteo had been giving Luna her time away, but they haven’t stopped stealing glances from each other. Matteo wishes it was as easy as just going up to her and making things back to normal. He still feels hope that they will get back together since she hasn’t ever taken off her strawberry and moon necklace that Matteo had gifted Luna a long time ago.
Everything seems to be going according to plan. Simón, Nico, and Yam have finalized the way they’ll perform with the new song. When everyone takes a break, Luna rollers to Nina. “You all were amazing out there,” Nina compliments Luna.
“Thanks! Yeah, the choreography is coming out very nicely,” Luna responds. “Yep, I also saw some wondering eyes between two love birds.” Luna gives Nina ‘that’ look of annoyance. “What? I’m not saying anyone in particular, it’s just I can totally tell that you guys still have feelings for each other.”
Emilia and Ámbar head over beside Luna. “Wow can’t believe all that happened and you two are now sisters,” Emilia chuckles. “Yep, we’ve had crazy lives, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love having this dork around,” Ámbar jokingly hits Luna in the shoulder. “So how has life been for you, oh and is Benicio still your boyfriend?” Luna asks. “Was. He was my boyfriend. I broke up with him when I couldn’t tolerate him anymore. I decided to take time for myself to discover more who I am and what I really like. Eventually, in my period of being alone I found a girlfriend. I realized that I only like girls. Her name is Patty. She’s a darling.” Ámbar and Luna stare at each other with excitement. “Wow Emilia, that’s exciting, also I bet my whole wallet Patty is way, like way better than Benicio. No one can put up with that man,” Luna mentions. “Oh, you’re absolutely right hahaha. I feel much freer and happier getting to also spend some time with my family while I attend my last year of university and skate in my free time,” Emilia tells the gang.
“Emilia I just want to say thank you so much for coming to the rescue for us. This place means the most to us all and you being a part of saving it with us truly means a lot,” Ámbar acknowledged. “Of course. Anything for my cute soon - to - be - wife friend and my freaky moon girl,” Emilia joked.
Rodeo Bay Studios
As Matteo walks out of the office, he sees a familiar face walk by. He could’ve sworn he’s seen this girl from one of Jazmín’s videos online. “Bia? Aren’t you that girl who makes those videos for the Fundom,” Matteo asks. The girl with long brunette hair stops in her tracks. “Yes, I am, and I don’t think we’ve met,” Bia takes out her hand towards Matteo. “Oh yes sorry I’m Matteo. I’ve seen all of your videos. My friends Jazmín and Delfi work with you guys and the Fundom so that’s how I know and seen you guys’ videos. They’re all awesome,” Matteo marvels.
“Aw that’s sweet! I really appreciate the nice comments and my friends will too especially them knowing it’s coming from the one and only Matteo Balsano. We loved your Alla Voy album,” Bia compliments. “Thanks, I really appreciate it.”
Bia sees Matteo’s grin slowly turn to a frown when he sees a vase of sunflowers on the table. “What’s the matter?”
“Sorry it’s just sunflowers are Luna’s favorite flowers since they’re yellow which is also her favorite color. I feel like wherever I go, I can’t stop thinking about her. Everything reminds me of her,” Matteo confesses. “Ah I see, is that your crush,” Bia questions.
“She’s more than that for me. We’ve had a long history and past. We recently broke up and she forgave me but doesn’t feel ready for a relationship. I’ve been giving her some time but some part of me feels like she’ll never want to get back together with me,” Matteo explains. “You should tell this to her. Be open about what’s been going on and how you feel about her. Tell her you don’t want to wait anymore. It’s important to have communication on both sides. You’ll never know how she feels unless you tell her first. She would appreciate the effort. Sometimes the little things are what count the most,” Bia advised.
“Thank you, you’re right I should tell her how I feel. It’s the only way things will be clear. Sorry to bombard you by the way, with my problems,” Matteo apologizes. “It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Getting to talk here with you helped getting my mind off of everything going on with the Moondust contracts,” Bia giggles. Matteo waves bye to Bia and heads out of the place.
