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dazzle-art · 23 days
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neonmoonbeam · 6 years
[dropcap]H[/dropcap]appy May! I’m excited for warmer weather, AND this month’s talented and hardworking Creative Biz Spotlight — Miki from Black Tulip Shop!
  Miki gave me a little bit of her time for an interview. I love getting to know other artists to see what drives them, and to see how they came to have such a collection of amazing work.
Read ~ Magical Girl Miki’s ~ interview below…
Hey, Miki! In your own words, please introduce yourself, and tell us why you do what you do.
Hi, my name is Miki and I run an Etsy store called black tulip shop. I make jewelry, charms, pouches, bags and doll accessories inspired by Japanese kawaii culture. I also sell vintage items that fits with the theme of the shop. I live in Atlanta, GA where there is a great indie craft scene, with my husband and two mischievous little cats (Roxy and Spike). I love collecting and making cute things and having the shop gives me a chance to share my love of cuteness with others.
Q: If a kid walked up to you asking for your advice and you only had a few minutes to give ‘em your best tip, what would it be?
A: It may be old fashioned but I would tell them if they really want something to work hard for it.
Q: If you had the chance to live during an artistic movement or fashion era in the past, which one would you choose?
A: Hmm, that’s a tough one but I would say 1950s/60s. There’s a lot of great pop and futuristic art and design that even by today’s standards are really neat and fun.
Q: What do you do to get into your creative zone?
Black Tulip Shop Kawaii strawberry milk bookmark paper clip.
A: Usually I go shopping for supplies to get into my creative zone. A lot of the times I see beads and fabric and can already tell what I want to make with it. The times I have been to Japan has been a big creative inspiration for me as well. The craft stores there are amazing and I can’t imagine another city in the world having the variety of shops that Japan has. Walking through Nippori (Fabric Town) with various fabric, trim and button shops or spending hours in a huge store like Yuzawaya looking at fabric, beads and drawing supplies is the best. There is cuteness everywhere there so it’s hard to not get inspired.
Q: How do you fit your creative work into your schedule? What days or time of the day do you usually work?
A: I feel like I work 24/7 but usually I work from about 9am-6pm Monday-Friday. Since I work from home it’s pretty easy to fit my work in between other things like housework and spending time with friends and family.
Q: What are your favorite things to work with (tools, materials, etc.)?
A: I like working with fabric a lot since you can make so much with it. As far as beading goes I love finding a good charm to work with or pretty pastel colored beads. I also have a thing for anything iridescent whether it’s fabric,vinyl or beads.
Kawaii Bento Bag by Black Tulip Shop
Pastel Kawaii Star Earrings by Black Tulip Shop
Kawaii Magical Kitty Eyeglass Case by Black Tulip Shop
Q: What are your biggest creative inspirations?
A: Like many other people the street styles and brands in Harajuku are a big inspiration. Also vintage fashion and accessories from the 40s, 50s, 60s and 80s like dresses and jewelry are amazing along with vintage toys.
Q: What was the most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done with your creative work?
A: Making custom items is great! A lot of the time you work with the customer to make a very specific item for themselves or a loved one and hearing back that it was perfect makes me really happy.
Q: Last but not least the most important question: What’s your favorite dinosaur?
A: Triceratops, they look kinda bad ass, like a battering ram with spikes.
Thank you for spending time with us, Miki!
Ready for a ton more of the cuteness?? Click the banner below! ♡
Creative Biz Spotlight ♡ Black Tulip Shop Happy May! I'm excited for warmer weather, AND this month's talented and hardworking Creative Biz Spotlight -- Miki from Black Tulip Shop!
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sovereignofmysoul · 7 years
rev transcription/captioning is an online transcribing/captioning site that pays per minute of audio/video. it doesnt pay much but it's something. and not sure if this up your alley, but peach booth is a phone sex-but-not-really company. pays per hour, my friend does it, and it's legit. you could try appying to both? i dont know if this is helpful to you, but just incase you wanted options for extra work. im sorry i cant do much more
huh, that sounds really interesting actually, I’ll have tp check both of them out! thank you so much, and it’s okay! like I said, even advice helps … actually looking back on it i don’t even know if i said that, but still
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