#the ‘gazebos’ thing is kinda funny but not really because it makes people think its a joke
m4ndysk4nkovich · 4 months
waiting for the day the people in the it fandom who have only watched the movies will realize eddie literally wasn’t asthmatic and sonia wasn’t just protective it was munchausens by proxy, he needed help
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call-me-rei · 5 years
Chapter 19
“You do something to me that I can’t explain away.”
Three days.
It took three days for things to finally feel as if they were normal again. My wounds were healing with help from my superstar nurse mom. I was sleeping almost normally. There were moments in the middle of the night that I would relive that fight from earlier in the week, but somehow I would end up sleeping again. Of course, that was after an hour or two of panic-induced thoughts swimming around my head.
It was fine.
It wasn’t, but that’s what I had to keep telling myself.
It was a brisk Saturday in November. Well, as brisk as you can get in San Diego. Either way, I accepted the weather and decided to spend my time outside. Why? Well, I didn’t really have a reason.
I guess I needed to clear my head. It had been such a stressful week, with the issues at home, the assignments at school, and then the many emotions that made my week a living hell.
My life was turning into a living hell. My parents were going to get divorced. Mom hadn’t said anything about it; I’m not even sure she was thinking about it, but I knew it was going to happen. In all honesty, I wanted it to happen. I had started to resent Rick long before he hit me, I was just waiting for Mom to see what I saw.
Rick was never really the fatherly type. I feel like he just dealt with me because he wanted to get in my mom’s pants. Mom was always adamant about putting me first, her job a close second, and relationships third. In her own words, “I don’t want any man to have to support us. It was you and me from the beginning and if it has to end that way then it’ll end in the best way possible.”
I thought about all these things as I walked around the neighborhood. I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I couldn’t stop until I got there, wherever “there” was.
I ended up walking down a couple blocks before I reached a park. There was a playground a few yards from where I stood, some benches, and a gazebo. Weighing my options, I headed toward the gazebo. I’d rather sit in the shade than be that creepy guy on the swings with the kids.
I sat at a table under the gazebo and gazed out into the park. There were a few kids out enjoying the playground. Their parents sat on the benches a few yards away. There was a couple walking their dog down the sidewalk and some girls sitting at a picnic table. It was so peaceful.
Then it changed.
I heard some footsteps approach the gazebo, but I didn’t turn around. I figured it was another parent who wanted to get out of the sun. Nope, I was dead wrong.
The steps got louder as the person got closer. I didn’t pay any mind to them until the person spoke to me.
“You’re in my spot.”
I rolled my eyes, sort of like a reflex.
“I know you just rolled your eyes at me.”
“Oh, you just know everything don’t you?”
Vic chuckled. “Not everything, but most things. I’m like a walking encyclopedia, but not as thick.”
“But just as dense,” I mumbled under my breath.
“I heard that.”
I turned to face him with a surprised expression. Did the man have superhuman hearing? Before I could ask, he chuckled again and sat next to me.
“You know, I really thought you would’ve stopped hating me by now,” he spoke.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”
Vic shrugged. “I don’t know, I guess I thought after that panic attack the other day you would see that I’m not out to make your life miserable.”
I thought about it. Yes, Vic’s presence annoyed me to no end, but maybe that was because of this stupid crush and the fact that it wasn’t reciprocated. On the other hand, the last few times Vic and I have hung out weren’t too horrible.
“Yeah, I guess you may have a point,” I said.
“Exactly! I just happen to make your life miserable, but I swear it’s not on purpose.”
I rolled my eyes which caused Vic to laugh at the effect of his dumb joke. “You’re such a child.”
He shrugged. “Life’s too short to not laugh at dumb jokes. Even if you made them yourself.”
We sat in silence for a couple minutes just looking out at the park and people watching. Some birds were chirping, there were children laughing, and there were dogs barking. The weather had started to warm up since I had left the house earlier. It was starting to get too warm for my hoodie.
“So, were you planning on sitting here all day?” Vic asked, breaking the silence.
I turned to look at him. “No, I just needed to clear my head,” I answered honestly.
“You wanna go get some lunch?”
“Huh?” I asked out of pure confusion. Why would Vic want to have lunch with me?
“I’ve been craving a burrito bowl for a couple days. Wanna go to Chipotle with me?”
“Are you serious?” I asked in disbelief.
Vic shrugged. “Yeah, kinda. I’m hungry, it’s time for lunch, and as much as I know that you’d want me to leave them alone, I’d rather not do that. So, what do you say, you down?”
I mulled it over. As much as I didn’t want to spend time with Vic, I couldn’t deny that I was starting to get hungry, and that a burrito bowl sounded really good at that moment.
“Alright, but you’re driving.”
Moans erupted from my mouth the moment I put that delicious piece of meat in it. The warmth, the flavor making my tongue not know what to do. It was almost orgasmic.
“Please don’t tell me these are your sex noises.”
That lone comment brought me out of my trance and back to reality. I was sitting across from Vic at Chipotle, making a fool of myself as I was eating my steak burrito bowl.