Luna enters the cafeteria with Nina and Gastón carrying their luggage. “Luggage, what’s that for?” Luna chuckles. “Luna, you haven’t heard, the competition will be held in Italy,” Nina explained. “What? I didn’t know? No one told me this information,” Luna begins to frantically check her phone. “It’s okay Luna you still have a few hours to pack your bags, Gastón and I always plan ahead and prepare early. Don’t worry I’ll help you.” Luna and Nina dash out of the Jam and Roller and head to the Benson/Valente Mansion.
Matteo enters the Jam and Roller with his luggage in his hands and heads straight to Gastón. “Wow amigo I’m shocked you packed early. Ayyy we’re now even bag buddies!” Gastón and Matteo chuckle while giving each other a side hug. “So, have you seen Luna anywhere? I have something important to tell her.”
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“No, she just left with Nina. They’re planning to pack her bags since she didn’t know Italy was the competition’s location,” Gastón elaborates. “I’m happy that I get to see my family again. I miss them a lot but I’m worried there’s a chance Luna may not see my family since she’s still upset at me. I’m planning to tell her the truth and confess my feelings for her. That’s the only way I’ll be able to lift the weight off my shoulders,” Matteo whispers.
“I think it’s a great idea, but I don’t think you should tell her now. She’s already very tense with the competition and is even forgetting stuff too,” Gastón advised. “Oh, you know how Lunita is, always clumsy and forgetful! Now guys here is the Jam and Roller before we leave. Everyone is extremely nervous and stressed about the competition coming up, isn’t it all so exciting!” Jazmin exclaims while filming all around.
Delfi walks to where Jazmín is. “Jazmin shouldn’t you be packing your bags too,” she remarked. “Oh yes that’s right!” Jazmín shoves Delfi the tablet while it’s still filming. Delfi faces it to her and says, “I guess ‘Lunita’ is not the only one forgetting things today.”
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sapphire374 · 3 years
Soy Sol: Chapter 12 (I'll Be There Through Every Step)
Wattpad Link
Ch.1 / Ch.2 / Ch.3 / Ch.4 / Ch.5 / Ch.6 / Ch.7 / Ch.8 / Ch.9 / Ch.10 / Ch.11 / Ch.13 / Ch.14 / Ch.15 / Ch.16 / Ch.17
Ámbar runs into her apartment with tears falling on her face. She tries to escape into her bedroom, but Simón catches her before she’s able to. “Ámbar, what happened? Why are you crying?” Simón guides her to the couch and she cries on his shoulder in the comfort of his arms. Tears smearing the mascara all over her face. “Remember when I told you I had a meeting with some students from Law school. Well, the truth is I wasn’t going to meet for any school project, I went to go talk to my biological mom,” Ámbar tells Simón. “Look I didn’t mean to lie; I just didn’t feel like hearing anyone tell me how bad of an idea it was. I felt like I owed that moment to myself, to discover more who I am before I married you.”
“Ámbar I would’ve never stopped you and you know I always support you on every decision and step you make. Us getting married means that we have to trust each other. You have to trust me that I’ll always be here for you no matter what. I know it’s tough, to try to discover more who you are. That happened when Luna was trying to discover from who and where she came from.” Ámbar nods and wipes away her tears from the tissue Simón gave her. “It didn’t even matter anyways since part of me doesn’t believe her but then the other part of me wants to. It made sense everything she said but still hurts, a lot,” Simón holds her tight as she tells him everything Sylvania told her.
