#thank u jellymeduza <3
suratan-zir · 10 months
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same 👽 (I know you don't post about Sims these days <for obvious reasons>, but this is me just letting you know that if you need to vent and it makes you feel better in any way, it's appreciated)
Aww, thanks ❤️ Yes, I don't post sims anymore and this blog is no longer a simblr, sadly. But hey, everyone likes to talk about themselves, me too :D So thank you for sending this <3
This fact will not be war related.
edit: put everything under the cut
I spent a large part of my childhood in plaster casts/plaster bandages/whatever this thing is called in English. I heard that nowadays they don't use it and there is a more comfortable substitute?
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For the first time I broke my leg at the age of seven. It happened at school, and the girl who was supposed to help me get to classroom (the teacher told her so) was running in front of me shouting "c'mon, just try to run, the pain will go away!" Yeah, her method didn't work.
And since then, bone fractures have become a new reality. It was happening time and time again, mostly with arms and legs. Although my new adult teeth were also breaking. I could eat something like a soft bread, suddenly find something hard in it - and it was a piece of my tooth.
One time I literally just leaned on my hand a little, felt sharp pain - a broken wrist. My "favorite", the stupidest bone fracture happened when I tried to move the fan, the tall kind, on the stand. I couldn't hold it still, it twisted with my hand still holding it and gravity broke my wrist.
it was supposed to be a went about how my father broke my ribs, but then I decided it would be too much for tumblr
It wasn't too sad though, because with some fractures I could study at home and not go to school for a looong time. Also I learned to write quite well with my left hand and to move around by jumping on one leg. Jumping was fun.
The doctors weren't sure what was causing the osteoporosis, they said I'm "growing too fast", even though I wasn't growing any faster than other kids.
As I grew older, it went away I guess? Can't say for sure, because as an adult I am not as active as I was as a child, therefore I don't get as many injuries, but anyway, I haven't broken anything in many years.
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