“You couldn’t handle my sex noises,” I said to save face. I wasn’t completely lying though.
“Let me guess, you’re a basic moaner in bed.”
I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. “Basic moaner?”
Vic took a bite of his burrito bowl before answering. “Yeah. I bet you say the basic shit like, ‘Ooh baby, you like that?’” I blushed and took a bite of my food, not wanting to give away my sexuality with a stupid comment.
“Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?” I looked up at Vic’s nervous expression. It was as if he was really upset that he made me nervous.
“No,” I answered, “I’m just wondering how you would know what acceptable sex noises are if you’re a virgin.”
Vic blushed. “Touché.”
I laughed at his nervous reaction but didn’t push the subject any further. Instead, I took the conversation to our project, as it was getting close to our first checkpoint. We had to turn in our time period and a starting sample of our song in the next week.
“You know, we’re close to my place. Wanna come over and get some work done?” At this point our food was done and, in all honesty, I wasn’t ready to leave Vic. Believe it or not, but I was actually having a good time with the guy. Did that help my stupid crush? No, not one bit, but I wasn’t going to let this opportunity pass me by.
“Sure, let’s go.”
“Okay, I’m gonna ask you a serious question.” I looked up from the page I was writing lyrics on to see Vic staring at me from his guitar.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“How many people have you slept with?” I sputtered out a cough at the question.
“Uh, um…what?” I stuttered.
Vic chuckled. “Do I need to ask again? How many people have you slept with?”
“No, I heard you the first time.”
“Then tell me.” He was looking at me with that stupid, sexy smile that made me nervous and hate him all at once.
“Aw, c’mon Kells. It’s only fair; you asked me that question.”
“Yeah, but that was during truth or dare,” I said matter-of-factly.
“Fair point,” he answered with a nod. “Truth or dare, Kells?”
I thought about it, wondering which answer would get me out of this. “Dare.”
Vic shot me that cocky grin. “I dare you to tell me how many people you’ve slept with.”
I scowled. Should’ve seen that one coming. “You’re an asshole.”
“Is that where you like it?” I blinked twice, or however many times, before Vic burst into hysterical laughter. I was afraid he was going to drop his guitar with how hard he was laughing.
“It’s not funny, you jerk.”
“Oh, it totally is,” he said once he’d calmed down. I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him the sternest look I could muster. “What? Do you not like things up your butt?”
“So, what if I did?” I challenged.
“Oh, this got so much more interesting than truth or dare could ever get.”
I rolled my eyes. “We need to get back to this song.” I looked back down at my lyrics, but I could still feel Vic’s eyes on me. Sure enough, when I looked back up, I saw his expectant gaze.
“What?” I asked, slightly annoyed.
“Do you really like things up your butt?” It sounded like a serious question, but that stupid grin on his face negated that.
“I’m not talking to you about this.”
“Aw, c’mon Kells, it’s just us. You know you can tell me anything.” He put his hand on his heart. “We’re partners for a reason.”
“No, and no.”
I noticed Vic try to stifle the laugh that so desperately wanted to be set free. “Fine, you don’t have to tell me.” I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Although,” he continued in a much calmer tone, “I think I can already tell.”
I looked in Vic’s twinkling brown eyes; I watched his eyes stare back at mine. He licked his lips subtly causing me to bite mine.
“Tell me I’m wrong,” he whispered. When I didn’t say anything, he put his guitar down on its stand, walked over to me, and leaned in.
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homeiscalifornia · 6 years
Mystical, Musical, Magical Valle de Bravo
So how did I spend my Sunday in Mexico, I hear you ask. I did not go to mass, that’s for sure. Before going to sleep on Saturday my tía Martha asked me if I wanted to accompany her to mass at 7:00 am and I laughed so hard I almost fell off my chair.
The following day, my tía Martha asked me if I would like to join her, her husband (tío Jose), her two sons (Sergio and Jose David), and Sergio’s wife and two kids to a Toluca vs. I have no idea soccer game. I said no because I already promised my tía Bertha I would spend Sunday with her.
My tía Martha looked at me like I just ate a child.
“Laurita, you don’t understand, we won't be around people, we will have a private room where we will be watching the game and there will be servers bringing us food.”
I felt kinda bad but told her that although I appreciated the invitation, I already promised my tía Bertha that I would spend Sunday with her and that I didn’t really like watching soccer.
That last part is a lie, of course. I LOVE watching soccer but not because I care about the game. No- I watch soccer for the men (the really attractive ones). ;)
My tía Martha looked a bit upset but decided it was best to stop insisting and began to walk me over to my tía Bertha’s house (people coddle me too much here, she lives next door!). When I got there, my tía Bertha had cafecito and cookies waiting for me. I don’t really like store-bought cookies but damn those Chokis are the best damn ultra-processed crap I’ve ever had. Highly recommend them, unless you’re on a sugar detox. Then there came the tamale. Boy, was I excited for the tamale! I took a bite and realized it had an odd texture. I looked at my plate and yup, it was meat. I tried to not make a big deal out of it because I didn’t want my aunt to feel bad but that was the first time I had meat in 9 years. My tía Bertha apologized profusely and I played it cool saying, “Oh no, don’t worry!” And guess what? I did not make a single disgusted face. Am I going to heaven or what?