“Originally I was considering on meeting Sharon as well to have some questions answered but I don’t want to end up feeling hurt again and in tears like today. Maybe I should just leave everything in the past… I don’t know,” Ámbar says. “I know this can be very hard for you but if that’s what you want, I think it’s a good idea, to speak to Sharon even just a little if you’re ready. Maybe it can tie some loose ends, and you can finally have some of those questions answered. That’s the least you deserve.” Ámbar stares to her lap and thinks about it for a second. Simón gently holds her hand and lets her know, “I will always be here, whether you decide to go talk to Sharon or not. I’ll be here every step of the way.” Ámbar holds out her arms and gives Simón a tight hug. She kisses him on the cheek and lays her gentle face on his shoulders again.
Jam and Roller
It’s the next morning and the whole gang is huddled around Delfi as she prepares their skating video. The nerves crowd the air as she finishes the project on her computer. “Done! It’s ready you guys,” she exclaims. Some are anxiously sipping their shakes while others are tightly holding on to their companions. Pedro stares in awe and shows how proud he is of his soulmate and the whole gang. “You guys this is just the first step into making this dream, the Jam and Roller, stay alive and come true. You all should be proud because we have finally came together, worked hard and did an awesome skating routine. We got this,” Luna announces. “On ready, one, two, three… Jam and Roller!!” the gang all chant.
Delfi presses the button on her computer and it’s official, the video has been sent to the competition’s organization. After sharing a group hug with Juliana, they resume to their posts. “Since today is a special day in which we sent the video, I’m willing to give you guys this day off. Enjoy it, you all truly deserve it after how hard you guys have been working,” Juliana lets the team know at the rink. Gastón heads over to where Matteo is at and says, “hmm well someone seems to be saved by the bell.”
“You’re right, speaking of which I’m so excited to finally sing that song, I’ve been working on for Luna. I spent all night practicing it hoping she forgives me, and everything can get back to normal. I hope this plan works,” Matteo chuckles. “Don’t worry amigo, everything will be fine and lately I’ve been seeing her in a much happier mood. I think she even probably forgot about the arguments and such,” Gastón suggests. “Yeah, I hope so.”
Luna rolls by Matteo and he doesn’t help but stare at her. “So, are you going to talk to her, or should I have to do it for you?” Gastón jokes around. Matteo takes his advice and heads to Luna where she is taking off her skates. “Hey Chica Delivery, are you getting ready for the concert I’m having today,” Matteo asks. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Luna giggles. “Glad you said that cause I may or may not have a surprise all planned out,” Matteo comments. Luna gasps and couldn’t help her excitement cloud the air. “Chico Fresa, I didn’t know you were the mysterious type?” Luna and Matteo begin to laugh in synchronicity. “Well, I guess there’s a lot of things you don’t know about me then.” Matteo’s phone begins to buzz. He picks it up and answers the phone call.
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Once he has hung up, he lets Luna know he has to leave. “I’m sorry but I have to go now to start preparing for the concert. I would love to continue this conversation, but the surprise won’t reveal itself on its own hmm,” Matteo teases. Nina rushes to Luna after seeing him slip away. “Luna, what was all that giggling?” Nina whispers. “A special moment that truly felt like it hasn’t happened in ages,” Luna responds.
Jazmín and Delfi both sit together on the couch as they discuss their plans on how they’ll find out who the secret admirer is. “So, I was thinking we can look at all the comments of your recent video and maybe find some clues as to who the secret admirer is. I feel like they probably must have known you from your videos I’m assuming,” Delfi states. “Of course, they know me from my videos, I am the most popular on the web. Who honestly wouldn’t want to date me?” Jazmín insists.
A delivery man holding a large bouquet of flowers enters the Jam and Roller and hands them to Jazmín. Delfi stares in shock. Jazmín pulls out the card and reads “Mi amor, I chose these flowers because they represent the beautiful tones of your eyes and bring out your inner sparkle. I hope these make you feel the happiness I feel just seeing you.” Jazmín holds the card close to her chest and doesn’t help but cheer. “Oh my Jazmin, this person is head over heels in love with you,” Delfi says. “I know! Whoever this is, he already sounds so charming.” Delfi is beyond excited for Jazmín but can’t help but feel a little worried for her friend since they still don’t know who this person is. Why are they sending them anonymously? She finds this a little fishy.
