#the consequences of the magicks being bound aren't pretty
How often do mage bloodlines spontaneously appear or resurface? And how harmful to the world is the lack of magic users on a wider, metaphysical level?
To your first question:
Not that often and less and less as time goes on. They certainly don’t where the Astrals can see and act against it. Because only the Lucis Caelums and the Fleurets are players in the prophecy and are therefore supposed to have magic.
(Mostly it’s Bahamut and Shiva but the others don’t do anything against their actions, so…)
(Safe for Ifrit. I don’t think he would help per se, but rn he can’t do much of anything safe for watching and keeping the secrets he gets told by the people who still know about his presence in the fires.)
So magic within humans manifests in the blind spots where the Astrals can’t quite reach for whatever reason. The biggest ones are Galahd, Deep City, the Rock of Ravatogh and the entrance to Pitioss.
For example in earlier times when the Lucis Caelum family was bigger the magic of the side branches vanished within a generation or two (because only the main family is supposed to have it), but were one of them to move to Deep City the magic would resurface just as quickly. Because they are children of the Goddess Eos and Etro will do near anything to help them. And Etro is the Goddess of magic, even if she is forced to sleep. 
That’s what happened with Solaris. She is a distand cousin to Noctis by blood and so a Lucis Caelum with a great potential for magic.
But the thing is the only mage lines that keep cropping up are those of blue and green magic because black and white magicks have been bound. Solaris is an exception because she’s a Lucis Caelum. And that makes all the difference.
This is the reason Hiemi’s line has been green mages of various power levels since her family became part of Deep City. The potential had always been there but it has only been able to flourish because Bahamut can’t reach there. 
(The answer to why that is, is sadly a spoiler so I won’t tell here.)
The lack of influence is also why Galahd has such active wild magicks. Shiva tried but got beaten off. 
People who would have been black or white mages had it not been bound, retain their potential for it, but it doesn’t lead to anything. 
One example would be Crowe. She has a very great potential for black magic and so is able to do great things with the magic Regis gifted her with. That’s also one of the reasons the Kingsglaive is made up of Galahdians. 
They are still magick.
If they’re blue or green mages and don’t know or don’t really care about it in the Lucian way (because to them it just is. Another fact of life they use how they see fit) or they have the potential for black or white magic they can’t reach.
Everywhere outside these blindspots even the potential for magic keeps dwindling and that is a truly terrible thing.
To your second question:
Very harmful.
Bahamut and Shiva had no idea what they were doing when they did it. It was not their realm to meddle in an a cause of war between the Gods, but they were already weakened because of the Astral War and just couldn’t fight anymore.
In relation to the scourge magic functiones like an immune system.
The magic within the plants and animals (blue magicks) keeps them immune to it, green magicks work like a barrier to keep the daemons at bay, black magicks are the attack to kill those befallen by the scourge that are already too far gone, namely the daemons and white magicks heal those that haven’t turned yet.
It was a balance. A precarious one, yes, but it was one that worked and would have eradicated the scourge eventually in a more natural way.
But the Astrals panicked. And did something incredible stupid.
When the white and black magicks were bound the other two tried to compensate and as a result were spread thin and weakened. Plants and animals started to loose their immunity and green mages couldn’t keep the scourge away from their settlements anymore.
All of this just caused the scourge to spead even farther and Bahamut to panic even more. That’s when he spoke the prophecy.
That’s when the whole world of Eos was cast so far off kilter that the planet that had already started to die bit by agonizing bit, just kept dying faster.
And no one but Etro and her three servants Diabolos, Doomtrain and Carbuncle know it’s happening.
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