After this gross episode of me eating a dead animal, my tía Bertha and her husband, tío Alonso, announced we were going to Valle del Bravo (jot it down, guys, JOT IT DOWN). I had no idea what the hell this was but my tía Bertha told me it was known as a “Pueblo Magico” (~ooohhhh~). My cousin, Gabriela, her one-year-old baby (Valeria), and her husband (Sergio) were also joining us so we waited for them. Once they arrived we said hello and Sergio began to drive. While he drove, we had a long chit- chat about how funny my dad is and my tía Bertha confessed he was her favorite cousin- someone please give my father a cookie (a Choki, of course). We also talked about weddings, boyfriends, why I don’t have one (because I’m ugly), and Mexican politics (it’s a mess and we still don’t know who’s running for president next year). As we talked, I noticed the scenery began to change. We went from rural Mexico to lush green forestry. It’s like I was magically transported to Yosemite and I swear to Jesus, I did not know Mexico could look like this.
Our first stop in Valle de Bravo was the “Velo de Novia” waterfall. As we walked down the rocky terrain (mind you, I was wearing wedges but managed just fine), we ran into this mini flea market type thing where indigenous people were selling rebozos (like scarves but better), jewelry, Mexican peasant shirts, pottery, etc. If you know me, you know I love Mexican pottery so of course, I told a man to reserve a cup and a teapot for me to purchase on my way back.
As we walked down, the path got steeper and rockier so I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect me while I cussed myself out merciless for not bringing flats. I effed up. Anyway, once we reached a place with a decent view, we took some pictures and watched some weirdos swimming right by the waterfall. My tío Alonso told me that when a single woman comes to see the Velo de Novia for the first time, she must shower with the waterfall’s waters or else, she’ll never marry. He asked me if I wanted to climb all the way down so I could at least wash my hands with the water. There was no way in hell I was walking down there so I guess I will never marry and will die smelling of cats and attics.
After the short painful realization that I will die alone, we began to make our way back up and surprisingly, this was much easier than climbing down. When we passed by the little vendor stands again, my cousin, Gabriela, was kind enough to buy me the teapot and cup I wanted. I told her I had money but she was like “No Laurita, let me buy you a gift.” Isn’t she the sweetest?
Our next stop was lunch. To be quite honest, I was more thirsty than hungry but JESUS SANTISIMO! The Italian restaurant my tía Bertha selected was out of this world. Guys, I seriously thought I had experienced fine dining at Georgetown and Europe but not even 1789 beats this place. Dipao is classy and knows how Mexicans like their Italian food: with lots of chile. Dipao’s interior design is kind of modern but it has a bunch of plants inside so it has a gardenesque kind of vibe. Even the bathrooms are nice! So nice! Wow!
To eat, I ordered a pizza with marinara sauce, cheese, and mushrooms (you know I love mushrooms) and to top it off, I had a tequila shot with my tío Alonso. Everything about this place was absolutely perfect: the design, the staff, my pizza drenched in chile de árbol. I had a lovely time there with my family so if you ever find yourself in Valle de Bravo, do yourself a favor and go to Dipao.
Our last stop was the center of Valle de Bravo. I swear I could hear angels singing as we drove around looking for parking. I don’t think I can do this place justice but imagine: a colonial town with little white buildings with brown trim, a colossal church by the plaza in front of a majestic mountain, a mariachi band playing from a gazebo, and people out and about rushing in and out of the taquerias and panaderias. And then, hugging all of this, is a crystalline lake.
Once we found a parking spot, we began to walk around. Upon seeing the church (kinda hard to miss), I asked if we could step inside to see and take pictures. My aunt said yes so off we went and, wow! I was speechless. Why is it that churches in Mexico are so darn beautiful?!
After this, I began to shop around and Jesus, am I good at spending them pesos! I bought some corn husk flowers, a fancy tortillero (the thing you put your tortillas in to keep them warm), a Mexican embroidered pillow, three Mexican peasant shirts, and a jewelry box for mother dearest. I regret nothing.
After my frantic shopping spree, we slowed down to walk around the lake. While walking I noticed the sun was beginning to sink into the horizon, giving the entire place a golden glow.
Guys, I think I am in love and not just because Valle de Bravo is full of insanely attractive Mexican men with sharp jawlines and dark hair. No, this place is charming beyond words. It’s serene yet chaotic, simple in its beauty yet full of intricacies.
To be quite honest, I think Valle de Bravo might be my favorite place in the world (sorry Paris, you’ve been knocked down) and I am certain that not even Gabriel Garcia Marquez could make up such a magical little town. This place surpasses imagination. It’s music, it’s life, it’s color, it’s spirit, it’s Mexico.
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