Sharon’s Apartment
Ámbar knocks on the door, she shakily turns the knob when she hears the door unlock from the other side. “Come in,” Sharon states while her personal caretaker guides Ámbar to the dining room as Simón follows her in. “Don’t be shy and take a seat.” Ámbar and Simón pull two chairs and sit down in response to Sharon. She slowly takes a sip from her tea as the room fills with silence. Ámbar is beginning to have flashbacks of all the lonely nights she would have being with Sharon.
“It is a pleasure getting to see you again Ámbar, you hadn’t visited in 7 months. I was beginning to worry that maybe you have forgotten about me,” Sharon admitted. “No, it wasn’t like that, I have been just so busy with law school and managing the Jam and Roller. That’s all,” Ámbar replies. “You’ve always been busy, that’s never changed. I suppose that you’re here but not only to just meet me or stop by to say hello because you would’ve done that before. I can sense you’re here for something,” Sharon remarked. Ámbar turns her eyes towards Simón as a sign for help. “Ms. Benson, I don’t mean to intrude but Ámbar has decided to come here to ask about her past,” Simón answers. “I was wondering what made you decide to adopt me?” Ámbar asks.
Sharon takes a deep breath. “In the past, I had always wanted a kid, but it never seemed like the right time. When I heard Sylvania was planning to give her child up for adoption but didn’t know who would be fitting to be the parent of her baby, that’s when I saw it as a sign of fate. It was meant for me to be your mom,” Sharon takes another sip of her tea. “I’m a little surprised since you never seemed like the ‘loving children’ type. No offense or disrespect,” Ámbar comments. “You know I was a lot different before the fire, after that everything felt a lot stressful with life in general.” Sharon reaches out to hold Ámbar’s hand and feels the ring on Ámbar’s finger.
“You’re engaged?” Sharon questions. “Yes,” Ámbar responds. “And you never told me?!” Sharon shows her dismay and stays silent. “Well, it was pretty recent, I was planning to tell you I was just not sure when or how. It’s complicated and you know that plus you never liked Simon anyways,” Ámbar said. “I know we’ve never had such a close relationship but just know I’ll forever regret not being that loving caring parent you deserved to have. I know it’s too late, but I still care about you and love you.” Sharon begins to cry and tries to wipe her tears with her fingers. “I know madrina, I know, and I love you too mom.” Ámbar heads out with Simón since she thinks it’s for the best.
Benson Valente Mansion
Monica is seen gathering some tulle and fabric in the living room. She hears the door unlock and it’s Ámbar and Simón. “Oh, hello guys! I’ve already begun preparing some of the table arrangements for the wedding reception,” Monica states gleefully. Ámbar looks a little flushed and just nods trying to avoid crying. “Mija, what’s the matter? Is everything okay?” Monica seems concerned for Ámbar. When she notices Ámbar doesn’t say anything, she does what she knows best, she hugs her. Ámbar hugs her back.
“Well, I think I should leave you two in private,” Simón whispers to Monica. Simón leaves to the kitchen when they head to the couch as Monica gives Ambar the tissue box. “Have you ever felt empty inside? Feeling as if everyone you knew as a child and grew up lied to you. That your own story held in the hands of someone else. I feel like….. me trying to uncover the pieces are as if their edges are shattered and there’s no way on putting the puzzle together. Nevermind, this all might sound very silly to you,” Ámbar sniffed. Monica thinks for a little bit. “It’s not silly at all Ámbar, it’s normal to feel this way not being able to know your own story of how your life began. But just know it doesn’t make you who you are entirely. For example, when I look at you, I don’t see the girl who was manipulated by her madrina. I see a strong-minded, hardworking, caring young girl beside me who does an excellent job managing the Jam and Roller while attending Law school. Not anyone can pull off all those moves at once, and you do it so effortlessly. You may not know the full story and only some parts of it, but you are not your mother’s mistakes. In fact, I’m proud of you. After everything you went through, you still managed to seek the right path in life, and it worked. You gave it a second chance, you had what’s so important to have, and that is hope. So, when you walk down the aisle wondering ‘who am I,’ you’re Ámbar Smith, the one who overcame it all.”
