#techza archive march 2024
techza · 3 months
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then they kissed trust me I was there
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techza · 3 months
does anyone have any songs that remind them of techza? recently i've been imagining them pining for each other in the antarctic empire to "andy you're a star", but i'm looking to expand my playlist!
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techza · 2 months
Help I had a weird dream yesterday after rewatching tftsmp where Philza and Techno met King Porkius and like Porkius was so fascinated with Philza because "omaiga wings" and Techno being like "Phil, Phil please- He's a monarch please let me kill him" , while also watson in the backroom being so confused to see a random guy who looked exactly like him but avianly and appearently that guy is also the husband of the other king???
I am seriously considering making it a oneshot lmao
i have a very vivid in image in my head once watson and phil lock eyes as they try to share the braincell. phil is down for killing and all, but why do these two look so familiar? he can't quite pin it down.
absolutely write that oneshot!! do the thing!!
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techza · 3 months
Hi, hello! The name's Leaf o/
I have a suggestion...
Phistinblade prompt in which Philza and Kristin fight over the love of a mortal(Techno ofc) while also them being married, but they hide that they are gods to him as well.
Silly idea that's been living rent free in my head for way too long-
hello hello leaf!
that's such a cute idea. they're little shits trying to see who's the first to make him crack. they bicker and argue sure, but they'll share him eventually.
and i can see techno trying so hard not to get flustered at each of their antics as they try to one up each other every time
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techza · 3 months
What do you think of Techno/Kristin/Philza poly ship? Like actual thoughts, I wanna know lol
Oh anon i love them. i'd say 90% of the time i read any techza story i assume kristin is already Phil's wife and they're all already in/gonna end up in a relationship
I like to think Phil hasn't ever really given the fact he's into multiple people much of a thought, he has never really cared for or adhered to society's rules anyway.
i believe Techno at first would assume that they're exclusive, but upon seeing Phil flirt with a wide variety of people (it might have been due to prolonged exposure, but i agree with the headcannons of that old man having a slut arc) he'd eventually kinda go "ah okay this might work"
then again if he doesn't find out it has such good angst potential. i have a couple drafts where techno is agonizing over nothing because he thinks phil is taken, and phil thinks techno isn't interested and suffers about it. and kristin doesn't intervene because it's hard for her to communicate being a goddess and all but she thinks that they're idiots and should kiss already.
techno and kristin don't end up together in every scenario, but i that's more due to the "specific techno" that is in my head for whatever fic i have in mind. usually they have more of a companionship in their mutual love for phil, but i do like to imagine the ways that they can fall for eachother!
similarly to techza, they represent blood and death, so that's already some good solid ground to build on, they've probably been close to meeting/met more than once before, even if they don't know eachother's names.
their chemistry is not usually explored, i'd like to see it more. literally yesterday i was thinking of switching positions and making techno and kristin meet/marry first, and how phil would eventually fall into that.
many thoughts about them. but to wrap it up: they're all in a very healthy relationship and they squish phil between eachother whenever they have the opportunity
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techza · 3 months
i keep thinking how a princess bride au for techza would work, and every time i think of who'd be Westley and Buttercup im immediately thwarted over the Montoya "you seem a decent fellow, i hate to kill you" and Westley "you seem a decent fellow, i hate to die" lines. it's so them.
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techza · 3 months
I've always loved the idea of a more anthro design for phil for some smps, and recently i've been seeing a lot of fanart for that! it has me thinking about some animal crossing/stardew/osmp style techza. just, a slice of life animated show with everyone is the animals they're represented by. Techno could work as either bunny or a pig in this scenario.
Techno is the new villager in town, just moved into a small house in the outskirts. He was actually planning to become self sufficient so as to not have to deal with anyone ever again because of his anxiety.
Cue meet-cute when Techno steps outside one day and finds a crow man in his field having a taste of his crops. Phil is insistent Techno meets everyone and leave his comfort zone, and is definitely not eating Techno's seed stash while he's not looking. Pure fluffy shenanigans ensue.
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techza · 3 months
While I get everything up and running, have some random separate techza thoughts/prompts!
Techno is a walking heater, Phil is deathly cold by nature of being an end creature. Phil has a tendency to use this against Techno to wake him up in the morning. Cold hands on his face are not his favorite thing to wake up to, even if it always does the trick. The few times their roles are reversed Techno always gets his revenge.
Steve took a while to warm up to Phil. It took Techno leaving on one of his long adventures that the two started missing him and they began to get along. Techno came back home to Phil and Steve cuddling in front of the fire, very disgruntled to have been woken from their nap.
Techno used to have a tendency to flop on the bed when he was tired. He did it once while Phil was sitting on it and then never again. His wings might've been fucked but he certainly flew that day.
Phil gave Techno a flower this one time without thinking while they were in a field. Techno's face was so priceless that Phil now gives Techno flowers when he least expects it just to see his reaction. Techno secretly presses every single one inside a book.
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techza · 2 months
I wanna make a Techza Wicked AU
Tragic yaoi UwU
OOOO are we talking like, Elphaba/Fiyero or Elphaba/Galynda? 👀 or something else it's been a while since i watched it
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