#tew and tio
sh4tt3rg1rl · 2 months
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tew and tio meet!!
red/green/white : the eternal worm : they/he
gray/white/blue : the infinite ouroboros : it/its
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eldritchocs · 5 years
old friends
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ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ wai' wai' wai' wait, yer tellin' me what me mum used tew be a patien' in dis asylum yew was in previously... ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ an' she 'ad me but da doctor kept 'ryin' tew test da plague on me so she... ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ sen' me away wiv da rats what was in da asylum? ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
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It.... do+es seem a+ bit silly a+ll a+t o+nce, do+esn’t it? I pro+mise this isn’t so+me o+verly dra+ma+tic fa+irytale... The do+cto+r there wa+s trying to+ infect his pa+tients with the pla+gue, a+nd... his o+wn child wa+sn’t o+ff limits. B+ut yo+ur mo+ther... A+ilo+na. She wa+s a+ wo+nderful wo+ma+n. O+nce she fo+und o+ut the Do+cto+r wa+s experimenting o+n yo+u she used her ab+ilities with a+nima+ls to+ tell the ra+ts to+ lea+ve with yo+u. To+ esca+pe. They’re dra+wn to+ yo+u b+eca+use o+f her ab+ilities... a+nd po+ssibly the o+nes yo+u inherited fro+m her. Yo+u weren’t ab=a+ndo+ned. She wa+s trying to+ give yo+u a+ b+etter life...
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ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ does what mean me plague... ain't a mutashun i'm cursed wiv? ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
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I do+n’t b+elieve it is. I b+elieve yo+ur muta+tio+n is b+eing ab+le to+ survive ha=ving it, a=nd surviving such a+ stro+ng do+se o+f it injected directly into+ yo+u a+t a+ yo+ung a+ge... I’m sure if yo+u were to+ ha+ve received pro+per medica+l ca+re yo+u ca+n rid o+f it. I’m sure we ca+n still get rid of it.
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I dea+lt with the pla+gue myself. It wa+s wha+t killed me. I ha+ve rea+so+n to+ b+elieve I’m immune, no+w, so+... ma+y I sha+ke yo+ur ha+nd?
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ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ i.... ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
[ The door suddenly swings open then, and both trolls jump at the voice that loudly announces itself. Varian, on pure instinct, scrambles and hides behind the desk Mellot was previously standing at. ]
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[ When she turns to look at the door, Mellot’s heart jumps into her throat. There stands another familiar face, this one much more so. ]
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.... It ca+n’t b+e....
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♫ HONEY, I’M ‘OME! ♫
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♫ see? i told yew i'd be ge'in' aht ov there today! ♫
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O+h my go+d, Vero+ni! Yo+u’re alive! I-I’ve missed yo+u so+ much! Co+me here, da+rling! O+h, my hummingbird... yo+u still ha+ve my fea+thers!
[ She pulls the smaller troll into a tight embrace, which she happily returns. ]
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♫  i missed yew too, peacock. an' ov cahrse i still 'ave yer fearfers, they're good luck, yea? ♫
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I’m so+ gla+d to+ ha+ve yo+u ba+ck, o+h my go+d, Vero+ni...
[ The smaller troll falls grimly quiet while still in the hug, the reminder of her task now hovering over her. ]
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♫ ....yea.... ♫
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