Ámbar turns to Monica sobbing, but this time with a huge smile on her face, even showing her teeth. “How do you do it?” Ámbar asks. Monica looks at Ámbar with a confused expression. “How do you know exactly what to say at the right time?” Monica smiles back giggling alongside Ámbar. They stay wrapped in each other’s arms on the couch. Ámbar starts glancing at all the beautifully tied table arrangements for her wedding, how you can tell the amount of effort that was put in each one of them. That’s when it hits her.
When they break away from each other’s arms, Ámbar faces Monica. “Can you be the one to walk me down the aisle? You have always been there for me whenever I needed you these past couple of years and…. I don’t know how to say this, but you have showed me how it feels like having a mom. Why wouldn’t I want my mom there?” Ámbar starts tearing up again. “It would be an honor to attend it, and it truly warms my heart hearing you say that. Ever since our family reunited with you and Alfredo, it’s felt much bigger and cozier. I’ve got two daughters, Luna and you. I wouldn’t miss your dress fitting or wedding for the world.” They begin to hug again. Near one of the walls close to the living room, there’s Simón who couldn’t help but smile while spying on them. It makes him feel ecstatic knowing that Ámbar does feel like she has a family now and is not alone, not ever again.
Matteo’s Concert
All of Matteo’s fans begin to huddle up near the pit of the stage. Everyone is beyond excited to hear his collaboration with Viviana on stage for the very first time. Luna enters with Nina. Nina stays holding Luna’s arm, trying not to get dragged away by the crowd of people nearby. “So Luna, how have you been feeling about the whole thing?” Luna turns towards Nina and says, “A little conflicted not going to lie, but I’m here to support Matteo. I’m still a little bit upset at what he did calling me jealous and standing me up on our date, but I think I’ve put it past us. Today is a special day for him and I shall be here for that.” Nina nods in response.
Gastón rushes over to Matteo backstage. “Everything okay amigo?” Matteo picks up his guitar and nervously answers, “Yes. Once Viviana and I stop singing, you turn off the lights and have only the spotlight facing me. Just like old times when I had sang to her Alla Voy. I will sing this song I wrote for her, and it shall feel like we’re the only ones in the room. This night shall be perfect for her.” Gastón approaches him and smiles while patting him on the back. “Don’t worry you got this!”
The crowd starts chanting when the lights turn on as Viviana and Matteo approach the stage. They begin singing into their mics, Viviana doesn’t stop staring at him while Matteo’s eyes are fixated on Luna. He is in awe of how beautiful she looks tonight, even though he feels like Luna looks beautiful all the time.
Luna starts dancing along to the song with Nina, they don’t stop giggling and having a great time. Viviana starts noticing who Matteo can’t keep his eyes off of. She grows green with envy. She never liked Luna and was always hoping he would break up with her. She tries to get really close to him, even at times trying to have a sharing mic moment. Viviana throughout the song doesn’t stop making eye contact with Matteo and keeping him close. When she sees that this doesn’t Luna, or him she reacts quickly. Once the song ends, Viviana standing next to Matteo grabs his neck towards her and kisses him. She has her hand caress his cheek. The fans are screaming with excitement.
As for Luna, she’s speechless. It feels like the world has stopped and she has lost track of her surroundings. When Matteo pushes Viviana off him, he turns and sees Luna running out of the venue crying.
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hide-in-imagination · 6 years
“Just Another Typical Dinner”-simbar/lutteo oneshot
Based on the prompt: “Can you write a little fluffy/domestic scene of a dinner at the mansion a few days after the finale? Similar to the one we got just a little bit more simbar than Matteo? A bit of Monica trying to disturb them like in episode 56 wouldn’t hurt either 😊”. Also for that anon that asked for a fifty fifty Lutteo and Simbar oneshot. 
I hope this is close to what you wanted! 
Some days after Luna’s birthday party the Valentes, Alfredo and Matteo had gathered once again at the dinner table to share a nice meal together. There were three vacant seats, one was Pedro’s because he was at Delfi’s and the other two were for Simón and Ámbar, who arrived together some minutes later, the guitarist holding her from behind making it kinda hard for the girl to walk. When she pointed that out he proceeded to smother her cheek and neck with little kisses, making her giggle before pushing him away so she could take her seat.
Matteo whistled. “Look at you. Wasn’t there enough cuddling at your date? Or did you just forget all together the concept of ‘personal space’?”, he teased as both sat down on the table in front of him.
“Talk for yourself. Or isn’t that your arm wrapped around my best friend right now?”, retorted Simón, gesturing at the Italian that was hugging Luna by the waist, their chairs pretty much stuck together.
The alluded couple looked at each other and laughed happily before Matteo turned back to Simón. “Touché”.
Alfredo smiled warmly from his spot at the head of the table as he looked at the exchange. “It makes me so happy to see so much love in this house. It’s definitely what we deserved after all the hardships we went through this year, and I hope”, he said, raising his glass, “that we have many more moments like this”.   
They all raised their glasses in toast and then started their meal.
It only took a minute for Miguel to notice that Simón was eating with his left hand. He wasn’t a leftie.
“Guys. Hands on the table where I can see them”, he called out, and with a smile that said “caught” Simón lifted his hand that was holding Ámbar’s, giving it a quick kiss before letting it go.
“All hands”, stressed Miguel, giving a pointed look at Matteo who finally let go of his girlfriend’s waist.
“So, Luna? Have you decided already what you’re gonna do after you graduate?”, asked Alfredo, starting conversation.
“Well, I know that I want to skate, that much will never change. Now, about careers I’m still not sure”.
“Why don’t you pursue a professional skater career like Ramiro? With your talent, charm, cuteness, shine and dedication I’m sure you’d get very far. Even Felipe Mendevilla made you a proposal already”, said Matteo, taking the opportunity to flirt with her. Everything was a chance to flirt with her, really.
She gave him her usual look of ‘you’re an idiot and I love you for it’ before speaking. “Thank you, Matteo, but remember that we’re a team. We are all talented, and together we’re gonna achieve great things, I’m certain of it”, she stated as she looked at Simón and Ámbar on the other side of the table, smiling at them before facing her grandfather. “But I like the idea of studying a career, I think I’d like to experience it”.
“And did you think already what you’d like to do?”, prompted the old man. 
Luna looked a little nervous. “I mean, yeah, I thought about something. But it’s not definitive yet, alright? I just think it’d be fun”.
“And what is that, daughter?”, asked Miguel by her said.
The girl smiled.
 “A kindergarden teacher”.
Everyone’s eyebrows rose at the same time in surprise except Alfredo who smiled excitedly.  
“A teacher? Really? I didn’t have you as the type who loves going to school”, joked Simón, knowing the girl would rather be in the Roller all day than in class.
“You’re not wrong”, laughed Luna, “But, I feel like is such a noble job, you know? To help form the next generation, help them discover what their dreams are and encourage them to fulfill them… Also, I really love kids, and because of kindergarten’s’ schedules I could work in the morning and skate in the afternoon”.
Everyone seemed to be understanding now why she would like to study that and decide it kinda made sense. Everyone except Matteo who was looking at her seriously.
“Mmm I think you’re gonna have a problem with that”.
Luna looked apprehensively at him. “What?”
He grimaced and patted her shoulder. “There’s a very high chance that they’ll mistake you for one of the children”.
It took one second and then the whole table erupted in laughter.
Luna yanked his hand off her shoulder. “Hey, I’m not that small!”
“Whatever stops your crying, love”, he said condescending, making the girl glare at him but he compensated her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder and kissing her cheek. “I promise to still love you when I’m two meters tall and you can’t reach me”.
Simón laughed. “I’m sorry to tell you friend but I don’t think that’s gonna happen”.
“Talk for yourself old man, I still got some years to grow so don’t rain on my parade”.
“I’m just one year older than you!”
“Well that’s one more year I have to grow that you don’t”, countered Matteo.
Ámbar placed her hand on Simón’s shoulder and sent Matteo a superior look. “You’re just jealous cause he’s taller than you”.
Simón automatically joined the tease. “Ooohh Matteo, that’s not right. Jealousy is bad for our friendship”, he said putting his hand over his heart. Luna laughed.
“For like one centimeter!”, exclaimed the Italian, outraged. “And I’m pretty sure it’s the hair! That hairdo of yours adds you like 10 centimeters, I’m certain of it”.
Ámbar rolled her eyes and took her hand away. “Ugh, don’t even get me started on that. The moment he rises from the bed in the morning he spends hours fixing his hair. He takes longer than I do, can you believe it?”, the blond declared, winning a confused look from Mónica.
“How do you know that?”
There was a general pause at the table.
Ámbar and Simón looked at each other quickly before turning to Mónica, both responding at the same time.
“I told her” -  “The cameras”.
Their eyes widened and they tried to answer again.
 “The cameras”– “He told me”
They looked at each other once more and chuckled nervously.
Ámbar was the one who finally spoke.   
“Yeah, no, you see, I noticed that little fact thanks to the cameras that VIDIA had on their loft. You know, the ones that were streaming 24/7? You could watch them sleep and everything. So there. And then he told me too. Some time ago. A long time ago. Actually I don’t even know how I still remember”, she said, trying to salvage the situation but she had to admit that Emilia was right: she sucked at lying.
Mónica sent them a teasing look as everyone else exchanged quick glances, clearly not buying it but not wanting to dwell on the subject.
“So…”, started Matteo to break the silence and get back to safe conversational topics, “Gardener?”
Luna rolled her eyes. “Kindergarden. Teacher. When I was working as rink helper sometimes I’d teach some people the basics of skating and I enjoyed it pretty much. Maybe I could teach music! Teach little kids how to sing and how to dance…”
Simón made a thoughtful face at that.  “Hmm, now that you say so I think I’d also like doing that. Give guitar lessons to little kids or something. It’d be nice”.
Matteo gestured with his hand for him to stop.
“Simón, you’re not gonna have the time to be teaching anything because the moment the Roller Band takes off everything’s gonna be concerts, international tours, autograph signings, all the crowd screaming ‘SIMÓN I LOOVEE YOUUUUU. PEDRO YOU’RE THE BEEST’”, yelled the boy in a high-pitched voice, making everyone laugh.
“You’re right, you’re so right. How could I forget about my fans? I’m gonna have to devote myself entirely to them. With all the selfies left and right, the meet & greets, all the girls screaming my name…”  
“Hey, watch it”, warned Ámbar and Simón smiled at her as he took her hand in his.
“I may have many fans, but I’ve only got one queen” he said looking into her eyes before kissing the back of her hand. “And she’s the prettiest of them all”.
The blonde chuckled blushing a little, while Matteo made a disgusted face at their cheesiness.
The voice of Alfredo erupted in the room with a laugh. “But young man, you’re not gonna be on tour you’re whole life! At some point you’re gonna have to settle down. See, I’m not getting any younger and I’d like to get to meet my great-grandchildren before I die”.
Miguel choke on his wine as the young couples on the table froze.
“God, Mr. Alfredo, you and your jokes”, chided Mónica as she patted her husband’s back.  
“It is no joke. I’m not going to die without seeing this house full of joy and little kids running around”, said the old man as he grabbed his glass of wine. “But there’s no rush, of course”, he added before drinking.
“Absolutely no rush. Like, at all”, said Miguel once he recovered from his coughing.
After two seconds of silence Luna cleared her throat. “What about you, Ámbar? What are you gonna do now that you’re not in charge of the Roller anymore?”
“I think I’m gonna sign up for university as well”, said the blonde. “I didn’t before because with everything that was going on I didn’t have the peace of mind to study. But now that everything’s calmer I’d like to do it”.
Simón put his arm around her shoulders and held her in a comforting gesture. She had been through a lot and he knew it had taken its toll on her, but he was very proud of her for coming out stronger than before.
“And what are you gonna sign up for?”, asked Mónica from the other side of the table, curiously.
“Law”, she answered as she placed her hand over Simón’s on her shoulder.  
The woman smiled widely. “Very nice! You sound sure, what drove you to it?”
“Well, it had been between my options for some time but, it was Ana who finally made me go for it”.
“Nina’s mom?”, asked Luna.
“Yeah. She was very sweet for offering to help me with everything at the Roller. Without her I don’t know how I’d have survived. And she didn’t only help me but all of us with the case. It made me think that I’d like to help other people too, like her”.
Simón looked at her completely mystified. If he had been proud before now he felt like his chest was so full it was gonna explode.
As the place filled with conversation over everything that had happened with the case and how grateful they all were with Ana for her help, Simón took the chance to inch closer to his girlfriend and whisper to her.
“I love you”.
The girl looked at him fondly. “I love you too”.
Just like that everything else disappeared and both leaned in for a sweet kiss.
“Get a room you two!” jested Matteo and the couple pulled apart with a laugh.
“Really Matteo? Still with the jealousy? Tell me truth, for how long have you been in love with me?”, asked Simón teasingly making Ámbar laugh at his side.
Luna gasped and brought her hands to her chest. “Oh my god chico fresa, you’re in love with my best friend? What am I to do now?”, she said dramatically as if it was a play.
“Don’t fear chica delivery, Luna and fresa are forever, it was written in the stars”, he spoke dramatically as well, his hands going up to the sky before coming down to cup her face.  “My heart is completely yours and I’ll kiss you a thousand times to prove it!”
He leaned to claim her lips in a kiss but it hardly lasted three seconds before Miguel grabbed him by the shoulder, pushing them apart.
“What if we eat instead? Everyone okay with that?”, said the man in a scolding voice, but he was smiling.
Everyone chuckled and went back to their plates. The rest of the meal went smoothly.  
After dinner everyone went back to their rooms. Ámbar stayed a little longer helping Mónica put everything back into place and when she was gonna head to her bedroom Miguel called for her.
“Ámbar, could you come here for a second?”
The girl turned around and walked closer to the man.
Thinking back to the dinner he crossed his arms in front of his chest and spoke with authority, but nicely.  
“New rules. No boys in your room unless the door is open”.
Ámbar raised her eyebrows by nodded either way.
“Sure, no problem”.
“Same thing with the boys bedrooms”, added the man rising one eyebrow.
“Of course”, she nodded affirmatively once again before re-starting her way upstairs.
She was in the middle climbing them when he spoke again. 
“No getaways to the deposit either”.
Ámbar froze mid-step.
Two seconds passed before she turned around with a smile on her face.
Miguel smiled back warmly, nodding his head before heading to the kitchen.
This time it was the blonde’s voice that called out to him, making him turn in her direction.
“Ah, these rules apply to Luna as well, right? You should tell her tomorrow. Or tonight”, the girl suggested before continuing her way to her bedroom, leaving a very stunned Miguel at the base of the stairs.
At the next morning he publicly suggested at breakfast that they used the Benson fortune to buy the boys an apartment to live in. Everyone gaped in shock.
Everyone except one blonde, who hid her smile behind her juice. 
Can you believe it took me one day to write this but I’ve been trying to finish my other oneshot for a MONTH?
I hate myself.
Anyway, I hope this was good and fluffy enough  🌺
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